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Hourly sea surface temperature(SST) observations from the geostationary satellite are increasingly used in studies of the diurnal warming of the surface oceans. The aim of this study is to derive the spatial and temporal distribution of diurnal warming in the China seas and northwestern Pacific Ocean from Multi-functional Transport Satellite(MTSAT) SST. The MTSAT SST is validated against drifting buoy measurements firstly. It shows mean biases is about –0.2°C and standard deviation is about 0.6°C comparable to other satellite SST accuracy. The results show that the tropics, mid-latitudes controlled by subtropical high and marginal seas are frequently affected by large diurnal warming. The Kuroshio and its extension regions are smaller compared with the surrounding regions. A clear seasonal signal, peaking at spring and summer can be seen from the long time series of diurnal warming in the domain in average. It may due to large insolation and low wind speed in spring and summer, while the winter being the opposite. Surface wind speed modulates the amplitude of the diurnal cycle by influencing the surface heat flux and by determining the momentum flux. For the shallow marginal seas, such as the East China Sea, turbidity would be another important factor promoting diurnal warming. It suggests the need for the diurnal variation to be considered in SST measurement, air-sea flux estimation and multiple sensors SST blending.  相似文献   
A fog threshold method for the detection of sea fog from Multi-function Transport Satellite (MTSAT1R) infrared (IR) channel data is presented.This method uses principle component analysis (PCA),texture analysis,and threshold detection to extract sea fog information.A heavy sea fog episode that occurred over China’s adjacent sea area during 7 8 April 2008 was detected,indicating that the fog threshold method can effectively detect sea fog areas nearly 24 hours a day.MTSAT-1R data from March 2006,June 2007,and April 2008 were processed using the fog threshold method,and sea fog coverage information was compared with the meteorological observation report data from ships.The hit rate,miss rate,and false alarm rate of sea fog detection were 66.1%,27.3%,and 33.9%,respectively.The results show that the fog threshold method can detect the formation,evolution,and dissipation of sea fog events over period of time and that the method has superior temporal and spatial resolution relative to conventional ship observations.In addition,through MTSAT-1R data processing and a statistical analysis of sea fog coverage information for the period from 2006 to 2009,the monthly mean sea fog day frequency,spatial distribution and seasonal variation characteristics of sea fog over China’s adjacent sea area were obtained.  相似文献   
Global Land Surface Satellite-downward surface shortwave radiation (GLASS-DSSR) products have been routinely produced from 2008–2010 based on an improved look-up table algorithm, which explicitly accounts for the variations of cloud optical depth, water vapor content, and elevation. In this study, we validated and assessed the accuracy of these products in arid and semiarid regions of China. Toward this goal, observation data-sets provided by the Arid and Semiarid Region Collaborative Observation Project as well as four other metrological sites were collected, chosen, and preprocessed for the final validation. Due to the possible effect of spatial collocation and the strong adjacency pixel effect in instantaneous products, we used a more sophisticated validating scheme in order to reduce the impacts from these effects as much as possible. Evidences indicate that the GLASS-DSSR products are considerably accurate over most parts of arid and semiarid regions in China, but in complex terrain areas the products might need further refinements. The R2 at all sites (except Naqu) was larger than 0.8 with a root mean square error (RMSE) range of about in 90–130 W/m2. Linear regression analyses suggest that GLASS-DSSR products tend to overestimate DSSR in the interval of low surface-measured values and symmetrically underestimate DSSR in the interval of high values. This systematic error may result from inappropriate assumptions about clouds and aerosol loadings over the regions in the operational algorithm.  相似文献   
基于MTSAT卫星遥感监测的浙江省及周边海区大雾分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用日本静止气象卫星MTSAT逐时资料,综合地面气象观测数据,对浙江省及其周边海区陆地和海上2008—2012年的大雾进行了专题信息提取,并给出了浙江省陆域、周边海域0.05°×0.05°网格点的小时尺度的遥感大雾产品,结果表明:(1)基于MTSAT卫星观测数据,采用分级判识太阳高度角阈值和归一化大雾指数的方法,构建的浙江及其周边地区陆地和海上遥感大雾监测模型,大雾判识精度总体超过75%,基本满足使用需求。(2)浙江省陆域近5年大雾年平均累计为411.7 h,约占全年的4.7%,基本呈南多北少,山区多平原少的格局,其中浙江南部高山区、舟山和温州部分海岛及西部山区为大雾多发区,且大雾季节分布为冬秋季较多,春夏季较少,22时至09时是浙江省陆域大雾的高发时段,10时以后大雾逐渐消散,至后半夜、凌晨前后,大雾频次逐渐增多。(3)研究区海雾主要发生在大陆近海,呈现由近海向外海减少的空间格局,东海海域年大雾累计为311.7 h,以东海西南部地区大雾出现最多,浙江省沿海大雾的高发区位于温州海域及钱塘江口。研究区海域大雾具有明显的季节特征,主要表现为春季较多,夏季次之,秋冬季较少的分布格局,且海上主要受平流雾影响,大雾不易消散,持续时间较长。从各海区大雾发生频次从高到低依次为:东海东南部、台湾以东洋面、东海中东部、黄海西南部、东海中西部、台湾海峡、东海西北部、黄海东南部、东海西南部和东海东北部。  相似文献   
利用静止卫星MTSAT反演大气气溶胶光学厚度   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
卫星遥感是获取气溶胶光学特性的重要手段,利用静止卫星可见光通道资料反演气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)的算法使用日本静止气象卫星MTSAT可见光通道资料反演了2008年5月中国地区陆地上的气溶胶光学厚度,将得到的结果分别与AERONET站点的地面观测值进行比较,得到了较好的线性相关关系,再将其与相应的MODIS气溶胶光学厚度产品进行比较,也得到了较为一致的分布,表明MTSAT反演的气溶胶光学厚度产品可以反映大气气溶胶光学厚度的日变化信息。最后对这种反演算法的误差来源进行了分析。  相似文献   
基于ARGO资料的MTSAT海温产品误差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用全球海洋观测网计划ARGO浮标的表层海温测量值分析了MTSAT卫星的海温反演误差。结果显示,平均绝对误差为0.73℃,均方根误差为0.885℃,满足应用需要;海温反演异常点多分布在30°N以北的高纬区域。为了确保海温产品数据的可靠性,需要通过数据误差控制技术来检测和控制海表温度反演的异常值,影像边缘和高纬地区的区域数据应谨慎使用。  相似文献   
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