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阐述了基于GIS房产管理的关键是建立统一的数据分类与编码标准,核心是建立房屋的空间地理属性信息、自然属性信息、社会人文属性信息的链接,基础是建立房产地理信息数据库。并提出了建立房产地理信息数据库的方法、设计思路和方式。  相似文献   
公婆泉盆地局部排泄源氧化还原属性与铀矿化关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统分析公婆泉盆地地质背景、水文地质条件的基础上,对该区局部排泄源氧化还原属性与铀矿化的关系进行了探讨。研究结果表明,局部排泄源的存在对铀矿化具有重要作用,当局部排泄源属于还原性质时,铀矿体常常分布于该排泄源上游;若属氧化性质,排泄源铀矿体通常位于其下游或附近。公婆泉盆地存在相对氧化和相对还原的二种局部排泄源,北骆驼泉区的沙泉沟与平沙地、麻黄沟、北骆驼泉沟排泄源之间应为有利的铀矿化地段。  相似文献   
我国各地膨润土的热性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对各地膨润土的热性质进行了考察,讨论了膨润土差热曲线和热失重的形态特征,以及膨润土热性质与其他物理化学性质的关系。研究表明,供试膨润土均可观察到三组吸热效应,部分样品可观察到一组放热效应。其中第一组吸热谷因层间所含有阳离子的种类和数量不同而呈现单谷或复谷两种不同的形态;根据第三吸热谷与放热峰这两个效应的峰间隔差和形态变化对供试膨润土进行属型划分简单易行。  相似文献   
This study presents the evolution of agreements between the governments of Canadaand Québec on flood damage reduction. In Québec, the implementation of a regulation about building in floodplains came about in 1983–1984. Today, this regulation takes the form of a policy called ``Policy of shores, littoral and floodplain protection'. Municipalities must adopt rules that concur with the principles of this policy.The Chaudiére River basin was selected for analysis of urban developmentduring the period following the application of building rules in flood-risk areas.Despite the ban on building in the strong current zone (0–20 year return periodflood zone), many buildings, essentially residential, have been erected in thiszone. These new constructions generally account for a low percentage of thetotal property value in the 0–100 year flooding area, but are legal since theyare connected to a water and sewage network that existed prior to the officialfloodplain regulation.Flood damage along the Chaudiére River will tend to increase for two reasons.Firstly, while respecting the policy mentioned above, sites are still available infloodplains for future development. Secondly, no structural flood protection workshave been erected in view of the fact they are only marginally profitable from anbenefit-cost point of view.  相似文献   
月壤的物理和机械性质   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
月壤是在O2、水、风和生命活动都不存在的情况下,由陨石和微陨石撞击、宇宙射线和太阳风轰击、月表温差导致岩石热胀冷缩破碎等因素的共同作用下形成的。月壤独特的形成过程,加上独特的月表环境,使月壤在粒度分布、颗粒形态、颗粒比重、孔隙比和孔隙率、电性和电磁性质、压缩性、抗剪性、承载力等方面均与地球土壤存在较大差异,这些参数的平均值和最佳估计值,可以作为月表机械设计和操作、宇航员装备设计、月球着陆场选址的主要依据,对月球资源开发和利用以及月球基地建设具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   
Grain-displacing hydrate deposits exist at many marine sites, which constitute an important part of methane hydrate resources worldwide. Attributed to the difficulties in acquiring field data and synthesizing experimental samples, the formation and property characterization of grain-displacing hydrate remains less understood and characterized than the pore-filling hydrate in current literature. This study reviews the formation mechanisms of grain-displacing hydrate from the perspective of geolog...  相似文献   
白石沟井田是近年来探明的大巾型井田,位于五指岭-白寨背斜东端之南翼,新密-新郑复向斜之北翼.岗亚腰断层和梁山断层之间的地垒构造上,其基本构造形态为-向东倾伏的宽缓背斜。二叠系下统山西组二1煤为主要开采煤层,探明二1煤资源量7206×10^7t。分析了井田含水岩组及其富水性,对断层带及其富水特征进行了研究,从矿床(二1煤层)充水的水源、通道、机理三个方面分析了矿床充水因素,指出二1煤层的主要充水水源为该煤层底板的石炭系岩溶裂隙-承压水,充水通道为断层带和灰岩的岩溶裂隙发育带,充水机理为矿压及高水头压力冲破煤层底板阻水层阻力,形成底鼓,迅速突水。认为该井田水文地质勘查类型为三类二型,提出了排除与隔离地表水体,预留防水安全煤柱,灌浆辅助采掘的井田突水防范措施。  相似文献   
The sedimentary environments are the intrinsic factor controlling the mechanical properties of clastic rocks. Examining the relationship between rock sedimentary environments and rock mechanical properties gives a better understanding of rock deformation and failure mechanisms. In this study, more than 55 samples in coal measures were taken from seven different lithologic formations in eastern China. Using the optical microscope the sedimentary characteristics, such as components of clastic rocks and sizes of clastic grains were quantitatively tested and analyzed. The corresponding mechanical parameters were tested using the servo-controlled testing system. Different lithologic attributes in the sedimentary rocks sampled different stress–strain behaviors and failure characteristics under different confining pressures, mainly due to different compositions and textures. Results demonstrate that clastic rocks have the linear best-fit for Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The elastic moduli in clastic rocks are highly dependent upon confining pressures, unlike hard rocks. The envelope lines of the mechanical properties versus the contents of quartz, detritus of the grain diameter of more than 0.03 mm, and grain size in clastic rocks are given. The compressive strength or elastic modulus and the grain diameter have a non-monotonic relation and demonstrate the “grain-diameter softening” effect.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地油气资源的基本特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
塔里木盆地成油气地质历史条件复杂,盆地内海陆相油气、不同成藏期油气、不同成熟度以及不同保存条件的油气并存。具海相古生界及陆相中-新生界两大烃源岩系,前者以奥陶系和石炭系为最好源岩,后者以三叠系和侏罗系最佳。烃源对比结果比较全面地反映了这一特点。石炭系、三叠系、白垩系和中新统均为重要的储油层系,其储集岩类古生界主要为白云岩,次为石灰岩,中-新生界主要为砂岩。成藏类型可分为六种:古生古储、后生古储、后  相似文献   
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