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The powerful cosmic ray flare of Sept. 29, 1989 occurred behind the limb and was observed over a wide spectral range. The analysis of optical, radio, and other relevant data suggest two phases of energy release. After an impulsive phase a prolonged post eruption energy release occurred in an extended region of the corona following the eruption of a large coronal mass ejection (CME). This phase is responsible for numerous coronal and interplanetary phenomena including the ground-level increase of cosmic rays.  相似文献   
P. Bonneton   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(10):1459-1471
In this paper, we analyse the ability of the nonlinear shallow-water (NSW) equations to predict wave distortion and energy dissipation of periodic broken waves in the inner surf zone. This analysis is based on the weak-solution theory for conservative equations. We derive a new one-way model, which applies to the transformation of non-reflective periodic broken waves on gently sloping beaches. This model can be useful to develop breaking-wave parameterizations (in particular broken-wave celerity expression) in both time-averaged wave models and time-dependent Boussinesq-type models. We also derive a new wave set-up equation which provides a simple and explicit relation between wave set-up and energy dissipation. Finally, we compare numerical simulations of both, the NSW model and the simplified one-way model, with spilling wave breaking experiments and we find a good agreement.  相似文献   
一个简单食物链的能流实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食物链能量转换是生态系统的主要功能之一。海洋生物生产就是海洋食物链能量流动的一种表现形式。它把来自以藻类为主的植物性生产,通过被食-取食多级转换,形成了贝、虾、鱼等各级动物性生产,这就为人类提供了丰富的渔业资源。海岸带水域是我国目前海洋开发的主攻目标,揭示这个海区中食物链能流转移过程,对其经济生物生产力估算和开发前景预测有着重要意义。测定自然条件下海洋食物链能流是极其困难的。借助实验结果进而推算,就比较方便。本研究选择我国海岸带水域中属于不同营养级的4个经济种,构成一个简单的人工食物链,即金藻(…  相似文献   
山西能源重化工基地建设关系到全国四个现代化的实现,被列为国家重点建设工程,制定了《山西能源重化工基地综合规划》。本文分析了80年代山西省经济建设的成就与问题。提出了“整体创新,综合开发”,把山西能源重化工基地建设成内陆经济开放区的战略大思路,为此,90年代应完成11项大型经济战略工程,同时展望了经济发展改革前景。  相似文献   
梅雨锋次天气尺度涡旋旋转风和辐散风动能收支   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
汪钟兴  刘勇 《高原气象》1994,13(1):28-34
本文选取1991年7月5日20:00-6日20:00梅雨锋上移动性次天气尺度涡旋引起的长江中下游特大暴雨为实例。采用准拉格朗日球坐标系的旋转风和辐散风动能方程,计算得到次天气尺度涡旋发展和成熟两个阶段对流层各层旋转风动能和辐散风动能的收支特征为:在对流层高层(100-400hPa)两个阶段的旋转风动能源汇相同,辐散风动能源汇有异,即水平动能通量项和“摩擦”项符号相反;在中层(400-700hPa)  相似文献   
中国夏季主雨带的形成过程   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
我国夏季主雨带的形成,是从上一年夏季开始的,共经历3个阶段,(1)上一年5-9月副热带西风急流的孕育期,(2)10-3月西风急流发展期,(3)西风急流为西太平副热带高压替代期(本年5-9月)-主雨带形成,在3个阶段中,北半球大气加热场上制约西风急流变化的最活跃的因子,是高,中纬地区由流状低云和冰雪盖交替进行的冷却大气过程。  相似文献   
从准地转正压涡度方程出发,在k1+k2+k3=△k、l1+l2+l3=0和ω1+ω2+ω3=0的准共振条件下,分析了准共振三波能量和位涡拟能的传输。当△k很小时,准共振三波组的总能量和总拟能近似守恒;三波之间能量和拟能的传输方向与共振情况基本相同,但中波向长波传输较多能量、向短波传输较多拟能和三波之间产生能量与拟能传输这三者的可能非线性准共振的面积与共振时相比均有较大的变化,而三者的面积比也有较明  相似文献   
To a set of well-regarded international scenarios (UNEP’s GEO-4), we have added consideration of the demand, supply, and energy implications related to copper production and use over the period 2010–2050. To our knowledge, these are the first comprehensive metal supply and demand scenarios to be developed. We find that copper demand increases by between 275 and 350% by 2050, depending on the scenario. The scenario with the highest prospective demand is not Market First (a “business as usual” vision), but Equitability First, a scenario of transition to a world of more equitable values and institutions. These copper demands exceed projected copper mineral resources by mid-century and thereafter. Energy demand for copper production also demonstrates strong increases, rising to as much as 2.4% of projected 2050 overall global energy demand. We investigate possible policy responses to these results, concluding that improving the efficiency of the copper cycle and encouraging the development of copper-free energy distribution on the demand side, and improving copper recycling rates on the supply side are the most promising of the possible options. Improving energy efficiency in primary copper production would lead to a reduction in the energy demand by 0.5% of projected 2050 overall global energy demand. In addition, encouraging the shift towards renewable technologies is important to minimize the impacts associated with copper production.  相似文献   
钱晓东  秦嘉政 《地震》2006,26(2):113-121
利川判断地震序列能蕈释放衰减是否异常的Ec—k量板,汁算了云南及附近地区39次巾强地震序列的能量衰减系数k值。结果显示:①当判别指标k〉1时,地震序列能量衰减处于正常状态;当k≤1时,判断地震序列能量衰减出现异常,其后发生更大地震或强余震的町能什较大。②对云南地区中强地震序列的榆验表明,有74%的地震序列符合上述判别指标。③用相同的地震进行了地震序列频度衰减系数^值的计算,发现符合h值判别指标的地震序列占统计际本的锄%。④对日常地震跟踪临视中遇到的二次典型地震序列详细分析,发现用k值力。法无论对中小地震序列还是巨震序列,预测效果均较好。  相似文献   
The hydrostatic energy of high-pressure seawater is a renewable and green energy source for ocean exploration and have been used to replace underwater electrical energy transmission through the cable and underwater battery pack to power seafloor equipment. The advantage of the energy supply method is the cost-effective and the robustness. In the paper, the energy performance of the existing hydrostatic seafloor sediment samplers powered by seawater hydrostatic energy are modelled and analyzed and compared. In view of the common shortcoming of existing technology, a novel hydrostatic seafloor sediment sampler is proposed. The model of energy conversion of the new sampler is built, and its energy performance is obtained. The analysis results indicate that the energy conversion efficiency of the novel sediment sampler is much higher than the existing ones, which means that the new sampler can collect much longer sample with the limited amount of hydrostatic energy. The seawater hydrostatic energy conversion system of the new sampler can also be used to power other seafloor equipment.  相似文献   
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