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Abstract— The Murchison meteorite is a carbonaceous chondrite containing a small amount of chondrules, various inclusions, and matrix with occasional porphyroblasts of olivine and/or pyroxene. It also contains amino acids that may have served as the necessary components for the origin of life. Magnetic analyses of Murchison identify an ultrasoft magnetic component due to superparamagnetism as a significant part of the magnetic remanence. The rest of the remanence may be due to electric discharge in the form of lightning bolts that may have formed the amino acids. The level of magnetic remanence does not support this possibility and points to a minimum ambient field of the remanence acquisition. We support our observation by showing that normalized mineral magnetic acquisition properties establish a calibration curve suitable for rough paleofield determination. When using this approach, 1–2% of the natural remanence left in terrestrial rocks with TRM and/or CRM determines the geomagnetic field intensity irrespective of grain size or type of magnetic mineral (with the exception of hematite). The same method is applied to the Murchison meteorite where the measured meteorite remanence determines the paleofield minimum intensity of 200–2000 nT during and/or after the formation of the parent body.  相似文献   
Lithium is an important geochemical tracer for fluids or solids. However, because the electron microprobe cannot detect Li, variations of Li abundance at the micrometric scale are most often estimated from bulk analyses. In this study, the Li intense emission line at 670.706 nm in optical emission spectroscopy was used to perfect the analysis of Li at the micrometric scale by means of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). To estimate lithium content for different geological materials, LIBS calibration of the emission line at 670.706 nm was achieved by use of synthetic glasses and natural minerals. The detection limit for this method is ∼5 ppm Li. Three applications to geological materials show the potential of LIBS for lithium determination, namely for Li-bearing minerals, melt inclusions, quartz, and associated fluid inclusions.For spodumene and petalite from granite pegmatite dikes (Portugal), the Li2O concentrations are 7.6 ± 1.6 wt% and 6.3 ± 1.3 wt%, respectively, by use of LIBS. These values agree with ion microprobe analyses, bulk analyses, or both. For eucryptite crystals, the Li concentrations are scattered because grain size is smaller than the LIBS spatial resolution (6 to 8 μm). Lithium concentrations of melt inclusions from the Streltsovka U deposit (Siberia) are in the range of 2 to 6.2 wt% (Li2O) for Li-rich daughter minerals. Lithium estimations on silicate glasses display values between 90 and 400 ppm.Lithium was also analyzed as a trace element in quartz. Transverse profiles were performed in hydrothermal barren quartz veins from the Spanish Central System (Sierra de Guadarrama). The highest Li concentrations (250 to 370 ppm) were found in specific growth bands in conjunction with the observed variation in optical cathodoluminescence intensity. Considering the fluid inclusion analysis, the source of fluid responsible to the Li enrichment in quartz is probably high-salinity fluids derived from sedimentary basins.  相似文献   
The turbulent characteristics of the neutral boundary layer developing over rough surfaces are not well predicted with operational weather-forecasting models. The problem is attributed to inadequate mixing-length models, to the anisotropy of the flow and to a lack of controlled experimental data against which to validate numerical studies. Therefore, in order to address directly the modelling difficulties for the development of a neutral boundary layer over rough surfaces, and to investigate the turbulent momentum transfer of such a layer, a set of hydraulic flume experiments were carried out. In the experiments, the mean and turbulent quantities were measured by a particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. The measured velocity variances and fluxes \({(\overline{{u_{i}^{\prime}}{u_{j}^{\prime}}})}\) in longitudinal vertical planes allowed the vertical and longitudinal gradients (?/?z and ?/?x) of the mean and turbulent quantities (fluxes, variances and third-order moments) to be evaluated and the terms of the evolution equations for ?e/?t, \({\partial \overline{u^{\prime 2}}/\partial t}\), \({\partial \overline{w^{\prime 2}}/\partial t}\) and \({\partial \overline{{u^{\prime}}{w^{\prime}}}/\partial t}\) to be quantified, where e is the turbulent kinetic energy. The results show that the pressure-correlation terms allow the turbulent energy to be transferred equitably from \({\overline{{u^{\prime}}^{2}}}\) to \({\overline{{w^{\prime}}^{2}}}\). It appears that the repartition between the constitutive terms of the budget of e, \({\overline{{u^{\prime}}^{2}}}\), \({\overline{{w^{\prime}}^{2}}}\) and \({\overline{{u^{\prime}}{w^{\prime}}}}\) is not significantly affected by the development of the rough neutral boundary layer. For the whole evolution, the transfers of energy are governed by the same terms that are also very similar to the smooth-wall case. The PIV measurements also allowed the spatial integral scales to be computed directly and to be compared with the dissipative and mixing length scales, which were also computed from the data.  相似文献   
In February 2008, cruise P362/2 was undertaken aboard R/V Poseidon to the Giza and North Alex mud volcanoes (MVs) on the upper slope of the western Nile deep-sea fan. Emitted fluids were strongly depleted in chloride and rich in hydrocarbons, predominantly of thermogenic origin. In-situ sediment temperature measurements indicate extremely high and moderate levels of activity for the North Alex MV and Giza MV, respectively, and suggest rapid changes from dormant to active stages. Both the physical properties of core sediments (e.g., color and magnetic susceptibility), and their assemblages of micro- and nannofossils point to different sources for the two mud volcanoes. Biostratigraphic dating suggests source depths of 2,100–2,450 mbsf for the Giza MV and 1,150–1,550 mbsf for the North Alex MV. Very high temperatures of up to 70°C in shallow sediments at the North Alex MV can be explained only if the fluid source were warmer and deeper than the sediment source.  相似文献   
The Arc Marine data model is a generalized template to guide the implementation of geographic information systems (GIS) projects in the marine environment. It developed out of a collaborative process involving research and industry shareholders in coastal and marine research. This template models and attempts to standardize common ocean and coastal data types to facilitate data sharing and analytical tool development. In this study, Arc Marine is extended from its core model to fit the research goals of the whale satellite-telemetry-tagging program of the Oregon State University Marine Mammal Institute (MMI). The study sought the best customization of the generic Arc Marine data model to enhance the key advantages of satellite telemetry for mapping the distribution and movement of endangered marine mammal species. It was found that three new groups of object classes were needed (Animal, Telemetry, and Operations). Further customization involved the development of a comprehensive framework for animal tracking with Argos satellite telemetry data. A new multidimensional data cube model was also devised, showing how this extension of Arc Marine serves as an appropriate target schema for the application of on-line analytical processing (OLAP) tools and spatial data mining of satellite telemetry tracking datasets.  相似文献   
The identification and protection of essential habitats for early life stages of fishes are necessary to sustain fish stocks. Essential fish habitat for early life stages may be defined as areas where fish densities, growth, survival, or production rates are relatively high. To identify critical habitats for young-of-year (YOY) alewives (Alosa pseud oharengus) in Lake Michigan, we integrated bioenergetics models with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to generate spatially explicit estimates of potential population production (an index of habitat quality). These estimates were based upon YOY alewife bioenergetic growth rate potential and their salmonine predators’ consumptive demand. We compared estimates of potential population production to YOY alewife yield (an index of habitat importance). Our analysis suggested that during 1994–1995, YOY alewife habitat quality and yield varied widely throughout Lake Michigan. Spatial patterns of alewife yield were not significantly correlated to habitat quality. Various mechanisms (e.g., predator migrations, lake circulation patterns, alternative strategies) may preclude YOY alewives from concentrating in areas of high habitat quality in Lake Michigan.  相似文献   
Following a general review of the Cretaceous and Paleogene geology of Ecuador, we propose a geologic history from early Cretaceous through Oligocene time with emphasis on the coastal part of the country that is based on the interpretive interaction of three oceanic plates (the Bolívar, proto-Nazca, and Nazca) and the continental South American plate. The proposed history invokes large lateral displacements, the intervention of the previously unrecognized Bolívar plate, the development of three successive subduction zones, the formation of a distant oceanic island arc and its subsequent collision with the South American plate, the emplacement of a major olistostrome complex, and an intricate record of displacement on a currently inactive transform fault. The proposed history offers a viable solution to four major problems of the geology of coastal Ecuador.
Zusammenfassung Aus der Kreide- und Paläogen-Geschichte Ecuadors läßt sich die Entwicklung der Küstenregion ableiten. Sie wird vom Zusammenwirken von drei ozeanischen Platten (Bolivar, Proto-Nazca und Nazca) und der kontinentalen Platte Südamerikas bestimmt. Die Entwicklung umfaßt ausgedehnte Seitenverschiebungen, das Auftreten einer bisher nicht erkannten Bolivar-Platte, die Anlage von drei aufeinanderfolgenden Subduktionszonen, die Bildung eines Inselbogens und die folgende Kollision mit der Südamerikanischen Platte, die Ablagerung eines großen Olisthostrom-Komplexes und die Verschiebungen entlang einer heute inaktiven Transform-Verwerfung. Damit sind eine Reihe von Problemen der Geologie des Küstenabschnittes Ecuadors gelöst.

Résumé Passant en revue la géologie de l'Equateur au Crétacique et Paléogène, les auteurs proposent une histoire géologique allant depuis le Crétacique inférieur à l'Oligocène en mettant l'accent sur la région cÔtière, et en se basant sur l'interaction de trois plaques océaniques (bolivienne, proto-Nasca et Nasca) et de la plaque continentale de l'Amérique du Sud. L'histoire proposée fait appel à de grands déplacements, à l'intervention de la plaque bolivienne non reconnue antérieurement, au développement de trois zones de subduction successives, à la formation d'une guirlande d'Îles océaniques distante et sa collision subséquente avec la plaque de l'Amérique du Sud, à la mise en place d'un grand complexe olistostromique et à un déplacement sur une faille transformante inactive. L'histoire proposée apporte une solution viable à quatre problèmes de la géologie de la Région cÔtière de l'Equateur.

. (, protoNazca Nazca) . : , , , , , Olistostrome . .

Contribution No. 6 A, Departamento de Geología, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador.  相似文献   
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