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黄河清八汊现行河口自改汊以来发生了巨大变化,监测其岸线变化,探讨其稳定程度对海岸带可持续发展以及海岸带韧性评估具有重要意义。本研究利用GPS、GIS、RS技术从1996—2022年黄河三角洲行水河口的220幅遥感影像中推断出年平均海岸线位置,同时根据行水河口摆动次数划分为5个阶段,并以此为基础对海岸线变迁及其稳定性进行定量分析。结果表明:行水河口岸线长期处于动态变化过程中,整体呈淤进状态,各岸段岸线时空变化特征不同,最大侵蚀(-73.89m/a)区出现在两丁坝之间,最大淤积(393.20m/a)区出现在河口区附近。研究区90%的岸线表现为较强淤积至严重淤积,稳定性指数由两丁坝之间(0.135)、2007年出汊前旧河口(0.068)、2007年出汊后新生河口(0.006)依次降低。入海水沙量、河口位置变迁以及沿岸输沙是影响岸线稳定性出现时空差异的主要原因。  相似文献   
介绍了对滇东寒武系进行层序地层学研究所采用的方法、层序的基本特征及取得的主要成果。确定有10个层序,其时限为1~10Ma,其中下寒统武有6个,中、上寒武统各2个。此外还划分出次层序27个、组合层序2个。此项研究工作对本区寒武系地层划分与对比、界线的确定具有重要意义:(1)沧浪铺阶生物地层的争论,是由于滇东存在两个Ⅰ型层序边界,乌龙箐段与红井哨段为假整合关系,故生物带发育不完整;(2)双龙潭组与西王庙组应为同时异相沉积体;(3)双龙潭组顶部时限,以SB2i为标志,应与娄山关组底部边界对比,故可能上延至晚寒武世早期  相似文献   
Lake Bonneville was a climatically sensitive, closed-basin lake that occupied the eastern Great Basin during the late Pleistocene. Ongoing efforts to refine the record of lake level history are important for deciphering climate conditions in the Bonneville basin and for facilitating correlations with regional and global records of climate change. Radiocarbon data from this and other studies suggest that the lake oscillated at or near the Provo level much longer than depicted by current models of lake level change. Radiocarbon data also suggest that the lake dropped from threshold control much more rapidly than previously supposed. These revisions to the Lake Bonneville hydrograph, coupled with independent evidence of climate change from vegetation and glacial records, have important implications for conditions in the Bonneville basin and during the Pleistocene to Holocene transition.  相似文献   
Fractal Analysis of the Complexity of United States Coastlines   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Coastlines have long been used as a principal example of a natural feature that exhibits fractal structure. With the advent of large digitized databases, it has become possible to examine in detail large regions of coast and to examine differences in complexity, as measured by the fractal dimension, among regions. In this study, we have determined the fractal dimension of the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines of the conterminous United States. The traditional divider method was used in obtaining the fractal dimension of each coastline arc from the NOAA Medium-Resolution Shoreline Data Set. On average, the Atlantic coast has much higher fractal dimension than the Pacific coast. The results also indicate that the complexity of the Atlantic coast increases toward low latitudes. These results have implications for the interpretation of species distributions and diversity patterns along the coast and for the understanding of the dynamics of biotic recovery from mass extinctions.  相似文献   
王宏  商志文  李建芬 《地质通报》2010,29(5):627-640
以渤海湾泥质海岸带为例,从形态和地层证据2个方面总结了全新世岸线变化与海洋作用对该地区海岸带发育的影响。中全新世以来千年级别的岸线变迁至少以6次停顿(形成贝壳堤和泥质岭地)和岸进的交替为特征。过去130年间10年级别的岸线变化分为4个阶段,显示了"小冰期"结束后随气温上升而发生的岸线自然蚀退是如何逐渐被人类活动(特别是2000年以来的围海造陆)所取代的。全新世海相沉积中发现的9个峰值期和晚全新世的7次风暴驱动事件,表明了研究区泥质海岸带增强的海洋影响。这些结果提供了一条经由地质背景认识现代泥质海岸带过程的途径。  相似文献   
Abstract Physical stratigraphy within shoreface‐shelf parasequences contains a detailed, but virtually unstudied, record of shallow‐marine processes over a range of historical and geological timescales. Using high‐quality outcrop data sets, it is possible to reconstruct ancient shoreface‐shelf morphology from clinoform surfaces, and to track the evolving morphology of the ancient shoreface‐shelf. Our results suggest that shoreface‐shelf morphology varied considerably in response to processes that operate over a range of timescales. (1) Individual clinoform surfaces form as a result of enhanced wave scour and/or sediment starvation, which may be driven by minor fluctuations in relative sea level, sediment supply and/or wave climate over short timescales (101?103 years). These external controls cannot be distinguished in vertical facies successions, but may potentially be differentiated by the resulting clinoform geometries. (2) Clinoform geometry and distribution changes systematically within a single parasequence, reflecting the cycle in sea level and/or sediment supply that produced the parasequence (102?105 years). These changes record steepening of the shoreface‐shelf profile during early progradation and maintenance of a relatively uniform profile during late progradation. Modern shorefaces are not representative of this stratigraphic variability. (3) Clinoform geometries vary greatly between different parasequences as a result of variations in parasequence stacking pattern and relict shelf morphology during shoreface progradation (105?108 years). These controls determine the external dimensions of the parasequence.  相似文献   
岬间海湾岸线平衡形态神经网络模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了目前海湾岸线平衡形态经验模型存在的不足之处。从沿岸输沙公式入手,阐述了平衡岸线的机理模式,重新定义了平衡海湾的“下岬角”,给出了模型参数与主波向的具体计算方法,并以华南典型海湾为学习样本,建立了岸线平衡形态的神经网络模型。通过模拟海湾与实际稳定海湾——乌场湾间的对比分析,表明所建神经网络模型是较抛物模型更为理想的平衡岸线模型。  相似文献   
An 8‐year time series of weekly shoreline data collected at the Gold Coast, Australia, is used to examine the temporal evolution of a beach, focusing on the frequency response of the shoreline to time‐varying wave height and period. Intriguingly, during 2005 the movement of the shoreline at this site changed from a seasonally‐dominated mode (annual cycle) to a storm‐dominated (~monthly) mode. This unexpected observation provides the opportunity to explore the drivers of the observed shoreline response. Utilizing the calibration of an equilibrium shoreline model to explore the time‐scales of underlying beach behavior, the best‐fit frequency response (days?1) is shown to be an order of magnitude higher post‐2004, suggesting that a relatively subtle change in wave forcing can drive a significant change in shoreline response. Analysis of available wave data reveals a statistically significant change in the seasonality of storms, from predominantly occurring at the start of the year pre‐2005 to being relatively consistent throughout the year after this time. The observed change from one mode of shoreline variability to another suggests that beaches can adapt relatively quickly to subtle changes in the intra‐annual distribution of wave energy. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
相对海平面上升引发的海岸潜在侵蚀是海岸带资源利用与规划的重点关注内容.基于杭州湾北岸龙泉—南竹港岸段实测断面资料,利用历史岸线后退和淹没法则计算法分析了该地区的海岸变化对海平面上升的响应.结果表明:近10 a来岸滩呈侵蚀后退趋势,年侵蚀速率为3.7~5.7 m/a,相对海平面上升对岸滩迁移后退的贡献为2%~6%;未来1...  相似文献   
Wind and waves are major forces affecting the geomorphology and biota in coastal areas. We present a generally applicable method for measuring and calculating fetch length, fetch direction and wave exposure. Fetch length and direction, measured by geographic information system-based methods, are used along with wind direction and wind speed data to estimate wave height and period by applying forecasting curves. The apparent power of waves approaching the shore, used as a proxy for wave exposure, is then calculated by a linear wave model. We demonstrate our method by calculating fetch lengths and wave exposure indices for five areas with varying exposure levels and types of meteorological conditions in the Finnish Archipelago Sea, situated in the northern Baltic Sea. This method is a rapid and accurate means of estimating exposure, and is especially applicable in areas with geomorphologically varying and complicated shorelines. We expect that our method will be useful in several fields, such as basic biogeographical and biodiversity research, as well as coastal land-use planning and management.  相似文献   
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