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InSAR复数影像配准方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复数影像配准是卫星合成孔径雷达干涉数据处理中的重要步骤之一,本文对目前影像配准最常用的方法进行了研究分析,提出了基于幅度影像的配准方案,并证明该方案配准精度高,适应能力强,运算效率高.  相似文献   
星载SAR复数图像的配准   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
星载干涉雷达测量已经被证实用于生成大范围(乃至全球)的DEM或监测地表位移具有广阔的应用前景,其中SAR复数图像序列的精确配准是保证生成有效干涉相位图的重要环节之一。本文分析了卫星InSAR系统中所涉及的几种坐标系统变换问题,并提出了基于此的几何配准方案,即基于卫星轨道状态矢量、SAR成像几何进行配准的算法;同时,还设计了基于几何配准结果和能量影像相关技术的配准算法,最后使用ERS-1/2、JERS-1和RADARSAT卫星获取的3种SAR复数图像对分别做几何配准和相关配准试验和比较,并对卫星SAR图像质量和轨道数据质量作了定性分析。  相似文献   
利用图像亚像元互相关分析方法处理了Landsat-8卫星获取的时间序列影像数据,得到中国青藏高原西北部地区西昆仑峰区冰川匀速滑移的时空演化过程。利用亚像元影像互相关技术对Landsat-8光学影像精确配准,配准精度达到0.01像元,即该光学影像的水平形变监测精度达到0.15 m。通过对2013-07~2014-08的15景Landsat-8影像进行互相关和形变时间序列反演分析,获得了西昆仑峰区两条冰川的滑动位移场和速度场。研究表明,该区域的冰川基本处于匀速滑移状态(无明显加速和减速现象);同时也验证了Landsat-8光学影像在监测较大地表位移和地壳形变事件(如沙丘移动、地震、滑坡、火山等)上的应用潜力。  相似文献   

This study investigates misregistration issues between Landsat-8/ Operational Land Imager and Sentinel-2A/ Multi-Spectral Instrument at 30?m resolution, and between multi-temporal Sentinel-2A images at 10?m resolution using a phase-correlation approach and multiple transformation functions. Co-registration of 45 Landsat-8 to Sentinel-2A pairs and 37 Sentinel-2A to Sentinel-2A pairs were analyzed. Phase correlation proved to be a robust approach that allowed us to identify hundreds and thousands of control points on images acquired more than 100 days apart. Overall, misregistration of up to 1.6 pixels at 30?m resolution between Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A images, and 1.2 pixels and 2.8 pixels at 10?m resolution between multi-temporal Sentinel-2A images from the same and different orbits, respectively, were observed. The non-linear random forest regression used for constructing the mapping function showed best results in terms of root mean square error (RMSE), yielding an average RMSE error of 0.07?±?0.02 pixels at 30?m resolution, and 0.09?±?0.05 and 0.15?±?0.06 pixels at 10?m resolution for the same and adjacent Sentinel-2A orbits, respectively, for multiple tiles and multiple conditions. A simpler 1st order polynomial function (affine transformation) yielded RMSE of 0.08?±?0.02 pixels at 30?m resolution and 0.12?±?0.06 (same Sentinel-2A orbits) and 0.20?±?0.09 (adjacent orbits) pixels at 10?m resolution.  相似文献   
几种卫星合成孔径雷达影像配准算法的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
复数影像配准是卫星合成孔径雷达干涉数据处理中的重要步骤之一,影像配准精度将直接影响干涉条纹图的质量和由此提取的高程或位移结果的精度。文中利用上海地区ERS-1/2影像数据进行实验,对比分析了三种方法的配准质量和运算效率,试验结果表明:在配准质量方面,相干系数法最高,相位差影像平均波动函数法次之;而在信噪比较低的情况下,最大频谱法的配准质量优于相位差影像平均波动函数法。在运算效率方面,相位差影像平均波动函数法的运算效率最高。  相似文献   

A 3D forest monitoring system, called FORSAT (a satellite very high resolution image processing platform for forest assessment), was developed for the extraction of 3D geometric forest information from very high resolution (VHR) satellite imagery and the automatic 3D change detection. FORSAT is composed of two complementary tasks: (1) the geometric and radiometric processing of satellite optical imagery and digital surface model (DSM) reconstruction by using a precise and robust image matching approach specially designed for VHR satellite imagery, (2) 3D surface comparison for change detection. It allows the users to import DSMs, align them using an advanced 3D surface matching approach and calculate the 3D differences and volume changes (together with precision values) between epochs. FORSAT is a single source and flexible forest information solution, allowing expert and non-expert remote sensing users to monitor forests in three and four (time) dimensions. The geometric resolution and thematic content of VHR optical imagery are sufficient for many forest information needs such as deforestation, clear-cut and fire severity mapping. The capacity and benefits of FORSAT, as a forest information system contributing to the sustainable forest management, have been tested and validated in case studies located in Austria, Switzerland and Spain.  相似文献   
陶鹍  杨汝良 《测绘学报》2003,32(1):63-66
根据残余点生成机理,建立了残余点发生概率与干涉回波信号相关性内在联系的数学模型。据此,提出了以残余点的数目作为衡量干涉复图像整体配准质量的定量尺度。实验结果表明,该方法简便精确,尤其适用于系统基线较长时配准结果的比较、择优,从而能最大程度地减小数字高程模型中因配准精度欠佳所引起的误差。  相似文献   
常规的InSAR影像配准方法主要是根据相干系数最大的原则进行配准,在短基线和高相干区域可以取得很好的效果。但该方法未考虑到地形因素的影响,在地形起伏较大的区域容易导致误匹配。为避免该问题,通过考虑地形因素进行InSAR影像配准来提高配准的精度,对地形因素在InSAR影像配准时的影响进行研究,通过比较分析常规配准方法与考虑地形因素配准方法的结果,表明利用地形信息辅助配准能够部分提高配准的精度,尤其是在方位向和失相干区域。  相似文献   
More and more littoral surveys are conducted with aerial platform sensor suites that include a hyperspectral pushbroom sensor and a frame camera. However, in some cases, data from auxiliary sensors may contain errors or are not available. For many research groups, a high-accuracy registration of the multi-sensor data relative to each other is essential, while absolute geo-location of each individual measurement is not. A co-registration procedure was developed for pseudo ortho-rectification of the hyperspectral imagery and to remove spatial distortions caused by the aircraft's trajectory during the survey based on a flat-earth assumption. This image-processing approach utilizes the aerial frame imagery as a reference. Each hyperspectral scan line is co-registered into the frame imagery coordinate system. The performance of the procedure was evaluated using hyperspectral imagery collected over northern New Hampshire and southern Maine. The evaluation results showed that the procedure is robust enough to pseudo ortho-rectify hyperspectral imagery over coastal areas and to remove significant spatial distortions.  相似文献   
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