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Improvements in the technology of laser ablation and ICP-MS instruments make LA-MC-ICPMS a rapid, precise and accurate method for U–Pb zircon geochronology. In this review we describe the main stages of the evolution of this in situ approach from the early 1990s to the present time. Some key points have been progressively improved. The crater size has been reduced to achieve real in situ measurements. The laser wavelength has been reduced as well as the duration of each pulse in order to lower inter-element fractionation. The blank from the gas has to be lowered as far as possible. Double focusing instruments and magnetic field sectors allow flat-topped peaks required for precise isotope ratio measurement to be obtained. The use of a multi-ion counting system significantly improves the sensitivity of the method and the static mode of integration favours the precision of measurement of the transient signal originating from a noisy laser ablated particle beam.Combining the use of a 213 nm UV laser and a MC-ICPMS equipped with a multi-ion counting system operating in static mode, the common precisions achieved for the key ratios 207Pb/206Pb and 206Pb/238U are better than 1% and 3% (2σ) respectively, including error propagation associated with standard normalization. Until now, the use of a zircon standard has remained necessary to ensure the accuracy of the calculated age. A strategy for common-Pb correction is proposed according to the age of the zircon and according to the Th/U ratio of the grains. After recording sixteen to twenty spot analyses the precision usually achieved on the age is about 1% and even significantly better for Proterozoic samples.In order to show the performance achieved by modern LA-MC-ICPMS geochronology, we tested four zircon samples covering a wide age range from 290 to 2440 Ma. These new age determinations can be compared in term of precision and accuracy since they have already been dated by reference methods (ID-TIMS and SHRIMP). Further developments in the technology of ion counters equipping modern MC-ICPMS and in laser systems will certainly be applied to a large field of geochronology studies in the near future as an alternative to SIMS for in situ age determination.  相似文献   
The 40Ar/39Ar method using a laser probe opened the door to microscale measurements and diffusion profiles frozen in samples. In the first decade since the initial application of a laser for 40Ar/39Ar dating in 1973, practical applications have been few. This is due not only to the fact that the laser and vacuum technologies were immature but that mass spectrometry was also in its infancy. In those days, the sensitivity of a mass spectrometer was generally insufficient to measure the small amount of argon degassed from a geological sample by a laser. These problems have subsequently been solved by new technologies. To understand their current status, a brief history of their development is outlined. This outline focuses on the required detection limit in micro scale measurement, practical approaches for accurate measurement are explained through examples in our laboratory specifically relating to the technical aspects of 40Ar/39Ar dating.  相似文献   
A new and accurate characterization method for dimensions, shape and roughness of aggregate particles has been developed. The method is based on the 3D-laser scanning technique and evaluation of coarse-grain aggregate-particle images. Parameters are obtained with either analytical Fourier analysis or geometrical analysis. The results from the two methods are compared with each other as well as with manual measurements. Although the Fourier-based analysis gives about 10% smaller size values, the comparison of the results shows, in general, a good agreement between the different techniques. This new method for analysis of coarse-grain aggregates gives reliable results for both the shape and topographical parameters of particles.  相似文献   
吴皓然 《地质与勘探》2024,60(4):685-699
内蒙古东乌旗沙麦钨矿床位于中亚巨型缝合带的最东段,矿床内广泛发育云英岩化,钨矿体主要受NW向断裂构造控制,呈黑钨矿-石英脉状产出在燕山期沙麦岩体(岩性主要为黑云母二长花岗岩)和泥盆系围岩地层(岩性主要为角岩化砂岩、砂砾岩)中。成矿阶段从早到晚分别为:石英-黄玉阶段(Ⅰ)、云英岩-黑钨矿阶段(Ⅱ)和晚期硅化阶段(Ⅲ)。本文对矿床流体包裹体及C-H-O-S同位素进行了研究,结果显示:矿床中普遍发育CO2-H2O包裹体及水溶液气液两相流体包裹体。从成矿早期至成矿晚期,矿床流体中富CO2包裹体逐渐减少,CO2含量逐渐降低。成矿早期可见熔体包裹体与流体包裹体共存的现象,属低盐度、富CO2的岩浆来源流体。矿床成矿作用从早到晚,流体包裹体均一温度分别为279~341℃、196~286℃、103~201℃;流体盐度分别为(1.6~9.1)%NaCleq、(3.0~11.1)%NaCleq、(0.9~4.7)%NaCleq。激光拉曼光谱分析结果显示,流体中的气相主要是CO2,部分含有H2O和CH4。成矿流体从早期中高温、中盐度流体向晚期低温、低盐度流体演化,属NaCl-H2O-CO2±CH4热液体系。矿床稳定同位素研究表明,沙麦钨矿床的成矿流体主要来源于岩浆水,并在成矿晚期混入了大气水。矿床硫的来源与早白垩世岩浆-热液系统或深部幔源岩浆相关,并混入了部分地层硫。综合分析认为,沙麦钨矿为一岩浆期后热液型钨矿床。燕山期侵入体从深部携带成矿物质,经历了岩浆分异和流-熔体相互作用等过程,形成区内岩浆-热液成矿系统。流体的不混溶是导致含钨络合物分解乃至最后沉淀成矿的主要原因。  相似文献   
由于较低的钾元素含量以及过剩氩的存在,长期以来对硅质岩的40Ar/39Ar定年一直存在较大难度。近年来,由于仪器水平的不断提高,新实验技术和方法的应用,特别是激光全熔40Ar/39Ar定年技术的应用,40Ar/39Ar定年方法具有了足够高的测试精度和稳定的低本底水平,可以满足测试极低钾元素含量的硅质岩样品的要求。利用多组矿物颗粒测试数据计算等时线年龄的方法可以很好地去除过剩氩对硅质岩年龄的影响。本文利用激光全熔40Ar/39Ar定年方法对新疆准噶尔盆地边缘的两个硅质岩样品进行了定年研究。采自白碱滩地区的08BJT-3样品的年龄测试结果为294±14Ma,该年龄结果与硅质岩样品所处的晚石炭世地层沉积年代基本一致。采自卡拉麦里地区的KML-2样品的年龄测试结果为266±14Ma,该年龄结果与强烈变形改造硅质岩样品的卡拉麦里构造变形带活动年代十分一致,表明激光全熔40Ar/39Ar定年方法可以准确地对硅质岩进行定年。  相似文献   
CLSM技术应用于化石硅藻微构造的尝试研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
首次采用激光扫描共聚焦显微系统(Confocal Laser Scanaing Microsystem)的新方法对西藏化石硅藻进行了微构造的尝试研究,通过对标本不同层面的系列扫描和三维重组立体图像的观察,揭示了采自西藏阿里地区和山南地区湖相沉积剖面的化石硅藻的微构造及形态特征,发现了某些对硅藻分类、示相特征的新标识,并在CLSM技术的应用方面获得了新的认识.  相似文献   
近年来激光物理与应用的进展促成了激光天文动力学空间任务概念的提出。在激光天文动力学任务概念研究方面 ,必须对由远程航天器上传回的激光进行讯号的测量与处理。激光经过长距离的传输后 ,功率大幅下降 ,因此在空间任务概念的考虑上 ,弱光锁相是计划中关键性的技术。由航天器射来的激光 ,经过望远镜聚光后与本地激光进行锁相 ,由本地激光承载及传达太空激光的相位信息。实验中 ,我们使用 2支半导体激光泵浦非平面环形共振腔钇镏石激光 (Diodelaserpumpednon -planarringcavityNd :YAGlaser) ,分别代表远程的弱光及代表本地的强光 ,建立弱光锁相环路系统 (weak -lightphase -lockedloopsystem)。以中性光强度滤光器 (ND -filter;neutraldensityfilter)减弱光讯号来仿真远程激光传来的弱光。在相位探测部分使用均衡探测法 ,消除激光强度噪声 ,以提高讯噪比。同时配合适当的环路滤波器 ,控制激光频率 ,提高锁相的能力。对 2nW的弱光与 2mW的强光可长时间锁相 ,其均方根相位误差为 57mrad。 2 0 0pW的弱光与 2 0 0 μW的强光锁相时间可达 2h以上 ,其相位误差为 2 0 0mrad。 2 0pW的弱光与 2 0 0 μW的强光锁相时间亦可达 2h以上 ,其相位误差为 1 60mrad。最后 ,我们对 2pW的弱光与 2 0 0 μW的强光锁相 ,  相似文献   
小型激光天文动力学空间计划概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小型激光天文动力学空间计划是 :使用在太阳轨道上无拖曳航天器和地面站以激光干涉和脉冲测距的方法 ,精确地探讨天文动力学 ,检测相对论与时空基本定律 ,改进探测引力波的灵敏度以及更准确地测定太阳、行星和小行星的参数。 1 969年开始的月球激光 (反射 )测距 ,对地球物理、参考坐标的选定、相对论的检验均有重要的贡献。 3 0年来 ,激光技术的长足进步 ,使现在正是适合于开始进行研究空间有源 (主动 )测距和光波空间通讯的时候。激光天文动力学的兴起是必然的趋势 ,其精确度将比现在提高 3到 6个数量级 ,将是天文动力学革命性的发展。小型激光天文动力学空间计划可以起到带头作用。它的关键技术有三 ,即 :弱光锁相、极精确无拖曳航天和高衰减日冕仪。弱光锁相已有长足的进步。对高衰减日冕仪的研究 ,也有了初步的方案。LISA空间计划将于 2 0 0 6年 8月发射SMART -2 ,研究测试极精确无拖曳航天。小型激光天文动力学空间计划的关键技术已日趋成熟。在第一届国际激光天文动力学研讨会 ( 2 0 0 1 ,9.1 3 -2 3 )中介绍了各相关学科背景及前沿研究 ,讨论了激光天文动力学空间计划科学目标及相关技术 ,并召开了两次小型激光天文动力学空间计划预研究筹备会 ,建立了和欧洲的合作关系。会后着手进行此项对基础  相似文献   
To support the adoption of precision agricultural practices in horticultural tree crops, prior research has investigated the relationship between crop vigour (height, canopy density, health) as measured by remote sensing technologies, to fruit quality, yield and pruning requirements. However, few studies have compared the accuracy of different remote sensing technologies for the estimation of tree height. In this study, we evaluated the accuracy, flexibility, aerial coverage and limitations of five techniques to measure the height of two types of horticultural tree crops, mango and avocado trees. Canopy height estimates from Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) were used as a reference dataset against height estimates from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data, WorldView-3 (WV-3) stereo imagery, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based RGB and multi-spectral imagery, and field measurements. Overall, imagery obtained from the UAV platform were found to provide tree height measurement comparable to that from the TLS (R2 = 0.89, RMSE = 0.19 m and rRMSE = 5.37 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.81, RMSE = 0.42 m and rRMSE = 4.75 % for avocado trees), although coverage area is limited to 1–10 km2 due to battery life and line-of-sight flight regulations. The ALS data also achieved reasonable accuracy for both mango and avocado trees (R2 = 0.67, RMSE = 0.24 m and rRMSE = 7.39 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.63, RMSE = 0.43 m and rRMSE = 5.04 % for avocado trees), providing both optimal point density and flight altitude, and therefore offers an effective platform for large areas (10 km2–100 km2). However, cost and availability of ALS data is a consideration. WV-3 stereo imagery produced the lowest accuracies for both tree crops (R2 = 0.50, RMSE = 0.84 m and rRMSE = 32.64 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.45, RMSE = 0.74 m and rRMSE = 8.51 % for avocado trees) when compared to other remote sensing platforms, but may still present a viable option due to cost and commercial availability when large area coverage is required. This research provides industries and growers with valuable information on how to select the most appropriate approach and the optimal parameters for each remote sensing platform to assess canopy height for mango and avocado trees.  相似文献   
Laser line scan imaging and chirp sub-bottom profiling were used to detail the morphology of a submarine mud volcano and brine-filled crater at 652 m water depth in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The mud volcano has a relief of 6 m and a basal diameter of about 80 m. The feature comprises a central, brine-filled crater (253 m2) surrounded by a continuous bed of methanotrophic mussels (Bathymodiolus childressi) covering 434 m2 and a patchy bed covering an additional 214 m2 of the periphery. The brine pool was mostly <2 m deep, but there were two holes of >28 m and 12 m deep, respectively at the northern end of the pool which emitted continual streams of small clear bubbles. Sub-bottom profiles indicated three distinct strata beneath the present surface of the mud volcano. Integration of 17 profiles shows that the mud volcano has been built in at least three successive stages: the lowest stage deposited 35,400 m3, while the middle and upper stages deposited 7700 and 20,400 m3, respectively. Piston cores were taken at the northern edge of the mussel bed and a site ∼100 m southwest of the pool. Mussel and lucinid shells were recovered from the closer core, lucinid shells from the distant core. A mussel shell from 3.4 m sub-bottom had a Δ14C age of 16.2 ka. Mixture of modern carbon with “carbon dead” reservoir material would produce actual ages ∼2 ka less than the radiocarbon ages.  相似文献   
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