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This paper analyzes the backscatter of the microwave signal in a boreal forest environment based on a Ku -band airborne Frequency-Modulated Continuous Waveform (FMCW) profiling radar—Tomoradar. We selected a half-managed boreal forest in the southern part of Finland for a field test. By decomposing the waveform collected by the Tomoradar, the vertical canopy structure was achieved. Based on the amplitude of the waveform, the Backscattered Energy Ratio of Canopy-to-Total (BERCT) was calculated. Meanwhile, the canopy fraction was derived from the corresponding point cloud recorded by a Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR mounted on the same platform. Lidar-derived canopy fraction was obtained by counting the number of the first/ the strongest returns versus the total amount of returns. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of radar-derived BERCT on lidar-derived canopy fraction and canopy height are investigated. A fitted model is derived to describe the Ku-band microwave backscatter in the boreal forest to numerically analyze the proportion contributed by four factors: lidar-derived canopy fraction, radar-derived canopy height, the radar-derived distance between trees and radar sensor and other factors, from co-polarization Tomoradar measurements. The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of the proposed model was 0.0958, and the coefficient of determination R2 was 0.912. The fitted model reveals that the correlation coefficient between radar-derived BERCT and lidar-derived canopy fraction is 0.84, which illustrates that lidar surface reflection explains the majority of the profiling /waveform radar response. Thus, vertical canopy structure derived from lidar can be used for the benefit of radar analysis.  相似文献   
孔隙水压力静力触探动态贯入过程的有限元模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孔隙水压力静力触探作为一种新型的土体勘测技术已被广泛应用,但是,其机理的研究尚存在很大的不足。笔者系统分析了孔压触探的贯入特征,提出了“孔隙水压力体积基准值”的概念,借此推导出用土体体积变形量计算超孔隙水压力的公式。在此基础上,用轴对称有限单元法模拟探头的动态贯入过程,揭示应力-应变的变化特征,寻找超孔隙水压力生成与消散的规律,对孔压触探的机理进行了研究。  相似文献   
The behaviour of spudcan foundations during the installation and preloading in two-layer sand sediments was investigated through large deformation finite element (LDFE) analyses. The LDFE analyses were carried out using the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, modifying Mohr-Coulomb soil model to capture hardening and subsequent softening effects of sand. Parametric analyses were undertaken varying the top layer thickness, relative density of sand and spudcan diameter. Both loose to medium dense-over-dense and dense-over-loose to medium dense sand deposits were explored. The results showed that, for the investigated relatively thin top layer thickness of ≤ 5 m, spudcan behaviour was dictated by the bottom sand layer with a minimal influence of the top layer. For assessing the penetration resistance profile in two-layer sands, the performance of the ISO, SNAME, InSafeJIP, and other existing theoretical design methods were evaluated.  相似文献   
李雪  曾毓燕  郁飞  施刚 《地质力学学报》2021,27(6):998-1010
上海市地处长江三角洲前缘,黄浦江和苏州河交汇区域,特殊的地理环境与沉积环境导致浅部砂层广泛发育。随着城市建设的不断推进,上海城市区域范围的砂土地震液化风险评价成为亟待研究的课题。文章基于上海市工程钻孔数据,结合地震地面运动加速度分布与标准贯入试验,建立区域性地震液化危险性评价模型,对上海市进行了地震液化危险性评价。研究认为当发生50年超越概率10%的地震条件下,上海市陆域面积的66.0%将不会产生地震砂土液化灾害,21.8%的陆域面积仅发生轻微液化,只有崇明、横沙、长兴三岛,黄浦江及苏州河两岸地震液化等级达到中等甚至严重,占全市陆域面积12.3%;50年超越概率2%的地震条件下,随着峰值地面运动加速度整体升高,全市范围内轻微—严重液化区域明显增多,可能发生地震液化的总面积达到全市陆域面积46.25%。上海市存在砂土地震液化的危险性,但是发生概率较低。研究认为,目前的抗震设计规范中上海市的设防烈度偏高,可能导致不必要的建设成本。同时研究中的不同超越概率下的地震液化危险性评价结果为上海市工程建设相关标准的合理化改进的提供了建议和参考。  相似文献   
当前电子政务、电子商务和企业内部的很多数据和敏感信息都存放在MS SQL Server数据库中,但是SQL Server数据库的安全性却一直没有像操作系统和网络设备那样受到应有的重视,得到恰当的测试评估。鉴于此,本文提出可以利用两类不同的安全漏洞对SQL Server数据库进行渗透测试,给出具体的测试方法,用以指导信息系统数据库管理员进行自测试评估,及时发现存在的严重安全漏洞,以进一步采取措施,进行漏洞修补。  相似文献   
微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积(MICP)是一种绿色低碳的新型土体改性技术.该技术当前主要适用于渗透性较好的砂土,普遍使用两相处理方法,即菌液和胶结液分开施用.然而,对于渗透性相对较差的黏性土,传统的两相处理方法难以适用.为此,引入新的单相胶结方法,即菌液和胶结液混合施用,通过调节溶液的初始pH值为细菌水解作用提供窗口期,避免微生物絮凝阻塞孔隙,使混合液均匀分布于土体一定深度范围内,从而达到显著提升胶结效果的目的.利用喷洒法将混合液喷洒至土体表层进行MICP处理,处理完成后使用超微型贯入仪SMP-1测试土体表层不同深度处的结构强度,分析土体力学特性的空间差异,对土体的胶结效果进行定量评价.此外,探究了胶结液浓度(0.2M、0.5M和1.0M)及胶结方法(调节pH与否)对于土体结构强度及MICP改性效果的影响.结果表明:采用单相MICP技术对黏性土进行改性,能够显著提高其结构强度,具有较好的适用性;在不高于1.0 M的胶结液浓度范围内,黏性土的胶结效果随着胶结液浓度增加而提升;相比较而言,调节pH的单相胶结方法对于提升土体胶结的深度和均匀性有明显积极作用.新型单相MICP技术简单易行,能够节约成本,在黏性土表层加固方面具有潜在推广应用价值.  相似文献   
Separation of the effects of initial horizontal stress and relative density on cone tip resistance in sandy soils has been a complicated issue for many years. In order to overcome this problem, a numerical modeling of CPT which has been verified by calibration chamber tests, has been used in this paper to achieve a reliable analytical solution. The analytical solution has resulted in two relationships for sleeve friction and cone tip resistance in terms of the initial conditions of sandy soil. Based on the presented solution, the initial horizontal stress and relative density can be determined according to CPT measurements.  相似文献   
Recently, multi-layered targets have become commonplace in both military and civilian applications, such as marine hulls, armored vehicle bodies, outside structures of bulletproof cars, and aerospace vessels. This paper studies the resistant performance of perforation in multi-layered targets. An estimation procedure is established based on the concepts of the conservation of momentum, impulse-momentum law, and conservation of energy. Experimental results of the test of Almohandes et al. are adopted to check the residual velocity of multi-layered targets. The results of the verification are good in terms of agreement for impact velocities ranging from 700 to 800 m/s, when the ratio of the projectile length to the projectile diameter (i.e. L/D) is 4.2, and the average residual velocity error of single, double- or triple-layered targets range approximately from 4.42 to 8.40%. The ballistic performance is best for the double target when the ratio of the first layer thickness to the total thickness (i.e. t1/(t1+t2)) is about 0.75, and the worse performance occurs when the ratio t1/(t1+t2) is 0.5. An air gap slightly influences the resistant performance of perforation in multi-layered targets. These results may serve as a useful reference for designers.  相似文献   
Gravity installed anchors (GIAs) are the most recent generation of anchoring solutions to moor floating facilities for deepwater oil and gas developments. Challenges associated with GIAs include predicting the initial embedment depth and evaluating the keying performance of the anchor. The former involves high soil strain rate due to large anchor penetration velocity, while the later influences the subsequent behavior and pullout capacity of the anchor. With the coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian method, three-dimensional large deformation finite element models are established to investigate the penetration and keying of GIAs in non-homogeneous clay. In the penetration model, a modified Tresca soil model is adopted to allow the effects of soil strain rate and strain softening, and user-defined hydrodynamic drag force and frictional resistance are introduced via concentrated forces. In the keying model, the anchor line effects are incorporated through a chain equation, and the keying, diving and pulling out behaviors of the anchor can all be replicated. Parametric studies are undertaken at first to quantify the effects of various factors on the performance of GIAs, especially on the penetration and keying behaviors. Based on the results of parametric studies, fitted formulae are proposed to give a quick evaluation of the anchor embedment depth after the installation, and the shackle horizontal displacement, shackle embedment loss and anchor inclination at the end of the keying. Comparative studies are also performed to verify the effectiveness of the fitted formulae.  相似文献   
陈文磊  谢伦 《地球物理学报》2010,53(12):2796-2804
本文利用低高度太阳同步轨道系列卫星NOAA/POES从1996年到2006年的>0.3 MeV高能电子观测数据,分析了>0.3 MeV高能电子注入辐射带槽区的特征,研究了注入槽区事件与行星际条件、太阳活动和地磁扰动之间的联系.研究表明>0.3 MeV高能电子注入辐射带槽区事件与磁暴的发生密切相关,注入事件的发生与太阳活动的强度有一定的相关性.在此研究的基础上,本文通过分析辐射带槽区>0.3 MeV高能电子通量和Dst指数的相关性,提出了利用Dst指数推算辐射带槽区>0.3 MeV高能电子通量的方法,继而给出了可行的辐射带槽区高能电子辐射环境的预警模式.  相似文献   
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