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滞后性是河流系统自动调整的重要特征之一。根据河道演变的滞后响应机制,在考虑上游来水来沙和下游侵蚀基准面(潼关高程)共同影响的基础上,建立了能够模拟河道汛期和非汛期冲淤过程的滞后响应模型,并采用黄河小北干流1960-2015年的冲淤资料进行参数率定(1960-2001年)和模型验证(2002-2015年)。结果表明该模型能较好地模拟小北干流汛期和非汛期的冲淤过程。汛期和非汛期累计冲淤量的模拟效果优于单个冲淤量;累计冲淤量和单个冲淤量的模拟效果汛期要优于非汛期。三门峡水库修建后,1960-2015年间小北干流汛期和非汛期的冲淤过程表现出时段差异。根据建立的滞后响应模型,本文分析了来水来沙和潼关高程对小北干流汛期和非汛期各个特征时段冲淤的贡献率,汛期和非汛期的第一时段(1960-1970年,1960-1968年)主要受到潼关高程的影响,但是后续时段主要受到来水来沙的影响。  相似文献   
Twelve common bivalve larvae occurring in the plankton from the Bay of Islands (35°15'S, 174°10'E), Wellington Harbour (41°16'S, 174°51'E), and off Raumati Beach (40°56'S, 174°58'E), New Zealand, during 1970–72 are described and, wherever possible, provisionally identified. The seasonal occurrences of these larvae in the plankton are also described. Information on the spawning cycles of some New Zealand adult bivalves is reviewed; although some species have a short (4 months or less) spawning season, for most it is much longer, possibly with ‘trickle’ spawning through several months of the year.  相似文献   
设计了适用于四维变分同化系统的扰动预报模式GRAPESPF。根据GRAPES的地形追随坐标非静力原始方程组,采用小扰动分离方法推导微分形式的线性扰动预报方程组,并利用与GRAPES非线性模式相似的数值求解方案求解线性扰动微分方程组。在设计扰动预报模式时采用了两个时间层半隐式半拉格朗日方案对动量方程、热力学方程、水汽方程和连续方程进行时间差分,空间差分方案的变量分布水平方向采用Arakawa C跳点网格,垂直方向采用Charney/Phillips跳层。利用代数消元法进一步推导得到只包含未来时刻扰动Exner气压的亥姆霍兹方程,进而通过广义共轭余差法(GCR)求解,在此基础上得到未来时刻扰动量的预报值。基于所开发的扰动模式开展了数值试验。首先在非线性模式中施加一个中尺度初始扰动高压,得到初始扰动在非线性模式中的后续演变,然后将相同的初始扰动作为扰动模式的初值进行时间积分,将扰动模式预报的结果与非线性模式的结果做了对比。结果表明,所开发的扰动模式GRAPESPF较好地模拟了惯性重力内波的传播过程:初始高压扰动激发了一个迅速向外传播的惯性重力内波,...  相似文献   
中国传统星座中的紫微垣五帝内座和太微垣五帝座,都是古人为天上最高统治者天帝,在一年不同的五时处于不同方位处理政务而设的坐位。将五帝座作黄帝和四方之帝的坐位是“纬书”类的附会,与星座命名的本义相悖,由此造成不必要的混乱,一直延续至今,因此就有必要进行考证,给予澄清。  相似文献   
Cerastoderma edule and Mya arenaria are two common bivalve species in European waters. Longevity and maximum size are much greater in the latter species. Because comparison of species life-history strategies states that a long life span (i.e. high annual survival) generally goes with lower fecundity, we hypothesise that reproductive output would be lower in M. arenaria than in C. edule. In the present paper, we studied the reproductive strategies of these two species in an intertidal and a subtidal area of the western Dutch Wadden Sea, by following seasonal changes in absolute and relative weights of somatic and gonadal tissues in these bivalves. Starting of spawning was similar in the two species, around May, except for intertidal M. arenaria, which initiated spawning in August. Individual energy investment in reproduction was similar for the two species but, unlike M. arenaria, C. edule spawned completely, releasing all energy of gonadal mass in the form of gametes. Mya arenaria used the gonad not only for reproduction but also for storage. In the intertidal area, we found a trade-off between longevity and reproduction, i.e. maximum reproductive output (expressed as a proportion of body mass) was higher in C. edule than in M. arenaria. However, since body size is larger and life span longer in M. arenaria than in C. edule, mean lifetime reproductive output per individual must be higher in the first than in the latter. Based on the differences in reproductive strategies of these two species, we hypothesise that the negative effects of warming climate on bivalve population dynamics in the Wadden Sea will be stronger in C. edule than in M. arenaria.  相似文献   
MM5三维变分系统在北京地区冷暖季背景场误差的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
NMC方法是目前较广泛采用的一种对模式背景场误差协方差进行统计分析的一种方法。本文根据积累的2002年8月份和2003年2月份各一个月模式预报结果,采用NMC方法,计算了中尺度模式MM5V3在北京地区的冷暖季背景场误差,详细给出其气候统计特征。通过对比分析发现,背景场误差特征对于不同的模式变量、水平分辨率、垂直层各不相同,冷暖季背景场误差也有不同的特征,其差别主要表现在风场。这些特征与模式模拟区域的平均天气状况相对应,同化应该在各模式区域分别进行。MM5三维变分系统在北京地区的实际应用中,应发展根据实际季节变换背景场误差协方差矩阵的方法。  相似文献   
东亚大气环流的低频振荡及与韵律的关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
张庆云  陈烈庭 《大气科学》1992,16(3):333-338
本文根据北半球500hPa高度场30年(1951—1980)平均的逐候格点资料,对气候平均的东亚各主要大气环流系统的年内变化进行了谐波分析和天气学分析.结果表明,东亚大气环流系统存在着三种主要的大气低频波:年波、半年波和30—50天的季内波;中、高纬度的大气环流以年波振荡为主,低纬度的大气环流以半年波振荡为主;30—50天的季内波是北半球各纬度上都存在的一种波,但它对总方差的贡献在低纬比中、高纬度大.此外,还讨论了年波和半年波这两种大气低频波与我国长期预报中常用的各种韵律指标特别是隔季相关现象的关系.  相似文献   
Based on Coastal Zone Color Scanner data from November 1978 through December 1981, the seasonal cycle of phytoplankton pigment in the upper part of the euphotic zone is established for the offshore Laccadive Sea. Year-round, the pigment content is low and the seasonal range is small, following the pattern of the nutrient-poor Arabian Sea to the west. Apparently, indigenous phytoplankton blooms are absent. July and August, however, were poorly studied because of cloud cover. Interannual differences during the northeast monsoon and the spring intermonsoon periods are minor. The abundant phytoplankton caused by the upwelling off India during the southwest monsoon remains essentially restricted to the shelf, but there are occasional large, zonal outbreaks into the Laccadive Sea, as well as others advected to the south of India. Visual inspection of the raw CZCS scenes for June through November 1982–1985, with almost no data until August or even September, shows such outbreaks of pigment-rich water to be common. Inspection of monthly SeaWiFS images for 1997 through part of 2001 confirms the absence of indigenous phytoplankton blooms.  相似文献   
机载成象光谱仪遥感海洋是在轨星载海洋传感器定标校验的一种方法。本文研究了海洋航空遥感的四维测量方法,以及实现卫星、飞行遥感和船舶同步测量的重要意义。  相似文献   
江苏省四季变化的分析   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
张静  吕军  项瑛  肖卉 《气象科学》2008,28(5):568-572
在全球气候变暖的背景下,近些年江苏省气温明显升高,使得江苏省四季的起止时间和长度发生了明显的改变.本文通过分析多种季节划分方法,根据江苏省的气温分布特点,定义了适用于江苏省的四季划分方法.通过分析四季的变化,结果显示:(1)江苏省四季分明,且南北有明显的差别,就全省常年平均而言,冬季最长,其次是夏季,秋季和春季长度很相近,秋季略短.(2)过去几十年里,江苏省各地区各季节的长度和起止时间都发生了明显的变化,特别是自21世纪以来,这种变化速度明显加快,最主要的变化特点为:春季发生的时段向前移了近10d;夏季明显变长,开始时间提前,结束时间推后;秋季的发生时段整体向后移;冬季明显缩短,特别是结束时间提前.  相似文献   
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