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The data from a recent magnetic compilation by Verhoefet al. (1991) off west Africa were used in combination with data in the western Atlantic to review the Mesozoic plate kinematic evolution of the central North Atlantic. The magnetic profile data were analyzed to identify the M-series sea floor spreading anomalies on the African plate. Oceanic fracture zones were identified from magnetic anomalies and seismic and gravity measurements. The identified sea floor spreading anomalies on the African plate were combined with those on the North American plate to calculate reconstruction poles for this part of the central Atlantic. The total separation poles derived in this paper describe a smooth curve, suggesting that the motion of the pole through time was continuous. Although the new sea floor spreading history differs only slightly from the one presented by Klitgord and Schouten (1986), it predicts smoother flowlines. On the other hand, the sea floor spreading history as depicted by the flowlines for the eastern central Atlantic deviates substantially from that of Sundvik and Larson (1988). A revised spreading history is also presented for the Cretaceous Magnetic Quiet Zone, where large changes in spreading direction occurred, that can not be resolved when fitting magnetic isochrons only, but which are evident from fracture zone traces and directions of sea floor spreading topography.Deceased 11 November 1991  相似文献   

The need for a detailed investigation of the Vea catchment water balance components cannot be overemphasized due to its accelerated land-cover dynamics and the associated impacts on the hydrological processes. This study assessed the possible consequences of land-use change scenarios (i.e. business as usual, BAU, and afforestation for the year 2025) compared to the 2016 baseline on the Vea catchment’s water balance components using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The data used include daily climate and discharge, soil and land use/land cover maps. The results indicate that the mean annual water yield may increase by 9.1% under the BAU scenario but decrease by 2.7% under the afforestation scenario; actual evapotranspiration would decrease under BAU but increase under afforestation; and groundwater recharge may increase under both scenarios but would be more pronounced under the afforestation scenario. These outcomes highlight the significance of land-cover dynamics in water resource management and planning at the catchment.  相似文献   
An analysis of the magnetic structure of Plato and Atlantis seamounts in the North Atlantic was made using the phase-shifting technique of Schouten [9]. The possibility of distinguishing the age of the seamounts from the age of their adjacent seafloor using magnetic data was investigated. The method described proved simple and effective, but showed that age determinations cannot reliably be made from magnetics for the seamounts in question, since the variation of the position of the palaeomagnetic poles during the Cainozoic is not large enough to produce appreciable phase-shift differences in this part of the Atlantic.The polarization is normal. Since smaller seamounts also show a predominance of normal magnetization, this may mean that viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) dating from the present normal period, the Brunhes, is involved. VRM may lead to strong magnetizations in coarse-grained rock as shown by DSDP results. This may result into a general overprinting of thermoremanence (TRM) by VRM, thus glossing over reversed thermoremanent polarizations. Large seamounts thus may appear as normally polarized bodies. The statistics of reversely versus normally polarized seamounts may be explained by the same effect. This implies that palaeomagnetic pole and age determinations based on apparent magnetization directions modelled from the magnetic anomaly pattern over seamounts may be inaccurate.  相似文献   
Using cross-over analysis the reduction of total magnetic intensity values to magnetic anomalies was studied in an area with ship-tracks which have been made over a period of several years. Under these circumstances the secular variation becomes important. At first we used the old IGRF 1975. This reference field does not correct the secular variation accurately. In the period 1969–1980 the mean values of the differences of the magnetic anomalies at crossing rise to more than 150 nT. The recently adopted reference fields DGRF 1965, DGRF 1970, DGRF 1975 and PGRF 1975 correct the secular variation much better. The mean values now only rise to about 50 nT over the same period. A reduction using a regional determined by filtering along the track removes the secular variation completely. The latter reduction has the disadvantage that the standard deviations of the mean values at the intersections increase, because the regional depends on the orientation of the track line. Calculation of average secular variation in subareas of 4×4 degrees yields a decrease from the northeast to the southwest.  相似文献   
Motivated by air quality and numerical modelling applications as well as recent theoretical advancements in the topic, a field experiment, dubbed transition flow experiment, was conducted in Phoenix, Arizona to study the evening transition in complex terrain (shift of winds from upslope to downslope). Two scenarios were considered: (i) the flow reversal due to a change of buoyancy of a cooled slab of air near the ground, and (ii) the formation of a transition front. A suite of in-situ flow, turbulence and particulate matter (PM) concentration sensors, vertically profiling tethered balloons and remote sensors were deployed, and a mesoscale numerical model provided guidance for interpreting observations. The results were consistent with the front formation mechanism, where it was also found that enhanced turbulence associated with the front increases the local PM concentration. During the transition period the flow adjustment was complex, involving the arrival of multiple fronts from different slopes, directional shear between fronts and episodic turbulent mixing events. The upward momentum diffusion from the incipient downslope flow was small because of stable stratification near the ground, and full establishment of downslope flow occurred over several hours following sunset. Episodic frontal events pose challenges to the modelling of the evening transition in complex terrain, requiring conditional parametrizations for subgrid scales. The observed increase of PM concentration during the evening transition has significant implications for the regulatory enforcement of PM standards for the area.  相似文献   
A number of prehistoric landslides and rock avalanches occurred in the folded and faulted section of the Molasse Zone in Vorarlberg, Austria. Some developed into a Sturzstrom, defined as a ‘rapidly moving fluidised mass movement of large volumes of rock, derived from the disintegration of a falling rock mass, that spread under the influence of gravity’. Their impact on the landscape usually is related to obstruction of rivers and valleys.In this paper, we analyse the geomorphology and the failure mechanism of a relative small ‘Sturzstrom’. The failure mechanism can be described as a ‘buckling failure’. The morphological situation indicates that failure took place after local deglaciation by the end of the Upper Würm. The period of failure coincides with glacial and ice-marginal remnants, which developed between 15.000 and 14.600 BP. The lithological sequence and rock structure, as well as the impact of the processes related to the former glacial environment, were major causal conditions. The rock sequence consists of conglomerates, sandstone layers, and marls. Next to glacial scouring, which increased the inclination of the valley slopes, the effect of late-glacial unloading and postglacial processes, such as weathering and fluvial erosion, subsequently weakened the mass rock fabric until failure occurred.Discontinuity orientation measurements, geostructural and geomechanical conditions, and the former hydrological and geomorphological conditions support bucklings failure. In fact, three-hinge buckling may have occurred. The frontal section of the Sturzstrom consists mainly of large conglomerate blocks, averaging 1.5 m3 in volume, although megablocks, reaching of up to 4000 m3, are present as well. The volume of the entire Sturzstrom equals approximately 10×107 m3. Present activity is only restricted to minor rock falls derived from the conglomerates and mudflows originating from the marl layers.  相似文献   
Accurate estimation of the soil water balance (SWB) is important for a number of applications (e.g. environmental, meteorological, agronomical and hydrological). The objective of this study was to develop and test techniques for the estimation of soil water fluxes and SWB components (particularly infiltration, evaporation and drainage below the root zone) from soil water records. The work presented here is based on profile soil moisture data measured using dielectric methods, at 30‐min resolution, at an experimental site with different vegetation covers (barley, sunflower and bare soil). Estimates of infiltration were derived by assuming that observed gains in the soil profile water content during rainfall were due to infiltration. Inaccuracies related to diurnal fluctuations present in the dielectric‐based soil water records are resolved by filtering the data with adequate threshold values. Inconsistencies caused by the redistribution of water after rain events were corrected by allowing for a redistribution period before computing water gains. Estimates of evaporation and drainage were derived from water losses above and below the deepest zero flux plane (ZFP), respectively. The evaporation estimates for the sunflower field were compared to evaporation data obtained with an eddy covariance (EC) system located elsewhere in the field. The EC estimate of total evaporation for the growing season was about 25% larger than that derived from the soil water records. This was consistent with differences in crop growth (based on direct measurements of biomass, and field mapping of vegetation using laser altimetry) between the EC footprint and the area of the field used for soil moisture monitoring. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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