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The historical records of Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes reveal that the rough-surfaced variety of basalt lava called aa forms when lava flows at a high volumetric rate (>5–10 m3/s), and the smooth-surfaced variety called pahoehoe forms at a low volumetric rate (<5–10 m3/s). This relationship is well illustrated by the 1983–1990 and 1969–1974 eruptions of Kilauea and the recent eruptions of Mauna Loa. It is also illustrated by the eruptions that produced the remarkable paired flows of Mauna Loa, in which aa formed during an initial short period of high discharge rate (associated with high fountaining) and was followed by the eruption of pahoehoe over a sustained period at a low discharge rate (with little or no fountaining). The finest examples of paired lava flows are those of 1859 and 1880–1881. We attribute aa formation to rapid and concentrated flow in open channels. There, rapid heat loss causes an increase in viscosity to a threshold value (that varies depending on the actual flow velocity) at which, when surface crust is torn by differential flow, the underlying lava is unable to move sufficiently fast to heal the tear. We attribute pahoehoe formation to the flowage of lava at a low volumetric rate, commonly in tubes that minimize heat loss. Flow units of pahoehoe are small (usually <1 m thick), move slowly, develop a chilled skin, and become virtually static before the viscosity has risen, to the threshold value. We infer that the high-discharge-rate eruptions that generate aa flows result from the rapid emptying of major or subsidiary magma chambers. Rapid near-surface vesiculation of gas-rich magma leads to eruptions with high discharge rates, high lava fountains, and fast-moving channelized flows. We also infer that long periods of sustained flow at a low discharge rate, which favor pahoehoe, result from the development of a free and unimpeded pathway from the deep plumbing system of the volcano and the separation of gases from the magma before eruption. Achievement of this condition requires one or more episodes of rapid magma excursion through the rift zone to establish a stable magma pathway.  相似文献   
Age verification of rubyfish (Plagiogeneion rubiginosum) was sought using the bomb radiocarbon chronometer procedure. Stable isotopes were investigated for life history characteristics. Radiocarbon (14C) and stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) levels were measured in micro-samples from five otoliths that had been aged using a zone count method. All the core 14C measurements were ‘pre-bomb’ indicating ages of at least 45 years, and the 14C measurements across the otolith sections suggested that the zone-count ageing method described herein is not biased. Maximum estimated age was 100 years. There was no significant between-sex difference in the von Bertalanffy growth curves. The δ18O values indicated that rubyfish are near-surface as juveniles, and move deeper with age. Adults appear to reside in 600–1000 m; this is deeper than most trawl-capture data suggest, but not implausible, and has stock assessment implications. The δ13C values reflect fish metabolic rates, trophic feeding levels and oceanographic conditions. The stable isotopes record the environmental life history of each fish, and have value in distinguishing stocks and/or indicating vertical and latitudinal migratory patterns.  相似文献   
The two ice caps of Svartisen,at the latitude of the Arctic Circle in Norway,supply 60 glaciers,ranging in size from >50 to <1 km2.Until the last two decades of the 19th century,the glaciers remained close to their maximum recent(Little Ice Age) size.In response to the prevailing 20th century climate,they have become smaller,but the changes have varied between glaciers.Climatic factors have not been the sole control of the variations.The response times of small,steep glaciers are shorter than those of the l...  相似文献   
Wave setup was investigated using data from tide gauges in a small harbour at the island of Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic Ocean. Frequent examples of wave setup were found during the period 1986–1992, but were much less apparent after 1992, following extensions to the two breakwater arms of the harbour. The unambiguous association of wave setup with the several-decimetre spikes in Tristan sea level, which can persist for a day or so, are a warning that signals related to wave setup could also occur in other tide gauge records, where the wave setup signal could perhaps be misinterpreted as wind setup within the overall storm surge. One conclusion is that, in spite of the difficulties of access to Tristan da Cunha and its ever-present hostile wave climate, the island is undoubtedly now worthy of a permanent tide-gauge installation, which would be an important contribution to the global sea-level network.  相似文献   
Summary. LITHOPROBE has acquired nearly 270 km of crustal seismic reflection data across the eastern portion of the southern Canadian Cordillera, These reflection profiles, obtained during the Fall of 1985, extend from the Rocky Mountain thrust and fold belt, across the Rocky Mountain Trench, Purcell anticlinorium, Kootenay Arc, Nelson batholith and Valhalla gneiss complex. North American basement and its overlying foreshortened miogeoclinal rocks can be traced westward to the Kootenay Arc. The Purcell anticlinorium is carried by a series of west dipping thrust faults which emerge east of the anticlinorium and converge downward and merge with a detachment surface above autochthonous North American basement. Proterozoic supracrustal rocks, thickened by folding and thrusting, occupy the core of the anticlinorium. Steeply dipping surface structures of the western Purcell anticlinorium and Kootenay Arc appear to be truncated at 3 - 4 s (9-12 km) by a gently east-dipping reflection that may delineate the upper boundary of an allochthonous wedge inserted between the near surface rocks and autochthonous basement below. Beneath the Kootenay Arc, at a travel time of 9–10 s (27–30 km), the North American basement seems to be truncated by the major east-dipping Slocan Lake fault zone, which can be traced from its surface exposure at the east edge of the Valhalla gneiss complex eastward to near the base of the crust. A high amplitude, west-dipping reflection underlies the Valhalla complex and may be related to a major compressional shear zone.  相似文献   
Long sediment cores were collected in spring 2006 from Lake Petén Itzá, northern Guatemala, in water depths ranging from 30 to 150 m, as part of an International Continental Scientific Drilling Program project. The sediment records from deep water consist mainly of alternating clay, gypsum and carbonate units and, in at least two drill sites, extend back >200 kyr. Most of the lithostratigraphic units are traceable throughout the basin along seismic reflections that serve as seismic stratigraphic boundaries and suggest that the lithostratigraphy can be used to infer regional palaeoenvironmental changes. A revised seismic stratigraphy was established on the basis of integrated lithological and seismic reflection data from the basin. From ca 200 to ca 85 ka, sediments are dominated by carbonate‐clay silt, often interbedded with sandy turbidites, indicating a sediment regime dominated by detrital sedimentation in a relatively humid climate. At ca 85 ka, an exposure horizon consisting of gravels, coarse sand and terrestrial gastropods marks a lake lowstand or partial basin desiccation, indicating dry climate conditions. From ca 85 to ca 48 ka, transgressive carbonate‐clay sediments, overlain by deep‐water clays, suggest a lake level rise and subsequent stabilization at high stage. From ca 48 ka to present, the lithology is characterized by alternating clay and gypsum units. Gypsum deposition correlates with Heinrich Events (i.e. dry climate), whereas clay units coincide with more humid interstadials.  相似文献   
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