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探讨利用SCIAMACHY数据反演温室气体二氧化碳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自工业革命以来CO2已经成为引起全球气候变暖的一种最主要的人为温室气体,由此引起的全球气候变化是当今社会经济可持续发展面临的最严峻挑战之一.为了更好的研究二氧化碳在时间与空间尺度上的格局及变化,综合分析CO2与太阳辐射、地面反照率、气溶胶等要素之间的关系,本文回顾了以往利用新型卫星传感器获取多源遥感数据的特点,分析了多种反演计算方法的优缺点,并结合地面实测数据进行对比分析的方法与理论,全面阐述国际上有关CO2柱浓度反演的思想.作者认为目前在地面观测站较少的情况下,针对先进的SCIAMACHY传感器数据利用DOAS相关算法及BESD算法进行CO2柱体浓度反演的数据连续,技术成熟,并由此提出了下一步工作中应解决的3个问题.  相似文献   
In-situ OH measurements by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy and folded long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) were carried out in a rural environment in North-East Germany as part of the field experiment POPCORN in August 1994. The large set of OH data obtained allowed an intercomparison of both techniques based on relative diurnal profiles and simultaneously measured absolute concentrations. Most of the time the two OH instruments encountered the same air and agreed well in the measured relative diurnal variations. Only on a few occasions the measurements significantly disagreed due to a perturbation of the DOAS measurements by a local OH source in the north-western wind sector. Excluding data from this wind direction, the statistical analysis of 137 data pairs yields a correlation coefficient of r = 0.90 and a weighted linear fit with a slope of 1.09 ± 0.12. The correlations are carefully analyzed. The comparison of both instruments is discussed in the light of newly published effective absorption cross-sections for H2O and O2 that affect the calibration of LIF.  相似文献   
闫欢欢  王后茂  王维和  张兴赢 《遥感学报》2021,25(11):2326-2338
火山喷发产生的高浓度SO2气体及其远距离输送会对全球气候变化和航空飞行安全产生重要影响。卫星遥感技术以大面积连续观测、高时空分辨率等优势成为大气SO2监测的重要手段之一。作为中国第一颗紫外可见光波段的高光谱载荷,高分五号卫星大气痕量气体差分吸收光谱仪(GF-5 EMI)通过探测地球大气或表面反射、散射的紫外辐射来解析SO2总量的分布和变化。本文首先基于大气辐射传输模型SCIATRAN,选择中低纬地区地表类型均一的海洋区域像元,模拟了典型大气条件下的晴空天顶反照率,用以评价EMI载荷天顶观测光谱的精度。其次,基于TROPOMI L1 Radiance辐亮度数据和DOAS反演原理,经477 nm O4云筛选、光谱定标、慢变剔除、斜柱转垂直柱等步骤后,获得同一火山喷发区域的SO2总量反演结果并与TROPOMI官方offline L2 SO2产品进行对比分析。最后,利用GF-5 EMI UV-2通道观测数据,采用DOAS算法反演获得GF-5 EMI大气SO2总量,并将反演结果与国际同类载荷S5P/TROPOMI SO2总量结果进行比较分析,评判GF-5 EMI在全球火山活动SO2变化监测方面的能力。结果显示,300—400 nm波段范围内,海洋区域采样点EMI观测光谱值低于SCIATRAN模拟光谱值,EMI与TROPOMI观测光谱呈现出相似的系统性偏差。基于高空间高光谱分辨率的TROPOMI L1 Radiance辐亮度数据、315—327 nm、325—335 nm和360—390 nm共3个波段窗口、以及上述DOAS反演原理获得的SO2结果与TROPOMI官方发布的offline L2 SO2产品结果相关性较高,两者的相关系数可达到0.97—0.99,相对偏差在3%—9%。GF-5 EMI能够获取火山喷发SO2排放的时空分布特征,并与国际同类载荷TROPOMI反演结果具有较高的空间一致性,能够满足全球火山喷发监测、预警及其气候影响研究的应用需求。  相似文献   
The use of satellite data in combination with ground-based measurements can provide valuable information about atmospheric chemistry and air quality. In this study, ground-based Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) measurements of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) conducted in central Mexico are compared with the space-borne Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) dataset of 2006-2011. Ground-based measurements exhibited large day-to-day variations and were on average three times higher than the space-borne derived average over the observation site. This difference is attributed to strong horizontal inhomogeneity of the lower layer of the measured NO2 columns, sampled over a large footprint from the satellite instrument. Also, a reduced sensitivity of the satellite observation near the surface, where the largest concentrations are expected, could be responsible for this large discrepancy. From the analyzed OMI dataset, distribution maps of NO2 above central Mexico were reconstructed, allowing to identify three main areas with increased NO2 column densities: The dominating metropolitan area of Mexico City, the heavily industrialized region of Tula to the north and the Cuernavaca valley to the south. In this analysis, seasonal variability of NO2 columns over central Mexico was detected, finding higher NO2 columns during the dry and cold season, followed by the dry and warm period, and finally the lowest NO2 columns were found during the rainy season. Pollution transport of this gas from Tula into Mexico City, as well as towards the Cuernavaca valley, is evident from this dataset.  相似文献   
对流层NO2柱浓度卫星遥感反演综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈良富  韩冬  陶金花  苏林 《遥感学报》2009,13(3):354-362
NO2是主要的大气痕量气体, 对流层NO2垂直柱密度分布图已经用于诸如污染排放和污染物分布的科学应用研究。就NO2柱浓度的卫星差分光谱吸收反演算法(DOAS)进行了评述, 包括误差分析、验证和发展趋势。对DOAS算法中的主要技术环节进行了详细的阐述, 如ring效应算法、平流层NO2浓度算法和大气质量因子(AMF)问题。论文描述了影响卫星反演NO2浓度, 如云、NO2廓线的先验数据和气溶胶等不确定性因素。针对NO2反演应用需求提出了今后应该加强的内容, 如进一步加强NO2算法研究、发展空气质量探测的静止卫星、重视基于地基多轴被动DOAS和机载平台成像DAOS观测对卫星反演结果的验证。  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of 7 years (Aug. 1999–Oct. 2006) of SO2 gas measurements during the ongoing eruption of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. From 2004 onwards, the operation of scanning spectrometers has furnished high temporal resolution measurements of SO2 flux, enabling this dataset to be correlated with other datasets, including seismicity. The emission rate of SO2 during this period ranges from less than 100 to 35,000 tonnes/day (t d− 1) with a mean daily emission rate of 1458 t d− 1 and a standard deviation of ± 2026 t d− 1. Average daily emissions during inferred explosive phases are about 1.75 times greater than during passive degassing intervals. The total amount of sulfur emitted since 1999 is estimated as at least 1.91 Mt, mostly injected into the troposphere and carried westwards from the volcano. Our observations suggest that the rate of passive degassing at Tungurahua requires SO2 exsolution of an andesitic magma volume that is two orders of magnitude larger than expected for the amount of erupted magma. Two possible, and not mutually exclusive, mechanisms are considered here to explain this excess degassing: gas flow through a permeable stagnant-magma-filled conduit and gas escape from convective magma overturning in the conduit. We have found that real-time gas monitoring contributes significantly to better eruption forecasting at Tungurahua, because it has provided improved understanding of underlying physical mechanisms of magma ascent and eruption.  相似文献   
搭载于“高分五号”(GF-5)卫星上的痕量气体差分吸收光谱仪(EMI)是一台星下观测的高光谱载荷,测量紫外和可见光光谱范围的地球后向散射辐射,设计用于大气痕量气体的探测。本研究基于EMI在VIS1通道的实测光谱,利用差分光学吸收光谱(DOAS)方法进行了对流层NO2柱浓度反演,展示了基于EMI载荷的对流层NO2柱浓度反演结果,与同类载荷产品进行交叉验证,并利用地基观测结果进行了地基验证。研究表明,EMI反演结果与OMI、TROPOMI具有较好的空间分布一致性和较低的相对偏差,与TROPOMI具有较好的时间变化一致性。地面验证结果表明EMI NO2反演结果具有较高的精度。本研究证明了EMI在全球NO2监测方面的能力,可以为中国后续污染气体探测载荷的设计和反演算法的开发提供参考。  相似文献   
结合2类大气成分观测仪器的技术特点,对OPSIS AB DOAS系统和Thermo SCIENTIFIC EMS系统分别监测的南京郊区2009年冬季和2010年春季O3、NO2、SO2质量浓度数据进行了质量控制和分析对比,简要分析了这3种气体浓度的季节变化特征.对2009年秋季分别采用2种仪器观测的南京城区和郊区的污染情况进行了对比,分析了城郊差异.结果表明:2套系统对相同气体的测量结果相关性较好,DOAS系统的测量值受大气中水汽和气溶胶影响较大,普遍高于EMS系统,绝对值相差范围在14%~25%之间;南京郊区冬季大气中SO2和NO2质量浓度较高,O3质量浓度较低,春季反之;NO2质量浓度曲线与O3呈负相关;秋季城区NO2质量浓度较高,日变化呈双峰型,郊区呈单峰型;城郊O3日变化均呈单峰型,城区日变化幅度较大;SO2日变化在城区呈单峰型,在郊区呈双峰型.  相似文献   
大气痕量气体差分吸收光谱仪EMI( Environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument)是搭载在“高分五号”(GF-5)卫星上的覆盖紫外—可见光波段的光谱仪,用于测量240—710 nm波长范围内的地球后向散射和太阳辐射,旨在量化全球对流层和平流层痕量气体的分布,如臭氧、二氧化氮等。本文关注EMI载荷对大气弱痕量气体甲醛(HCHO)的探测能力,并基于实测数据初步评估EMI HCHO产品的探测能力与精度。研究结果表明EMI的辐照度波长校准精度高,但在不同行之间存在较大的不均匀性,其波长校正的精度与仪器的狭缝函数高度依赖行位置的变化。基于EMI的HCHO反演的结果表明,EMI UV2频段的标称信噪比较低,使得利用差分吸收光谱技术(DOAS)得到的HCHO斜柱浓度SCD(Slant Column Density)存在较大的随机误差和拟合残差。现阶段,评估得到的EMI HCHO斜柱浓度的不确定性为1.2×1016 molec./cm2。与国际同类载荷TROPOMI(TROPospheric Ozone Monitoring Instrument)、OMI(Ozone Monitoring Instrument)的交叉对比验证结果表明,EMI可以捕捉到中国地区夏季HCHO的空间分布特征。EMI & TROPOMI与EMI & OMI的相关系数均大于0.8。但是在华东地区EMI HCHO普遍高于OMI和TROPOMI,其原因需要进一步研究。本文的研究证明了EMI对夏季HCHO的探测潜力及不足,可为后续类似载荷的指标设计和算法研发提供参考。  相似文献   
南京北郊冬季大气SO2、NO2和O3的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用差分吸收光谱仪DOAS(differential optical absorption spectroscopy),对2007年11月—2008年1月南京北郊大气SO2、NO2和O3进行了观测。结合Parsivel降水粒子谱仪和自动气象站的资料,对冬季大气污染气体的浓度变化规律及降水和风速风向对其的影响进行了分析。结果表明,南京北郊大气SO2浓度较高,呈明显双峰特征,分别在12时(北京时,下同)和00时达最大,受附近排放源的影响最大,东风及南风时比静风时SO2浓度更高。降水对SO2湿清除效果明显,清除系数平均为0.168 h-1。NO2气体呈明显单峰特征,在18时达最高值。南京北郊是NO2源区之一,主要受附近高速公路汽车尾气排放源的影响。静风时NO2浓度最高。O3浓度受NO2的影响较明显。O3日变化呈单峰特征,在15时达最大值,静风时O3浓度最低。降水对O3的间接影响较明显,在降水时,白天由于太阳辐射较弱,O3浓度降低;夜晚NO浓度较低,使得O3浓度升高。  相似文献   
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