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采用由EDC提供的2015-01-01~2015-12-31的SLR标准点观测数据进行GLONASS卫星最终轨道(CODE提供)检核,分别按照卫星PRN号和不同测站对检核结果进行统计分析。结果表明,不同卫星的检核效果参差不齐,跟卫星的服役年限有关,较新的卫星检核结果较好,第一轨道面的卫星检核结果最好;检核结果中存在一定的系统误差,且大部分的激光测距比最终轨道反算的站星距要短;利用SLR检核2015年全年GLONASS轨道精度总体优于3.3 cm,激光观测精度总体优于1.2 cm。  相似文献   
针对卫星激光数据处理算法这一难题,分析了COMPASS系统GEO卫星激光观测数据的质量,讨论了反求工程和计算机视觉中的曲线识别与激光观测数据预处理的异同,提出了基于点云曲线辨识的卫星激光数据预处理算法。该算法将卫星激光观测数据预处理视为有序带噪声的空间曲线重建问题,利用COMPASS系统多圈GEO卫星实测数据进行验证。结果表明:该方法与常用算法一致率在85%以上,能够实现激光观测数据的自动处理与满足导航系统的需要。  相似文献   
Precise orbit determination for the GRACE mission using only GPS data   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The GRACE (gravity recovery and climate experiment) satellites, launched in March 2002, are each equipped with a BlackJack GPS onboard receiver for precise orbit determination and gravity field recovery. Since launch, there have been significant improvements in the background force models used for satellite orbit determination, most notably the model for the geopotential. This has resulted in significant improvements to orbit accuracy for very low altitude satellites. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how well the orbits of the GRACE satellites (about 470 km in altitude) can currently be determined using only GPS data and based on the current models and methods. The orbit accuracy is assessed using a number of tests, which include analysis of orbit fits, orbit overlaps, orbit connecting points, satellite Laser ranging residuals and K-band ranging (KBR) residuals. We show that 1-cm radial orbit accuracy for the GRACE satellites has probably been achieved. These precise GRACE orbits can be used for such purposes as improving gravity recovery from the GRACE KBR data and for atmospheric profiling, and they demonstrate the quality of the background force models being used.  相似文献   
为了探索地表质量迁移对日长变化的激发作用,文章在原始日长变化中扣除了固体潮、10年尺度信号、风和洋流效应,得到残余日长变化.然后分别利用AOH气候模型、SLR数据和CSR、GFZ、JPL提供的RL05版本的GRACE月重力场模型,计算了地表质量迁移对日长变化的激发作用.通过分析发现,和SLR、AOH质量激发相比,在季节性尺度上,3种GRACE质量激发能够更好地解释残余日长变化中周年和半周年的起伏,尤其是在周年项上,3种GRACE质量激发和残余日长变化间十分接近;在季节内尺度上,GRACE (GFZ)质量激发同样可以更好地解释残余日长变化,而GRACE(GFZ)和GRACE(JPL)质量激发由于包含一个周期为5.6个月的信号,与残余日长变化的相干性很低.  相似文献   
秦宽  魏二虎  严韦 《测绘科学》2007,32(2):169-171
SLR(卫星激光测距)技术是一项应用广泛的空间大地测量技术,本文在介绍其测距原理的基础上,通过与GPS、VLBI技术进行对比,分析了其实现手段和所能达到的精度;根据SLR应用现状提出了在国内建立SLR流动站的思路;并对SLR技术的未来发展作了展望。  相似文献   
模糊聚类定权法对SLR定轨精度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邵璠  王小亚  何冰  张晶 《测绘学报》2019,48(10):1236-1243
针对卫星激光测距(satellite laser ranging,SLR)精密定轨过程中存在的测站观测数据合理定权问题,将一种改进的模糊聚类算法引入到SLR观测数据定权中。基于国际激光测距服务(International Laser Ranging Service,ILRS)提供的全球SLR测站性能报告,对测站进行近实时滑动分类定权,改变SLR数据处理中权重的经验或者随意性选取模式。经过LAGEOS1卫星2014年1月至2016年12月3年全球SLR实测数据处理的测试。结果表明,当考虑LAGEOS标准点总数、LAGEOS标准点RMS值以及LAGEOS标准点合格率这3项测站质量控制因素确定的测站权值能最大限度地提高卫星定轨精度和观测数据的使用效率,对参与计算的365个3d弧段数据,91.46%弧段精度得到提高,平均提高约3.7mm,且每个测站的定轨残差RMS也得到了降低。这对于正在迈向毫米级测量精度的SLR技术至关重要。  相似文献   
高重频激光测距数据处理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文探讨了高重频激光测距工作中的数据处理问题。该数据处理采用了屏幕显示以及数学分析方法,以剔除卫星激光测距数据中的观测异常值,提取有效的数据点,并最终生成标准点数据。通过对奥地利GRAZ激光测距站高重频数据资料的处理表明,该数据处理方法是有效的。  相似文献   
用调和分析法分析DORIS、GPS和SLR 3种空间大地测量技术导出的地心运动时间序列。结果表明:地心长期运动不显著,但存在北向运动趋势,速度小于1mm/a;相对于DORIS和GPS,SLR导出的地心运动更符合地球物理模型计算的结果,用22aSLR数据导出的地心运动在X,Y,Z方向的周年运动振幅分别为2.8±0.2mm,2.7±0.2mm和6.1±0.2mm。  相似文献   
依据地月激光测距的成功实践和对卫星激光定轨的基础研究,提出了用地面对嫦娥卫星作激光测距的方法,高精度地测定嫦娥卫星绕月飞行时的实时在轨位置,论述了多站激光定轨和单站激光定轨的解算数模。  相似文献   
The UNEP in its regional seas program in 1989 has included Pakistan in a group of countries which are vulnerable to the impact of rising sea level. If the present trend of sea level rise (SLR) at Karachi continues, in the next 50 years the sea level rise along the Pakistan Coast will be 50 mm (5 cm). Since the rising rates of sea level at Karachi are within the global range of 1-2 mm/year, the trends may be treated as eustatic SLR. Historical air temperature and sea surface temperature (SST) data of Karachi also show an increasing pattern and an increasing trend of about 0.67°C has been registered in the air temperature over the last 35 years, whereas the mean SST in the coastal waters of Karachi has also registered an increasing trend of about 0.3°C in a decade. Sindh coastal zone is more vulnerable to sea level rise than Baluchistan coast, as uplifting of the coast by about 1-2 mm/year due to subduction of Indian Ocean plate is a characteristic of Baluchistan coast. Within the Indus deltaic creek system, the area nearby Karachi is more vulnerable to coastal erosion and accretion than the other deltaic region, mainly due to human activities together with natural phenomena such as wave action, strong tidal currents, and rise in sea level. Therefore, The present article deals mainly with the study of dynamical processes such as erosion and accretion associated with sea level variations along the Karachi coast and surrounding Indus deltaic coastline. The probable beach erosion in a decade along the sandy beaches of Karachi has been estimated. The estimates show that 1.1 mm/year rise in sea level causes a horizontal beach loss of 110 mm per year. Therefore, coast eroded with rise in sea level at Karachi and surrounding sandy beaches would be 1.1 m during a period of next 10 years. The northwestern part of Indus delta, especially the Gizri and Phitti creeks and surrounding islands, are most unstable. Historical satellite images are used to analyze the complex pattern of sediment movements, the change in shape of coastline, and associated erosion and accretion patterns in Bundal and Buddo Islands. The significant changes in land erosion and accretion areas at Bundal and Buddo Islands are evident and appear prominently in the images. A very high rate of accretion of sediments in the northwestern part of Buddo Island has been noticed. In the southwest monsoon season the wave breaking direction in both these islands is such that the movement of littoral drift is towards west. Erosion is also taking place in the northeastern and southern part of Bundal Island. The erosion in the south is probably due to strong wave activities and in the northeast is due to strong tidal currents and seawater intrusion. Accretion takes place at the northwest and western parts of Bundal Island. By using the slope of Indus delta, sea encroachment and the land area inundation with rising sea level of 1 m and 2 m have also been estimated.  相似文献   
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