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The present study reflects upon the results of substantial program of two-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM) numerical analyses of the open pit that links to slope angle optimization associated with the safety factor of the pit slope of a coal mine in Bangladesh. In the present analyses, two types of models have been presented. The first model estimates safety factor without seismic effect on the overall pit slope of the model; the second model incorporates safety factor with seismic stability of the model. The calculated optimum slope angle of the first model is 31% with a rational safety factor of 1.51, prior to the seismic effect. However, the value is reduced to 0.93, 0.82, and 0.72, after we applies the seismic effect in the second model with M6, M6.5, and M7, respectively. Finally, our modeling results emphasize that for the case of the proposed Phulbari coalmine, there is extremely high prospect for causing massive slope failure along the optimum pit slope angle with 31% if the mine area felt seismic shaking, like the Sikkim (in northern India) earthquake with M6.9 on September 18, 2011.  相似文献   
通过对目前我国政府机关内网安全观念缺失的背景及安全缺陷的分析,提出目前内部网络安全缺陷的几种表现形式,并提出加强网络安全的几点对策和建议。  相似文献   
由于蔬菜需求量的增加,中国的蔬菜产量不断增加;然而蔬菜地的化学污染会威胁到中国的食品安全。基于蔬菜和粮食作物的播种面积和产量、农业生产投入价格指数、单位面积的农业物质投入、蔬菜和粮食作物生产者价格指数和净利润等数据,本文计算分析了蔬菜地污染造成的中国潜在食品安全风险的变化趋势。研究表明,由于改革开放以来对蔬菜饮食的公共需求的不断增加和蔬菜高的市场价格,蔬菜的播种面积和产量显著增加;然而由于研究时段内蔬菜种植比例的增加,农业物质投入增加所带来的潜在污染风险也在不断增加。通过控制蔬菜地污染,中国的食品安全问题可以得到较大改善。  相似文献   
The behaviour of an instrumented unstable slope in a profile of weathered overconsolidated clay has been analysed. Available field investigation data and laboratory tests were integrated in a coupled hydromechanical model of the slope. Particular attention was given to the unsaturated soil conditions above the water table and to the influence of the rainfall record. Recorded pore-water pressures helped to identify the hydrogeological conditions of the slope. The coupled model was used to compute slope deformations and the variation of safety with time. Actual rainfall records were also integrated into the analysis. Comparison of measurements and calculations illustrate the nature of the slope instability and the complex relationships between mechanical and hydraulic factors. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
This paper presents a fuzzy set-based robust geotechnical design (RGD) methodology for the design of shield-driven tunnels. Here, uncertain geotechnical parameters required for analysis of tunnel performance (referred to herein as the structure safety and serviceability performance of tunnel cross section) are represented as fuzzy sets. Given fuzzy input parameters, the performance of a shield-driven tunnel will be uncertain, which is expressed in this study as a fuzzy factor of safety, according to the analysis of vertex method. Then, the fuzzy factor of safety for a given design is used to evaluate the failure probability and design robustness, which are, in turn, employed in the proposed RGD framework. Note that a design is considered robust if the performance of the shield-driven tunnel is insensitive to the variation of its uncertain geotechnical parameters. Within the RGD framework, each candidate design in the design space is analyzed for its safety state (in terms of failure probability), design robustness, and cost. The goal of the RGD of a shield-driven tunnel is to bring the safety state to an acceptable level, while maximizing the robustness and cost efficiency simultaneously. To this end, a multi-objective optimization is performed and a Pareto front is obtained, which provides a trade-off that may be used to select the most preferred design. Through an illustrative case, the effectiveness and significance of this new robust design methodology is demonstrated.  相似文献   
水工隧洞应用日趋广泛,如何确定水工隧洞初期支护方案是设计中的重点课题。以北京市南水北调配套工程南干渠工程为背景,通过现场试验确定水工隧洞支护施工配合比,然后对网喷混凝土支护及钢纤维喷射混凝土两种初期支护结构进行数值模拟研究,并结合现场监测及现场施工效果,进行浅埋水工隧洞支护方案研究。研究结果表明:采用钢纤维喷射混凝土支护与网喷混凝土支护相比,钢纤维喷射混凝土支护更能保证施工安全。研究成果对于类似隧洞设计及施工具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   
青藏铁路冻土区路基工程安全可靠性监测技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对冻土区路基工程和冻土之间相互作用过程的分析,提出冻土区路基工程的安全可靠性监测关键技术一是监测方法,二是监测手段,三是数据分析。冻土区路基工程的安全可靠性首先取决于工程周围和工程基底多年冻土的热稳定性,其次取决于发生变形的路基填土厚度及其基底融化层厚度。因此,路基顶面以下不同深度地温监测和年际冻融季节时段路基土层变形监测是冻土区工程长期可靠性监测的主要指标。青藏铁路自然条件的严酷性,要求监测手段具有可靠性和耐久性以及对复杂自然条件变化的适应性。文章提出一种自动观测多年冻土地温和路基变形,并能够实现数据无线传输的现场监测系统设计方案,通过现场试验,证明这种监测系统能够适应青藏高原恶劣的自然条件,减轻了人工监测的劳苦,具有可靠性和耐久性。作者还提出了能够简便判断冻土区工程安全可靠性的监测数据分析方法,对目前冻土区工程安全可靠性分析具有一定的理论指导作用。  相似文献   
Because it can be carried by flowing water, a sand/gravel pit on the river bed could migrate downstream. Consequently, the presence of pits on river beds could pose a safety threat to in-stream hydraulic structures such as bridge piers. A pit migration model can be used to predict progressive changes of pit geometry as it migrates downstream. However, due to the existence of many uncertainties, the maximum pit depth cannot be predicted with certainty. This paper adopted a simple pit migration model and evaluated the uncertainty associated with the calculated maximum pit depth. Such information is essential for evaluating the probability that a migrating pit could pose a safety threat to a downstream hydraulic structure. Three reliability analysis techniques were applied and their performances were compared.  相似文献   
目前的地震安全性评价数据管理方法过于陈旧,不利于数据的查询和再利用。通过对这一问题的深入分析,针对安评数据的多元性特点,结合GIS的优势,提出了利用GIS技术对地震安全性评价数据进行管理的方法,并设计出了数据库管理系统的基本框架。该系统的建立,将为地震安全性评价数据管理、查询和再利用提供便利。  相似文献   
通过对三峡某地区已治理高边坡防护工程进行安全评估,发现由于土压力作用、填土不均匀沉降、渗流潜蚀作用等引起部分防护工程出现不同程度的变形破坏。变形破坏产生的根本原因在于防护工程存在设计缺陷、施工质量没有保证及后期疏于维护管理等方面。由于这部分高边坡工程当时属于应急治理,没有统一的技术标准,引起的设计、施工和后期管理方面的问题在三峡库区具有普遍性。经过此次安全评估工作后,应对评估为不同安全等级的防护工程分类采取相应措施。不安全和局部不安全项目要严格按照国家有关标准实施彻底整改;基本安全项目和安全项目要进行定期巡查,以便及时发现隐患。另外,高边坡治理工程后期维护的好坏对于能否充分发挥防护效益至关重要,要改变以往重治理、轻维护的管理模式,切实做好防护工程的后期维护管理,确保防护工程及防护对象的安全。  相似文献   
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