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Measurements of total ozone column and solar UV radiation under different atmospheric conditions are needed to define variations of both UV and ozone and to study the impact of ozone depletion at the Earth’s surface. In this study, spectral and broadband measurements of UV-B irradiance were obtained along with total ozone observations and aerosol optical depth measurements in the tropical urban region of Hyderabad, south India. We specifically used an Ultra-Violet Multifilter Rotating Shadow band Radiometer (UVMFR-SR), to measure UV irradiance in time and space. To assess the aerosol and O3 effects on ground-reaching UV irradiance, we used measurements from a Microtops II sun photometer in addition to the Tropospheric Ultraviolet Visible radiation (TUV) model. We also assessed the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program – Operational Line Scanner (DMSP-OLS) night time satellite data for inferring biomass burning fires during the study period. Results clearly suggested a negative correlation between the DMSP-OLS satellite derived fire count data and UVMFR-SR data suggesting that aerosols from biomass burning are directly attenuating UV irradiance in the study region. Also, correlation analysis between UV index and ozone measurements from sun photometer and TOMS-Ozone Mapping Instrument (OMI) indicated a clear decrease in ground reaching UV-B irradiance during higher ozone conditions. The higher levels are attributed to photochemical production of O3 during the oxidation of trace gases emitted from biomass burning. Results also suggested a relatively high attenuation in UV irradiance (~6% higher) from smoke particles than dust. We also found a relatively good agreement between the modeled (TUV) and measured UV irradiance spectra for different atmospheric conditions. Our results highlight the factors affecting UV irradiance in a tropical urban environment, south India.  相似文献   
南京北郊黑碳气溶胶的浓度观测及辐射强迫研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2008年南京大学浦口校区气溶胶采样数据对碳气溶胶的浓度变化特征进行了分析,建立了由气溶胶光学参量计算模块(OPAC)和辐射传输模型(TUV)组成的箱模式,并结合实际观测资料,利用该模式对南京北郊黑碳气溶胶的光学厚度及辐射强迫进行了评估。结果表明:南京北郊黑碳气溶胶(BC)的年平均浓度为6.7±4.6μg/m3,有机碳气溶胶(OC)的年平均浓度为21.3±13.3μg/m3,有机碳与黑碳气溶胶浓度的平均比值为3.4。黒碳气溶胶浓度具有夏季低、冬春季高的特点。由箱模式计算得到的黒碳气溶胶的年均光学厚度为0.07,年均吸收系数为44 Mm–1。白天正午晴空条件下黑碳所造成的最大瞬时地面辐射强迫可达-22.9±14.3 W/m2,在大气层顶造成的最大瞬时辐射强迫为12.5±7.3 W/m2。  相似文献   
Photolysis rate parameters depend upon solar actinic flux and chemical species dependent quantum yields and cross sections. Spectrally resolved measurements of actinic flux should be preferred over flux derived from models for the analysis of field observations. Actinic flux can be difficult to derive from the irradiance measurements of flat-plate radiometers. It is also difficult to estimate from models due to uncertainties in the ozone column, aerosol concentrations and distributions, cloud cover, optical depth and surface albedo. A series of actinic flux measurements were performed at Storm Peak Laboratory (3,210 m above sea level), Colorado, United States with spectroradiometers during the wintertime (January 07–10, 2004). The site is relatively remote with a clean atmosphere and during the wintertime the ground is generally covered by fresh snow with a high albedo. The actinic flux measurements were used to estimate the photolysis rate parameters of ozone, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde. The measured actinic flux and the photolysis rate parameters derived from the flux were compared to calculations using the Tropospheric Ultraviolet-Visible Model (TUV), version 4.2 (Madronich and Flocke, 1998). The TUV modeled actinic flux, the measured flux and the photolysis rate parameters derived from them had similar temporal patterns. However there were significant differences in their magnitude due to uncertainties in the data available to initialize the TUV model and the calibration of the spectroradiometer.  相似文献   
比较分析了2017年南极中山站3种仪器测量地面太阳紫外B(UVB)波段和紫外A(UVA)波段的辐照度。以Brewer光谱仪测值为参考,国产宽波段FSUVB日射表在UVB(波段280~315 nm)的辐照度相对误差为(55±75)%,误差随大气臭氧总量的增加呈上升趋势,但在南极“臭氧洞”期间偏低。Yankee UVB宽波段日射表在UVB(波段280~320 nm)的辐照度相对误差为(-31±22)%;国产宽波段FSUVA日射表在UVA(波段315~400 nm)的辐照度相对误差为(23±5.9)%。太阳天顶角低于80°的晴天以Tropospheric Ultraviolet Visible(TUV)辐射模式计算结果为参考时,FSUVB,Yankee UVB和FSUVA辐照度的平均相对误差分别为(30±37)%,(-22±19)%和(27±6.4)%,而Brewer相对误差未超过3.5%。国产宽波段UV日射表测值偏高,反映出波长较长的杂散光对太阳辐照度测值影响明显。  相似文献   
利用TUV模式计算分析了银川光化辐射通量变化特征,探讨了云、气溶胶、臭氧柱浓度、NO2柱浓度等因子对银川光化辐射通量的影响。结果表明:2019年7—9月银川月平均光化辐射通量分别为6.5E+16光子数·cm-2·s-1、5.6E+16光子数·cm-2·s-1和4.7E+16光子数·cm-2·s-1,日最大值出现在13:00;波长小于325 nm时,光化辐射通量随波长增加缓慢上升,波长在325—480 nm之间时,光化辐射通量迅速升高,波长大于480 nm时,光化辐射通量随波长增加变化较小,此特征在中午前后较早晚表现更明显;云光学厚度和气溶胶光学厚度对光化辐射通量的衰减作用具有明显的“U”型日变化特征,比较而言,气溶胶光学厚度对光化辐射通量衰减作用的“U”型波形更为宽广;光化辐射通量衰减率对较低的云光学厚度的变化更敏感;光化辐射通量随气溶胶光学厚度增加而减小的变率要比随云光学厚度增加而减小的变率小;光化辐射通量对单次散射反照比大于0.6...  相似文献   
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