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Using the relative vorticity averaged over a certain area, a new index for measuring the longitudinal position of the subtropical high (SH) in the western Pacific is proposed to avoid the increasing trend of heights in the previous indices based on geopotential height. The years of extreme westward and eastward extension of SH using the new index are in good agreement with those defined by height index. There exists a distinct difference in large-scale circulation between the eastward and westward extension of SH under the new definition, which includes not only the circulation in the middle latitudes but also the flow in the lower latitudes. It seems that when the SH extends far to the east (west), the summer monsoon in the South China Sea is stronger (weaker) and established earlier (later). In addition, there exists a good relationship between the longitudinal position of SH and the summer rainfall in China. A remarkable negative correlation area appears in the Changjiang River valley, indicating that when the SH extends westward (eastward), the precipitation in that region increases (decreases). A positive correlation region is found in South China, showing the decrease of rainfall when the SH extends westward. On the other hand, the rainfall is heavier when the SH retreats eastward. However, the anomalous longitudinal position of SH is not significantly related to the precipitation in North China. The calculation of correlation coefficients between the index of longitudinal position of SH and surface temperature in China shows that a large area of positive values, higher than 0.6 in the center, covers the whole of North China, even extending eastward to the Korean Peninsula and Japan Islands when using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data to do the correlation calculation. This means that when the longitudinal position of the SH withdraws eastward in summer, the temperature over North China is higher. On the other hand, when it moves westward, the temperature there is lower. This could explain the phenomenon of the seriously high temperatures over North China during recent summers, because the longitudinal position of SH in recent summers was located far away from the Asian continent. Another region with large negative correlation coefficients is found in South China.  相似文献   
黑麦草在净化富营养化水的人工湿地生态工程中的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在人工湿地生态工程中利用黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)净化污水,得到了较好的效果。结果表明:利用黑麦草在冬春季节的生长,可使亚热带地区人工湿地常年运行,黑麦草在3—4月份对水体就有明显的净化作用。在春夏季节,特别在5月份黑麦草可以获得较高的生物量和N、P的积累量,因而净化贡献最大。从产草量方面考虑,延长黑麦草的生长期能获得较高的生物量;从植物体所含营养物质状况和饲用价值看,增加收割次数的黑麦草N、P含量高,饲用价值高;但从黑麦草对污水中N、P的吸收和积累量方面考虑,收割次数过高则不利于黑麦草对污水的净化及N、P的累积。从上述几方面综合考虑,在黑麦草整个生长期收割次数以2.3次为宜。  相似文献   
李淮涛 《地理教学》2008,(10):22-23
在地理教学中,我们会发现有些学生很爱动脑筋,问一些非常好的问题。比如,学生问:“印度北部与我国华南地区纬度相当,为什么印度北部是热带季风气候,而我国华南地区是亚热带季风气候?”“日本的温带季风气候与亚热带季风气候分界线为什么向南弯?”学生能够提出问题,实际上已经产生了发现问题的动机,教师不要直接把答案告诉学生,应该引导他们发现问题,让学生体验探索奥秘并取得成功的经历,  相似文献   
正第一次接触到航空摄影测量这个词是在1992年9月去郑州求学的火车上。说来凑巧,坐在我对面的是现在质管科的罗争光,火车行至河南省境内我们才有一语没一言地搭讪聊了起来。原来我们都去郑州读书,拿出彼此的录取通知单方知居然是同一所学校,不同的只是专业——我是大地测量,而他的就是航空摄影测量。不能否认,在  相似文献   
Microcystis bloom, one of the most objectionable characteristics of eutrophication in tropical and subtropical waters, occurred in Donghu Lake (East lake) of Wuhan every summer from the 1970s up to 1984, but from 1985 up to now failed to occur there. The cause of its disappearance rema-ined in obscurity until recently. In situ enclosure experiments in the lake for three years showed that the stocking of the filter-feeding silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ) and big-head carp (Aristichthys nobilis ) played a decisive role in eliminating Microcystis bloom from the lake; but that recurrence of the bloom is possible under certain conditions. This paper presents the details and the results of enclosure ex-periments. The authors‘ analysis of fish biomass data obtained by echo-sounding and the fishery produc-tion of the lake over the years, revealed that the recurrence of Microcystis bloom can be prevented so long as the combined biomnss of silver carp and big-head carp remains at or exceeds 50 g per cubic meter of lakewater, as was the case in the lake‘s 1985 fish yield of 1015 t.  相似文献   
热带、亚热带作物引种气候咨询系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建立大型品种、气候及农业气候指标数据库的基础上,依据农业气候相似原理,即采用对作物生长、发育和产量形成有决定意义的关键气候要素,开发出“热带、亚热带作物引种气候咨询系统”。该系统可迅速查询26000多个热带、亚热带作物品种的信息,世界20000多个站点的气候资料,计算针对某品种而言,广东86个站点与世界各地的农业气候相似程度,并输出农业气候相似专用地图。  相似文献   
海洋蓝藻束毛藻的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远洋性海洋蓝藻束毛藻(Trichodesmium spp.)广泛分布于热带和亚热带贫营养盐海域的表层水面,是所生存环境中初级生产力的主要贡献者,它能在进行光合作用的同时将空气中游离的氮气转化成可利用的化合态氮,从而减弱了氮营养对初级生产力的限制。  相似文献   
The features of 30-60-day convection oscillations over the subtropical western North Pacific (WNP) were investigated, along with the degree of tropical-subtropical linkage between the oscillations over the WNP during summer 1998. It was found that 30-60-day oscillations were extremely strong in that summer over both the subtropical and tro]~ical WNP, providing a unique opportunity to study the behavior of subtropical oscillations and their relationship to tropical oscillations. Further analyses indicated that 30-60-day oscillations propagate westwards over the subtropical WNP and reach eastern China. In addition, 30-60-day oscillations in the subtropics are affected by those over the South China Sea (SCS) and tropical WNP through two mechanisms: (1) direct propagation from the tropics into the subtropics; and (2) a seesaw pattern between the tropics and subtropics, with the latter being predominant.  相似文献   
西藏西北部浅变质石英砂岩岩石学特征及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羌塘盆地中央隆起带主要由浅变质石英砂岩组成,由于化石匮乏、变形强烈,长期以来对这套浅变质石英砂岩成因的争议颇大,导致了对藏西北地区前中生代构造演化的认识长期模糊不清,其中,何处才是冈瓦纳大陆北界就是一个长期争论的议题。在西藏西北部,近东西走向的布尔嘎错断裂带将北部的查多岗日地块与南部的南羌塘地块分隔开,浅变质石英砂岩广泛出露于这两地块之内。沿近东西走向布尔嘎错断裂带断续产出的冈玛错蓝片岩、蛇绿岩等岩片大体呈南北向逆冲于浅变质石英砂岩之上,因此早期曾认为布尔嘎错断裂带是冈瓦纳大陆之北界。本文的调查与研究发现查多岗日和南羌塘地块内浅变质石英砂岩岩相学特征完全相同,均主要由石英组成,遭受了绿片岩相的变质作用,形成了钠长石+绿泥石+白云母组合,充填于早期石英颗粒之间,钠长石交代钾长石。这两地的浅变质石英砂岩均被未变质钙质胶结的钾长石石英砂岩平行不整合覆盖。碎屑锆石的阴极发光分析与U-Pb定年结果进一步证实了查多岗日与南羌塘地块内浅变质石英砂岩内的锆石来源完全相同。这些证据充分反映了查多岗日与南羌塘地块早期构造演化过程相似,源自同一大陆。碎屑锆石定年结果进一步表明浅变质石英砂岩的最大沉积年龄为520±8Ma,该岩石再被约480Ma的花岗岩脉侵入,因此其很可能形成于晚寒武世,而不整合面之上沉积岩的最大沉积年龄为460±8Ma,表明该不整合面上、下沉积岩之间存在明显的沉积间断,证实了该平行不整合面形成于奥陶纪。不整合面之下的浅变质石英砂岩因此与杨耀等(2014)报道的荣玛组相同,不整合面之上未变质长石石英砂岩则属于中上奥陶统塔石山组。查多岗日地块因此是西藏境内最北端的冈瓦纳大陆的碎块。在西藏西北部,冈瓦纳大陆北界为龙木错-帮达错-(83°40'E、35°N)-红脊山-荣玛乡。布尔嘎错断裂带不是冈瓦纳大陆之北界。  相似文献   
衡阳市位于湖南省中南部,地处湘江中游,全市土地总面积1.53万平方公里.衡阳中部为盆地,四周丘岗山地环绕,以湘江干流为中轴,水系发育良好.衡阳属亚热带季风气候,平均年降雨量约1660毫米,降雨主要集中在5~9月.  相似文献   
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