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We used a 55-cm sediment core from shallow Chaiwopu Lake in the central Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, northwest China, to investigate climate and environmental changes in this arid region over the past ~150 years. The core was dated using 137Cs. We compared temporal changes in several sediment variables with recent meteorological and tree-ring records. Organic matter had a positive correlation with the Palmer Drought Severity Index in the central Tianshan Mountains, and the δ13C of organic matter had a positive correlation with regional temperature. We applied constrained incremental sum-of-squares cluster analysis to element concentrations in the core and identified three distinct zones: (1) 55–46 cm, ~1860–1910, (2) 46–26 cm, ~1910–1952, and (3) 26–0 cm, 1952–present. Between 1880 and 1910 AD, following the Little Ice Age (LIA), the sediment environment was relatively stable, climate was cold and dry, and the lake water displayed high salinity, in contrast to conditions during the LIA. During the LIA, westerlies carried more water vapor into Central Asia when the North Atlantic Oscillation was in a negative phase, and encountered the enhanced Siberia High, which probably led to increased precipitation. In the period 1910–1950 AD, the lake was shallow and the regional climate was unstable, with high temperatures and humidity. In the last ~15–20 years, human activities caused an increase in sediment magnetic susceptibility, and heavy metal and total phosphorus concentrations in the sediment were substantially enriched. Mean annual temperature displays a warming trend over the past 50 years, and the lowest temperature was observed in the 1950s. There has been an increase in annual total precipitation since the 1990s. The combined influences of climate and human activity on the lake environment during this period were faithfully recorded in sediments of Chaiwopu Lake. This study provides a scientific basis for environmental management and protection.  相似文献   
中亚五国水土资源开发及其安全性对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于气候变暖和人类活动的影响,随着人口增长和区域农业灌溉发展,再加上低效率水资源管理等已导致中亚区域水土生态系统的退化.主要针对前苏联解体后到2007年的时段,对中亚五国水土资源开发情况及其对安全状态指标进行对比分析.结果表明:在1988—2007年期间,哈萨克斯坦人口总数逐年减少,人均可更新水资源量和人均总取水量呈逐年增加的趋势;其它中亚4国(吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦)人均水资源量出现逐年降低的趋势;乌兹别克斯坦是最大取水用户国家,次为土库曼斯坦;乌兹别克斯坦和土库曼斯坦是最大农业取水国,哈萨克斯坦是最大工业取水国,乌兹别克斯坦是最大生活取水国.到2005年,塔吉克斯坦和土库曼斯坦的淡水产量降到1989年的99%.在1992—2005年间,除了土库曼斯坦外其它中亚国家人均耕地面积逐年减少;同期,哈萨克斯坦的森林和草地面积有所减少,吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦有所扩大,塔吉克斯坦和土库曼斯坦的森林面积基本上保持不变,草地面积有所降低.乌兹别克斯坦是化肥施用和土壤盐渍化强度较严重的国家,土壤盐渍化面积占总灌溉面积从1994年50%扩大到2001年65.9%.  相似文献   
赛里木湖沉积物有机质变化特征及其环境信息   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析赛里木湖湖泊沉积物中氮含量(TN)、有机碳含量(TOC)及其碳同位素(δ~(13)C_(org))以及色素等指标的变化特征的基础上,结合沉积物中有机指标的环境意义的探讨,揭示了新疆赛里木湖湖泊沉积物中有机质所蕴含的环境信息.赛里木湖沉积物中总有机碳含量、总氮含量的变化反映了流域初级生产力的变化,沉积物色素变化是有机质保存条件的指标,间接指示了湖泊-流域水热配置环境.有机碳同位素(δ~(13)C_(org))反映了湖泊内外源的混合信息.结合有序样品聚类分析方法,可以将赛里木湖近代环境划分为四大发展阶段:1、各有机指标相对稳定;2、各有机指标明显波动;3、各有机指标显著增加;4、各有机指标快速增加.  相似文献   
艾比湖盐尘对周边地区土壤盐分及景观变化的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过对准噶尔盆地西部艾比湖地区盐尘的扩散和堆积进行观测和取样分析,鉴别出粉尘中可溶盐的化学成分、pH和盐尘堆积强度,分析研究了盐尘的形成、分布特征和灾害强度以及盐尘暴与温度、降水、风等气候因子之间的相关关系.结果表明:近50 a来艾比湖的沉积环境总体是比较稳定的,但由于气候波动与人类活动引起艾比湖水位、水域面积曾发生较明显的变化,并产生了盐尘暴的发生、湖泊和土壤盐度以及湖周景观的变化.根据艾比湖周边盐漠区盐尘的时空分布规律、活动特点和危害强度分析,盐尘对准噶尔盆地西部土壤盐分及景观变化的影响强度范围和影响程度划分为3级区.  相似文献   
An atypical occlusion process that occurred in North China on 14 July 2011 is studied based on both observations and a real-data Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulation. The results show that this atypical occlusion process was significantly different from the traditional, synoptic-scale occlusion process that occurs within extratropical cyclones. It was caused by the merger of two cold-type mesoscale fronts. One of the fronts developed from the gust front of convective storms, while the other was a sea-breeze front. As the two fronts moved towards each other, the warm air between them was squeezed and separated from the surface. An atypical occluded front was formed when the two fronts merged, with the warm air forced aloft. This kind of occlusion is termed a "merger" process, different from the well-known "catch-up" and "wrap-up" processes. Moreover, local convection was found to be enhanced during the merger process, with severe convective weather produced in the merger area.  相似文献   
哈萨克斯坦是中亚干旱-半干旱地区最大的内陆国家,东部以阿尔泰山、天山与我国相隔,区内河流众多,是该国水资源的主要来源地,额尔齐斯河、伊犁河是中哈两国重要的跨境河流。通过对哈萨克斯坦东部不同区域河水和湖水的主要离子、氢、氧同位素分析,初步研究了该区域的水化学和同位素空间分布特征及其对地表水循环的指示意义。结果表明:哈萨克斯坦东部河水离子组成以HCO3-Ca为主,局部有HCO3-Na水型分布。湖水以SO4-Na为主,有少量HCO3-Ca和SO4-Ca型水。研究区内水体Ca2+、Na+、SO42-均表现出南北低中间高的空间特征。河水氢、氧同位素变化范围分别为-123.46‰~-71.22‰和-16.09‰~-10.21‰,湖水氢、氧同位素变化范围分别为-97.82‰~-9.20‰和-12.74‰~2.44‰。额尔齐斯河河水与周围补给水体的氢、氧同位素差异显著,表明其主要来源于上游补给。河水和湖水氢、氧同位素关系式分别为δD=7.546×δ18O+3.507和δD=5.737×δ18O-24.14,且河水氢、氧同位素与经、纬度显著相关,反映了明显的内陆效应,而湖水氢、氧同位素的变化则主要反映了水体的蒸发程度,水体氢、氧同位素变化敏感地示踪了该区域水体的来源与循环特征。  相似文献   
近30 a来冰川动力学模型有了快速发展, 在南极、 格林兰冰盖预测中取得一系列重要成果, 对山地冰川的研究也初见端倪. 从冰川流动的力学过程出发, 利用本构方程、 理想冰川假设、 浅冰层近似(Shallow ice approximation)假设完整地推导了理想冰川流动的物理过程, 揭示了冰川流动的机理, 建立了气候变化和冰川自身重力引起的理想冰川物质和能量再分配的温度耦合三维流动模型. 结合山地冰川的冰床形态, 将理想冰川与实际冰川相结合, 使理想冰川流动模型更好地近似山地冰川的流动.  相似文献   
Stable isotope values of oxygen(~(18)O) and hydrogen(~(2)H) of surface waters were used to study the origin and environmental significances in the Issyk-Kul basin of Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia, which is the most important intermountain basin in the modern Tien Shan orogen. This study is the first analysis of hydrochemical spatial differentiation in the stable isotopes of surface waters in this watershed.75 samples were collected from rivers, springs, lakes,rain and snow during the rainy season in July and August of 2016. Stable isotopes of ~(18)O and ~(2)H were studied for all samples, and cation ratios(Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca) were also determined for lake water samples.Stable isotope values from precipitation scattered around the Local Meteoric Water Line(determined from Urumqi Station of the global network of isotopes in precipitation(GNIP)), together with values of the Deuterium excess parameter(d) from 15.3‰ to30.5‰, with an average of 19.8‰, indicating that the moisture sources are primarily from regions with low relative humidity. The δ~(18)O and δ~(2)H values were significantly different between the river and lake samples, indicating that regional evaporation caused the isotopic enrichment of lake water. Geospatial autocorrelation, measured by Moran's I coefficient,indicated weak spatial autocorrelation within stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in the surface waters of the studied area, which is primarily an effect of climate during the water chemistry evolution. The cation ratios Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca in lake water samples were not correlated with the concentration of total dissolved solids, but did show correlation with stable isotopic values, which is significant for paleoenvironmental reconstruction.  相似文献   
基于生态足迹的中亚区域生态安全评价   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
利用生态足迹理论与方法,运用生态足迹压力指数模型,对中亚不同区域的生态安全进行了评价。分别测算中亚四国的人均与区域总生态足迹、生态承载力、生态赤字和生态足迹压力指数。最后按照生态足迹压力指数来评价中亚各国生态安全状态。评价结果如下:(1)吉尔吉斯坦14年平均生态赤字为0.0900ha/capita;平均生态足迹压力指数为0.9388,处于稍不安全状态。(2)土库曼斯坦的多年平均生态赤字为0.3303 ha/capita;平均生态足迹压力指数为1.1327;哈萨克斯坦的多年平均生态赤字为0.8379 ha/capita,平均生态足迹压力指数为1.2320,都处于较不安全状态 。(3)乌兹别克斯坦的区域总承载力由1994年的28807119ha下降到2005年的28527138ha,而区域总生态足迹有所增加,即从44598092ha增加到51761368ha;多年平均生态赤字为0.8181 ha/capita;平均生态足迹压力指数为1.7540,处于相对很不安全状态。根据计算结果,中亚4国的多年平均生态安全都处于不安全状态,但不安全程度有所差别,吉尔吉斯坦的生态安全处于相对较好状态,其次为土库曼斯坦,哈萨克斯坦;乌兹别克斯坦的生态安全相对其他中亚国家而言处于相对很不安全状态。  相似文献   
中亚干旱区咸海的湖面变化及其环境效应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
由于气候和人类活动的影响,近百年来成海水位出现了明显的波动,湖泊面积波动幅度近6×10<'4>km<'2>,由此产生了严重的区域生态环境问题.尤其是近50年来,随着流域人口增加、社会经济发展、工农业及生活用水造成的流域水资源匮乏,导致成海面积快速萎缩,引起一系列区域环境问题,威胁当地居民的生存.成海水位下降、面积萎缩主要引发了两个方面的生态环境效应:(1)绿洲的荒漠化.干涸的湖底直接成为荒地,形成新的沙源地;同时,区域地下水位下降,植被退化,草地沙化,加之风力从干涸湖底及临近沙漠区带来的风沙覆盖,形成新的沙漠带.改变的下垫面,影响湖泊对气候的调节功能,造成流域人居环境的恶化.(2)湖滨湿地的消失及湖水的成化,使得湿地资源与渔业资源等周围居民赖以生存的经济来源消失,同时由于来自裸露湖底的污染尘暴影响,使得流域原有土地功能退化.另外,污染的空气与饮用水直接威胁当地居民的健康.  相似文献   
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