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1 INTRODUCTION Sitting in the central part of the Pearl River Delta, Guangzhou is one of the cities in China that are most polluted by acid rain. Broad attention has been brought to the problem. Since the early 1980s, a series of observation and studies h…  相似文献   
1IntroductionWiththerapiddevelopmentofhumansociety ,industrializationhasbeenspeededup .Asaresult,metalminingandmetallurgy ,coalandgasolinecombustionandchemicalsproductionhavegivenoffalotofPb containingindustrialpollutantswhichhavedonegreatharmtotheecolog…  相似文献   
The broadband diffuse radiation method is improved to retrieve the aerosol refractive index imaginary part (AIP) and broadband (400-1000 nm mean) single scattering albedo (SSA). In this method, four sets of SSA selection criteria are proposed for quality control. The method is used to retrieve AIP, SSA and absorptive optical thickness (AbOT) from routine hourly-exposed pyrheliometer and paranometer measurements over 11 sites (meteorological observatories) in China during 1998-2003. Apart from one suburban site (Ejin Qi), the other urban sites are all located around big or medium cities. As shown in the retrieval results, annual mean SSA during 1998-2003 changes from 0.941 (Wuhan) to 0.849 (Lanzhou), and AIP from 0.0054 to 0.0203. The 11-site average annual mean SSA and AIP are 0.898 and 0.0119, respectively. SSA during winter is smaller for most sites. There is an evidently positive correlation between SSA and aerosol optical thickness (AOT) for all sites. There is also a positive correlation between SSA and relative humidity for most sites, but a negative correlation for a few sites, such as Kashi and ǚrǚmqi in Northwest China.  相似文献   
Measurements of aerosol physical, chemical and optical parameters were carried out in Guangzhou, China from 1 July to 31 July 2006 during the Pearl River Delta Campaign. The dry aerosol scattering coefficient was measured using an integrating nephelometer and the aerosol scattering coefficient for wet conditions was determined by subtracting the sum of the aerosol absorption coefficient, gas scattering coefficient and gas absorption coefficient from the atmospheric extinction coefficient. Following this, the aerosol hygroscopic growth factor, f(RH), was calculated as the ratio of wet and dry aerosol scattering coefficients. Measurements of size-resolved chemical composition, relative humidity (RH), and published functional relationships between particle chemical composition and water uptake were likewise used to find the aerosol scattering coefficients in wet and dry conditions using Mie theory for internally- or externally-mixed particle species [(NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, NaCl, POM, EC and residue]. Closure was obtained by comparing the measured f(RH) values from the nephelometer and other in situ optical instruments with those computed from chemical composition and thermodynamics. Results show that the model can represent the observed f(RH) and is appropriate for use as a component in other higher-order models.  相似文献   
张丽霞  周天军 《大气科学》2020,44(1):150-167
夏季亚洲对流层温度异常与中国东部夏季降水紧密相关并可能作为降水的有效预报因子。基于欧盟ENSEMBLES计划的季节预测试验耦合模式每年5月1日开始的回报试验,分析了其对1960~2005年夏季亚洲对流层中上层温度(以200~500 hPa厚度替代,简称对流层温度)年际变率的预测结果,发现模式集合平均对夏季亚洲对流层温度年际变率具有较高的预报技巧,可以合理回报其前两个EOF(Empirical Orthogonal Function)主导模态(EOF1、EOF2),只是未能回报出EOF2高纬度的温度异常,模式集合平均预测的第一模态主成分(PC1)和第二模态主成分(PC2)与再分析资料的时间相关系数分别达到0.63和0.77。再分析资料中前两个EOF模态分别由ENSO(El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation)发展年印度夏季降水异常所激发的丝绸之路遥相关波列和ENSO衰减年西北太平洋夏季降水异常对应的太平洋—日本遥相关波列导致。ENSEMBLES计划可以合理预测出相应的海温异常及遥相关波列,进而合理预测出前两个EOF模态。对流层温度PC1和PC2分别表征了欧亚大陆与周围海洋之间的纬向和经向热力对比异常,模式对由PC1的预报技巧远高于前人定义的纬向热力对比的东亚夏季风指数,对前人定义的经向热力对比指数的预测技巧与PC2相当。将PC1和前人定义的经向热力对比指数作为预报因子,建立了中国夏季降水的动力—统计降尺度预测模型,交叉检验的结果表明该预报模型显著提高了东北和长江流域上游夏季降水的预报技巧。本文提出的亚洲对流层温度年际变率的EOF1及PC1,既能较好表征纬向热力对比与中国东部夏季降水显著相关,又能被模式合理预测,可以作为我国中高纬度地区,特别是东北地区降水的重要预测因子之一。  相似文献   
A closed-cell marine stratocumulus case during the Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) aircraft field campaign is selected to examine the heterogeneities of cloud and drizzle microphysical properties and the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. The spatial and vertical variabilities of cloud and drizzle microphysics are found in two different sets of flight legs: Leg-1 and Leg-2, which are parallel and perpendicular to the cloud propagation, respectively. The cloud along Leg-2 was close to adiabatic, where cloud-droplet effective radius and liquid water content linearly increase from cloud base to cloud top with less drizzle. The cloud along Leg-1 was sub-adiabatic with lower cloud-droplet number concentration and larger cloud-droplet effective, but higher drizzle droplet number concentration, larger drizzle droplet median diameter and drizzle liquid water content. The heavier drizzle frequency and intensity on Leg-1 were enhanced by the collision-coalescence processes within cloud due to strong turbulence. The sub-cloud precipitation rate on Leg-1 was significantly higher than that along Leg-2. As a result, the sub-cloud accumulation mode aerosols and CCN on Leg-1 were depleted, but the coarse model aerosols increased. This further leads to a counter-intuitive phenomenon that the CCN is less than cloud-droplet number concentration for Leg-1. The average CCN loss rates are ?3.89 \begin{document}$\mathrm{c}{\mathrm{m}}^{-3}\;{\mathrm{h}}^{-1}$\end{document} and ?0.77 \begin{document}$\mathrm{c}{\mathrm{m}}^{-3}\;{\mathrm{h}}^{-1}$\end{document} on Leg-1 and Leg-2, respectively. The cloud and drizzle heterogeneities inside the same stratocumulus can significantly alter the sub-cloud aerosols and CCN budget. Hence it should be treated with caution in the aircraft assessment of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions.  相似文献   
本文较为系统地分析了卫星红外遥感技术在我国秸秆焚烧、沙尘、气溶胶、颗粒物、灰霾等大气环境遥感监测,水华、水质参数、水表温度、热污染、核电厂温排水等水环境遥感监测,以及土壤含水量、地表温度、干旱、城市热岛效应等生态环境遥感监测的应用。同时,指出目前国产卫星红外载荷业务化应用程度不高、辐射定标能力不足、应用反演算法原创性不强、地面观测和试验验证能力不足等问题;并提出需大力发展国产红外传感器、提高辐射定标能力、发展国内原创监测算法、建设大型环保应用综合试验场等建议,以促进红外遥感技术在环境保护领域的应用和发展。  相似文献   
连续一年在北京、青岛、广州以每周3d的时间尺度同步采集近地面大气中气溶胶中7Be的测定数据以及在春、秋季节变换时期我国5个不同纬度城市大气气溶胶中7Be和典型持久性有机污染物(有机氯农药和多氯联苯1的同步观测数据,并对文献上发表的我国其他城市近地面大气中气溶胶中’Be年平均值数据进行了分析。通过对以上数据资料的总结和分析,观察到在东亚季风区近地表大气气溶胶中7Be浓度的年平均值呈现正态分布模式,并且在中纬度北纬40°N附近达到极大值。大气气溶胶中7Be在春、秋季节变换时期我国不同纬度城市的瞬时纬度分布仍呈现正态分布模式,但以30°N为最大值。在秋季大气颗粒相中HCHs和PCBs浓度最大值出现在30°N。气相中PCB-28所占百分比随纬度增高而增大,而颗粒相中PCB-28的纬度变化不大。蒸汽压较低的PCB-180在气相中的浓度基本上不随纬度变化,而颗粒相中PCB-180则基本上集中在纬度36。N左右,表明在东亚季风区大气中挥发性较低的POPs化合物具有某种纬度聚焦作用。以宇宙射线成因核素7Be作为大气环流的参照系,可以得出东亚季风区大气环流可影响持久性有机污染物纬度分布的结论。  相似文献   
The authors examine the equilibrium climatic response to the direct radiative effect(DRE)of mineral dust and sea salt aerosols in a doubled-CO2climate with two-way coupling of aerosol-climate interactions.In response to the drier and windier conditions,dust emissions increase by 26%in the Sahara Desert and by 18%on the global scale relative to present day.Sea salt emissions increase in high latitudes(60°)but decrease in middle latitudes(30°–60°)of both hemispheres due to the poleward shift of westerlies,leading to a 3%decrease in global emissions.The burdens of dust and sea salt increase by 31%and 7%respectively,because reductions in rainfall over the tropical oceans increase the lifetime of particles in the warmer climate.The higher aerosol loading in the doubled-CO2climate reinforces aerosol DRE by0.2 W m 2,leading to an additional cooling of 0.1°C at the surface compared with the climatic effects of aerosols in present day.The additional cooling from changes in natural aerosols compensates for up to 15%of the regional warming induced by doubled CO2.  相似文献   
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