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抑食金球藻(Aureococus anophagefferens)可以形成褐潮, 并对贝类、浮游动物等多种生物均能造成不利影响。为进一步探究抑食金球藻对浮游动物的影响, 本文以日本虎斑猛水蚤(Tigriopus japonicus)为实验生物, 研究抑食金球藻对日本虎斑猛水蚤摄食、存活、生长发育以及繁殖的影响。日本虎斑猛水蚤具有易于在实验室培养、生长周期短、雌雄异体等优点, 是海洋毒性污染物检测的模式生物。实验利用高效液相色谱分析方法, 在日本虎斑猛水蚤体内色素中检测到了抑食金球藻的特征色素19’-丁酰氧基岩藻黄素(But-fuco), 表明日本虎斑猛水蚤能够摄食抑食金球藻。当微藻生物量(相对碳含量)分别同为0.7 μg/mL和7.2 μg/mL时, 在抑食金球藻中无节幼体发育至桡足幼体及成体的存活率均高于以青岛大扁藻为饵料的对照组, 但无显著差异, 并且在前者中无节幼体的发育时间显著低于后者, 12 d内雌体的产卵次数与产卵量显著高于后者。结果表明, 日本虎斑猛水蚤在抑食金球藻中能进行正常的生命活动, 并且是首次报导的一种能够在抑食金球藻中正常摄食、生存、生长发育和繁殖的浮游动物。因此, 当褐潮发生时, 由于贝类幼体等生物会受到显著的不利影响, 日本虎斑猛水蚤等抗性较强的生物可能会成为优势种, 从而会影响浮游动物群落结构的组成, 进而可能会使整个海洋生态系统发生变化。本研究有助于全面了解褐潮对海洋生态系统的影响。  相似文献   
Acrochaete leptochaete (Huber) Nielsen (Chaetophoraceae, Chlorophyta) was isolated from the macroalgae Chaetomorpha collected from intertidal pools in Rongcheng, Shandong, China. 18S rDNA combined with ITS regions were used to ascertain the morphological identification of the isolated material. Based on the unialgal culture, asexual reproduction and growth characteristics of A. leptochaete were investigated over wide ranges of temperature and irradiance. Results revealed that asexual reproduction of A. leptochaete could be realized by biflagellate zoospores. The zoospores germinated directly to give self- replicating generations. Zoospore germination was bipolar. A temperature range from 13-21°C and a lower irradiance of 36 μmol/(m2·s) were most favorable for the growth of A. leptochaete. Thallus organization, an important taxonomic criterion for the genus Acrochaete, was affected markedly by temperature and irradiance. Our results extend the knowledge about the species’ general biology and its morphological plasticity. For classification and identification of a simple microphytic algae like A. leptochaete, which are traditionally placed in the class Chaetophoraceae, we propose that molecular tools associated with culture observations are applied.  相似文献   
The phytoplankton reproduction capacity (PRC), as a new concept regarding chlorophyll-a and primary production (PP) is described. PRC is different from PP, carbon assimilation number (CAN) or photosynthetic rate ( P^B ) . PRC quantifies phytoplankton growth with a special consideration of the effect of seawater temperature. Observation data in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China, collected from May 1991 to February 1994 were used to analyze the horizontal distribution and seasonal variation of the PRC in Jiaozhou Bay in order to determine the characteristics, dynamic cycles and trends of phytoplankton growth in Jiaozhou Bay; and to develop a corresponding dynamic model of seawater temperature vs. PRC. Simulation curves showed that seawater temperature has a dual function of limiting and enhancing PRC. PRC‘s periodicity and fluctuation are similar to those of the seawater temperature. Nutrient silicon in Jiaozhou Bay satisfies phytoplankton growth from June 7 to November 3. When nutrients N, P and Si satisfy the phytoplankton growth and solar irradiation is sufficient, the PRC would reflect the influence of seawater temperature on phytoplankton growth. Moreover, the result quantitatively explains the scenario of one-peak or two-peak phytoplankton reproduction in Jiaozhou Bay, and also quantitatively elucidates the internal mechanism of the one- or two-peak phytoplankton reproduction in the global marine areas.  相似文献   
2002-05-20-26在东海进行小尺度船基浮游生物生态系围隔实验,研究浮游动物的群落结构、组成与环境之间的关系,探讨了优势种群的自然繁殖发育期。结果表明,浮游动物的种类组成较简单,优势种明显。浮游动物生物量、丰度及优势种群丰度三者的变化呈逐渐增加趋势。在实验期的1~5d,小拟哲水蚤的无节幼虫和早期幼体占绝对优势,该自然种群的丰度不断增加;随时间推移,无节幼虫逐渐发育为桡足幼体,而后又逐渐发育为成体。因此,本次实验期是实验海区优势种小拟哲水蚤种群的自然繁殖发育盛期。  相似文献   
Control and eradication of the exotic and invasive plant Spartina alterniflora within the Chongming Dongtan nature reserve, Shanghai, China, is vital for the management and conservation of the saltmarshes. A demonstration project was established using waterlogging and cutting to control this invasive species. Results from 2007 to 2008 showed that, although the managed waterlogging significantly reduced biomass and seed production of S. alterniflora at an early stage, the species subsequently showed rapid adaptation to the long-term waterlogging stress. Thus, managed waterlogging alone was insufficient for the effective eradication of S. alterniflora. However, managed waterlogging for around 3 months, combined with cutting the above-ground part of S. alterniflora at a key stage (flowering period in July), controlled and eradicated the plant successfully. Both the above-ground and below-ground parts of S. alterniflora were killed and the plants began to decompose after 3 months. Furthermore, there was no re-growth of the emergent part of S. alterniflora in the following years. However, once the impounded water was released restoring the natural hydrodynamic regime of the saltmarshes, the seeds and seedlings of S. alterniflora reinvaded the controlled site from the neighboring areas and the S. alterniflora community was re-established. Thus, after eradication of S. alterniflora, control measures should be maintained to prevent the re-establishment of S. alterniflora. The results of this demonstration project indicate a potentially useful and effective approach for the control and management of large-scale invasion by S. alterniflora on saltmarshes in the Yangtze Estuary, China.  相似文献   
The reproduction and sexual cycles of Donax venustus Poli 1795, Donax semistriatus Poli 1795, and individuals with intermediate shell morphotypes were studied in the littoral of Málaga (Southern Spain) from February 1990 to January 1991, using histology and analysing the changes in flesh dry weight. The littoral of Málaga has mild seawater temperatures and several upwellings with high levels of chlorophyll a. Due to these environmental conditions, the reproductive periods of these bivalve species are very extensive, from February to November. The histological study shows asynchronous sexual cycles, with continuous but partial individual spawnings from April to November in about 50% of the D. semistriatus population, and percentages higher than 40% of the sample in most months for D. venustus. An important decrease in the ratio flesh dry weight/length3 was noted from June to August in the three populations; this is apparently related with peaks of spawning. Based on the macroscopic observation of the gonads, on the flesh dry weight study and on histological data, the sexual cycle of the intermediate morphotypes is simultaneous and similar throughout the year with those of D. venustus and D. semistriatus .  相似文献   
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