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二次特征值问题 (QEP)的主要的求解方法之一是转化为广义特征值问题 (GEP) ,然后用求解广义特征值的方法 (比如 QZ方法 )求解。本文研究由此获得的计算解的范数意义下的最佳向后扰动分析 ,所得结果是 Tisseur最近所得结果的加强。  相似文献   
The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of single crystals of biotite, muscovite and chlorite has been measured in order to provide accurate values of the magnetic anisotropy properties for these common rock-forming minerals. The low-field AMS and the high-field paramagnetic susceptibility are defined. For the high-field values, it is necessary to combine the paramagnetic deviatoric tensor obtained from the high-field torque magnetometer with the paramagnetic bulk susceptibility measured from magnetization curves of the crystals. This leads to the full paramagnetic susceptibility ellipsoid due to the anisotropic distribution of iron cations in the silicate lattice. The ellipsoid of paramagnetic susceptibility, which was obtained for the three phyllosilicates, is highly oblate in shape and the minimum susceptibility direction is subparallel to the crystallographic c-axes. The anisotropy of the susceptibility within the basal plane of the biotite has been evaluated and found to be isotropic within the accuracy of the instrumental measurements. The degree of anisotropy of biotite and chlorite is compatible with previously reported values while for muscovite the smaller than previously published values. The shape of the chlorite AMS ellipsoid for all the samples is near-perfect oblate in contrast with a wide distribution of oblate and prolate values reported in earlier studies. Reliable values are important for deriving models of the magnetic anisotropy where it reflects mineral fabrics and deformation of rocks.  相似文献   
中国新疆博斯腾湖全新世沉积环境年代学特征   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
通过对博斯腾湖沉积物湖芯样品进行137Cs,14C-AMS测年分析,湖芯剖面上有明显的1986年的切尔诺贝利核事故蓄积峰,以及1975年和1963年次蓄积峰,这些137Cs蓄积峰对博斯腾湖现代沉积有明显的时标意义。通过质量深度与年代分析,博斯腾湖的沉积速率相对稳定,平均沉积速率为0.13±0.01g/cm2.a。与14C年代获得的中全新世以来的平均沉积速率0.13±0.03cm/a和0.12±0.05cm/a相似,表明博斯腾湖中全新世以来的沉积环境较稳定,并且也说明14C-AMS测年分析所得的结果较为可靠,可以利用博斯腾湖沉积物样品测定的14C年代进行线性回归作年代校正,由于湖泊沉积物中老碳效应的影响,博斯腾湖沉积物有机质14C测年偏老约650a左右。  相似文献   
苟富刚 《海洋学报》2023,45(4):95-108
为了研究长江古河谷地区早中全新世沉积物的碳埋藏速率及来源,进行了ZK1孔沉积物总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)及δ13C的测定,结合AMS14C(植物碎屑、贝壳)测年、有孔虫及粒度数据,分析了长江古河谷碳埋藏的时空分布特征与TOC来源。采用历史地理学、沉积地质学结合测年数据进行了年代地层划分,自下而上分别为U1潮汐河道、U2河口湾、U3潮流砂脊和U4前三角洲。沉积物受到水深、径流、河口余环流、潮流、波浪、风暴与再矿化等作用或因素影响,TOC平均值为0.41%,低于长江河口表层沉积物基准值0.46%。ZK1碳埋藏通量(TOCBF)介于7.4~110.5 g/(m2·a)之间,差异较大。TOCBF数值主要受控于沉积速率。δ13C与TOC/TN(C/N) 投影点结果表明,TOC来源表现为多源特征,且整体表现为偏陆源特征。C/N与δ13C线性拟合相关性高,适合采用C/N与δ13C进行TOC来源的定量分析。基于C/N与δ13C采用三端源模型进行了TOC来源分析。U2、U3沉积期处于全新世大暖期,其海源碳与陆源碳较U1、U2沉积单元高,这主要与海洋、陆地初级生产力的提高有关。ZK1海洋浮游植物对TOC的贡献量平均值为31%。河口浮游植物对TOC的贡献量平均值为31%。陆源有机碳对TOC的贡献量平均值为38%。整体来看,陆源有机碳的贡献量大于河口浮游植物与海洋浮游植物的贡献量,这与图解法的分析结果基本一致。  相似文献   
Twenty-eight parameters used to characterize measurements of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility are compared theoretically in this work by introducing the concept of the field of susceptibility tensors, which allows the representation of parameters as families of lines in a plane. It is demonstrated that the foliation and lineation parameters are but a special case of the shape parameters, implying that the resolution of these two rock fabric elements using AMS measurements alone is more an artifact of the numerical range of definition of some parameters than a quantification of two physically independent features. Also, it is shown that parameters presumably of the same type do not necessarily yield equivalent interpretation of results in a qualitative sense, and therefore, caution should be strongly exercised when parameters are to be selected. Paramters quantifying the degree of anisotropy are, in general, equivalent to each other because of the very small departure observed in natural rocks from the isotropic case. However, a final consideration of the possible ability to differentiate rock types and a convenient range of values allowing expression of the degree of anisotropy in a well-defined percentage are pointed out as the main factors to be considered before selecting one parameter within this class.  相似文献   
In moderately to highly strained sandstones, both the long axis of the bedding-parallel finite-strain ellipse, as calculated by the normalized Fry method, and the projection of the long axis of the AMS ellipsoid on the plane of bedding, align well with local “structural grain” (trends of cleavage, folds, and faults). This relationship implies that results of both 2D Fry and AMS analyses represent the local layer-parallel tectonic strain component. Do both methods provide comparable results for very low-strain sandstone (e.g., <5%)? To address this question, Fry and AMS analyses were conducted in very low-strain sandstone from two localities in the Appalachian foreland fold–thrust belt: near Rosendale in New York and the Lackawanna synclinorium of Pennsylvania. We compared the map projections of both bedding-parallel Fry ellipses and AMS ellipsoids to the local structural grain. In both study areas, projections of the long axis of Fry strain ellipses do not cluster in a direction parallel to structural grain, whereas the projection of the long axes of AMS ellipsoids do cluster closely to structural grain. This observation implies that in very low-strain sandstone, AMS analysis provides a more sensitive “quick” indicator of tectonic fabric than does normalized Fry analysis.  相似文献   
The structural study of the Saint-Laurent – La Jonquera pluton (Eastern Pyrenees), a Variscan composite laccolithic intrusion emplaced in metasedimentary and gneissic rocks of the Roc de Frausa dome, by means of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) technique has allowed the determination of the nature and orientation of its magmatic fabrics. The magmatic foliation has a predominant NE–SW strike and the mean lineation is also NE–SW trending with a shallow plunge. A strain gradient is measured so that the tonalites to granodiorites that form the basal parts of the pluton, and are intruded into amphibolite-facies metamorphic rocks, recorded the highest anisotropies, whereas the monzogranites and leucogranites, emplaced into upper crustal, low-grade metamorphic rocks, are weakly deformed. These results point to the synkinematic sequential emplacement of multiple granitoid sheets, from less to more differentiated magmatic stages, during the Late Carboniferous D2 event characterized by an E–W-trending dextral transpression. The magmatic foliation appears locally disturbed by the effects of two tectonic events. The first of them (D3) produced mylonitization of granitoids along NW–SE retrograding shear zones and open folds in the host Ediacaran metasediments of the Roc de Frausa massif, likely during late Variscan times. Interference between D2 and D3 structures was responsible for the dome geometry of the whole Roc de Frausa massif. The second and last perturbation consisted of local southward tilting of the granitoids coupled to the Mesozoic–Cenozoic cover during the Alpine.  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(8):452-463
Fracture process is investigated using finite-difference simulations with a new constitutive model. It is shown that both geometry and fracture mechanism itself depend on the preexisting heterogeneities that are stress concentrators. In the brittle regime (low pressure, P), Mode-I fractures propagate normal to the least stress σ3 from the imposed weak zones. At high P, shear deformation bands are formed oblique to σ3. At intermediate values of P, the fracture process involves both shear banding and tensile cracking and results in the initiation and propagation of pure dilation bands. The propagating band tip undulates, reacting on the failure mechanism changes, but its global orientation is normal to σ3. The σ3-normal fractures are joints. There are thus two types of joints resulting from Mode-I cracking and dilation banding, respectively. The obtained numerical results are in good agreement with and explain the results from previous similar experimental study.  相似文献   
We present a structural, AMS, microstructural and kinematic study of the Aston gneiss dome (French Pyrenees), which consists of a core made up of orthogneiss and paragneiss intruded by numerous sills of Carboniferous peraluminous granite. The orthogneiss corresponds to a former Ordovician granitic laccolith. Four Variscan events have been evidenced in this gneiss dome: (i) D1 deformation observed only as relics in the orthogneisses and their country-rocks located above the sillimanite isograd, and characterized by a NS to NE–SW non coaxial stretch associated to top to the south motions (NS convergence); (ii) D2-a deformation observed in the orthogneisses and their country-rocks, mainly migmatitic paragneisses, located below the sillimanite isograd and in the peraluminous granites whatever their structural level, and characterized by an EW to N120°E stretch associated to a top to the east flat shearing (lateral flow in the hot middle crust in a transpressive regime); (iii) D2-b deformation characterized by EW-trending megafolds corresponding to the domes in the middle crust and by EW-trending tight folds with subvertical axial planes in the metasedimentary upper crust; (iv) subvertical medium-temperature mylonitic bands developed by the end of the transpression.The Aston massif is a good example of decoupling between a cold upper crust and a hotter middle crust overheated by a thermal event originated in the upper mantle. This decoupling allowed the lateral flow of the migmatitic middle crust along a direction at high angle with respect to the more or less NS-trending direction of convergence. We suggest that the HT-LP metamorphism developed before the formation of the domes during D2-a, coevally with the emplacement of numerous sills of peraluminous granite, whereas the emplacement of the large calc-alkaline plutons in the upper crust occurred by the end of D2-b. Our data invalidate the previous geodynamical models based on either early or late extensional regime to explain the development of the HT-LP metamorphism. This new interpretation of the dynamics of the Variscan crust of the Pyrenees is consistent with recent studies conducted in Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic hot continental crusts having undergone oblique convergence, and characterized by a competition between vertical thickening and lateral flow induced by the important rheological contrast between two thermally different levels.  相似文献   
In this work we analyse and check the results of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) by means of a comparison with palaeostress orientations obtained from the analysis of brittle mesostructures in the Cabuérniga Cretaceous basin, located in the western end of the Basque–Cantabrian basin, North Spain. The AMS data refer to 23 sites including Triassic red beds, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones, sandstones and shales. These deposits are weakly deformed, and represent the syn-rift sequence linked to basins formed during the Mesozoic and later inverted during the Pyrenean compression. The observed magnetic fabrics are typical of early stages of deformation, and show oblate, triaxial and prolate magnetic ellipsoids. The magnetic fabric seems to be related to a tectonic overprint of an original, compaction, sedimentary fabric. Most sites display a NE–SW magnetic lineation that is interpreted to represent the stretching direction of the Early Cretaceous extensional stage of the basin, without recording of the Tertiary compressional events, except for sites with compression-related cleavage.Brittle mesostructures include normal faults, calcite and quartz tension gashes and joints, related to the extensional stage. The results obtained from joints and tension gashes show a dominant N–S to NE–SW, and secondary NW–SE, extension direction. Paleostresses obtained from fault analysis (Right Dihedra and stress inversion methods) indicate NW–SE to E–W, and N–S extension direction. The results obtained from brittle mesostructures show a complex pattern resulting from the superposition of several tectonic processes during the Mesozoic, linked to the tectonic activity related to the opening of the Bay of Biscay during the Early Cretaceous. This work shows the potential in using AMS analysis in inverted basins to unravel its previous extensional history when the magnetic fabric is not expected to be modified by subsequent deformational events. Brittle mesostructure analysis seems to be more sensitive to far-field stress conditions and record longer time spans, whereas AMS records deformation on the near distance, during shorter intervals of time.  相似文献   
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