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北秦岭古聚会带壳幔再循环   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
以同构造期代表古洋壳残片的蛇绿岩及产于古岛弧的玄武岩为基础,通过Nd,Pb同位素与微量元素示踪及岩浆源区分析,揭示出北秦岭元古宙上地幔以强亏损(εNd(t)+6.3~+7.3)和高的Yb/Hf,Nb/La和Th/La比值为特征,北秦岭地壳和上地幔明显具有Pb同位素比值高的特征.北秦岭丹凤群岛弧火山岩、二郎坪群弧后玄武岩以及松树沟蛇绿岩中变拉斑玄武岩εNd(t)、放射成因Pb同位素、Y/Tb和Ti-MgO研究表明,本区玄武岩存在两类性质不同的岩浆源.一类与亏损的北秦岭岩石圈上地幔源区有关;另一类与携带海洋沉积物的洋壳板块俯冲参与有关.由此,论证了北秦岭古聚会带壳幔之间物质再循环  相似文献   
岩石水压致裂和诱发地震的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用7种岩石各制备了几类不同预裂纹的系列试件,并在不同围压下进行水压致裂强度实验。结合典型的水库诱发地震的实际资料和现今构造应力场的实验结果,以及应用岩石强度理论和岩石断裂力学的一些原理、方法,进行岩石孔隙水压诱发地震的探讨。初步结果为:(1)若岩体内构造应力很小,一定大小的孔隙水压力σp,可直接使岩体内的薄弱面致裂并发生小地震。(2)若构造应力较大,存在两类诱发地震的可能:①对岩体浅部一些走向与构造应力的主压应力σ1方向相近的薄弱面,σp可促使其发生张性破裂并诱发小地震。②当构造应力接近于断裂的抗剪强度时,因σp,降低了断裂面上的正应力σn,使原处于稳定状态的断裂失稳,发生滑移破裂并诱发出地震。σp导致断裂的破裂深度增大,使诱发地震的震级大于原潜在的地震震级。(3)各种岩体均存在着一个极限深度,此深度后不再有诱发地震。  相似文献   
The Salawusu Formation of Milanggouwan section in Salawusu River Valley includes 7 layers of paleo-mobile dune sands, and 4 layers of paleo-fixed and semi-fixed dune sands. Their structures have been observed and their grain size, surface textural features and several main chemical elements have been analyzed. The results showed that: 1) Some of the aeolian structural characteristics of these dune sands are similar to that of the recent dune sands. 2) They are also similar to the recent dune sands in grain size components, and parameters of Mz,σ, Sk and Kg, as well as in several main chemical components. 3) The scattergrams of Mz-σ and SiO2-Al2O3+TOFE and the probability curves of grain size showed that these paleo-dune sands are different from paleosols and fluvio-lacustrine facies, but are consistency with recent dune sands. 4) Quartz sands have well roundness and surface textural features such as dish-shaped pits, crescent-shaped pits, pockmarked pits, upturned cleavage plates, siliceous precipitates and siliceous crevasses, indicating that they had been carried for a long time by the wind. As the 11 layers of paleo-dune sands possess the aeolian characteristics in structure, grain size, surface textural features and chemical elements, the origin of their formation should be attributed to eolation.  相似文献   
鄱阳湖流域蚌类环境DNA宏条形码引物的筛选验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境DNA技术是一种非侵入、高灵敏、高效率且对环境无破坏性,对生物体无损伤的调查工具.为了筛选适合于蚌类环境DNA生物多样性研究的宏条形码引物,本研究通过对鄱阳湖流域24种常见蚌的基因组DNA进行普通扩增和高通量测序筛选了11对引物(设计了9对通用引物及从相关文献中引用了2对引物),结果显示引物cytb和16S rRN...  相似文献   
吴勇  欧阳首承 《气象学报》1992,50(3):373-377
Guckenheimer和Holmes针对弱受迫系统或如下的小参数受迫方程组  相似文献   
Samples are available from 37 stony meteorites falling in China. Twenty-two chondrites are examined in terms of chemical and mineral compositions, cosmogenic nuclides, formation and exposure ages, impact effect and chondrule textures. On the basis of chemical-petrologic features these chondrites are classified asE 4 (Qingzhen),H 5 (Jilin, Changde, Shuangyang, Anlong, Xinyi and Yangjang),L 6 (Renqiu, Junan, Heze, Rugao and Nei Monggol) andLL 6 (Dongtai). E 4 is characterized by high iron and sulfur, with the former occurring mainly as Feo and FeS. FromH 5 throughH 6 toLL 6, iron and nickel decrease gradually while FeO and the ratio of Fe silicate to total iron increase gradually. indicating a general increase in the orderE-H-L-LL in the degree of oxidation at the time of formation. E 4 consists mainly of enstatite and, to much less extent, free SiO2 but olivine is hardly to be found. The olivine proportions amount to 29.07, 41.98 and 51.36 percent inH 5,L 6 andLL 6 respectively, with Fa increasing from 17 to 27 percent. Recrystallization has been noticed to different degrees inH 4,H 5,L 6 andLL 6 chondrites. The extent to which the original structure disappears and the boundaries of chondrules become indistinct decreases from type 6 through type 5 to type 4, reflecting different degrees of thermal metamorphism. Major minerals in the meteorites all exhibit signs of low to medium shock metamorphism. Specific activity, depth effect and orbit effect are also measured on some chondrites that have fallen in recent years and some new information has been obtained with respect to the orbit and source region for meteorite parent bodies in space. This results show that the environment of formation ofE group may be nearer to Mars than that ofO group. Each chemical group of chondrites has its own evolutionary history, and chondritets of different chemical groups may have originated from parent bodies of different compositions. Or owing to the differentiation caused by thermal melamorphism, various kinds of meteorites may be derived from a common parent body. From this argument it is suggested that five stages may be recognized during the formation process of chondrites.  相似文献   
珠江三角洲工业地域分工研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本文从专业化部门的数量和发展水平以及专业化部门地区分布和组合两方面揭示珠江三角洲工业地域分工的基本特点。指出新形势下虽然不少县市存在专业化部门多而不精,工业结构趋同的问题,但珠江三角洲地域分工格局已开始形成。文章还讨论了形成工业地域分工特点的原因并提出了完善地域分工的措施。  相似文献   
本文研究了基于3S技术的1:1万土地利用现状更新调查的方法,针对其中遇到的若干问题进行了探讨,认为正射影像图制作时必须注意精度问题,影像解译采用自动分类与目视解译相结合的方法可以提高效率保证解译精度;外业调绘补测应该严把质量关,以保障整个工程的精度,外业调绘结果采用直接矢量化可以减少工作量,以减少误差;重新划分图斑号可以方便外业调查和今后土地管理工作;建议数据建库时采用地形图校正可以提高数据库的精度。  相似文献   
In the soil slope supported by bolts, longitude waves instead of transverse waves, generated by earthquakes, first reach the slope surface. With the dynamic response of the P (pressure) wave along the anchorage structure, first, a theoretical study was conducted to investigate the propagation characteristics of the interference superposition, generated by the SV (shear-vertical) and the P waves. The SV wave was formed by the wave, originating from the bottom and reflected from the free surface of the slope, whereas the latter was the incident P wave, propagating in the slope. In addition, the structural measures, restraining the seismic wave, and the characteristics of the restraint effect at the free segment of the bolt were investigated. According to the wave-way difference between the incident P wave and the reflected SV wave, the minimum critical slope angle, influenced by the interference at the shallow slope, and the maximum influencing depth of the dynamic response, acting vertically to the slope surface, were obtained. The results indicate that the maximum influencing depth linearly correlated with the slope angle. Furthermore, based on the propagation characteristics of the P wave along the bolt, and the coupled relation between the wave length and the anchorage design parameters, the axial acceleration of the wave propagating along the bolt axis was obtained. Then, the theoretical length of the anti-seismic bolt, subjected to seismic waves, and the compensation force of the anchorage structure were obtained. Finally, a numerical study, based on FlAC3D, properly verified the theoretical conclusions.  相似文献   
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