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黑碳气溶胶辐射强迫全球分布的模拟研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
张华  马井会  郑有飞 《大气科学》2008,32(5):1147-1158
利用一个改进的辐射传输模式,结合全球气溶胶数据集(GADS),计算晴空条件下冬夏两季黑碳气溶胶的直接辐射强迫在对流层顶和地面的全球分布。计算结果表明,与温室气体引起的整层大气都是正的辐射强迫不同,黑碳气溶胶的辐射强迫在对流层顶为正值,而在地面的辐射强迫却是负值。作者从理论上解释了造成这种结果的原因。对北半球冬季和夏季而言,在对流层顶黑碳气溶胶的全球辐射强迫的平均值分别为0.085W/m2和0.155 W/m2,在地面则分别为-0.37 W/m2和-0.63 W/m2。虽然气溶胶的辐射强迫主要依赖于其本身的光学性质和在大气中的浓度,太阳高度角和地表反照率对黑碳气溶胶的辐射强迫会产生很大的影响。研究指出:黑碳气溶胶在对流层顶正的辐射强迫和在地面负的辐射强迫的绝对值都随太阳天顶角的余弦和地表反照率的增加线性增大;地表反照率对黑碳气溶胶辐射强迫的强度和分布都有重要影响。黑碳气溶胶的辐射强迫分布具有明显的纬度变化特征,冬夏两季的大值区都位于30°N~90°N之间,表明人类活动是造成黑碳气溶胶辐射强迫的主要原因。  相似文献   
Stimulated by the recent discovery of PSR J1833-1034 in SNR G21.5-0.9 and its age parameters presented by two groups of discovery, we demonstrate that the PSR J1833-1034 was born 2053 years ago from a supernova explosion, the BC 48 guest star observed in the Western Han (Early Han) Dynasty by ancient Chinese. Based on a detailed analysis of the Chinese ancient record of the BC 48 guest star and the new detected physical parameters of PSR J1833-1034, agreements on the visual position, age and distance between PSR J1833-1034 and the BC 48 guest star are obtained. The initial period P0 of PSR J1833-1034 is now derived from its historical and current observed data without any other extra assumption on P0 itself, except that the factor PP is a constant in its evolution until now.  相似文献   
A marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas sp. BC228 was supplemented to feed in a feeding experiment aiming to determine its ability of enhancing the digestive enzyme activity and immune response of juvenile Apostichopus japonicus. Sea cucumber individuals were fed with the diets containing 0(control), 105, 107 and 109 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 for 45 days. Results showed that intestinal trypsin and lipase activities were significantly enhanced by 107 and 109 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 in comparison with control(P 0.01). The phagocytic activity in the coelomocytes of sea cucumber fed the diet supplemented with 107 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 was significantly higher than that of those fed control diet(P 0.05). In addition, 105 and 107 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 significantly enhanced lysozyme and phenoloxidase activities in the coelomic fluid of sea cucumber, respectively, in comparison with other diets(P 0.01). Sea cucumbers, 10 each diet, were challenged with Vibrio splendidus NB13 after 45 days of feeding. It was found that the cumulative incidence and mortality of sea cucumber fed with BC228 containing diets were lower than those of animals fed control diet. Our findings evidenced that BC228 supplemented in diets improved the digestive enzyme activity of juvenile sea cucumber, stimulated its immune response and enhanced its resistance to the infection of V. splendidus.  相似文献   
公元前7年内蒙古包头地区8级地震的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
聂宗笙 《地震学报》2013,35(4):584-603
公元前7年11月11日(汉成帝绥和二年九月丙辰)地震, 由于历史文献记载的不确定性, 长期存在分歧, 也没有学者开展过调查研究, 中国地震目录均未收入. 考古发现包头市麻池周边汉代部分木椁墓中木椁四周填塞的碎砖瓦陶片及文字瓦当, 是房屋毁坏以后的建筑垃圾和日用陶器残片的混合物, 这些房屋是在公元前52年(甘露二年)到公元前33年(竞宁元年)以后在麻池古城(汉五原郡)建成的. 上述房屋的毁坏发生在西汉晚期的墓葬稍前. 房屋毁坏的原因, 可排除自然因素、 战争及人为破坏, 更可能是由于突发性的地震灾害所致. 公元前7年地震正好发生在这一时期, 并使北边郡国30余处坏城郭, 凡压杀400余人. 根据木椁四周填塞碎砖瓦陶片的汉墓分析, 麻池古城房屋、 殿堂遭受严重破坏, 死亡人数达200人以上, 地震及其它天灾人祸, 使麻池古城逐渐衰退, 最后荒废. 结合大青山山前断裂所形成的距今2 000年前的地震形变带遗迹综合分析, 公元前7年11月11日地震宏观震中在麻池一带, 震中烈度为Ⅹ度, 震级达8级, 命名为内蒙古包头8级地震.  相似文献   
在综合整理公元前1831年-公元1980年中国地震灾害资料的基础上,运用GIS技术,着重探讨了中国地震灾害的时空特征以及中国地震灾害对交通影响的空间分布与类型分析。中国地震灾害记载的时间分布不平衡,是随时间的推移而逐渐呈现上升趋势;其空间分布也不平衡,元代以前集中于山西、河南、陕西一带,明清时期西南和台湾地区有所增加,民国及1949-1980年主要集中于西南、西北及台湾地区。中国地震灾害对交通影响的空间分布也集中于西北、西南地区,特别是云南、四川和新疆,通过地震烈度的空间分布,可知高烈度的地震对新疆的交通系统影响较大,云南和四川较低烈度的地震对其交通系统的影响也比较大,这是因为3省皆分布于中国强震带内,且四川和云南地形复杂,多山地丘陵,其交通线的分布多沿山川行进,故较易受地震影响。然后,依据破坏程度、次生灾害、交通构筑物破坏可将地震灾害对交通的影响划分为不同的影响类型。  相似文献   
历史记载,考古证据及古气候研究一致表明在公元前第3千纪初,即3000 BC以后,在两河流域有一个洪水时期.大洪水的历史记载最早见于<旧约圣经>,19世纪考古发现亚述泥版及苏美尔泥版中也有大洪水的记载.古气候代用资料也支持公元前第3千纪初两河流域发生过洪水的结论.    相似文献   
The quantitative calculation of the volume of large earthquake-triggered landslides and related dammed lake sediments is of great significance in the study of secondary disasters and focal parameters of strong historical earthquakes. In this study, the dammed lake induced by Qishan M7 earthquake (Lingtai County, Gansu Province, Northwest China) is selected as the research object. Based on the information collected from the 4 boreholes in the dammed lake area, we further take advantage of the low-level Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry and the morphology recovery method,to calculate the volume of the dammed lake and landslides, respectively. Finally, major conclusions are obtained as follows:① the AMS-14C age at the bottom of the Qiuzigou Dammed Lake sediments is 2 890±30 BP, which coincides with the 780 BC Qishan earthquake; furthermore, the Qiuzigou Landslides seem to have been triggered by the earthquake, forming an enclosed dammed lake deposition environment after the upstream sediments accumulate;② the Qiuzigou landslides are opposite-sliding landslides that have blocked the river valley; in detail, landslide volumes at the right and left banks are 235×104 m3 and 229×104 m3, respectively. The length of the dammed lake is 2.6 km, with a thickness of approximately 43 m near the landslides, and the total sedimentary volume is 573×104 m3; ③the erosion rate of Qiuzigou Landslide Dammed Lake is 0.44 mm/a, the accumulation rate is 15.05 mm/a, and the soil erosion modulus is 593 t/(km2/a), characterized as slight erosion. Quantitative research on the formation of landslides and dammed lakes from strong historical earthquakes is vital for increasing our understanding of the vibrational characteristics and surface action processes of these types of earthquakes.  相似文献   
中国生态足迹和生物承载力构成比例变化分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈成忠  林振山 《地理学报》2009,64(12):1523-1533
基于生态足迹模型,计算了中国1995-2006年人均生态足迹和生物承载力的各构成组分.运用统计-动力学建模方法,构建生态足迹和生物承载力各组分构成比例变化的普适预测模型.结果表明:①1995.2006年,中国人均生态足迹构成以能源足迹和耕地足迹为主,耕地、林地、建设等足迹比例在波动中不断下降,草地、水域足迹比例先上升后下降,能源足迹比例不断增加;人均生物承载力构成以耕地为主.林地、建设、水域承载力比例相差不多,草地承载力比例最小,其中耕地、草地承载力比例不断增加,林地、水域、建设等承载力比例不断下降,且变化幅度均很小.②2007-2015年,耕地、林地足迹比例继续下降,草地、水域、能源足迹比例将逐渐上升,建设足迹比例将在下降一段时间后出现增加趋势,耕地、林地、草地等承载力比例将不断增加,其中耕地、林地承载力比例增加幅度很小.草地承载力比例相对增幅较大;水域、建设承载力比例均呈下降趋势.文章还探讨了可能导致中国人均生态足迹和生物承载力构成比例出现上述变化的原因,给出相应的政策建议,并分析了二者之间的内在变化规律.研究结果对指导我国调整产业结构、土地利用规划和改善生态环境有较重要的启示和借鉴意义.  相似文献   
This paper investigates evidence for palaeoclimatic changes during the period ca. 1500–500 cal. yr BC through peat humification studies on seven Irish ombrotrophic bogs. The sites are well‐correlated by the identification of three mid‐first millennium BC tephras, which enable the humification records at specific points in time to be directly compared. Phases of temporarily increased wetness are suggested at ca. 1300–1250 cal. yr BC , ca. 1150–1050 cal. yr BC , ca. 940 cal. yr BC and ca. 740 cal. yr BC . The last of these is confirmed to be synchronous at five sites, suggesting external forcing on a regional scale. The timing of this wet‐shift is constrained by two closely dated tephras and is demonstrated to be distinct from the widely reported changes to cooler/wetter conditions associated with a solar minimum at 850–760 cal. yr BC , at which time the Irish sites appear instead to experience drier conditions. The results suggest the possibility of either non‐uniform responses to solar forcing in northwest Europe at this time, or the existence of unrelated climate events in the early first millennium BC . The findings caution against the correlation of loosely dated palaeoclimate data if the effects of forcing mechanisms are to be understood. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在北黄海中部泥质区采集柱状沉积物样品,对多环芳烃(PAHs)和黑碳(BC)的含量和来源进行研究。结果表明:(1)PAHs的含量变化范围为207~611ng/g;BC的含量变化范围为0.560~1.32mg/g;(2)对比低分子量(LMW)和高分子量(HMW)PAHs含量的历史变化趋势,发现1980s之前的PAHs主要来自于生物质的低温燃烧,之后主要来自于化石燃料的高温热解;(3)1920s之前,PAHs与BC含量基本保持稳定且处于较低值。1920s-1980s,PAHs含量受工业化和煤炭发展的影响较大,开始出现增长趋势。1980-1990s,由于能源消耗量的大幅度增加,导致PAHs和BC的含量迅速升高并达到最大值(1996年)。1990s初期-2000s初期,由于清洁能源的使用等原因,PAHs与BC含量都开始下降。(4)对PAHs和BC含量进行Spearman相关性分析,得出在1920年之前和1920-1980年之间,BC和PAHs含量无显著性相关(r=-0.25,P0.05,n=34;r=0.06,P0.06,n=11);而1980年之后,BC和PAHs含量呈显著性相关(r=0.90,P=0.04,n=5)。  相似文献   
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