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U–Pb age, trace element and Hf isotope compositions of zircon were analysed for a metasedimentary rock and two amphibolites from the Kongling terrane in the northern part of the Yangtze Craton. The zircon shows distinct morphological and chemical characteristics. Most zircon in an amphibolite shows oscillatory zoning, high Th/U and 176Lu/177Hf ratios, high formation temperature, high trace element contents, clear negative Eu anomaly, as well as HREE-enriched patterns, suggesting that it is igneous. The zircon yields a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2857 ± 8 Ma, representing the age of the magmatic protolith. The zircon in the other two samples is metamorphic. It has low Th/U ratios, low trace element concentrations, variable HREE contents (33.8 ≥ LuN≥2213; 14.7 ≤ LuN/SmN ≤ 354) and 176Lu/177Hf ratios (0.000030–0.001168). The data indicate that the zircon formed in the presence of garnet and under upper amphibolite facies conditions. The metamorphic zircon yields a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2010 ± 13 Ma. These results combined with previously obtained Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic ages suggest a c. 2.0 Ga Palaeoproterozoic collisional event in the Yangtze Craton, which may result from the assembly of the supercontinent Columbia. The zircon in two samples yields weighted mean two-stage Hf model ( T DM2) ages of 3217 ± 110 and 2943 ± 50 Ma, respectively, indicating that their protoliths were mainly derived from Archean crust.  相似文献   
The plastic node method is reformulated by the variational principle and is applied to elasto-plastic finite element analysis of tubular joints, eventually including the effect of internal and external gussets, stiffener rings, etc., if necessary. Four different joints are studied here in detail for the elasto-plastic behavior, the strain at the hot spot, the strain concentration factor around the intersection line, and the propagation of the plastic region with loading up to collapse in order to determine the ultimate strength, safety factor, and development of the plastic field. The present results are in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   
多源遥感数据综合解译鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗地区地质构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多源遥感数据假彩色合成、融合及纹理分析等增强处理方法提取研究区构造信息,进而对研究区进行综合解译;通过分析水系、色调、纹理、地貌及岩性等特征,判断出杭锦旗地区存在一小一大、内外相套的2个环形构造,发育的北西向、北东向2组共轭断层和一组北北西向断层,与环形构造相互构架,构成研究区特殊的构造体系。经分析预测,这些构造是受周边南北向构造应力共同挤压而形成。  相似文献   
HD 4002型综合测井仪是核工业北京地质研究院于1998年开始研制的, 其目标是为铀矿地质系统提供适合砂岩型铀矿勘查的轻便型数字测井仪, 满足测井生产的需要。该仪器于2001 年3月通过部级鉴定, 2002至2003年投入海拉尔盆地铀矿勘查测井试生产。本文介绍了仪器的用途、功能及特点、性能指标, 简要说明了各部分的工作原理。  相似文献   
日本国内旅游业的发展及其地域特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
日本旅游业已成为国民经济的重要部门,据2002年日本交通省的统计表明,观光产业GDP已占国内生产总值的2.2%,这一数字与美国相近。但与西方国家显著不同的是,在美、英、法、意等旅游业发达国家中,国际旅游业占据举足轻重地位,而日本的旅游业却以国内旅游为主体。据日本最大旅行社JTB的统计,2002年日本旅游出行人数为34013万人次(其中出国旅游1664万人次),而同年日本接待的外国入境游客刚刚超过500万人次。本文旨在介绍和分析日本国内旅游业的发生、发展的变化特征,以及国民不同的旅游方式和旅游地域差异。  相似文献   
GPS广播星历参数拟合算法   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
介绍了GPS广播星历参数的最小二乘估计方法。推导了相应的计算公式。计算结果表明。文中给出的公式是正确的,其拟合精度以用户距离误差(URE)示时,对预报轨道的损失小于1cm。  相似文献   
1989年10月18日山西大同-阳高发生了6.1级地震,在这次地震中,倒塌房屋31 348间,其中,倒塌的大部分是土窑洞.可见,减轻地震灾害的关键是提高建筑物的抗震性能.  相似文献   
青藏高原气象学的研究进展和问题   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
分高原天气学、高原气候学、高原及邻近地区的大气环流、以及高原数值预报和模拟四方面简要回顾了新中国成立以来我国(也兼及国外)青藏高原气象学的主要进展,也提出今后研究中应注意的有关问题。  相似文献   
Magnesium hydroxide-coated pyrolytic bio-char composite was prepared by chemical precipitation, and the adsorption behavior of anionic dye (directly frozen yellow) onto magnesium hydroxide-coated pyrolytic bio-char was investigated in the batch mode. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy of adsorbents were characterized. Adsorption studies were performed at different pH, salt concentration, contacting time and dye concentration. The pH value of the solution influenced the adsorption capacity significantly, and adsorption is favored of pH 6–8. Salt coexisted in solution increased slightly directly frozen yellow adsorption capacity. The isotherm data were analyzed by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm model, and Langmuir model was better to predict the equilibrium data. Thermodynamic calculations showed that the adsorption was a spontaneous and endothermic process. Exhausted magnesium hydroxide-coated pyrolytic bio-char was treated by microwave irradiation, and yield of regeneration was 98 % in the case of microwave irradiated time 5 min at 320 W. The magnesium hydroxide-coated pyrolytic bio-char can be reused.  相似文献   
在分析研究区地质及水文地质条件的基础上,根据对各类水样资料的研究,发现在洛河下游,对于相对惰性的组分,河水的化学成分由河水与地下水混合形成,并且从水化学的角度验证了在该区段补给河水的那部分地下水主要来自洛河以南的地下水;但对于易发生化学反应的组分,河水在向下游运动的过程中,其化学成分明显受到了化学反应的影响。论文使用Cl^-质量平衡方法,计算出洛河上游河水中地下水的补给比例在20~30%左右,下游地下水补给比例约占70%左右;并且根据研究区的具体条件及矿物饱和指数的计算结果,确定了石膏、方解石的溶解和白云石的沉淀以及碳酸平衡是河水化学成分形成的主要化学作用,通过对化学反应量的计算,恢复了河水与地下水仅发生了简单混合作用的混合水的成分。  相似文献   
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