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《Climate Policy》2013,13(2):851-864
The clean development mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol allows industrialized countries to use credits from greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement projects in developing countries. A key requirement of the CDM is that the emission reductions be real, measurable and additional. This article uses data from registered projects to evaluate the extent to which these objectives are met by projects that reduce hydrofluorocarbon-23 (HFC-23) emissions in the production of hydrochlorofluorocarbon-22 (HCFC-22). The data show that HCFC-22 plants produced significantly less HFC-23 during periods when no emission credits could be claimed compared with periods when HFC-23 destruction could be credited under the CDM. Moreover, the total amount of HCFC-22 produced appears to be determined mainly by CDM rules. This suggests that the claimed emission reductions may partly not be real and that the CDM provides perverse incentives to generate more HFC-23. The accelerated phase-out of HCFCs under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer could worsen this situation. To address these issues an ambitious emission benchmark for the baseline HFC-23 emissions is proposed.  相似文献   
The middle–late Campanian was marked by an increase in the bioprovinciality of calcareous microfossil assemblages into distinct Tethyan, Transitional, and Austral Provinces that persisted to the end of the Maastrichtian. The northwestern Australian margin belonged to the Transitional Province and the absence of key Tethyan marker species such as Radotruncana calcarata and Gansserina gansseri has led petroleum companies operating in the area to use the locally developed KCCM integrated calcareous microfossil zonation scheme. The KCCM zonation is a composite scheme comprising calcareous nannofossil (KCN), planktonic foraminiferal (KPF) and benthonic foraminiferal (KBF) zones. This paper presents the definitions and revisions of Zones KCCM8–19, from the highest occurrence (HO) of Aspidolithus parcus constrictus to the lowest occurrence (LO) of Ceratolithoides aculeus, and builds on our previous early–late Maastrichtian study. The presence of a middle–upper Campanian disconformity is confirmed by microfossil evidence from the Vulcan Sub-basin, Exmouth and Wombat plateaus, and the Southern Carnarvon Platform. In the Vulcan Sub-basin and on the Exmouth Plateau (ODP Hole 762C) the hiatus extends from slightly above the LO of common Rugoglobigerina rugosa to above the LO of Quadrum gothicum. On the Wombat Plateau (ODP Hole 761B) it spans from above the LO of Heterohelix semicostata to above the LO of Quadrum gothicum; and in the Southern Carnarvon Platform the disconformity has its longest duration from above the HO of Heterohelix semicostata to above the LO of Quadrum sissinghii. A significant revision of the events which define Zones KCCM18 and 19 was necessary owing to the observation that the LO of Ceratolithoides aculeus occurs below the HOs of Archaeoglobigerina cretacea and Stensioeina granulata incondita and the LO of common Rugoglobigerina rugosa. In the original zonation these events were considered to be coincident.  相似文献   
通过模拟计算压力比、单位容积制冷量和理论循环制冷系数等性能指标,对比评价HCFC-123和CFC-11两种制冷工质。理论分析表明:HCFC-123工质性质接近于CFC-11,是当前可以接受的CFC-11的过渡性替代工质.  相似文献   
4 000 m DISC深冰芯钻机概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深冰芯钻探(Deep Ice Sheet Coring, DISC)钻机是美国冰芯钻探服务中心(ICDS)开发研制的一款机电钻机, 设计取芯直径122 mm, 钻取深度4 000 m.该系统由两部分组成,包括机械钻进系统和地面支撑系统. 其中, 机械钻进系统由钻机、 电缆、 钻塔和绞车四部分组成, 钻机是该系统的钻探部分, 由6个不同部件(刀盘、 芯管、 筛管、 电机/水泵、 钻机控制板和顶端)组成; 地面支撑系统包括电源、 控制系统、 冰芯处理系统、 钻井液处理系统、 筛管清洗系统、 辅助设备以及安全设备设施. 2006年夏季ICDS在格陵兰Summit营地对该套钻机系统进行了成功试验, 2011年12月31日在西南极冰原(WAIS Divide)成功获取3 405 m深度的冰芯.实践证明, 该套钻机能够满足目前钻探项目的科学需求. 但是, 在西南极冰原主冰孔不同深度钻取同深度副冰孔冰芯的过程中, 钻刀无法在主冰孔壁上侧向钻取新的冰芯孔, 未能如期获取复制的冰芯样品.  相似文献   
利用低温预浓缩-GC/MSD研究了广州市大气中痕量的一氯二氟甲烷(HCFC-22),并且将其变化特征与SO2、NO2和可吸入颗粒物(PM10)等一般空气污染物进行了比较.结果表明,广州市大气中HCFC-22的年平均浓度值是一些全球本底站观测值的3倍左右,表明广州存在较强的HCFC-22排放源,可能与HCFC-22作为制冷剂在城区较大量使用有关.广州市HCFC-22呈现出夏秋季高、冬春季低的特征,这主要与HCFC-22排放的季节性差异有关.而广州市大气一般空气污染物SO2、NOx、PM10和CO的浓度水平则与HCFC-22相反,呈现夏秋季低、冬春季高的特征,主要受扩散条件与季风影响.HCFC-22日变化幅度在夏季远大于冬季,变化规律整体与SO2、NOx和PM10大致相似,夏季呈双峰特征,冬季则呈单峰特征,但与常规污染物不同的是,夏季HCFC-22在17:00~20:00家用空调使用高峰期呈现异常高值.  相似文献   
Oxidation reactions of the proposed CFC substitutes HCFC-123 (CF3CHCl2) and HCFC-141b (CFCl2CH3) have been studied in the laboratory using long-path Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The air oxidation of the HCFCs was initiated by the photolysis of Cl2 forming Cl atoms that abstract H atoms from the HCFC. CF3C(O)Cl was the only carbon containing compound observed in the infrared spectrum of the products of the HCFC-123/Cl2 irradiations and its yield was approximately one. The product data are consistent with formation of CF3C(O)Cl by Cl elimination of the intermediate halogenated alkoxy radical CF3CCl2O. The Cl-initiated oxidation of HCFC-141b led to the formation of CO and C(O)FCl. The product data are consistent with a 1 : 1 relationship between C(O)FCl formed and HCFC-141b reacted. Product data were compatible with both decomposition by cleavage of the C–C bond of the radical CFCl2CH2O leading to the prompt generation of C(O)FCl and reaction of the radical with O2 forming the two carbon halogenated aldehyde CFCl2CH(O), which in the presence of Cl was likely oxidized to C(O)FCl. An approximate method was developed in which the ratio was extracted from analysis of the time evolution of HCFC-141b, C(O)FCl, and CO. The data suggest that the contributions are comparable.  相似文献   
中国是当前最大的HCFCs(含氢氟氯烃类物质)年生产和消费国家,而其中HCFC-22的生产量约占全部HCFCs的80%。2007年国际社会决定加速淘汰HCFCs,这将带来巨大的环境效益。为此,选择房间空调器行业对我国加速淘汰HCFC-22的环境效益进行了分析。通过淘汰情景和基线情景对比得出,采用HC-290(丙烷)替代制冷剂既可以直接实现温室气体减排,又可以节电从而间接减少温室气体排放。比较HFC-410A和HC-290两种替代淘汰情景,后者的环境效益显著高于前者。  相似文献   
Rate constants have been measured for the gas-phase reactions of hydroxyl radical with partly halogenated alkanes using the discharge-flow-EPR technique over the temperature range 298–460 K. The following Arrhenius expressions have been derived (units 10–13 cm3 molecule–1 s–1): (8.1 –1.2 +1.5 ) exp{–(1516±53)/T} for CHF2Cl (HCFC-22); (10.3 –1.5 +1.8 ) exp{–(1588±52)/T} for CH2FCF3 (HFC-134a); (11.3 –1.6 +2.1 ) exp{–(918±52)/T} for CHCl2CF2Cl (HCFC-122); (9.2 –2.0 +2.5 ) exp{–(1281±85)/T} for CHFClCF2Cl (HCFC-123a).The atmospheric lifetimes for the substances have been estimated to be 12.6, 12.9, 1.05, and 4.8 years, respectively, and the accuracy of the estimates is discussed.  相似文献   
The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) program has been systematically sampling zooplankton off the west coast of North America since 1949. In 1978, the 1-m diameter ring net used by the program was replaced with a bongo net, which consists of two 0.71-m diameter nets on a single frame. This study compares paired zooplankton samples taken with a ring net and a 0.71-m or 0.6-m bongo net to determine the relative performances of the two net types for catching calanoid copepods. Thirty-one species and stages were enumerated, along with the category ‘total female calanoids’. Twenty-one categories of calanoid copepods were abundant enough to test for effects of changes in net type. No significant differences between the nets were found after correcting for multiple testing. Statistical power was then estimated for a range of potential net effects equivalent to ratios of copepod densities between the nets of 1.1–3.0. The probability of detecting differences greater than a factor of 1.5–3.0 was high (≥80%) for total female calanoids, Metridia pacifica, Pleuromamma abdominalis edentata, P. borealis, Calanus pacificus, Eucalanus californicus and Rhincalanus nasutus. For these categories of copepods, any population changes greater than a factor of 1.5–3.0 that might be found from the CalCOFI data set can be assumed to be the result of factors other than the change in net type.  相似文献   
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