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  2013年   24篇
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One of the most fundamental steps in map creation is the transformation of information from the surface of a globe onto a flat map. Mapmakers have developed and used hundreds of different map projections over the past 2,000 years, yet there is no perfect choice because every map projection uniquely alters some aspect of space during the transformation process. Detailed information about the type, amount, and distribution of distortion is essential for choosing the best projection for a particular map or data set. The distortion inherent in projections can be measured and symbolized much like any other map variable. Methods for symbolizing map projection distortion are reviewed, with each method described and illustrated in graphical form. The symbolization methods are collected under ten separate headings organized from simple to more complex in terms of interpretation. Most of these methods are highly effective at communicating distortion, yet they are rarely used beyond textbooks and technical documentation. Map projections and the distortions they carry need to be better understood by spatial data developers, distributors, and users. Map distortion should be carried along with map data as confidence layers, and the easily accessible distortion displays should be available to help in the selection of map projections. There is a suitably wide array of symbolization methods to match any need from basic education to research.  相似文献   
This paper describes a new approach called kriskogram to visualizing migration flows. To create a kriskogram, geographical units are projected as a set of points on a straight line segment called a location line. The migration flow between two points on the location line is represented using a half-circle drawn from the origin to the destination in a clockwise direction. Translucent symbols and a classification scheme can be used to make a kriskogram more effective. We demonstrate this method using a set of interstate migration data of four time periods for the conterminous United States.  相似文献   
Quality is critical in cartography because key decisions are often made based on the information the map communicates. The mass production of digital cartographic information to support geographic information science has now added a new dimension to the problem of cartographic quality, as problems once limited to small volumes can now proliferate in mass production programs. These problems can also affect the economics of map production by diverting a sizeable portion of production cost to pay for rework on maps with poor quality. Such problems are common to general industry—in response, the quality engineering profession has developed a number of successful methods to overcome these problems. Two important methods are the reduction of error through statistical analysIs and addressing the quality environment in which people work. Once initial and obvious quality problems have been solved, outside influences periodically appear that cause adverse variations in quality and consequently increase production costs. Such errors can be difficult to detect before the customer is affected. However, a number of statistical techniques can be employed to detect variation so that the problem is eliminated before significant damage is caused. Additionally, the environment in which the workforce operates must be conducive to quality. Managers have a powerful responslblhty to create this environment. Two sets of guidelines, known as Deming's Fourteen Points and ISO-9000, provide models for this environment.  相似文献   
Animated choropleth maps enable cartographers to visualize time-series data in a way that congruently depicts change over time. However, users have difficulty apprehending information encoded within these displays, and often fail to detect important changes between adjacent scenes. Failures of visual experience, such as change blindness, threaten the effectiveness of dynamic geovisual displays, in which several important changes can occur simultaneously throughout the display. Animated choropleth maps require viewers not only to notice changes but also understand symbolic meanings encoded in rapid transitions between scenes. Graphic interpolation between key frames, also known as “in-betweening” or “tweening”, smoothes transitions and lengthens the duration of the transition between scenes in a dynamic sequence. Previous cartographic literature suggests tweening could be a potential solution for change blindness in the cartographic context. This article examines this issue of change blindness in the cartographic context and reports on a human subjects investigation designed to evaluate the influence of cartographic design variables on map readers' change detection abilities. Our results indicate that 1) map readers have difficulty detecting changes in animated choropleth maps, 2) map readers over-estimate their own change detection abilities, and 3) tweening influences the legibility of change in animated choropleth maps.  相似文献   
Writing critical reviews of thematic and general reference atlases can provide a professional writing experience for students in both introductory and advanced cartography classes. The rationale for assigning critical atlas reviews, a set of objectives for the assignment and a list of questions to distribute to students are presented herein.  相似文献   
Animation is an important method of communicating information that lends itself to cartographic display. Cartographers may be delinquent in their utilization of this technique. Meteorologists, medical researchers, and physical scientists, employing mini-, mainframe, and supercomputers, are creating today's most sophisticated animated maps and continue to develop high-quality systems for data display. Though today's cartographers are concerned with the geometric accuracy and computer automation of their map products, they may be overlooking current developments in spatiotemporal display within other disciplines. Creating a method to bridge the current animation gap between cartography and these disciplines has been the primary goal of this research. Since personal computers are the platforms most commonly available to cartographers, development of animated cartographic displays is feasible with this technology. As a result of this research, an interactive microcomputer-based animated map of U.S. surface temperatures was designed to help understand the rapid climatic change occurring during the 20th century.  相似文献   
《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):179-213

To what extent do European state topographic maps exhibit unique styles of cartography? This paper describes an investigation to classify and analyse stylistic diversity in the official 1 : 50 000 topographical mapping of 20 European countries. The method involves the construction of a typology of cartographic style, based upon the classification of distinct graphical legend symbols into mutually exclusive thematic categories. In order to identify stylistic similarities between national symbologies, hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to compare the relative proportions of symbols within each category. This was complemented by a qualitative analysis of various aspects of cartographic design: colour, 'white' space, visual hierarchy, and lettering. The results indicate a high degree of stylistic diversity throughout Europe, with the symbologies of Great Britain and Ireland demonstrating the strongest example of a supranational style. The typology of cartographic symbologies is shown to be an effective method for determining stylistic association among maps of differing geographical (and potentially historical) origins and it is suggested that the cartographic language paradigm should be revisited as a means for understanding why national differences persist in state cartography. A version of this paper was presented at the Twenty-third International Cartographic Conference in Moscow.  相似文献   
How to replace the human element of generalization with computer algorithms or rules in knowledge bases has been frequently discussed, but we have not succeeded in formulating these rules very well. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the problem of knowledge acquisition for generalization of topographic maps. Three studies to derive rule-based knowledge for automatic map generalization are presented and analyzed. In the tests, cartographers were asked to interpret map objects to be generalized and to describe the basis of their decisions. The studies showed that by interviewing cartographers, much of the domain knowledge can be gathered, but the most time-consuming part of documenting this knowledge is to analyze the data and formalize the results. It was also found that there is important domain knowledge on generalization that has not previously been documented. The tests performed resulted in the discovery of four categories of declarative rules: geometric, topological, context-related, and culture-related rules.  相似文献   
Maps and games have a long history of co-evolution, and after many years of parallel and sometimes independent development, we see today a convergence of mapping and gaming technologies. This report presents five broad themes in current-day computer gaming and cartography, highlighting some of the connections between these two dynamic fields and arguing for the potential of combining modern cartographic theory, tools, and practice with gaming approaches.  相似文献   
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