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利用实时路况数据聚类方法检测城市交通拥堵点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 城市交通拥堵严重制约其网络总体效率。开展检测交通拥堵点可有效识别网络瓶颈,以整治交通拥堵现象。对此,本文提出一种新的城市交通时空拥堵点检测的方法:即采用实时路况数据,通过定义时空关联,检测时空意义上长期性、规律性交通拥堵点。本文基于DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)算法,以成都市为试验区,实现了这种拥堵点检测方法。试验表明,该方法可快速、有效、准确地检测出城市道路严重拥堵路段,并确定其拥堵时空范围,为交通管理、交通拥堵机理分析、交通拥堵预测等提供参考。  相似文献   
定位精度是评价雷电定位网络的重要指标之一,定位算法直接影响雷电探测结果的精度。雷电监测系统探测数据误差不可避免,传统定位算法不具备抗误差干扰能力,迭代计算易发散,定位结果精度不高。为了满足实际应用需求,提出一种新的雷电定位算法DG-LLA(DBSCAN and grid-search lighting location algorithm),在定位计算中引入DBSCAN(density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise)方法与网格搜索方法。通过仿真与国家雷电监测网实际定位结果对比分析定位算法性能。结果表明:到达时间差(time difference of arrival,TDOA)法和Taylor级数展开法定位误差较大,仿真区域的均方根误差分别为982 m和668 m;定位中引入DBSCAN方法后,均方根误差明显减小为406 m,引入DBSCAN方法和网格搜索方法后,均方根误差减小为349 m;在相同回击数据条件下,算法DG-LLA与国家雷电监测网相比定位数量更多,回击数据的利用率从43.4%提升到51.5%,新增定位结果周围雷达回波特征较强,定位精度更高。  相似文献   
Spatially and temporally accurate event detection is a precondition for exploring the mechanisms of climate extremes. To achieve this, a classical unsupervised machine learning method, the DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) clustering algorithm, was employed in the present study. Furthermore, the authors developed a 3D (longitude–latitude–time) DBSCAN-based workflow for event detection of targeted climate extremes and associated analysis of parameter sensitivity. The authors applied this 3D DBSCAN-based workflow in the detection of the 2022 summertime Yangtze extreme heatwave and drought based on the ERA5 reanalysis dataset. The heatwave and drought were found to have different development and migration patterns. Synoptic-scale heatwave extremes appeared over the northern Pacific Ocean at the end of June, extended southwestwards, and covered almost the entire Yangtze River Basin in mid-August. By contrast, a seasonal-scale drought occurred in mid-July over the continental area adjacent to the Bay of Bengal, moved northeastwards, and occupied the entire Yangtze River Basin in mid-September. Event detection can provide new insight into climate mechanisms while considering patterns of occurrence, development, and migration. In addition, the authors also performed a detailed parameter sensitivity analysis for better understanding of the algorithm application and result uncertainties.摘要极端气候事件的精准识别是机理分析的重要前提. 本研究借助无监督机器学习中经典的DBSCAN密度聚类算法, 发展了在三维 (经度-纬度-时间) 空间内进行目标事件识别和参数敏感性分析的研究方案. 在2022年长江全域高温伏秋旱事件识别中的应用表明, 本次天气尺度极端热浪和季节尺度重旱事件的产生发展, 空间传播模式不同. 天气尺度热浪信号自6月底从北太平洋向西南方向延伸, 直至8月中旬覆盖长江全域; 季节重旱信号于7月中旬从孟加拉湾陆面区域向东北向延伸, 直至9月中旬覆盖长江全域. 同时, 本研究中亦进行了相关参数敏感性的详细分析, 对算法应用, 结果理解亦有帮助.  相似文献   
A convective and stratiform cloud classification method for weather radar is proposed based on the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm. To identify convective and stratiform clouds in different developmental phases, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) models are proposed by applying reflectivity factors at 0.5° and at 0.5°, 1.5°, and 2.4° elevation angles, respectively. According to the thresholds of the algorithm, which include echo intensity, the echo top height of 35 dBZ (ET), density threshold, and ε neighborhood, cloud clusters can be marked into four types: deep-convective cloud (DCC), shallow-convective cloud (SCC), hybrid convective-stratiform cloud (HCS), and stratiform cloud (SFC) types. Each cloud cluster type is further identified as a core area and boundary area, which can provide more abundant cloud structure information. The algorithm is verified using the volume scan data observed with new-generation S-band weather radars in Nanjing, Xuzhou, and Qingdao. The results show that cloud clusters can be intuitively identified as core and boundary points, which change in area continuously during the process of convective evolution, by the improved DBSCAN algorithm. Therefore, the occurrence and disappearance of convective weather can be estimated in advance by observing the changes of the classification. Because density thresholds are different and multiple elevations are utilized in the 3D model, the identified echo types and areas are dissimilar between the 2D and 3D models. The 3D model identifies larger convective and stratiform clouds than the 2D model. However, the developing convective clouds of small areas at lower heights cannot be identified with the 3D model because they are covered by thick stratiform clouds. In addition, the 3D model can avoid the influence of the melting layer and better suggest convective clouds in the developmental stage.  相似文献   
针对基于机器学习的滑坡易发性评价中非滑坡样本选取不规范导致的分类精度较低问题,本文提出联合基于密度的噪声应用空间聚类(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise,DBSCAN)采样策略和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)分类方法的DBSCAN-SVM滑坡易发性评价模型。首先,基于DBSCAN聚类和空间分析选取非滑坡样本;然后,将样本数据代入SVM分类模型进行训练与验证,预测并提取SVM分类中属于滑坡的概率,获得滑坡易发性;最后,以四川省绵阳市为试验区,预测滑坡易发性概率,基于滑坡易发性精度与分级结果等要素,与传统非滑坡样本采集策略的SVM滑坡易发性评价模型进行对比,并结合实际情况对DBSCAN-SVM模型评价结果进行分析。研究结果表明,相比传统SVM滑坡易发性评价模型,本文提出的DBSCAN-SVM滑坡易发性评价模型在高易发区和极高易发区中包含的滑坡样本数量较多,准确率、召回率、AUC、F1分数均得到提高,精度较高。  相似文献   
针对传统上单独采用K-means或DBSCAN等方法对共享单车位置数据聚类时造成的聚类结果与真实的聚类结构不符的问题,本文提出了一种基于共享单车时空大数据的细粒度聚类方法(FGCM).该方法通过DBSCAN进行初始聚类,并在此基础上采用GMM-EM算法进行细部聚类,以提取细粒度层级的热点区域.试验表明,该方法可根据密度...  相似文献   
李璇  赵大军 《探矿工程》2021,48(S1):47-51
论文针对地质勘探取心工况复杂、钻进深度大、事故发生率高、岩性复杂、钻进参数难以获取、无法实时掌握钻进状态的难题,在充分调研现有工况识别技术的采集原理、功能种类、现场实测的基础上,结合钻探智能化、自动化的发展方向,运用硬件与软件结合的思想,设计了实时测量钻探参数的方案。论文首次提出使用DBSCAN(针对噪声空间基于分布密度进行聚类的算法)密度聚类法分析钻进参数,结合光电编码器增量的正负性进行工况判别,以获取钻头位置以及钻孔深度。该方案可以判别钻进状态,获取钻进工艺参数,将测量数据作为所钻地层的可钻参数来反演地层。钻机的自动化、智能化研究能获取大量地层资料,有利于推进钻进工艺学发展,实现从经验钻探到智能钻探进的突破。同时,为智能钻进系统奠定基础。  相似文献   
In a spatio-temporal data set, identifying spatio-temporal clusters is difficult because of the coupling of time and space and the interference of noise. Previous methods employ either the window scanning technique or the spatio-temporal distance technique to identify spatio-temporal clusters. Although easily implemented, they suffer from the subjectivity in the choice of parameters for classification. In this article, we use the windowed kth nearest (WKN) distance (the geographic distance between an event and its kth geographical nearest neighbour among those events from which to the event the temporal distances are no larger than the half of a specified time window width [TWW]) to differentiate clusters from noise in spatio-temporal data. The windowed nearest neighbour (WNN) method is composed of four steps. The first is to construct a sequence of TWW factors, with which the WKN distances of events can be computed at different temporal scales. Second, the appropriate values of TWW (i.e. the appropriate temporal scales, at which the number of false positives may reach the lowest value when classifying the events) are indicated by the local maximum values of densities of identified clustered events, which are calculated over varying TWW by using the expectation-maximization algorithm. Third, the thresholds of the WKN distance for classification are then derived with the determined TWW. In the fourth step, clustered events identified at the determined TWW are connected into clusters according to their density connectivity in geographic–temporal space. Results of simulated data and a seismic case study showed that the WNN method is efficient in identifying spatio-temporal clusters. The novelty of WNN is that it can not only identify spatio-temporal clusters with arbitrary shapes and different spatio-temporal densities but also significantly reduce the subjectivity in the classification process.  相似文献   
夜间经济是一个城市经济发展和消费水平的重要表征。目前国内外研究者对夜间经济的研究多停留在理论层面,或基于市场调研和问卷调查的小范围精细化研究。本文融合多源数据为夜间经济提供了新的视角,相较于传统的调查数据,具有更加快速、高效、广泛的特点,适合于夜间经济大范围研究。本文基于夜间灯光、POI、OD流等多源数据,采用DBSCAN、K-Means++等空间聚类算法和研究供需关系的盈亏法,分别从消费者角度和商户角度识别厦门市夜间活动热点区域和夜间服务设施分布区域,分析厦门市夜间经济时空分布格局及相关性。研究表明:① 厦门市夜间活动在空间上呈多环状分布并向四周递减,夜间活动热点区域分布受假期的影响因地而异;② 厦门市部分区域已有服务设施未能很好地服务于夜间经济,现有的照明、夜景等夜间灯光基础设施存在供给不足之处;③ 居住人口密度与夜间活动密度呈中度正相关,研究结果具有有效性,夜间服务设施盈亏值及数量、夜间灯光与夜间活动密度呈中、弱度相关,并且餐饮设施更加依赖于夜间灯光。最后,为厦门市未来夜间经济建设提出了根据不同的消费人群和心理提供不同的夜间服务、加强夜间灯光基础设施建设以及市场扶持的举措。研究结论对促进社会就业、增强基础设施使用率有积极意义,同时也能够为城市夜间经济发展和政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   
何源浩  魏海平  周烨  王艳涛 《测绘工程》2016,25(5):47-51,55
车辆行驶轨迹是驾驶员主观意愿和路网客观约束综合作用的结果,从海量轨迹中挖掘兴趣区域可为车辆提供更深层次、更有效的位置服务。文中深入分析车辆GPS轨迹特征,在基于时间的聚类算法中引入路网约束,实现车辆GPS轨迹的兴趣点提取和噪点剔除,基于DBSCAN算法生成兴趣区域,采用Google Geocoding反向地理编码发掘并合并语义重复区域,在语义层次上实现兴趣区域提取。实验表明,该算法可在语义层次有效提取兴趣区域。  相似文献   
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