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北京地区大气污染分布的“南北两重天”现象   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用2006年北京地区空气质量监测站和自动气象站网资料,以及华北地区中尺度气象观测资料,分析了北京地区大气污染分布的“南北两重天”现象.通过对此类现象发生过程中天气形势和北京地区气象要素的分析,指出了造成该现象的天气学成因和气象要素特征.研究结果表明,2006年北京共发生47次“南北两重天”现象,其中大部分发生在秋、冬季的午夜至次日上午,且多为南差北好的污染物分布情景.该现象的发生与北京地区中-α尺度天气系统活动的一些特征有关,特别是与干冷空气进入北京地区的路径以及移动速度的区域差异有关.另外,在弱天气系统控制下,北京西南部地区经常出现的小尺度辐合型流场,也是形成北京地区“南北两重天”现象的重要原因.  相似文献   
秦思婷  田广  吕良冀  杨莎莎 《地质通报》2015,34(6):1065-1076
澳大利亚世纪(Century)铅锌矿床赋存于中元古代劳恩希尔组页岩和粉砂岩中。矿化主要为细粒闪锌矿,其次为方铅矿和黄铁矿。大部分硫化物(80%~90%)在黑色页岩单元中以易碎的交代层状出现,被富菱铁矿粉砂岩层隔开。矿化具有2个大尺度的变化趋势,在白蚁圈断层由北东至南西,Zn品位显著降低,由南东至北西,Zn品位略有降低。层状闪锌矿主要有2种结构,多孔闪锌矿的焦沥青含量较高,无孔闪锌矿焦沥青含量较低。S同位素研究显示,整个成矿流体系统是一个封闭的储层,重S在变形与成矿事件中进一步富集。世纪矿床由变形作用驱使流体迁移到异常高压(压实作用下的)页岩层位时,页岩容矿的矿化作用形成。较热的富含金属的流体和较深盆地的卤水,使得有机质迅速成熟,最终导致硫酸盐的还原和贱金属的沉淀。  相似文献   
The Lawn Hill circular structure in northwest Queensland contains unambiguous evidence of an extraterrestrial impact, including planar deformation features in quartz, impact diamonds, widespread shatter cone formation and impact melt breccia in the Mesoproterozoic basement. The question of its relevance to ore genesis is investigated because the world-class Century Zn – Pb deposit is situated at the conjunction of the 100+ km Termite Range Fault and the previously defined margin of the impact structure. The impact structure is considered to be a 19.5 km wide feature, this constrained in part by the outer margin of an annulus of brecciated and highly contorted limestone. New evidence is presented indicating impact into this Cambrian limestone, including: (i) ‘dykes’ of brecciated Cambrian limestone extending hundreds of metres into the Mesoproterozoic basement; (ii) highly contorted bedding in the limestone annulus compared with essentially undeformed limestone away from the impact site; as well as (iii) a 1 Mt megaclast of Mesoproterozoic Century-like ore suspended in the limestone. Through aerial photograph analysis, large-scale convoluted flow structures within the limestone are identified, and these are interpreted to indicate that parts of the Cambrian sequence may have been soft or only semi-consolidated at the time of impact. This highly contorted limestone bedding is suggested to represent slump-filling of an annular trough in response to impact-induced partial liquefaction of a sediment veneer. The age of impact is therefore considered to be concurrent with limestone formation during the Ordian to early Templetonian, at 520 – 510 Ma. Formation of the Century deposit is found to be unrelated to impact-generated hydrothermal activity, although some minor hydrothermal remobilisation of metals occurred. However, there was macro-scale remobilisation of gigantic ore fragments driven by impact-induced lateral and vertical injection of limestone into the Proterozoic sediments. The limestone-filled annular trough surrounds a 7.8 km diameter central uplift, consistent with formation of a complex crater morphology.  相似文献   
20世纪西北地区降水量变化特征   总被引:126,自引:17,他引:126  
宋连春  张存杰 《冰川冻土》2003,25(2):143-148
利用英国东安哥拉大学气候研究中心(CRU)的Hulme最新的1900-1998年的全球降水量资料,分析了20世纪西北地区降水量的变化特征.结果表明,20世纪西北地区降水量处于下降通道中,后期略有回升;西北地区东部和西部降水量的年代际变化有相反的趋势;20世纪后期西北地区中西部降水量有明显的增多趋势,东部降水量持续偏少,干旱连年发生.  相似文献   
21世纪海上丝绸之路建设在海洋经济活动、海上综合保障等方面对海洋科技领域提出了新命题。在分析我国海洋技术优势领域的基础上,围绕科技创新政策伙伴关系、培育创新品牌、推进海洋经济和产业发展等方面,深入阐述了海洋科技领域在21世纪海上丝绸之路建设中的支撑作用,同时提出具体工作思路。  相似文献   
一次陕西关中强暴雨环境条件及中尺度系统分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综合利用T213再分析资料和高时空分辨率观测资料包括地面区域逐时加密观测资料,对2007年8月8—9日陕西关中特大暴雨过程的环境条件和中尺度系统进行了分析。天气学分析表明:500 h Pa西太平洋副热带高压和青藏高原高压形成的高压坝在陕西中部断裂形成东北—西南向切变线、250 h Pa西风急流入口区右侧发散场和700 h Pa东西向切变线相互配合是特大暴雨形成的有利环境条件;低层风向快速变化使关中暴雨区低空水汽经历了减小—突然增加—快速减小的过程,关中周围水汽通过偏东气流输送至暴雨区为暴雨的发生提供了水汽和位势不稳定条件,而水汽的快速变化又形成关中暴雨的突发性和历时短而强的特征;高空反气旋涡度的发展形成强烈的"抽吸作用"、双圈垂直次级环流和强垂直上升运动及其两侧的弱下沉运动形成的不对称结构是暴雨形成的动力机制。强降水的中尺度特征分析显示:强暴雨是由一个中α尺度对流系统(MαCS)的发生发展产生的,MαCS又是由2个中β尺度对流系统(MβCS)合并发展而成,其内部对流单体的发展合并和独立加强形成岐山、礼泉和高陵3个大暴雨中心,这些对流单体的发展是由地面中尺度辐合系统产生的,强降水的强弱与地面中尺度辐合系统的强弱有很好的对应关系,地面中尺度辐合系统的形成和加强可能是强降水的触发机制和增幅原因之一。  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with an example of quantitative modelling of orebody formation as a guide to reducing the risk for future mineral exploration. Specifically, the paper presents a detailed 3–D numerical model for the formation of the Century zinc deposit in northern Queensland. The model couples fluid flow with deformation, thermal transport and chemical reactions. The emphasis of the study is a systems approach where the holistic mineralising system is considered rather than concentrating solely on the mineral deposit. In so doing the complete plumbing system for mineralisation is considered with a view to specifying the critical conditions responsible for the ore deposit occurring where it does and having the size and metal grades that are observed. The numerical model is based on detailed geological, tectonic, isotopic and mineralogical data collected over the past 20 years. The conclusions are that the Century zinc deposit is located where it is because of the following factors: (i) a thermal anomaly is associated with the Termite Range Fault due to advection of heat from depth by fluid flow up the Termite Range Fault; (ii) bedding‐plane fissility in the shale rocks hosting the Century zinc deposit has controlled the wavelength and nature of D1 folding in the vicinity of the deposit and has also controlled increases in permeability due to hydrofracture of the shales; such hydrofracture is also associated with the production of hydrocarbons as these shales passed through the ‘oil‐window’; (iii) Pb–Zn leached from crustal rocks in the stratigraphic column migrated up along faults normal to the Termite Range Fault driven by topographic relief associated with inversion at the end of the Isan Orogeny; these fluids mixed with H2S derived at depth moving up the Termite Range Fault to mix with the crustal fluids to precipitate Pb–Zn in a plume downstream from the point of mixing. Critical factors to be used as exploration guides are high temperatures, carbonaceous fissile shales now folded into relatively tight D1 folds, fault‐controlled plumbing systems that enable fluid mixing, depletion of metals upstream of the deposit and,in particular,a very wide Fe‐depletion halo upstream of the deposit.  相似文献   
2011年7月29日山西大暴雨过程的多尺度特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料、红外辐射亮温(TBB)、多普勒雷达和气柱水汽总量等资料,对2011年7月28-29日发生在山西境内的区域性暴雨进行多尺度特征分析。结果表明:(1)乌拉尔山阻高崩溃,西风槽东移、副高进退是此次暴雨发生的环流特征;(2)850 hPa低涡切变和700 hPa暖式切变线及地面冷锋是暴雨发生的中α尺度触发系统;(3)〉30 dBZ的雷达回波呈南北向位于地面冷锋与700 hPa切变线之间,雷达回波随地面冷锋和700 hPa切变线的东移而东移;(4)低空低涡切变受500 hPa强盛西南气流的引导向东北移动,暴雨落区始终与低涡切变相伴随;(5)暴雨过程山西境内共有9个中β尺度对流云团活动,山西西南部的暴雨主要由5个中β尺度对流云团的相继移入并在自动站极大风速风场切变线附近触发对流发展所致;山西东南部的大暴雨则是3个中β尺度对流云团合并发展的结果,中γ尺度气旋是导致局地大暴雨发生的直接影响系统;(6)暴雨发生在气柱水汽总量空间分布图中水汽锋的南部和东部及靠近气柱水汽总量的大值区一侧,水汽锋的形成比降水开始提前17 h,比暴雨发生提前24 h以上,对暴雨的短期、短时预报有指示意义。  相似文献   
秦思婷  田广  吕良冀  杨莎莎 《地质通报》2015,34(06):1065-1076
澳大利亚世纪(Century)铅锌矿床赋存于中元古代劳恩希尔组页岩和粉砂岩中。矿化主要为细粒闪锌矿,其次为方铅矿和黄铁矿。大部分硫化物(80%~90%)在黑色页岩单元中以易碎的交代层状出现,被富菱铁矿粉砂岩层隔开。矿化具有2个大尺度的变化趋势,在白蚁圈断层由北东至南西,Zn品位显著降低,由南东至北西,Zn品位略有降低。层状闪锌矿主要有2种结构,多孔闪锌矿的焦沥青含量较高,无孔闪锌矿焦沥青含量较低。S同位素研究显示,整个成矿流体系统是一个封闭的储层,重S在变形与成矿事件中进一步富集。世纪矿床由变形作用驱使流体迁移到异常高压(压实作用下的)页岩层位时,页岩容矿的矿化作用形成。较热的富含金属的流体和较深盆地的卤水,使得有机质迅速成熟,最终导致硫酸盐的还原和贱金属的沉淀。  相似文献   
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