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风沙流中沙粒浓度分布的实验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用粒子图像测速技术(PIV),在风洞内对与天然沙接近的石英沙风沙流沙颗粒浓度沿高度分布进行了研究。对 3种不同轴线风速研究结果表明,风沙流中沙粒浓度沿水平方向基本不变,而随高度呈指数衰减,而且其衰减速率与风速密切相关。风速越大,衰减速率越慢;风速越小,衰减速率越快。风沙运动一旦发生时,靠近沙床表面的沙粒浓度随风速变化很小,可以认为趋于稳定,达到最大值。  相似文献   
兰州地区最古老黄土剖面露头良好,地层出露较齐全,通过剖面磁性地层研究,确定兰州地区最古老黄土形成于1.84MaBP以前,对山城湾岭黄土剖面进行了粒度及孢粉的研究,探讨了第四纪沉积环境的演化。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地西峰油田原油地球化学特征及其成因   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
通过对鄂尔多斯盆地西峰油田原油进行系统地采样和高分辨率的GC-MS、IRMS分析,研究了原油的生物标志化合物和碳同位素组成特征,并且进行了油源对比,探讨了其成因。研究资料指示了所研究原油属于同一成因类型;原油有机母质为菌藻类和高等植物,特别是高等植物为原油的形成作出了贡献;原油形成于弱还原和淡水或微咸水环境;原油均为成熟原油;原油地球化学特征和上三叠统延长组长,油层组具有亲缘关系,反映了原油主要来源于长,油层组。这些研究结果为盆地的石油勘探提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
西秦岭武山杨河礼县固城一带的原"泥盆纪"地层中,发现了大量属于早石炭世的牙形刺、珊瑚和有孔虫化石,为该区地层的重新划分提供了直接的证据.这对于重新认识该区乃至整个西秦岭地区石炭纪古地理格局、地质演化历史、沉积相和沉积环境等都有重要的意义.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Early Holocene paleoclimate in Bosten Lake on the northern margin of the Tarim Basin, southern Xinjiang, is reconstructed through an analysis of a 953 cm long core (BSTC2000) taken from Bosten Lake. Multiple proxies of this core, including the mineral components of carbonate, carbonate content, stable isotopic compositions of carbonate, Ca/Sr, TOC and C/N and C/S of organic matter, are used to reconstruct the climatic change since 8500 a B.P. The chronology model is made by nine AMS 14C ages of leaves, seeds and organic matter contained in two parallel cores. The climate was cold and wet during 8500 to 8100 a B.P. Temperature increased from 8100 to 6400 a B.P., the climate was warm and humid, and the lake expanded. The lake level was highest during this stage. Then from 6400 to 5100 a B.P., the climate became cold and the lake level decreased slightly. During the late mid-Holocene, the climate was hot and dry from 5100 to 3100 a B.P., but there was a short cold period during 4400 to 3800 a B.P. At this temporal interval, a mass of ice and snow melting water supplied the lake at the early time and made the lake level rise. The second highest lake level stage occurred during 5200 to 3800 a B.P. The climate was cool and wet during 3100 to 2200 a B.P., when the lake expanded with decreasing evaporation. The lake had the last short-term high level during 3100 to 2800 a B.P. After this short high lake level period, the lake shrank because of the long-term lower temperature and reduced water supply. From 2200 to 1200 a B.P., the climate was hot and dry, and the lake shrank greatly. Although the temperature decreased somewhat from 1200 a B.P. to the present, the climate was warm and dry. The lake level began to rise a little again, but it did not reach the river bed altitude of the Konqi River, an outflow river of the Bosten Lake.  相似文献   
景观生态学是宏观生态研究的一个新领域。景观格局变化研究,是目前景观生态学的研究热点。利用遥感的手段获取试验区1990和2000年景观格局的基础数据,并利用GIS做分析的工具,计算出6个指标值,采用格网化的方法,将研究区域的景观斑块转化成5m×5m的格网,进行空间分析,计算得出了景观斑块的转移矩阵,为景观格局在空间上的变化分析打下基础。分析显示:①多样性、均匀性、优势度3个指标数值上有很大的相关性,只需考虑多样性;②绿洲景观格局的变化与水资源的变化密切相关;③绿洲有沙漠化的威胁;④城镇居民点用地扩展迅速,主要在未利用土地上发展,金塔绿洲内城镇居民区有城市化的趋势;⑤城镇居民点破碎化指标值未能真正体现其景观特性,当不考虑少数几个大的斑块时,能够得到较为理想的结果。  相似文献   
社区空间演化是近年来学术界持续关注的热点问题之一。利用社区动态演化集团渗透法(Clique Percolation Method)及叠置分析法,探究了宁夏闽宁镇生态移民社区空间动态演化类型、特征及影响因素,结果表明:① 生态移民社区主要存在增长、融合、延续、新生等空间动态演化类型;② 社区空间演化特征总体表现为由零散到集中,由不规则到规则几何图形,演化过程处于正向演化状态且符合中国民族分布特点;③ 社区空间动态演化影响因素主要有政策、自然环境、产业发展状况和地缘关系。  相似文献   
中尺度对流复合体的热力学特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用合成分析方法探讨MCC热力学结构的演变规律,结果表明:MCC整个生命史里,对流层中下部为正涡度区,200hPa以上为负涡度区;发展时刻辐合区突然抬升;MCC前期的垂直上升速度最大中心高度低于后期的;MCC的高低空的冷心、中层暖心的温度结构在成熟期以后不明显  相似文献   
The survey for the HEIFE(Atmosphere-Land Surface Processes Experiment at Heihe RiverBasin,Western China)is given in the paper.The following basic subjects for land-surface process-es in arid areas are studied:(1)the general characteristics of the energy budget on ground surfacein arid areas;(2)the parameterization of the land surface processes;(3)the interaction betweenoasis and its desert circumstances,a special phenomenon in arid areas.The analysis shows that thesensible heat flux in the surface energy budget is in the majority,and the latent heat flux may beneglected.The influence of atmospheric stratification stability on the turbulent transfer of energyand substance must be considered in parameterization of land surface processes in arid areas.The“cold island effect”phenomenon in oasis and the“humidity inversion”phenomenon in desert nearoasis are the result of the interaction between them.The results would improve the understandingof land surface processes in arid areas.  相似文献   
A 1.2 m snow pit was recovered on July 29th, 2009 from the Bogda Glacier, eastern Tianshan (天山). The sample site temperature of -9.6 ℃ indicates that the unique glaciochemical re-cord was well preserved and suitable for the reconstruction of air pollution levels in this previously un-explored region. Samples were analyzed for major ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4+, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-, HCOO-, and CH3COO-). NO3- and SO42- were characterized by significant high levels of pollution con-centration. Most air masses ...  相似文献   
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