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Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured at four or eight hour intervals between mid-1989 and mid-1991 in two catchments in west central Scotland. The experimental catchment had been recently clear-felled and the control remained under forest. The amount of DOC varied during individual storm events following the stream hydro-graph. Maximum variations were found in the summer half-year and in the clear-felled catchment. There was also evidence of the exhaustion of DOC in the later events of a sequence. Differences between the catchments were related to catchment characteristics and to land-use change. The reduced magnitude of variation in DOC with discharge in the control stream was due to the influence of a wetland area through which the stream flowed. The mean DOC concentrations were similar in the two streams and annual exports were 15 g m?2 from the control and 16g m?2 from the felled catchment. The stream draining the clear-felled catchment had greater high flow DOC concentrations in the summer half-year, probably due to the effect of greater mean summer temperatures on DOC release and of the greater supply of organic debris in the stream channel.  相似文献   
A comparison of the diffraction of multidirectional random waves using several selected wave spectrum models is presented in this paper. Six wave spectrum models, Bretschneider, Pierson–Moskowitz, ISSC, ITTC, Mitsuyasu, and JONSWAP spectrum, are considered. A discrete form for each of the given spectrum models is used to specify the incident wave conditions. Analytical solutions based on both the Fresnel integrals and polynomial approximations of the Fresnel integrals and numerical solutions of a boundary integral approach have been used to obtain the two-dimensional wave diffraction by a semi-infinite breakwater at uniform water depth. The diffraction of random waves is based on the cumulative superposition of linear diffraction solution. The results of predicted random wave diffraction for each of the given spectrum models are compared with those of the published physical model presented by Briggs et al. [1995. Wave diffraction around breakwater. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering—ASCE 121(1), 23–35]. Reasonable agreement is obtained in all cases. The effect of the directional spreading function is also examined from the results of the random wave diffraction. Based on these comparisons, the present model for the analysis of various wave spectra is found to be an accurate and efficient tool for predicting the random wave field around a semi-infinite breakwater or inside a harbor of arbitrary geometry in practical applications.  相似文献   
Two numerical formulations of the breaking phenomenon were implemented in a numerical model for random wave propagation based on the elliptic formulation of the mild-slope equation. The randomness of the wave field was simulated based on a spectral component method, in which the 3-D spectrum is discretised in components of equal energy. One of the breaking process formulations is based on the concept of breaking each independent spectral component. The other is based on the distribution of the local amount of energy dissipated through the independent spectral components. The model based on the concept of breaking each independent spectral component produces the best estimates of the wave field, when the numerical results are compared with laboratory data.  相似文献   
Acoustic plane-wave scattering from a rough surface overlying a fluid half-space with a sound-speed distribution subject to a small random variation is considered. Under the assumption that the surface roughness and medium randomness are statistically independent, the scattered field may be derived by first solving for the mean field in the medium, and then incorporating with boundary-perturbation method to obtain the total mean field and the power spectral density of the scattered field. The employed algorithm is compatible to the analysis available in the existing literature so that the formulations are conveniently integrated. The results for the power spectral density have shown that the effects of medium inhomogeneities on the rough surface scattering are limited in a spectral regime where the scattered components have shallow grazing angles. The distribution of the power spectral density over the space is primarily governed by the power spectrum and correlation lengths of the rough surface.  相似文献   
Ever since the disastrous floods of 1998, the Chinese government has used the Natural Forest Protection and Sloping Land Conversion Programs to promote afforestation and reforestation as means to reduce runoff, control erosion, and stabilize local livelihoods. These two ambitious programs have been reported as large-scale successes, contributing to an overall increase in China’s forest cover and to the stated goals of environmental stabilization. A small-scale field study at the project level of the implementation of these two programs in Baiwu Township, Yanyuan County, Sichuan, casts doubt upon the accuracy and reliability of these claims of success; ground observations revealed utter failure in some sites and only marginal success in others. Reasons for this discrepancy are posited as involving ecological, economic, and bureaucratic factors. Further research is suggested to determine whether these discrepancies are merely local aberrations or represent larger-scale failures in reforestation programs.  相似文献   
The mangrove forests of northeast Hainan Island are the most species diverse forests in China and consist of the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve and the Qinglan Provincial Nature Reserve. The former reserve is the first Chinese national nature reserve for mangroves and the latter has the most abundant mangrove species in China. However, to date the aboveground ground biomass (AGB) of this mangrove region has not been quantified due to the high species diversity and the difficulty of extensive field sampling in mangrove habitat. Although three-dimensional point clouds can capture the forest vertical structure, their application to large areas is hindered by the logistics, costs and data volumes involved. To fill the gap and address this issue, this study proposed a novel upscaling method for mangrove AGB estimation using field plots, UAV-LiDAR strip data and Sentinel-2 imagery (named G∼LiDAR∼S2 model) based on a point-line-polygon framework. In this model, the partial-coverage UAV-LiDAR data were used as a linear bridge to link ground measurements to the wall-to-wall coverage Sentinel-2 data. The results showed that northeast Hainan Island has a total mangrove AGB of 312,806.29 Mg with a mean AGB of 119.26 Mg ha−1. The results also indicated that at the regional scale, the proposed UAV-LiDAR linear bridge method (i.e., G∼LiDAR∼S2 model) performed better than the traditional approach, which directly relates field plots to Sentinel-2 data (named the G∼S2 model) (R2 = 0.62 > 0.52, RMSE = 50.36 Mg ha−1<56.63 Mg ha−1). Through a trend extrapolation method, this study inferred that the G∼LiDAR∼S2 model could decrease the number of field samples required by approximately 37% in comparison with those required by the G∼S2 model in the study area. Regarding the UAV-LiDAR sampling intensity, compared with the original number of LiDAR plots, 20% of original linear bridges could produce an acceptable accuracy (R2 = 0.62, RMSE = 51.03 Mg ha−1). Consequently, this study presents the first investigation of AGB for the mangrove forests on northeast Hainan Island in China and verifies the feasibility of using this mangrove AGB upscaling method for diverse mangrove forests.  相似文献   
We performed an in-depth literature survey to identify the most popular data mining approaches that have been applied for raster mapping of ecological parameters through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remotely sensed data. Popular data mining approaches included decision trees or “data mining” trees which consist of regression and classification trees, random forests, neural networks, and support vector machines. The advantages of each data mining approach as well as approaches to avoid overfitting are subsequently discussed. We also provide suggestions and examples for the mapping of problematic variables or classes, future or historical projections, and avoidance of model bias. Finally, we address the separate issues of parallel processing, error mapping, and incorporation of “no data” values into modeling processes. Given the improved availability of digital spatial products and remote sensing products, data mining approaches combined with parallel processing potentials should greatly improve the quality and extent of ecological datasets.  相似文献   
采用酚-氯仿和试剂盒两种提取法对三角帆蚌怀珠群与非怀珠群各6个个体进行基因组DNA的提取,然后在优化RAPD(随机扩增多态性DNA)检测条件基础上,从80个随机引物中筛选出12个扩增较好且多态性强的引物进行RAPD扩增,产物通过水平板琼脂糖凝胶电泳和垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳两种方法进行检验并对DNA的多态性进行分析。结果显示在怀珠群和非怀珠群检测到的位点数、多态位点比例、平均Shannon多态性信息指数、平均Nei's基因多样性指数、群体内个体间平均遗传相似率和平均遗传距离分别为100、33%、0.1927、0.1324、0.904、0.096,95、47.37%、0.2711、0.1879、0.861、0.139,群体间的平均遗传距离为0.821,非怀珠群的变异性大于怀珠群;本研究还获得了两群体各自的特异扩增谱带及两群体间表达差异较大谱带,这些位点很可能是由人工育珠所引起。根据MEGA4.0软件的UPGMA和NJ程序构建的分子系统树可直观地将两群体分开。  相似文献   
Classifier ensembles for land cover mapping using multitemporal SAR imagery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SAR data are almost independent from weather conditions, and thus are well suited for mapping of seasonally changing variables such as land cover. In regard to recent and upcoming missions, multitemporal and multi-frequency approaches become even more attractive. In the present study, classifier ensembles (i.e., boosted decision tree and random forests) are applied to multi-temporal C-band SAR data, from different study sites and years. A detailed accuracy assessment shows that classifier ensembles, in particularly random forests, outperform standard approaches like a single decision tree and a conventional maximum likelihood classifier by more than 10% independently from the site and year. They reach up to almost 84% of overall accuracy in rural areas with large plots. Visual interpretation confirms the statistical accuracy assessment and reveals that also typical random noise is considerably reduced. In addition the results demonstrate that random forests are less sensitive to the number of training samples and perform well even with only a small number. Random forests are computationally highly efficient and are hence considered very well suited for land cover classifications of future multifrequency and multitemporal stacks of SAR imagery.  相似文献   
探讨了随机 模糊处理方法在岩石力学指标统计和岩组定量划分中的应用。文中对计算中的隶属函数取值及迭代方式进行了深入讨论。通过计算结果的比较分析, 认为随机 模糊处理方法更符合实际, 并优于其他方法。最后作者提出了岩组定性划分 岩石样本参数的随机 模糊统计分析 岩组定量划分及参数重新统计的分析程序。  相似文献   
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