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Lidar methods for observing mineral dust aerosols are reviewed.These methods include Mie scattering lidars,polarization lidars,Raman scattering lidars,high-spectral-resolution lidars,and fluorescence lidars.Some of the lidar systems developed by the authors and the results of the observations and applications are introduced.The largest advantage of the lidar methods is that they can observe vertical distribution of aerosols continuously with high temporal and spatial resolutions.Networks of ground-based lidars provide useful data for understanding the distribution and movement of mineral dust and other aerosols.The lidar network data are actually used for validation and assimilation of dust transport models,which can evaluate emission,transport,and deposition of mineral dust.The lidar methods are also useful for measuring the optical characteristics of aerosols that are essential to assess the radiative effects of aerosols.Evolution of the lidar data analysis methods for aerosol characterization is also reviewed.Observations from space and ground-based networks are two important approaches with the lidar methods in the studies of the effects of mineral dust and other aerosols on climate and the environment.Directions of the researches with lidar methods in the near future are discussed.  相似文献   
An examination of typical tropospheric ozone variability on daily, monthly, annual and interannual timescales and instrumental precision indicates that the current ozonesonde network is insufficient to detect a trend in tropospheric ozone of 1% per year at the 2 level even at stations with records a decade in length. From a trend prediction analysis we conclude that in order to detect a 1% per year trend in a decade or less it will be necessary to decrease the time between observations from its present value of 3–7 days to 1 day or less. The spatial distribution of the current ozonesonde stations is also inadequate for determining the global climatology of ozone. We present a quantitative theory taking into account photochemistry, surface deposition, and wind climatology to define the effectively sampled region for an observing station which, used in conjunction with the instrumental precision and the above prediction analysis, forms the basis for defining a suitable global network for determining regional and global ozone climatology and trends. At least a doubling of the present number of stations is necessary, and the oceans, most of Asia, Africa, and South America are areas where more stations are most needed. Differential absorption lidar ozone instruments have the potential for far more frequent measurements of ozone vertical profiles and hence potentially more accurate climatology and trend determinations than feasible with ozonesondes but may produce a (fair weather) biased data set above the cloud base. A strategy for cloudy regions in which either each station utilizes both lidars and sondes or each station is in fact a doublet comprised of a near-sea-level lidar and a proximal-mountain-top lidar could serve to minimize this bias.  相似文献   
2019年3月,利用相干多普勒测风激光雷达首次在辽东湾西部绥中地区进行了风廓线测量试验。根据研究区域海岸线走向采用风向的十六分位法定义局地海风和陆风,分析和提取海陆风特征验证了多普勒测风激光雷达在春季季风间断期间观测海陆风的可行性,并计算和分析了大气边界层湍流能量的变化以及回流水平变化等特性。结果表明:1)绥中地区春季存在明显的海陆风环流特征,测风激光雷达观测海陆风出现的时间与地面自动气象站观测的数据较为一致,符合海陆风日的定义。2)海陆风日发生时,水平局地回流指数(RF)较小,1.2 km以下的RF值小于0.5,使得污染物循环累积,较易形成雾霾天气;但是海风时大气边界层的高度可达1 km以上,有利于低层大气污染物向高层扩散,减轻低层大气污染。研究结果为该地边界层参数化方案的设计和污染的防治提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
本文针对传统的体散射模型并未考虑大气不均匀性对信号传输的影响等问题,通过引入垂直非均匀的大气参数改进了模型,并利用其建立了体目标的双基地激光测风雷达方程,仿真了侧向散射回波信号,并与单基地雷达进行了对比分析。研究表明:水平方向上,双基地激光测风雷达的回波信号分布特征与单基地雷达差异较大,其回波信号等值线在近地面为卵形线,随着探测高度的增加,回波信号等值线逐渐变为以主、被动雷达为焦点的椭圆形,并最终趋近于圆形;垂直方向上,双基地激光测风雷达的回波信号随高度衰减剧烈,近地面的回波能量约为10-10 J,4 km高度的回波能量约为10-15J,在中低层大气(0~10 km),回波信号中气溶胶散射占比大,在高层大气(10 km以上),分子散射占比大。  相似文献   
合肥市郊低层大气的激光雷达探测研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
袁松  辛雨  周军 《大气科学》2005,29(3):387-395
利用L300米散射激光雷达对合肥市郊大气边界层进行长期系统观测.分析讨论了大气边界层气溶胶消光系数与温度、湿度的关系, 大气边界层气溶胶消光系数垂直分布和时间变化的主要特征, 给出了激光雷达探测的大气边界层高度的统计特征及其与无线电气象探空仪探测大气边界层高度的比较结果.  相似文献   
该文以提高车载激光扫描数据高程精度为出发点,分析了扫描数据的误差来源。该文提出多种控制点布设方案,以京沪高速部分路段激光扫描数据为例,统计并分析各个控制点布设方案改正结果,为以后车载激光数据外业控制点布设提供参考。  相似文献   
Unlike current manned systems, NASA's next generation SLR2000 Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) station is fully autonomous, eye-safe, relatively compact and inexpensive, and, during daytime tracking, operates at signal-to-noise ratios several orders of magnitude below unity. Tiny, passivelyQ-switched microlasers generate ultra-short pulses with output energies on the order of 100 J at few kHz rates to achieve mm-levelranging precision to satellite altitudesof 20,000 km. Special ranging receivers, combined with Poisson statistical analysis of the received photon distribution, enable the system to rapidly and reliably identify and extract the single photon laser echoes from the solar background. The enhanced rate of return, combined with a uniform signal strength, can actually drive down both systematic and random range errors. The new SLR2000 technology has already spawned exciting new applications. Compact microlaser altimeters, capable of mapping the surface of a planet or other celestial body at multikilohertz rates, is one such application, and a high altitude, airborne version is currently being developed under NASA's Instrument Incubator Program. Interplanetary microlaser transponders would be capable of performing decimeter ranging or subnanosecond time transfer to spacecraft throughout the inner Solar System, resulting in improved knowledge of planetary motions and librations and enhanced General Relativity experiments.  相似文献   
大气遥感与卫星气象学研究的进展与回顾   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
大气遥感作为大气科学中的重要基础与技术支柱,是20世纪60年代以来迅速发展的一门年轻学科.中国大气科学工作者在这方面也紧密结合国家需求与国际学术前沿,从20世纪60年代开始在理论研究,技术发展与实验研究,以及在气象、环境和国防应用等多方面开展了活跃的研究与发展工作.作者主要对中国科学界在大气遥感与卫星气象学发展方面作简要回顾,并着重介绍中国科学院大气物理研究所在大气遥感的基础与方法研究方面的一些进展,以及对大气遥感发展中的作用.主要内容包括:中国大气遥感的简要发展过程、卫星气象的早期发展、卫星红外遥感的基  相似文献   
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