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罗德海 《高原气象》1992,11(1):96-101
本文进一步对旋转正压大气中的包络Rossby孤立波进行了研究,结果发现当Rossby波的波数m(m为纬向波数)满足1≤m≤2时,旋转正压大气中才存在包络Rossby孤立波,并且只有m=2的包络Rossby孤立波才具有阻塞高压的结构。我们还对这种m=2的包络Rossby孤立波随纬度变化的持续性进行了计算,得到了许多结果。  相似文献   
利用SMART 1台阵三次地震记录拟合了各个测点在地震中的竖向地震动强度包络曲线及Amin 和Ang的强度包络函数中各模型参数值,分析了各模型参数的空间变化规律,建立了各模型参数随二维空间坐标及土层厚度变化的随机模型,为多点地震动合成中竖向强度包络函数的计算提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
铝土矿床的包心构造,即粘土岩层包裹铝土矿体,是腐植酸长期分解土壤硅酸盐,而导致土壤剖面的垂直分层。具备垂直渗水系统的地形,如岩溶洼地、平顶山丘,是成矿的先决条件之一。铝岩系是一套陆相地层,夹在地层剖面的基底岩层风化侵蚀面之上,和其上发育植被的沉积间断面之下。铝土矿是陆上成矿,是植物化学风化残积矿床。  相似文献   

The subject is reviewed from the viewpoints of theory, internal tide and wave structure and their implications.

A wider theoretical context suggests scope for further investigation of natural or nearly-trapped forms above the inertial frequency.

Although internal tides in many locations are observed to have first-mode vertical structure, higher modes are seen offshore from shallow shelf-break forcing and for particular Froude numbers, and may be expected locally near generation. Bottom intensification is often observed where the sea floor matches the characteristic slope. Solitons form from internal tides of large amplitude or at large changes of depth.

Internal tides and solitons are observed also at many sills and in straits, and to intensify in canyons.

Non-linear effects of the waves, especially solitons, include the conveyance of water, nutrients, ‘‘mixing potential'’ etc. away from their source to other locations, and the generation of mean currents. The waves transfer energy and possibly heat between the ocean and shelf, may be a source of medium frequency waves on the shelf (periods of minutes) and can contribute to interior mixing and overturning, bottom stirring and sediment movement.  相似文献   
利用WRF模式中提供的包络地形、轮廓地形和平均地形方案对2005年12月20-21日的山东暴雪过程进行数值模拟.结果表明:地形方案与降雪的时空分布有很大的相关性,地形越接近实际地形,降雪的时空分布越接近实况;降雪过程中有明显的中尺度重力波活动,降雪的峰值滞后于重力波的波峰;重力波受地形影响很大,地形越不平滑,重力波的强度越强、移速越慢;当重力波的强度较强时,降雪峰值滞后于波峰的时间差也较长.  相似文献   
River plume front-generated internal solitons play an important role in the interaction between the plume and coastal waters. The internal solitons drive a non-harmonic velocity field, resulting in a horizontal transport that carries plume water seaward and redistributes nutrients and sediments. In this study, we present observations of internal solitons generated at the Columbia River plume front that separates the new, tidal plume, older plume and coastal waters. Scale analyses suggest that the plume front-generated internal solitons are highly non-linear waves, and their dynamic properties do not conform to any weakly non-linear theory. Thus, a high-order Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) theory is used to analyze the internal solitons. The comparison between theoretical values and cruise data shows that the high-order KdV model is much better than the weakly non-linear theories for prediction of the soliton dynamic parameters. Based on the model, we develop theoretical and numerical solutions of the soliton-induced upper layer horizontal transport and Lagrangian water parcel transport distance, which shows that the water particle drift, during the internal soliton passage, is as far as 1 km, and demonstrates the role of the internal solitons on the exchange between the plume and ambient coastal water. Energy fluxes caused by the internal solitons are estimated using the high-order KdV theory. The leading soliton fluxes 2.0×103 W m−1 per unit crest length, and carries energy of 4.2×105 J m−1. The total energy carried by the eight internal solitons is 1.6×106 J m−1, about 70% of the total frontal energy.  相似文献   
"设定地震"概念的提出已有一段时间,但鲜见在我国地震安全性评价中应用。同时,概率方法在地震危险性评价中,由于时程包线函数的确定源于震级-距离组合的不确定性而带有较大的任意性。本文建议在考虑潜源概率贡献的基础上,引入设定地震的期望震级和期望距离组合,用以控制包线函数。通过修改危险性分析椭圆模型的软件,可以进行计算并给出了算例。  相似文献   
本文扼要介绍了灰色系统的基本理论、建模方法和检验精度的分析方法。并以四平市地下水动态特征为例,建立GM(1,1)包络模型,进行了地下水位拟合和外推预报。结果表明,GM(1,1)模型计算简单,是一种实用的预报方法,预报结果比较可靠。  相似文献   
利用一个简单的赤道β平面浅水模式和多尺度摄动法,从描写赤道Rossby波的正压大气位涡度方程中推导出在切变基本维向流中赤道Rossby波包演变所满足的非线性Schrodinger方程,并得到其单个包络孤立波子波解,并分析基本流切变对非线性赤道Rossby孤立子的影响。  相似文献   
本文发展了一种单台检测低频地震事件的方法,并用其检测2008年汶川I Ms8.0地震、2013年芦山M。7.0地震震前的低频事件。使用汶JiI地震、芦山地震前周边的宽频带台站数月的垂直向连续波形,经过2~8 Hz带通滤波、窗长为10 S的包络平滑、窗长为20 rain的中值滤波,去除近场天然地震及远场大震与低频噪声的影响后,发现这两个大地震前有少数台站在连续数天的时间内,出现持续时间长(数十分钟到数小时)、包络中值明显大于背景噪声的现象,其波形记录及包络特征与非火山震颤(NVT)的波形记录及包络特征具有较好的相似性,我们认为这是汶川地震和芦山地震前的疑似慢地震事件。初步应用表明,本文所用的方法对于从宽频带连续波形资料中提取NVT信号是可行的。  相似文献   
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