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Non-linear time domain site response analysis is widely used in evaluating local soil effects on propagated ground motion. This approach has generally provided good estimates of field behavior at longer periods but has shortcomings at relatively shorter periods. Viscous damping is commonly employed in the equation of motion to capture damping at very small strains and employs an approximation of Rayleigh damping using the first natural mode only. This paper introduces a new formulation for the viscous damping using the full Rayleigh damping. The new formulation represents more accurately wave propagation for soil columns greater than 50 m thick and improves non-linear site response analysis at shorter periods. The proposed formulation allows the use of frequency dependent viscous damping. Several examples, including a field case history at Treasure Island, California, demonstrate the significant improvement in computed surface response using the new formulation.  相似文献   
In active landslides, the prediction of acceleration of movement is a crucial issue for the design and performance of warning systems. The landslide of Vallcebre in the Eastern Pyreenes, Spain, has been monitored since 1996 and data on rainfall, groundwater levels and ground displacements are measured on a regular basis. Displacements observed in borehole wire extensometers have shown an immediate response of the landslide to rainfall episodes. This rapid response is likely due to the presence of preferential drainage ways. The occurrence of nearly constant rates of displacement in coincidence with steady groundwater levels suggests the presence of viscous forces developed during the movement. An attempt to predict both landslide displacements and velocities was performed at Vallcebre by solving the momentum equation in which a viscous term (Bingham and power law) was added. Results show that, using similar rheological parameters for the entire landslide, computed displacements reproduce quite accurately the displacements observed at three selected wire extensometers. These results indicate that prediction of displacements from groundwater level changes is feasible.  相似文献   
This paper describes the simulation of the flow of a viscous incompressible Newtonian liquid with a free surface. The Navier–Stokes equations are formulated using a streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin scheme, and solved on a Q-tree-based finite element mesh that adapts to the moving free surface of the liquid. Special attention is given to fitting the mesh correctly to the free surface and solid wall boundaries. Fully non-linear free surface boundary conditions are implemented. Test cases include sloshing free surface motions in a rectangular tank and progressive waves over submerged cylinders.  相似文献   
高速公路路基性态反分析及沉降预报   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文用三元件粘弹性流变模型模拟路基土体的流变特性, 根据施工期实测资料, 采用粘弹性有限元和非线性二乘法阻尼优化方法, 反演路基土体的地质力学参数, 然后计算路面铺筑后的工后沉降, 编制了土体粘弹性有限元正反分析程序, 并对沪宁高速公路某路段进行了反分析计算, 得到了满意的结果。  相似文献   
Interplay between capillary, gravity and viscous forces in unsaturated porous media gives rise to a range of complex flow phenomena affecting morphology, stability and dynamics of wetting and drainage fronts. Similar average phase contents may result in significantly different fluid distribution and patterns affecting macroscopic transport properties of the unsaturated medium. The formulation of general force balance within simplified pore spaces yields scaling relationships for motion of liquid elements in which gravitational force in excess of capillary pinning force scales linearly with viscous force. Displacement fluid front morphology is described using dimensionless force ratios expressed as Bond and Capillary numbers. The concise representations of a wide range of flow regimes with scaling relations, and predictive capabilities of front morphology based on dimensionless numbers lend support to certain generalizations. Considering available experimental data, we are able to define conditions for onset of unstable and intermittent flows leading to enhanced liquid and gas entrapment. These results provide a basis for delineation of a tentative value of Bo ∼ 0.05 as an upper limit of applicability of the Richards equation (at pore to sample scales) and related continuum-based flow models.  相似文献   
Evolution of a homogeneous, isotropic Universe with flat geometry filled with a viscous fluid is investigated in presence of a variable cosmological Λ. A non-singular solution leading to a variable deceleration parameter is obtained which reduces to the solution of Murphy in the ‘no Λ limit’ and to the recent solution of Vishwakarma in the context of ‘a Machian model of dark energy’ in the ‘no viscosity’ limit.  相似文献   

滑坡直接转化而成的泥石流通常比滑坡本身运移距离更远,波及范围更广,危害也更严重,但目前相关转化机制及其影响因素的研究较少。2020年10月20日位于白龙江左岸、甘肃省舟曲县的虎家崖暴发小型泥石流,侵入省道313,威胁毗邻村庄。通过现场调查、室内岩土试验、遥感解译和降雨资料分析,本文对虎家崖泥石流形成的地质环境条件、运移及堆积特征等进行了调查,研究了浅层滑坡失稳并直接转化为泥石流的主要特征、过程、影响因素及其形成机理,探讨其未来发展趋势。研究表明:(1)虎家崖上游狭长沟道堆积体受到长达19 d、累计98.5 mm的持续性降雨的激发而发生慢速滑坡,区域强震造成的坡体结构损伤对滑坡发育也有贡献。(2)滑坡后段与滑坡前缘的剪出部分在运动过程中直接转化为泥石流,但中段滑坡体则维持剪切滑动。(3)转化过程受滑坡前缘剪出土体饱水程度、沟道坡度与落差以及地表径流等因素的影响。(4)虎家崖狭长沟道后缘可能因毗邻泄流坡滑坡活动牵引而破坏,同时上游沟道残余滑坡体与灰岩崩塌体、出口右侧残余滑坡体可能受降雨、地震等激发而失稳,再次转化为泥石流,威胁沟道下方虎家崖村和省道S313。

Some Bianchi type I viscous fluid cosmological models with a variable cosmological constant are investigated in which the expansion is considered only in two direction i.e. one of the Hubble parameter is zero. The viscosity coefficient of bulk viscous fluid is assumed to be a power function of mass density whereas the coefficient of shear viscosity is considered as constant in first case whereas in other case it is taken as proportional to scale of expansion in the model. The cosmological constant Λ is found to be positive and is a decreasing function of time which is supported by results from recent supernovae Ia observations. Some physical and geometric properties of the models are also discussed.  相似文献   
The results of a palaeomagnetic investigation of a 27 m thick loess/palaeosol sequence in Viatovo (NE Bulgaria) are presented in this paper. The sequence consists of topsoil S0, seven loess horizons (L1–L7) and six interbedded palaeosols (S1–S6) overlying a red clay (terra rossa) complex. Magnetic viscosity experiments, IRM acquisition, AMS analysis and NRM stepwise alternating and thermal demagnetisation experiments of pilot samples were implemented for precise determination of the characteristic remanence and construction of a reliable magnetostratigraphical scheme. Analysis of IRM acquisition curves using the expectation – maximization algorithm of Heslop et al. [Heslop, D., Dekkers, M., Kruiver, P., van Oorschot, H., 2002. Analysis of isothermal remanent magnetization acquisition curves using the expectation – maximization algorithm. Geophys. J. Int., 148, 58–64] suggests that the best fitting is obtained by three coercivity components. Component 1 corresponds to SD maghemite/magnetite, while component 2 is probably related to the presence of oxidised detrital magnetites. The third component shows varying coercivities depending on the degree of pedogenic alteration of the samples and probably reflects the presence of detrital magnetite grains oxidised at different degree.

The relevance of the Viatovo section as a key representative sequence for the loess cover in the Danube basin is confirmed by the presence of geomagnetic polarity changes in the lower part of the sequence. The youngest one recorded in the seventh loess unit L7 can be identified as corresponding to the Matuyama/Brunhes palaeomagnetic polarity transition. Two normal magnetozones were found in the red clay complex, probably corresponding to the Jaramillo and Olduvai subchronozones of the Matuyama chron.  相似文献   

2008年汶川MS8.0地震对周边断层地震活动的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
为分析2008年5月12日四川汶川MS8.0级地震对周边断层地震活动的影响,本文首先基于Burgers体黏滞松弛模型计算汶川MS8.0级地震引起的库仑应力动态演化,分析认为2008年汶川MS8.0级地震在周边断层上引起的库仑应力显著增加的主要有四个断层段,分别为鲜水河断裂道孚-康定段、东昆仑断裂东段玛曲段、青川断裂和龙门山断裂南段.而且震后4年内黏滞松弛引起的库仑应力变化量可能与同震变化相当,相当于再发生一次汶川地震所造成的影响,因此震后效应在分析强震影响时不应忽略.本文基于强震引起的库仑应力变化动态演化,结合背景地震发生率、由Dieterich(1994)模型给出地震发生概率,结合相关构造地质、历史地震、余震活动等方面资料的综合分析认为,上述4个断裂段地震危险性由高到低依次为鲜水河断裂道孚-康定段、龙门山断裂南段、东昆仑断裂东段玛曲段和青川断裂.  相似文献   
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