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2002/2003年与2003/2004年冬季爆发性增温期间的动力特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ECMWF提供的60层气象场资料诊断分析了2002/2003和2003/2004年两个冬季的爆发性增温(stratospheric sudden warming,SSW)过程,比较了两次SSW期间高纬温度和纬向风的差异,计算了SSW期间的EP通量和剩余环流.结果表明:2003/2004年增温持续时间长、强度大,而2002/2003年则发生了波动;增温都是从平流层上层开始向下传播,但是2003/2004年高层极涡崩溃后迅速恢复,低层极涡恢复得慢,2002/2003年极涡在高层和低层都是缓慢恢复;SSW期间行星渡活动较多,2003/2004年极地EP通量的辐合引起东风长时间持续从而阻止了行星渡再次上传,而2002/2003年行星波则发生多次上传;2002/2003年SSW发生时高纬地区为下沉气流,没有形成环流圈,增温后形成逆时针的环流圈比2003/2004年偏低.  相似文献   

The potential influence of a developing La Niña on Arctic sea-ice annual variability is investigated using both observational data and an atmospheric general circulation model. It is found that during the developing phase of an eastern Pacific (EP) La Niña event in June, July, and August (JJA) and September, October, and November (SON), the sea-ice concentration (SIC) over the Barents–Kara Seas declines more than 15%. The local atmospheric circulation pattern associated with the EP La Niña is characterized as a weak decrease in geopotential height over the Barents–Kara Seas, combined with an anticyclone in the North Atlantic. The corresponding southerly winds push warm waters northward into the key sea-ice reduction region and directly accelerate sea-ice melt. Meanwhile, the abundant moisture contained in the lower troposphere is transported into the Arctic region by winds resulting from the local barotropic structure. The humid atmosphere contributes to both net shortwave and longwave radiation and thus indirectly accelerates the decline in sea ice. Simulations by the European Centre Hamburg Model, version 5.4, are forced by observed sea surface temperature anomalies associated with EP La Niña events. The results of the simulations capture the North Atlantic anticyclone and reproduce the moisture transport, which supports the premise that an EP La Niña plays a crucial role in sea-ice reduction over the Barents–Kara sector from the perspective of atmospheric circulation and net surface heat flux.  相似文献   
吴萍  丁一汇  柳艳菊 《气象学报》2017,74(3):371-383
基于1961-2016年中国地面台站降水观测资料和多种再分析资料,分析了东部型和中部型两类厄尔尼诺事件对中国夏季水汽输送和降水的不同影响。结果表明:(1)厄尔尼诺事件对中国夏季降水的影响在发生当年和次年有明显的不同,主要影响是在其发生的次年,中国大部分地区的夏季降水明显偏多。(2)东部型厄尔尼诺事件当年夏季,西北太平洋副热带高压(副高)偏东偏弱,水汽输送条件较弱,不利于中国大范围降水的发生;中部型事件当年夏季,低纬度印度洋和西太平洋蒸发异常偏强,来自阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾和西北太平洋向华南地区的水汽输送和净水汽收支增加,有利于华南地区降水的异常增多。(3)东部型厄尔尼诺事件次年夏季,副热带太平洋蒸发异常偏强,副高西伸,由于东亚-太平洋(EAP)遥相关型的建立,副高西侧的强西南气流将来自太平洋蒸发的大量水汽持续输送至中国中东部地区。此外,在东亚-太平洋遥相关型影响下中高纬度地区建立了亚洲双阻型环流,其间的低槽冷涡与上游阻高之间的强偏北气流有利于北冰洋的水汽持续输送到西北和华北北部地区,中国大部分地区净水汽收支均增加,中国北方和南方地区的降水均产生了明显的同步性增多响应,形成了南北两条异常雨带。中部型厄尔尼诺事件次年夏季,副高较常年偏西且偏北,来自太平洋蒸发的大量水汽输送到江淮地区,使其净水汽收支增加和降水偏多。因此,厄尔尼诺事件的发生不仅对长江流域和淮河流域等南方地区的降水有重要影响,对华北、东北和西北地区的降水异常也有相当的作用。  相似文献   
Collaboration of interannual variabilities and the climate mean state determines the type of E1 Nifio. Recent studies highlight the impact of a La Nifia-like mean state change, which acts to suppress the convection and low-level convergence over the central Pacific, on the predominance of central Pacific (CP) E1 Nifio in the most recent decade. However, how interannual variabilities affect the climate mean state has been less thoroughly investigated. Using a linear shallow-water model, the ef- fect of decadal changes of air-sea interaction on the two types of El Nifio and the climate mean state over the tropical Pacific is examined. It is demonstrated that the predominance of the eastem Pacific (EP) and CP E1 Nino is dominated mainly by relationships between anomalous wind stresses and sea surface temperature (SST). Furthermore, changes between air-sea interactions from 1980-98 to 1999-2011 prompted the generation of the La Ninalike pattern, which is similar to the background change in the most recent decade.  相似文献   
包存宽  舒廷飞 《地理科学》2007,27(5):730-735
总结了国内10年来SEA在理论研究、技术方法、实践、管理制度等方面的成果、经验、存在问题,最后指出SEA的发展趋势与建议,包括建立覆盖决策链所有环节、贯穿决策全过程的环境评价体系,基于强化规划环评与生态规划的联系提出构建相辅相成的规划与评价体系的建议,以及将SEA作为促进决策的民主化与科学化、全面落实可持续发展战略的重要手段等。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONBiologicalfoulingonthehullsofshipsandothersubmergedmarinestructurescausesgreatha~s.Inadditiontodecreasingship'sspeed,andincreasingitsfuelconsumption,biologicalfoulingalsoincreasestheweightofnavigationalbuoys,interfereswithoperatingequipmentandsounddevices,clogsseawaterpipingsystems,adverselyaffectsheat-exchangerperformance,andpromotescorrosionofmetalsurface(HuangandCat,1984).UPtothepresent,antifoulingpaintshaveachievedtheireffectivenessbyreleasingattheirsurfacebiocides,allcom…  相似文献   
Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array(ALMA) observations of CO(1–0) and CO(2–1) emissions from the circumstellar envelope of the asymptotic giant branch(AGB) star EP Aqr have been made with four times better spatial resolution than previously available. They are analysed with emphasis on the de-projection in space of the effective emissivity and flux of matter using as input a prescribed configuration of the velocity field, assumed to be radial. The data are found to display an intrinsic axisymmetry with respect to an axis making a small angle with respect to the line of sight. A broad range of wind configurations, from prolate(bipolar) to oblate(equatorial) has been studied and found to be accompanied by significant equatorial emission. Qualitatively, the effective emissivity is enhanced near the equator to produce the central narrow component observed in the Doppler velocity spectra and its dependence on star latitude generally follows that of the wind velocity with the exception of an omni-present depression near the poles. In particular, large equatorial expansion velocities produce a flared disc or a ring of effective emissivity and mass loss. The effect on the determination of the orientation of the star axis of radial velocity gradients, and possibly competing rotation and expansion in the equatorial disc, is discussed. In general,the flux of matter is found to reach a broad maximum at distances of the order of 500 AU from the star.Arguments are given that may be used to favour one wind velocity distribution over another. As a result of the improved quality of the data, a deeper understanding of the constraints imposed on morphology and kinematics has been obtained.  相似文献   
两类La Nia季节演变过程的海气耦合特征对比   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
利用1951—2010年逐月的HadISST海表温度资料、SODA次表层海温资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料等,对比分析了东太平洋(EP型)La Nia和中太平洋(CP型)La Nia的海气耦合特征在季节演变过程中的差异。EP La Nia海表温度异常中心在发展年夏季出现于南美沿岸,随后向西移动,盛期最大海表温度异常中心位于赤道东太平洋,而CP La Nia海温异常中心少动,基本维持在160°W附近,其强度更强,持续时间更长。受海温分布形态影响,热带大气对两类La Nia的响应非常不同,成熟期间CP型在中太平洋偏旱的强度和范围比EP型大,且略偏西。发展年夏、秋季,北半球位势高度响应较弱;冬季,负PNA位相易伴随两类La Nia出现,但异常活动中心的位置和强度不同,在北大西洋其大气响应几乎相反,这些差异会引起显著不同的区域气候异常。  相似文献   
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