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国际地球科学发展态势   总被引:24,自引:7,他引:24  
从学科发展的角度综述了20世纪80年代以来地球科学研究在思维方式、研究对象的时空尺度、研究内容、研究形式、组织形式、信息交流、方法手段等方面所发生的深刻变化,指出地球科学已经进入地球系统科学时代和为人类社会经济可持续发展服务的时代。进入21世纪,地球科学研究的主要趋向、热点与重点问题是:①突出地球系统科学,关注全球变化与地球各圈层相互作用及其变化的研究,以及人类活动引发的重大环境变化研究;②突出地球演化的动力过程研究,关注地球内部深层过程与岩石圈动力学、气候系统动力学与气候预测、生态系统动力学与生态环境的保护和建设;③突出地球信息科学,关注数字地球、3S(GIS、DIS和GPS)一体化和地球科学定量化的研究趋势;④突出地球管理科学,关注减灾防灾、环境保护治理、资源合理开发利用以及碳循环、水资源、食物与纤维、能源战略等问题;⑤突出地球科学跨学科研究进展与创新,关注经济社会发展对地球科学的影响与需求,重视地球科学在自然科学内部与其他学科的交叉融合以及高新技术在地球科学中的应用。  相似文献   

Spatial online analytical processing (OLAP) and spatial data warehouse (SDW) systems are geo-business intelligence technologies that enable the analysis of huge volumes of geographic data. In the last decade, the conceptual design and implementation of SDWs that integrate spatial data, which are represented using the vector model, have been extensively investigated. However, the integration of field data (a continuous representation of spatial data) in SDWs is a recent unresolved research issue. Enhancing SDWs with field data improves the spatio-multidimensional analysis capabilities with continuity and multiresolutions. Motivated by the need for a conceptual design tool and relational online analytical processing (ROLAP) implementation, we propose a UML profile for SDWs that integrates a regular grid of points and supports continuity and multiresolutions. We also propose an efficient implementation of a ROLAP architecture.  相似文献   
The geodiversity of Crete is quantified in this study, based on the classification of geomorphometric, geological and climatic factors. A number of geomorphometric variables, extracted from the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER G-DEM) in conjunction with geological and climatic information, are evaluated through various algorithms incorporated into Geographical Information System (GIS) software’s. The derived geoinformatic data sets are then analyzed to produce the geodiversity of Crete. The geodiversity map is used to quantify the geodiversity, by calculating landscape diversity and other spatial pattern indices. Those indices are evaluating the richness, evenness, fragmentation and shape of the landscape patch types. The outcome of this study has highlighted that western Crete is characterized by complex geodiversity with more irregular, elongated and fragmented landscape patterns relative to the eastern part of the island. The geodiversity indices provide insights into the processes shaping landscapes, particularly the “battle” between neotectonic landscape deformation and erosion/deposition. The methodology presented can be useful for decision makers when evaluating a regions geological heritage, planning the management of natural resources, or designating areas for conservation.  相似文献   
Internet具有重要的地理信息科学资源。地理信息的标准是保证网络传播地理信息的前提条件,也是推动地理信息科学数据共享的基础。借助于搜索工具,点击与地理信息科学相关的一些网站或者关键词,就可以寻找到所需要的地理信息资源。众多的Rs、GIS、GPS、制图、数字地球、全球变化、资源环境以及各种出版物和研究机构等网站,可以为地理信息科学的研究提供重要条件,网络资源需要进一步的挖掘和应用。  相似文献   
地理数据的增强现实可视化技术,是地理信息科学可视化的一个重要的发展方向之一。首先,笔者详细地综述了国内外AR技术在GIS可视化领域的应用。针对基于真实视频影像表达地理数据的问题,笔者构建了该可视化系统的概念模型;并以户外山区地形数据和影像数据为基础,详细地阐述了AR技术可视化地理数据的原理和方法;最后,实现了以视频影像为载体的地理数据AR可视化方法。与传统地理数据的可视化方式相比,AR可视化表达方式更简单直观,真实感更强。  相似文献   
In the present study, spatio-temporal urban sprawl and land consumption patterns were analysed in seven capital cities located in the Himalayan region during 1972, 1991 and 2015 using multi-temporal satellite images. The study exhibits that capital Himalayan cities experienced rapid growth (830.92%) with high population increase (333.45%) during the observation period (1972–2015). The significant urban growth was observed in the cities of western and middle Himalayan region viz., Srinagar (9.36 km2–142.19 km2), Kathmandu (11.38 km2–92.58 km2) and Dehradun (4.1 km2–50.09 km2) in the higher altitudes due to remarkable increase in the population (0.5–1 million persons) during 1972–2015. On the contrary, Itanagar (7.19 km2), Gangtok (7.09 km2), Shimla (3.04 km2) and Thimphu (2.93 km2) observed less urban growth with moderate to low population growth (i.e., 0.05 to 0.15 million persons). The Shannon entropy based study exhibits that the cities viz., Kathmandu, Gangtok and Itanagar observed comparatively more dispersed urban growth during later period (1991–2015) as compared to the previous period (1972–1991) whereas, the remaining cities observed comparatively less dispersed urban growth during later period. The temporal land consumption pattern exhibits low density urban growth in Srinagar, Dehradun and Kathmandu, as observed with decrease in population density and increasing land consumption during 1972–2015 as compared to other cities, wherein urban densification was evident with increase in population density and decrease in land consumption. The cities in central and western Himalayan region observed high urban growth as compared to cities in eastern Himalayan region. The result shows that the capital cities contributes insignificant proportion (0.5%; 314 km2) of urban area in Himalayan region and accommodating large (ca. 4 million) population during 2015. The study indicates unplanned and haphazard growth in all capital Himalayan cities, leading towards urban densification as well as dispersion in the periphery with varied pattern and intensity. The specific trends and patterns of urban and population growth are governed by geographical as well as socio-economic-political factors at local to regional scale. The high population pressure induced higher risk to the urban residents as well as constrained urban growth over higher vulnerable zones. The study necessitates implementation of suitable urban planning methods considering socio-economic and physico-cultural characteristics of the region.  相似文献   
Incorporating prior geological knowledge in geophysical process models often meets practical meshing challenges and raises the question of how much detail is to be included in the geometric model. We introduce a strategy to automatically repair and simplify geological maps, geological cross-sections and the associated meshes while preserving elementary consistency rules. To identify features breaking validity and/or the thin features potentially problematic when generating a mesh, we associate an exclusion zone with each model feature (horizon, fault). When these zones overlap, both the connectivity and the geometry of the geological layers are automatically modified. The output model enforces specific practical quality criteria on the model topology and geometry that facilitates the generation of a mesh with lower bounds on minimum angles and minimum local entity sizes. Our strategy is demonstrated on an invalid geological cross-section from a real-case study in the Lorraine coal basin. We further explore the impacts of the model modifications on wave propagation simulation. We show that the differences on the seismograms due to model simplifications are relatively small if the magnitude of simplifications is adapted to the physical problem parameters.  相似文献   
Identifying felsic intrusions is an essential task in support of mineral exploration because the intrusions can be a source of energy and metals for magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization. In this paper, two models for mapping felsic intrusions are compared based on regional geochemical and geophysical data. Geochemical data as a type of compositional data which carry relative information should be preprocessed using log-ratio transformation. The first model, a factor ratio (F2/F1) model, was developed based on the chemical characteristics of the felsic intrusions, which are rich in K2O and high field strength elements (F2), but poor in Fe2O3 and compatible elements (F1). The second model, a hybrid model that combines principal component analysis and local singularity analysis, was based on the chemical and physical properties of the felsic intrusions. The results showed that (1) raw geochemical data should be processed using log-ratio transformation prior to multivariate data analysis to avoid spurious correlations between variables, and (2) the hybrid model performed better than the ratio of factors model for inferring felsic intrusions in the study area. The felsic intrusions mapped in this study provide information that can support further mineral exploration in the Dong Ujimqin Fe–Cu polymetallic district, Inner Mongolia, northern China.  相似文献   
This article examines the nature of freely available geospatial software and information systems in the context of disaster management. The use of geospatial data is crucial to effective disaster management, from preparedness to response and recovery. However, to make efficient use of available data and information – before, during and after a disaster – reliable software is required. The software applications examined in this paper range from Geographical Information Systems, to the processing of remotely sensed images, crowd-source mapping, web applications and content management systems. Trends and challenges are considered, and guidelines are given, to foster and encourage the provision of information by Freeware and Open Source Software. Free geoinformatics can help to optimize the limited financial, technological and manpower resources that many organisations face, providing a sustainable input to analytical activities.  相似文献   
香港天文台提供全球地震资讯服务,以满足各界对全球地震消息的需求。目前该服务使用的地名源自地震监测机构普遍采用的Flinn-Engdahl(F-E)区域化方案,这方案虽能提供概括的地名,然而在边界的精确度上仍有局限。为使全球地震报告内的地名更精准和具体,令公众更容易理解地震信息的内容,天文台研发一套地理资讯系统,结合F-E区域化方案、全球国家及一级行政区地理数据、中国气象局近海海区天气预报分界、天文台华南海域天气预报分界、以及香港一带地理区域,建立协调双语地理信息数据库,帮助天文台不断提升全球地震资讯的服务水平。  相似文献   
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