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This paper discusses land-use changes in the interlock area of farming and pasturing (IAFP)in northern China. It presents detailed analyses of land-use features in the IAFP, which are controlled by the macro geomorphic units and geophysical conditions-constraints or advantages. Additionally, it selects some indicators, according to the availability in acquiring and processing their quantitative data, to analyze the canonical correlations between the typical conversion of grassland and geophysical conditions. The preliminary study indicates that the physical conditions are of great advantages to the development of grassland. There exists significant correlation between land use change and some geophysical conditions.  相似文献   
江西省耕地转移驱动机理   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
构建涵盖农业生产、耕地向建设用地转移和耕地向林/草地转移的江西省土地用途转移驱动机理模型,采用分段估计逐步增加解释变量的方法测度了人口、社会、经济、区位和自然因素等驱动土地用途转移的机理。研究表明,人口规模是江西省土地用途转移的重要驱动力,社会经济因素在短时间内起决定性作用,各种驱动力以各种方式组合来增强或者减弱其对区域土地用途转移的作用效果。其中,农业人口规模及生产投入要素是影响江西省农业生产的主要因素;人口规模、平原面积比例及土地管理政策是江西省耕地向建设用地转移过程的重要解释变量;农业人口比重、地形坡度、粮食产量及非农产业是江西省耕地向林/草地转移过程的重要影响因素,并揭示了解释了江西省在众多驱动力作用下土地用途转移规律。  相似文献   
Changes in potential evapotranspiration and surface runoff can have profound implications for hydrological processes in arid and semiarid regions. In this study, we investigated the response of hydrological processes to climate change in Upper Heihe River Basin in Northwest China for the period from 1981 to 2010. We used agronomic, climatic and hydrological data to drive the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model for changes in potential evapotranspiration (ET0) and surface runoff and the driving factors in the study area. The results showed that increasing autumn temperature increased snow melt, resulting in increased surface runoff, especially in September and October. The spatial distribution of annual runoff was different from that of seasonal runoff, with the highest runoff in Yeniugou River, followed by Babaohe River and then the tributaries in the northern of the basin. There was no evaporation paradox at annual and seasonal time scales, and annual ET0 was driven mainly by wind speed. ET0 was driven by relative humidity in spring, sunshine hour duration in autumn and both sunshine hour duration and relative humility in summer. Surface runoff was controlled by temperature in spring and winter and by precipitation in summer (flood season). Although surface runoff increased in autumn with increasing temperature, it depended on rainfall in September and on temperature in October and November. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
发展地理学研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文回顾和总结了20世纪以来发展地理学的研究进展,涉及发展地理学内涵和理论、领域和方法及其发展趋势。系统梳理了发展地理学在欠发达国家或地区发展收敛、发达地区或国家生活品质提升过程中的收敛及其路径等研究内容。通过分析国外研究进展,指出了发展地理学在中国的发展条件与学科优势,并着眼于国际学术前沿最新动向与国家宏观战略需求,提出了今后中国发展地理学研究需重点关注的领域。未来发展地理学研究应以可持续发展理论为指引,以提升欠发达地区可持续生计能力与区域绿色发展水平为核心,以构建发展地理学理论和跨学科综合集成研究体系为目标,聚焦区域发展的空间格局、扩散特征与收敛研究,探索出服务于区域经济建设与产业发展的调控政策与科学路径。  相似文献   
发展地理学视角下中国多维贫困测度及时空交互特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
金贵  邓祥征  董寅  吴锋 《地理学报》2020,75(8):1633-1646
探索贫困监测评估指标体系及区域间贫困时空交互动态特征对当前中国可持续减贫研究具有重要意义。基于发展地理学视角,引入面板向量自回归(PVAR)模型并结合人类发展分析路径与SDGs全球指标框架识别影响中国贫困的致贫和减贫因素,以此测度多维贫困指数,进而采用探索性时空数据分析(ESTDA)方法揭示多维贫困的时空交互特征。结果表明:① 中国当前贫困监测评估的致贫因子包括农作物受灾比和社会总抚养比,减贫因子则涉及人均GDP、人均社会保障支出、人均公共卫生支出、每万人医院数、新型农村合作医疗参合率、植被覆盖率、人均教育支出、高校数量、人均科学研究与试验发展支出、人均文化事业经费。② 2007—2017年中国省域收入贫困、健康贫困、文化贫困及多维贫困状况得到显著改善,全国综合贫困程度年均下降5.67%,部分省域的不同维度贫困内部出现差异化。③ 研究期内省域间多维贫困局域空间格局表现为较强的空间动态性,并呈现由东部向中、西部增大的变化态势;省域间多维贫困指数随时间演变呈现强的空间依赖关系,形成以西北和东北为高值区向四周递减的变化格局。④ 邻接省域多维贫困交互的时空网络以负向关联为主,仅有陕西与河南、陕西与宁夏、青海与甘肃、湖北与安徽、四川与贵州、海南与广东形成空间上较强的减贫协同关系。研究成果对当前中国精准扶贫战略实施尤其是2020年后预防返贫具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
本文综合应用高斯方程和拉姆齐模型,针对京津冀地区2000年以来10 km×10 km栅格尺度的地表CO2浓度开展研究,分析了区域土地利用影响地表CO2浓度异质性特征的动力学机制。研究发现:① 地表CO2浓度与土地利用类型密切相关。2000—2018年京津冀地区CO2浓度的高值区主要集中于经济较发达的快速城镇化地区;② 土地利用强度及土地利用效率上的时空分异为地表CO2扩散提供了潜在的势能。京津冀地区地表CO2排放及扩散存在明显的空间异质性,距离CO2排放高值区越近,其相应的CO2浓度越高并随时间推移及空间拓展呈逐步减小的态势;③ 京津冀地区在土地利用结构调整、格局优化及效率提升后,CO2排放强度增幅明显减弱,其区域间的增幅差异也逐渐缩小。产业转型发展、土地利用格局优化、土地利用效率提高有效地抑制了京津冀地区地表CO2排放强度的提升并促进了该区域的内涵式增长与高质量发展。  相似文献   
中国东北地区林地面积变化的动态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is plenty of forests in Northeast China which contributes a lot to the conservation of water and land resources, produces timber products, and provides habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants. With changes of socio-economic factors as well as the geophysical conditions, there are dramatic changes on the spatial patterns of forest area. In this sense, it is of great significance to shed light on the dynamics of forest area changes to find the underlining reasons for shaping the changing patterns of forest area in Northeast China. To explore the dynamics of forest area change in Northeast China, an econometric model is developed which is composed of three equations identifying forestry production, conversion from open forest to closed forest and conversion from other land uses to closed forest so as to explore the impacts on the forest area changes from demographic, social, economic, location and geophysical factors. On this basis, we employ the Dynamics of Land System (DLS) model to simulate land-use conversions between forest area and non-forest cover and the land-use conversions within the sub-classes of forest area for the period 2000–2020 under business as usual scenario, environmental protection scenario and economic growth scenario. The simulation results show that forest area will expand continuously and there exist various kinds of changing patterns for the sub-classes of forest area, for example, closed forest will expand continuously and open forest and shrub will decrease a little bit, while area of other forest will keep intact. The research results provide meaningful decision-making information for conserving and exploiting the forest resources and making out the planning for forestry production in the Northeast China region.  相似文献   
Food safety and its related influencing factors in China are the hot research topics currently, and cultivated land conversion is one of the significant factors influencing food safety in China. Taking the North China Plain as the study area, this paper examines the changes of cultivated land area using satellite images, estimates land productivity from 1985 to 2005 using the model of Estimation System for Land Productivity (ESLP), and analyzes the impact of cultivated land conversion on the land production. Compared with the grain yield data from statistical yearbooks, the results indicate that ESLP model is an effective tool for estimating land productivity. Land productivity in the North China Plain showed a slight decreasing trend from 1985 to 2005, spatially, increased from the north to the south gradually, and the net changes varied in different areas. Cultivated land area recorded a marginal decrease of 8.0 × 105 ha, mainly converted to other land uses. Cultivated land conversion had more significant negative impacts on land production than land productivity did. Land production decreased by about 6.48 × 106 t caused by cultivated land conversion between 1985 and 2005, accounting for 91.9% of the total land production reduction. Although the land productivity increased in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces, it can not offset the overall adverse effects caused by cultivated land conversion. Therefore, there are significant meanings to control the cultivated land conversion and improve the land productivity for ensuring the land production in the North China Plain.  相似文献   
There is plenty of forests in Northeast China which contributes a lot to the conservation of water and land resources, produces timber products, and provides habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants. With changes of socio-economic factors as well as the geophysical conditions, there are dramatic changes on the spatial patterns of forest area. In this sense, it is of great significance to shed light on the dynamics of forest area changes to find the underlining reasons for shaping the changing patterns of forest area in Northeast China. To explore the dynamics of forest area change in Northeast China, an econometric model is developed which is composed of three equations identifying forestry production, conversion from open forest to closed forest and conversion from other land uses to closed forest so as to explore the impacts on the forest area changes from demographic, social, economic, location and geophysical factors. On this basis, we employ the Dynamics of Land System (DLS) model to simulate land-use conversions between forest area and non-forest cover and the land-use conversions within the sub-classes of forest area for the period 2000–2020 under business as usual scenario, environmental protection scenario and economic growth scenario. The simulation results show that forest area will expand continuously and there exist various kinds of changing patterns for the sub-classes of forest area, for example, closed forest will expand continuously and open forest and shrub will decrease a little bit, while area of other forest will keep intact. The research results provide meaningful decision-making information for conserving and exploiting the forest resources and making out the planning for forestry production in the Northeast China region.  相似文献   
中国湖泊营养物水平和富营养化效应存在显著区域分异特征,开展湖泊营养物生态分区研究,是实现湖泊分区控制的前提和基础。本文以云贵高原亚热带湿润区为案例区,通过遥感反演得到研究区域湖泊水体的叶绿素a(Chl-a)、总氮(TP)和总磷(TN)含量,从自然地理要素、生态系统和人类活动3 方面建立指标体系;根据研究区域 DEM数据划分小流域,将各指标因子投影到小流域;在小流域尺度上,采用数理统计方法定量分析各指标分别对 Chl-a/P 与Chl-a/N 的作用,计算两种湖泊营养物生态分区评价分值;采用双约束空间聚类算法对小流域尺度上两种湖泊营养物生态分区评价分值共同进行聚类,形成湖泊营养物生态分区结果。研究发现:①通过遥感反演模型可以将少数呈点状分布的监测数据推演到面上,这在一定程度上弥补了有限的野外监测数据量难以支撑湖泊营养物生态分区的不足;②通过构建各指标因子分别与湖泊水体中Chl-a/P、Chl-a/N 的定量关系,实现了湖泊营养物生态分区中湖泊水体微观指标与湖泊流域宏观指标的有机结合;③采用双约束空间聚类进行湖泊营养物生态分区,保证了分区结果在空间上的连续性和评价分值上的接近性;④根据自然地理条件、土地利用和人类活动强度的不同,将云贵高原亚热带湿润区分为4 个区:北云南高原湖区、滇南河谷山原湖区、桂西-滇东-黔南岩溶湖区、贵州高原东北部湖区。本文提出的基于双约束空间聚类的湖泊营养物生态分区方法也可以作为其它地区乃至国家尺度湖泊营养物生态分区的借鉴。  相似文献   
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