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Schools of horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis, sardine Sardinops sagax and round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi were surveyed by conventional echo-integration along systematic transects. The transects were surveyed twice, in opposite directions. Clupeoid biomass was concentrated in a few dense aggregations, whereas horse mackerel were less dense and distributed over larger areas. The influence of aggregation patterns of the different species on the precision of the acoustic estimates was analysed with respect to spatial variability and diurnal effects. Isotropic variograms computed from values of acoustic back-scattering strength showed little or no structure for all three species. Indicator variograms showed relatively large structures (>15 miles) for all three species at the lowest cut-off level, confirming the influence of high values on the variograms. The autocorrelation range decreased with an increase in cut-off value for horse mackerel, whereas variograms of sardine and round herring showed no structure at larger cut-off values. There were large variances in estimated biomass for sardine (77%) and round herring (90%) between surveys, whereas biomass estimates of horse mackerel were relatively similar between surveys.  相似文献   
Diets of male and female West Coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii in South Africa were compared across a large size range of 10–85 mm carapace length (CL). The diets of male rock lobsters were compared between two different depths, different seasons, across the moult cycle, and among eight sites along the South-Western Cape coast. There was no significant difference in diet between male and female rock lobsters for any of the size-classes examined. Male rock lobsters showed large differences in diet between small and large size-classes. The diet of small lobsters (<75mm CL) consisted of a wide range of species, which included, in order of importance, coralline algae, barnacles Notomegabalanus algicola, sponges and ribbed mussels Aulacomya ater. However, prey items rich in inorganic material were not dominant in their diet, as had been predicted. By contrast, large rock lobsters (>80mm CL) fed on few species, and fish and ribbed mussels were their most abundant prey items. There were some dietary differences between individuals captured at 20 m and those collected at 50 m, but these differences were less marked than between the two sampling sites (the Knol and Olifantsbos). There was seasonal variation in diet at the Dassen Island and Olifantsbos sites. Cannibalism was highest during the moulting periods. Gut fullness varied seasonally at Dassen Island, and was consistently high at Olifantsbos. However, the proportion of the population feeding showed marked seasonal trends at both sites, tracking the commercial catch per unit effort of rock lobster. Ribbed mussels were a ubiquitous and dominant component of the diet at the eight sites sampled. However, south of Dassen Island, black mussels Choromytilus meridionalis were scarce in the diet of rock lobster and sponges predominated. Gut fullness was lowest at the northernmost sites.  相似文献   
Australia and New Zealand are adopting the Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) as their transfer standard for geographic data. The standard requires a number of modifications to suit Australia/New Zealand requirements. These modifications primarily involve coordinate reference systems for each country, references to those standards applicable to each country and new spatial feature dictionaries. For other countries adopting SDTS, future revisions to the standard should emphasize a framework for required modifications. Australia/New Zealand have established a support body to ensure the smooth introduction of the standard within these countries. This commercial venture has been successful in promoting the standard, in providing training and in related consulting work. The US Geological Survey has been the maintenance authority for the standard. It is essential that this function continues to be provided through this body to guarantee a single interpretation of the standard.  相似文献   
This paper examines the performance of artificial neural networks (ANNs) as a method of spatial interpolation, when presented with irregular and regular samples of elevation data. The results of the ANN interpolation are compared with results obtained by kriging. Tests of spatial bias in the systematic errors contained in each of the neural network-derived DEMs were conducted using four attributes: slope, aspect, average direction and average distance from the nearest sampled value. Based on RMS and other evaluation measures, the accuracy of estimated DEMs from regular and irregular sample distributions using neural networks is lower than the accuracy level derived from kriging. The accuracy level of the ANN interpolators also decreases as the range of elevation values in DEMs increases. As reported in the literature, ANNs are approximate interpolators, and the pattern of under-prediction and over-prediction of elevation values in this study revealed that all estimated values fell within the range of sample elevations. Neural networks cannot predict values outside the range of elevation values contained in the sample, a property shared by other interpolators such as inverse weighted distance.  相似文献   
The discovery, interpretation, and presentation of multivariate spatial patterns are important for scientific understanding of complex geographic problems. This research integrates computational, visual, and cartographic methods together to detect and visualize multivariate spatial patterns. The integrated approach is able to: (1) perform multivariate analysis, dimensional reduction, and data reduction (summarizing a large number of input data items in a moderate number of clusters) with the Self-Organizing Map (SOM); (2) encode the SOM result with a systematically designed color scheme; (3) visualize the multivariate patterns with a modified Parallel Coordinate Plot (PCP) display and a geographic map (GeoMap); and (4) support human interactions to explore and examine patterns. The research shows that such "mixed initiative" methods (computational and visual) can mitigate each other's weakness and collaboratively discover complex patterns in large geographic datasets, in an effective and efficient way.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first data structure for a variable scale representation of an area partitioning without redundancy of geometry. At the highest level of detail, the areas are represented using a topological structure based on faces and edges; there is no redundancy of geometry in this structure as the shared boundaries (edges) between neighbor areas are stored only once. Each edge is represented by a Binary Line Generalization (BLG)-tree, which enables selection of the proper representation for a given scale. Further, there is also no geometry redundancy between the different levels of detail. An edge at a higher importance level (less detail) does not contain copies of the lower-level edges or coordinates (more detail), but it is represented by efficiently combining their corresponding BLG trees. Which edges have to be combined follows from the generalization computation, and this is stored in a data structure. This data structure turns out to be a set of trees, which will be called the (Generalized Area Partitioning) GAP-edge forest. With regard to faces, the generalization result can be captured in a single tree structure for the parent-child relationships—the GAP face-tree. At the client side there are no geometric computations necessary to compute the polygon representations of the faces, merely following the topological references is sufficient. Finally, the presented data structure is also suitable for progressive transfer of vector maps, assuming that the client maintains a local copy of the GAP-face tree and the GAP-edge forest.  相似文献   
Common Spatial Data Models (SDMs) such the vector, raster, and quadtree have well understood and widely practiced conventions of storage and visualization. This paper explores what happens when the conventions of visualization are not strictly adhered to, and the SDMs are used in an atypical fashion. A framework based on a quasi similarity measure is presented, which quantifies (in terms of "distance") the relationship between the storage format and the visualization output, following an accepted protocol. This research used a transformation process (Tp) to define this distance. Then, the atypical use of the quadtree SDM to represent choropleth spatial boundary uncertainty and attribute uncertainty was quantified using the same framework. This research shows that if a SDM is used outside of its original context, then the distance between the storage format and its visual output can alter; in our case, the distance decreased. This result was interpreted as evidence for the creation of a new spatial data structure. The formalization of the relationship between an SDM and its visual output will be valuable for future exploration of the non-conventional visualization of common SDMs.  相似文献   
GPS-based pedestrian navigation systems have become increasingly popular. Different interface technologies can be used to communicate/convey route directions to pedestrians. This paper aims to empirically study the influence of different interface technologies on spatial knowledge acquisition in the context of GPS-based pedestrian navigation. A field experiment was implemented to address this concern. Firstly, the suitability of the evaluation methods in assessing spatial knowledge acquisition was analyzed empirically (focusing on the ability of differentiating “familiar” and “unfamiliar” participants). The suitable methods were then used to compare the influence of mobile maps, augmented reality, and voice on spatial learning. The field test showed that in terms of spatial knowledge acquisition, the three interface technologies led to comparable results, which were not significantly different from each other. The results bring some challenging issues for consideration when designing mobile pedestrian navigation systems.  相似文献   
Over the last three decades analytical cartography has grown from Tobler's concept of "solving cartographic problems" into a broader and deeper scientific specialization that includes the development and expansion of analytical/mathematical spatial theory and model building. In many instances Tobler himself has led the way to these new insights and developments. Fundamental concepts begin with Tobler's cartographic transformations; Nyerges' deep and surface structure and data levels; and Moellering's real and virtual maps; the sampling theorem; and concepts of spatial primitives and objects. This list can be expanded to include additional analytical concepts such as spatial frequencies, spatial surface neighborhood operators, information theory, fractals, Fourier theory, topological network theory, and analytical visualization, to name a few. This base of analytical theory can be employed to analyze and/or develop such things as spatial surfaces, terrain analysis, spatial data schemas, spatial data structures, spatial query languages, spatial overlay and partitioning, shape analysis, surface generalization, cartographic generalization, and analytical visualization. More analytical uses of theory, strategies of analysis, and implementations are being developed and continue to multiply as the field continues to grow and mature. A primary goal is to expand the mathematical/analytical theory of spatial data analysis, and theory building and analytical visualization as analytical cartography takes its place in the geographic information sciences. The research future for this area appears very bright indeed.  相似文献   
Quality is critical in cartography because key decisions are often made based on the information the map communicates. The mass production of digital cartographic information to support geographic information science has now added a new dimension to the problem of cartographic quality, as problems once limited to small volumes can now proliferate in mass production programs. These problems can also affect the economics of map production by diverting a sizeable portion of production cost to pay for rework on maps with poor quality. Such problems are common to general industry—in response, the quality engineering profession has developed a number of successful methods to overcome these problems. Two important methods are the reduction of error through statistical analysIs and addressing the quality environment in which people work. Once initial and obvious quality problems have been solved, outside influences periodically appear that cause adverse variations in quality and consequently increase production costs. Such errors can be difficult to detect before the customer is affected. However, a number of statistical techniques can be employed to detect variation so that the problem is eliminated before significant damage is caused. Additionally, the environment in which the workforce operates must be conducive to quality. Managers have a powerful responslblhty to create this environment. Two sets of guidelines, known as Deming's Fourteen Points and ISO-9000, provide models for this environment.  相似文献   
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