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High resolution cores from the upper continental slope, northern Norwegian Sea, document rapid climatic fluctuations during the latest deglaciation and the Holocene. Based on down-core analysis of planktic and benthic foraminifera, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, carbonate and organic carbon and radiocarbon dating, the following evolution is proposed: sea-ice cover broke up, the surface ocean warmed and an in situ benthic foraminiferal fauna was established at 12 500 BP. The Younger Dryas was characterized by reduced sedimentaion and foraminiferal production, due to surface ocean cooling. At the end of the Younger Dryas there were major shifts in both surface and bottom water conditions. The surface ocean warmed to temperatures similar to modern levels within < 100 years, reaching a maximum at about 9200 BP when foraminiferal production was high. A benthic foraminiferal assemblage indicative of bottom water conditions similar to present conditions was established at 10 000 BP. This was followed by a gradual decline in nutrients or an increase in ventilation of the bottom water throughout the Holocene. A gradual surface ocean cooling of c . 2°C ended around 6500 BP followed by a second warming that culminated at 2000 BP. The warming at the end of the Younger Dryas and the succeeding older Holocene temperature maximum correlate to a June insolation maximum in the northern hemisphere. In addition, fluctuating surface temperatures in the Holocene may be driven by variations in inflow of Atlantic Water.  相似文献   
Deposits of Late Pleistocene age were investigated near the Fynselv river on the southwestern coast of Jameson Land. East Greenland. The deposits are of fluvial, deltaic shallow marine and glacigenic origin. Four stratigraphic units are recorded. Unit I consists of deltaic and shallow marine deposits reflecting a relative sea level of at least 20 m above the present. Elevated fluvial deposits represent the subaerial part of the depositional system. The system existed during full interglacial and subarctic conditions as indicated by remains or flora and Fauna and unit I is correlated with the Langelandselv interglaciation (isotopic substage 5e). Unit II consists of a till deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the beginning of the Early Weichselian referred to as the Aucellaelv stade. The glacier probably melted in a marine environment. Unit III represents a marine delta system during the Hugin Sø interstade. and reveals a relative sea level of at least 62 m above the present. Unit IV consists of till and kame deposits assumed to be deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the Flakkerhuk stade. probably a Late Weichselian glacier advance.  相似文献   
Based on studies of gravity cores from two transverse troughs on the shelf and earlier investigations, the surface sediments are divided into three main facies: bouldery and pebbly sand on the banks and the shelf break; sand on the flanks and outer parts of the troughs and sandy mud in the inner parts of the troughs. Besides a depth control, the distribution must have been influenced by relatively rapidly moving bottom currents in the outer parts of the troughs. The distribution and composition of the modern benthic foraminiferal fauna (e.g. C. lobatulus/T. angulosa in the outer reaches and C. obtusalBolivina spp. in the inner reaches) is mainly controlled by the bottom current regime and sediments. The planktic fauna dominated by N. pachyderma (R) correlates well with the winter surface temperatures. The stratigraphi-cal analysis shows that the 10,000–9,600 years B.P. period experienced high rates of deposition probably due to meltwater runoff from the continental ice sheet. At ca. 9,700 B.P. a minimum in the production of N. pachyderma (R) indicates a temporary cooling of the surface water. During the 9,600–7,800 B.P. period the rate of deposition was reduced. At the end of this period the foraminiferal fauna changed towards one like the modern fauna, reflecting improving ecological conditions. At ca. 7,800 B.P. the sediments became coarser due to reduced input of detrital sediments and an increased production of sand-sized biogenic material. Since then the shelf environment has been fairly stable up to the present time.  相似文献   
Abstract Several small bodies of metabasite (maximum dimensions of 1000 m x 500 m) are included in the metamorphic rocks of the Nevado-Filabride Complex in the Betic Cordilleras (Almeria Region). The body of 400 m x 100 m, located 200 m due west of the Lubrin village, contains troctolitic gabbro with well-preserved igneous textures and mineral compositions, wholly amphibolitized gabbro, garnet-bearing metagabbro eclogite. Along with the textural and mineral changes, sensible and regular geochemical variations can be observed, where the content of MgO decreases from 24% to 11%, while that of CaO and Na2O increases from 7% to 11% and from 2% to 3%, respectively. In addition, the content of some minor elements such as Sr, Y, Nb, Zr and Sc increases while that of Ni and Cr decreases from troctolitic gabbro to the eclogite. The amphibolitized gabbro shows values scattered around those of the troctolitic gabbro. These geochemical variations are ascribed to inherited differences in the pre-metamorphic protolith, i.e. a fractionated gabbro which varies from olivine-rich to clinopyroxene-rich gabbro. Nevertheless, some metasomatism affected the Lubrin body without changing the main chemical trends, as documented by the significantly different 87Sr/86Sr ratios of each rock-type. This points to a metasomatism which involved the introduction of crustal radiogenic strontium. The petrographical and mineral chemical features are interpreted to be the result of syn-metamorphic fluid circulation possibly combined with deformation by shearing. The igneous texture and mineral chemistry have been retained wherever both fluid circulation and shearing were ineffective. On the contrary, where both events were effective, the formation of eclogite occurred. Later, the entire body underwent a retrogressive amphi-bolitic stage under greenschist facies conditions, which was probably responsible for the formation of the amphibolitized gabbro portion and for the retrogression of the eclogite.  相似文献   
Well preserved dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch assemblages are recorded from Upper Bathonian and Callovian deposits on Northbrook Island, Franz Josef Land. More than 45 species have been identified. Two new species are proposed: Parvocysta bjaerkei sp. nov., and Meiourogonyaulax spongiosa sp. nov. The recorded marine microfloras are compared with assemblages reported from contemporaneous strata in Svalbard.  相似文献   
A coordinated geological-archaeological investigation has been carried out in southern Disko Bugt with the primary purpose of elucidating Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) changes. Two RSL curves representing the Early-Middle Holocene emergence of respectively southeastern and southwestern Disko Bugt have been constructed. Elevations of paleo-Eskimo sites of different ages have been surveyed and supplemented with similar elevations compiled from the literature. Detailed investigations have been carried out at two partly submerged Dorset I sites. At both sites, the stratigraphy of the foreshore has been recorded in terrain profiles.
It is concluded that the RSL history of southern Disko Bugt was one of steady emergence during Early-Middle Holocene followed by submergence in Late Holocene. The stratigraphy of the foreshore at the two Dorset I sites indicates that RSL has been at least 2-2.5 m below sea-level, and that the Transgression to present sea-level started after ca 1 ka B.P.  相似文献   
A caribou antler from Kap København in Peary Land has been radiocarbon dated at > 40,000 B.P. A corresponding infinite date was obtained on allochthonous plant and animal remains, including five lemming droppings from Skalhøjene in Warming Land. These remains are indicative of high arctic conditions much like the present environment of the region. Because the caribou antler and the remains from Skalhojene point to biotic and climatic conditions no more severe than modern conditions, an interglacial age is suggested, and we propose that they belong to the Sangamonian Stage. The finds indicate that evolution of high arctic subspecies such as Rangifer tarandus pearyi and Dicrostonyx torquatus groenlandicus probably took place in pre-Wisconsinan times. It is unlikely that caribou and lemming survived in North Greenland during the last full glacial period. They probably re-immigrated in the early Holocene.  相似文献   
MORTEN RYG 《Polar research》1983,1(3):249-258
Seasonal changes in weight, food intake and metabolic rate are characteristic of reindeer and other northern ungulates. This article reviews relationships between endocrine and weight cycles in reindeer and other cervids, and the effect of manipulations with endocrine cycles upon the weight cycle. It appears that the secretions of most endocrine glands change throughout the year, either as a result of nutritional changes or of an inherent seasonal rhythm. It is suggested that the weight and metabolic cycles are secondary to an appetite cycle that is hormonally regulated. The hormonal control may include several hormones: sex steroids, thyroid hormones, and prolactin.  相似文献   
A new Lower Cretceous lithostratigraphic unit of the Western Barents Shelf, named the Klippfisk Formation, is formally introduced. The formation represents a condensed carbonate succession deposited on platform areas and structural highs, where it consists of limestones and marls, often glauconitic. The limestones may have a nodular appearance, and fossil debris, which are dominated by Inoceramus prisms, may be abundant. The Klippfisk Formation is composed of two members: the Kutling Member defined herein from cores drilled on the Bjarmeland Platform, and the coeval Tordenskjoldberget Member described on Kong Karls Land. The base of the formation is defined by the abrupt decrease in gamma-ray intensity, where the dark shales of the underlying Hekkingen or Agardhfjellet formations are replaced by marls. It is often unconformable. The Klippfisk Formation is of Berriasian to Early Barremian age and appears to be time-transgressive over parts of the Western Barents Shelf (including Kong Karls Land). It passes laterally into the basinal Knurr Formation. On Kongsøya (Kong Karls Land) a thin shale unit, bounded by unconformities, earlier included in the Tordenskjoldberget Member, represents the northernmost extension of the overlying Kolje Formation in the Barents Shelf.  相似文献   
In June 1986- 42 young Arctic cod were caught in ice-covered waters of the Barents sea with dip-nets by scuba divers. From August to June 1987 the fish were kept at -PC and fed on frozen shrimp ( Pandalus borealis ). Length and weight were measured monthly. A fast weight increment of about 0.7% per day was observed in the autumn (Sept.-Nov.). In the winter (Jan.-Feb), the growth rate declined to 0.05% per day. However, daily food intake only decreased by 50% during these winter months. Since the fish were exposed to constant illumination in the aquarium, this growth experiment indicates that something else than light has a significant influence on growth in Arctic cod.  相似文献   
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