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Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for the period of 1957-2001, the climatological seasonal transition features of large-scale vertically integrated moisture transport (VIMT) in the Asian-Australian monsoon region are investigated in this paper. The basic features of the seasonal transition of VIMT from winter to summer are the establishment of the summertime "great moisture river" pattern (named the GMR pattern) and its eastward expansion, associated with a series of climatological events which occurred in some "key periods", which include the occurrence of the notable southerly VIMT over the Indochina Peninsula in mid March, the activity of the low VIMT vortex around Sri Lanka in late April, and the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon in mid May, among others. However, during the transition from summer to winter, the characteristics are mainly exhibited by the establishment of the easterly VIMT belt located in the tropical area, accompanied by some events occurring in "key periods". Further analyses disclose a great difference between the Indian and East Asian monsoon regions when viewed from the meridional migration of the westerly VIMT during the seasonal change process, according to which the Asian monsoon region can be easily divided into two parts along the western side of the Indochina Peninsula and it may also denote different formation mechanisms between the two regions.  相似文献   
利用地球系统模式(CESM)开展过去2000年气候模拟试验,在利用观测资料、再分析资料对模拟资料进行检验的基础上,探讨百年时间尺度上亚澳夏季风降水的时、空变化特征及其成因,对于认识百年尺度气候变化规律、定量区分自然因子和人类活动对亚澳夏季风的影响具有重要意义。结果表明:过去2000年亚澳夏季风降水和温度的波动较为一致,暖期降水多,冷期降水少。两者相关系数为0.83,达到99%置信度。此外,亚澳夏季风降水存在105、130、180 a的百年尺度周期。亚澳夏季风降水经验正交函数分解第一模态在印度洋北部呈南北反向的分布型态,在东亚地区呈负、正、负的分布型态;第二模态在印度洋北部呈正、负、正的分布型态,在东亚地区呈全区一致型的分布型态。经验正交函数分解第一特征向量和第二特征向量的正、负值中心大多出现在印度洋北部地区,南北呈不对称分布。亚澳夏季风降水的105 a周期主要受火山活动和土地利用/覆盖的影响,130 a周期主要受太阳辐射、气候系统内部变率的影响,180 a周期主要受火山活动的影响。从经验正交函数分解第一特征向量来看,整个亚澳夏季风降水主要受土地利用/覆盖、太阳辐射的影响;第二特征向量表...  相似文献   
Seasonal prediction of Asian-Australian monsoon (A-AM) precipitation is one of the most important and challenging tasks in climate prediction. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of Grid Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG (GAMIL) on retrospective prediction of the A-AM interannual variation (IAV), and determine to what extent GAMIL can capture the two major observed modes of A-AM rainfall IAV for the period 1979-2003. The first mode is associated with the turnabout of warming (cooling) in the Nifio 3.4 region, whereas the second mode leads the warming/cooling by about one year, signaling precursory conditions for ENSO.
We show that the GAMIL one-month lead prediction of the seasonal precipitation anomalies is primarily able to capture major features of the two observed leading modes of the IAV, with the first mode better predicted than the second. It also depicts the relationship between the first mode and ENSO rather well. On the other hand, the GAMIL has deficiencies in capturing the relationship between the second mode and ENSO. We conclude: (1) successful reproduction of the E1 Nifio-excited monsoon-ocean interaction and E1 Nifio forcing may be critical for the seasonal prediction of the A-AM rainfall IAV with the GAMIL; (2) more efforts are needed to improve the simulation not only in the Nifio 3.4 region but also in the joining area of Asia and the Indian-Pacific Ocean; (3) the selection of a one-tier system may improve the ultimate prediction of the A-AM rainfall IAV. These results offer some references for improvement of the GAMIL and associated seasonal prediction skill.  相似文献   
BCC大气环流模式对亚澳季风年际变率主导模态的模拟   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
王璐  周天军  吴统文  吴波 《气象学报》2009,67(6):973-982
利用观测海温驱动下的北京气候中心大气环流模式(BCC-AGCM)1979-2000年的模拟数据,从亚澳季风(A-AM)年际变率的角度,对该模式的性能进行了分析.通过季节依赖的EOF分析方法(SEOF)得到观测第1模态,与ENSO从暖位相向冷位相的转变相联系,并伴随东南印度洋和西北太平洋的降水异常随季节变化.该模态具有准2a和4-6a周期的谱峰.分析结果显示,BCC模式可以很好地模拟出第1模态的时间变化特征,及其与ENSO位相的同步关系.但是,模式模拟的降水空间型与观测存在偏差,这主要是由于模式对环流场模拟的偏差造成的,具体表现在西北太平洋(WNP)反气旋和南印度洋(SIO)反气旋的季节锁相模拟偏差.前者与模式模拟的环流场整体偏东有关,后者是由于SIO反气旋的发展和衰亡过程受印度洋局地海气相瓦作用影响,而单独大气模式则无法合理地反映这一过程.另外,模式模拟的第一模态降水空间型在夏季效果较差,原因在于模式模拟的夏季平均降水量存在偏差,尤其是东南印度洋的降水量模拟偏少.进一步分析表明,这可能与对流参数化方案的选择有关.  相似文献   
张键  李廷勇 《第四纪研究》2018,38(6):1532-1544
亚澳季风主要由东亚季风、印度季风和澳大利亚季风三部分组成。目前,该地区石笋和大气降水δ18O气候意义的最大争议在于到底反映的是降水量变化还是水汽源的变化。针对这一争议,本文选取亚澳季风区的18个大气降水站点和5个洞穴近1 ka石笋记录的δ18O数据进行对比分析,主要得到以下几点认识:1)在月时间尺度上,亚澳季风区大气降水δ18O与月降水量均呈现明显的反相关关系,数学统计结果符合"雨量效应",而实质原因是不同季节水汽源的差异。2)在年际尺度上,在东亚季风区与澳大利亚季风区大气降水δ18O的年加权平均值与年降水量的相关性并不明显,但在印度季风区呈现明显的负相关关系,说明主要受相对单一水汽源影响的印度季风区大气降水中δ18O的年际变化"雨量效应"显著;在受复合水汽源影响的东亚季风与澳大利亚季风区"雨量效应"并不显著。3)在亚澳季风影响的广大地区,各地区年际尺度的大气降水中δ18O变化趋势以及近1 ka洞穴石笋记录δ18O变化趋势均呈现相似的特征,但二者本质并不相同。印度季风区大气降水和石笋δ18O反映的是"雨量效应",但在受复合水汽源影响的东亚季风与澳大利亚季风区大气降水δ18O和石笋δ18O反映的是"环流效应"。  相似文献   
利用1979~2003年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料探讨了亚澳季风区经向气流的季节性分支和结构特征. 结果表明,亚澳季风区经向气流的垂直斜压结构由冬到夏发生季节性转向,即从冬季时的低层北风、高层南风转换为夏季时的低层南风、高层北风. 季节反向的经向气流主体偏向北半球,其区域差异性在对流层中低层更为显著. 以印度半岛和中南半岛为界,亚洲热带季风区中低层经向气流在冬夏季均呈现三通道特征,与此相应,亚澳季风区自西向东存在三支相对独立的经向环流分支,且冬夏季的差异均很显著,如冬季的中心高度自西向东递减、夏季的经向跨度自西向东递增等.  相似文献   
Apparent moisture sink and water vapor transport flux are calculated by using NCAR/NCEP reanalyzed daily data for water vapor and wind fields at various levels from 1980 to 1989. With the aid of EOF analysis method, temporal and spatial characteristics of moisture budgets over Asian and Australian monsoon regions are studied. The results show that there is apparent seasonal transition of moisture sink and water vapor transport between Asian monsoon region and Australian monsoon region. In winter, the Asian monsoon region is a moisture source, in which three cross-equatorial water vapor transport channels in the "continent bridge". at 80°E and 40°E ~ 50°E transport water vapor to the Australian monsoon region and southern Indian Ocean which are moisture sinks. In summer, Australian monsoon region and southern Indian Ocean are moisture sources and by the three cross-equatorial transport channels water vapor is transport to the Asian monsoon region which is a moisture sink. In spring and autumn, ITCZ is the main moisture sink and there is no apparent water vapor transport between Asian monsoon region and Australian monsoon region.  相似文献   
利用1979—2019年Hadley中心的海表温度资料、GPCP的降水资料以及NCEP-DOE的再分析资料等,分析了北半球春季热带南大西洋海表温度异常与北半球夏季亚澳季风区降水异常的联系。研究表明,北半球春季热带南大西洋海表温度异常与随后夏季热带西太平洋到南海(澳大利亚东侧海域到热带东印度洋)地区的降水异常为显著负相关(正相关)关系。北半球春季热带南大西洋的海表温度正异常可以引起热带大西洋和热带太平洋间的异常垂直环流,其中异常上升支(下沉支)位于热带大西洋(热带中太平洋)。热带中太平洋的异常下沉气流和低层辐散气流引起热带中西太平洋低层的异常东风,后者有利于热带中东太平洋海表温度出现负异常。通过Bjerknes正反馈机制,热带中东太平洋海表温度异常从北半球春季到夏季得到发展。热带中东太平洋海表温度负异常激发的Rossby波使得北半球夏季热带西太平洋低层出现一对异常反气旋。此时,850 hPa上热带西太平洋到海洋性大陆地区为显著的异常东风,有利于热带西太平洋到南海(澳大利亚东侧海域到热带东印度洋)地区出现异常的水汽辐散(辐合),导致该地区降水减少(增加)。  相似文献   
文章利用日本GMS所观测的黑体辐射温度TBB资料研究了亚澳季风的季节循环特征,结果表明:TBB资料在相当大的程度上确能反映低中纬环流系统的变化,它不仅再次证实了已有的关于亚澳季风季节进退的认识,并且揭示了一些新的现象,从而给出了一幅亚澳季风系统季节循环的完整图象。另外,文章还就TBB双赤道低值带的形成,以及由TBB资料所反映的亚澳季风之年际异常特征进行了研究。  相似文献   
Based on TBB data from Meteorological Institute Research of Japan, study is carried out of the features of seasonal transition of Asian-Australian monsoons and Asian summer monsoon establishment,indicating that the transition begins as early as in April, followed by abrupt change in May-June; the Asian summer monsoon situation is fully established in June. The winter convective center in Sumatra moved steadily northwestward across the "land bridge" of the maritime continent and the Indo-China Peninsula as time goes from winter to summer, thus giving rise to the change in large scale circulations that is responsible for the summer monsoon establishment over SE Asia and India; the South China Sea to the western Pacific summer monsoon onset bears a close relation to the active convection in the Indo China Peninsula and steady eastward retreat of the subtropical TBB high-value band,corresponding to the western Pacific subtropical high.  相似文献   
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