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DNA single-strand breaks were measured by the comet assay in both gill and hemolymph cells of mussels collected in 3 sampling areas of the French coast (Pointe du Castelli, Pen Bron and Saint-Nazaire Harbour). Whole mussel tissue samples were also collected for the chemical determination of PAH, PCB and heavy metal concentrations. In mussel, a higher level of DNA strand breaks was measured in gill than in hemolymph cells (p < 0.01). Despite a factor of contamination from 2 to 3 between sites, no difference in the extent of mussel DNA strand breaks was shown between sampling locations (p > 0.05), questioning the sensitivity of the assays used in biomonitoring studies.  相似文献   
In an attempt to date a palaeolandslide that took place along the Baga Bogd Massif, in Mongolia, the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) method has been applied to lacustrine silty sediments directly overlying the landslide mass. The IRSL age estimates obtained on alkali feldspar grains (>40 μm) and polymineral fine grains (4–11 μm) provide a minimum age for the landslide event. The IRSL ages on alkali feldspars corrected for long-term fading using the protocol of Mejdahl (1988, 1989) suggest that the palaeolandslide occurred at the beginning of the Last Interglacial. These are in good agreement with the 10Be cosmogenic dates obtained on faulted and abandoned alluvial fans in the Gobi-Altay mountains. This study demonstrates for the first time that the IRSL dating method can successfully be applied for establishing landslide chronologies.  相似文献   
High-resolution textural signatures of an earthquake-induced historical 'homogenite' layer are presented, as well as its 3D distribution. This homogeneous deposit is correlated with the AD 1822 event (VII–VIII MSK intensity), the main historical earthquake of the French outer Alps, using 210Pb dating and historical chronicles. During this earthquake a violent lake water oscillation was reported (seiche effect). In the present study we discuss the influence of lake water oscillations during earthquake-induced subaqueous slide, through a pluridisciplinary analysis of subbottom sediments including high-resolution seismic, sidescan sonar and short gravity coring.  相似文献   
Clay mineral assemblages determined by X-ray diffraction, in the Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous hemipelagic/pelagic sediments and in the Upper Cretaceous flysch sequences of the Lombardian Basin (Southern Alps) record tectonic and possibly climatic changes in the source areas and to a lesser extent, alterations during burial diagenesis.In the hemipelagic/pelagic sediments exposed in the Breggia valley in southern Switzerland, the clay fraction is dominated by illite and smectite and seems not to be altered much by burial diagenesis. The varied clay mineral assemblages of the Liassic sediments result from intense erosion of emergent source areas exposed during early rifting phases. A distinction between smectite-rich limestones and illite-rich marls in these syn-rift to early post-rift sediments could reflect short-term climatic fluctuations or, alternatively, a preferential replacement of smectite by illite during incipient burial diagenesis in the marls. The predominantly smectitic composition of the clay fraction in the upper Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous sediments documents gentle erosion of smectite-rich soils developing under a warm and seasonally humid climate on a relatively stable distant source area.In the Aptian, an increase in illite in the clay fraction of the hemipelagic Scaglia Lombarda Group points to an increased detrital influx from emergent source areas. This influx is related to the onset of orogenic movements along the Austroalpine/South Pennine active margin, resulting in Middle Cretaceous flysch sedimentation in the Austroalpine realm.Increasing influx from emergent continental crust is reflected by the high amounts of illite and chlorite in the Upper Cretaceous flysch sequences of the eastern Brianza area. However, the high amounts of chlorite in limestone turbidites in the lower part of the flysch sequence (Pontida Formation, Turonian) suggest transformation of smectite to chlorite under conditions of burial diagenesis. In the younger flysch deposits (Bergamo Flysch, Upper Santonian-Campanian) detrital clay minerals are preserved. The occurrence of kaolinite and smectite beside illite and minor chlorite suggests intense weathering and less relief during deposition of the Bergamo Flysch.
Zusammenfassung Röntgendiffraktometrisch bestimmte Tonmineral-Assoziationen in den jurassisch-unterkretazischen hemipelagischen und pelagischen Sedimenten sowie in den Oberkreide-Flyschen des Lombardischen Beckens der Südalpen erlauben wichtige Rückschlüsse über tektonische und eventuell klimatische Änderungen in den Liefergebieten sowie, in etwas geringerem Maße, über Veränderungen während der Uberlagerungs-Diagenese.Die vorwiegend illitisch-smektitische Tonfraktion der hemipelagisch/pelagischen Sedimente der Breggia-Schlucht (Tessin, Süd-Schweiz) scheint wenig verändert durch die Überlagerungs-Diagenese. Die stark variable Zusammensetzung der Tonfraktion der liassischen Sedimente deutet auf eine intensive Erosion der während des frühen Riftings herausgehobenen Liefergebiete. Eine Differenzierung zwischen Smektit-reichen Kalken und Illitreichen Mergeln in den syn- und frühen post-rift-Sedimenten des Lias deutet auf kurzfristige klimatische Fluktuationen (Milankovitch-Zyklen) oder auf einen Ersatz von Smektit durch Illit während der beginnenden Überlagerungs-Diagenese in den Mergeln. Die hauptsächlich smektitische Zusammensetzung der Tonfraktion in den mittel-jurassischen bis unter-kretazischen Sedimenten weist auf eine weniger intensive Erosion Smektit-reicher Böden in relativ stabilen, weit entfernten Liefergebieten mit einem warmen und saisonal humiden Klima.Eine deutliche Zunahme der Sedimentationsraten und des Illits in der Tonfraktion der hemipelagischen Scaglia Lombarda belegt einen zunehmenden detritischen Einfluß vom Aptian an. Dieser detritische Einfluß läßt sich mit dem Einsetzen orogener Heraushebung längs des aktiven Kontinentalrandes an der Süd-Penninikum/Ostalpin-Grenze in Verbindung bringen, da er mit Flysch-Ablagerungen in Süd-Penninikum und Ostalpin zeitlich zusammenfällt.Eine zunehmend detritische Schüttung aus kontinentalen kristallinen Liefergebieten läßt sich in den Illit- und Chlorit-reichen Tonmineral-Assoziationen der Oberkreide-Flysche der östlichen Brianza (Provinz Como, Nord-Italien) erkennen. Die hohen Chlorit-Konzentrationen in Kalk-Turbiditen im unteren Teil der Flysch-Abfolge (Pontida-Formation, Turonian) lassen hingegen eher eine diagenetische Umwandlung von Smektit in Chlorit vermuten. In den jüngeren Flysch-Ablagerungen (Bergamo-Flysch, Oberes Santonian bis Campanian) läßt sich die ursprüngliche detritische Tonmineral-Vergesellschaftung noch erkennen. In dieser Formation deutet das Vorkommen von Kaolinit und Smektit neben Illit und wenig Chlorit auf eine intensive Verwitterung und ein kleineres Relief im Hinterland.

Résumé Les minéraux argileux des formations jurassiques et crétacées du Bassin Lombard (Alpes méridionales) sont étudiés par diffraction des rayons X. Les variations des cortèges argileux des sédiments pélagiques et des flyschs du Crétacé supérieur résultent de modifications tectoniques, climatiques et dans une moindre mesure d'évolutions diagénétiques liées à l'enfouissement.L'illite et la smectite dominent très largement les assemblages minéralogiques dans les sédiments pélagiques et hémipélagiques étudiés dans les gorges de la Breggia (Tessin, Suisse méridionale). L'influence de la diagenèse d'enfouissement paraît modérée et les assemblages argileux très diversifiés des formations liasiques reflètent une érosion active des zones continentales au début du rifting. Dans les formations syn-rift alternantes calcaire-marne, la fraction argileuse des marnes est systématiquement enrichie en illite par rapport à celle des calcaires. Ces relations entre minéralogie des argiles et lithologie résultent soit de fluctuations climatiques, soit d'une illitisation préférentielle des smectites dans les intervalles marneux.A partir du Jurassique moyen et supérieur et jusqu'au Barrémien inclus, la fraction argileuse des sédiments est très smectitique. Elle reflète l'érosion superficielle de sols riches en smectites développés sous climat chaud à humidité saisonnière contrastée sur des domaines continentaux aplanis et probablement très éloignés. A l'Aptien, les apports illitiques importants traduisent, le long de la marge active Austroalpine/Sud Pennique, le début de mouvements orogéniques responsables du dépôt des flyschs dans le domaine Austro-alpin.Dans les faciès flysch du Crétacé supérieur de la Brianza orientale, les apports d'illites et de chlorites s'accordent avec l'augmentation de l'érosion sur les domaines continentaux. Cependant, l'influence d'une diagenèse d'enfouissement est attestée en particulier par les très fortes proportions de chlorites présentes dans les turbidites calcaires (Pontida formation, Turonien). Dans les dépôts de flysch plus récents (Bergamo flysch, Santonien-Campanien), les minéraux argileux détritiques sont mieux préservés. La présence systématique de kaolinite et de smectite suggère le développement d'une altération continentale importante sur des reliefs moins marqués par rapport aux périodes plus anciennes du Crétacé supérieur.

- . , , . Breggia (Tec, ), . . /, , , . , , . , , , , , , , ( ), . , , . Scaglia Lombarda . / , . , , Brianza ( , ). ( , ) . ( , ) . , , , .
The RCP greenhouse gas concentrations and their extensions from 1765 to 2300   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
We present the greenhouse gas concentrations for the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and their extensions beyond 2100, the Extended Concentration Pathways (ECPs). These projections include all major anthropogenic greenhouse gases and are a result of a multi-year effort to produce new scenarios for climate change research. We combine a suite of atmospheric concentration observations and emissions estimates for greenhouse gases (GHGs) through the historical period (1750?C2005) with harmonized emissions projected by four different Integrated Assessment Models for 2005?C2100. As concentrations are somewhat dependent on the future climate itself (due to climate feedbacks in the carbon and other gas cycles), we emulate median response characteristics of models assessed in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report using the reduced-complexity carbon cycle climate model MAGICC6. Projected ??best-estimate?? global-mean surface temperature increases (using inter alia a climate sensitivity of 3°C) range from 1.5°C by 2100 for the lowest of the four RCPs, called both RCP3-PD and RCP2.6, to 4.5°C for the highest one, RCP8.5, relative to pre-industrial levels. Beyond 2100, we present the ECPs that are simple extensions of the RCPs, based on the assumption of either smoothly stabilizing concentrations or constant emissions: For example, the lower RCP2.6 pathway represents a strong mitigation scenario and is extended by assuming constant emissions after 2100 (including net negative CO2 emissions), leading to CO2 concentrations returning to 360 ppm by 2300. We also present the GHG concentrations for one supplementary extension, which illustrates the stringent emissions implications of attempting to go back to ECP4.5 concentration levels by 2250 after emissions during the 21st century followed the higher RCP6 scenario. Corresponding radiative forcing values are presented for the RCP and ECPs.  相似文献   
Early Jurassic climate is characterized by alternating cold and warm periods highlighted by studies based notably on oxygen isotopes measured on belemnite guards and other marine invertebrate shells. These climatic changes include changes in the hydrological cycle, and consequently weathering and runoff conditions. In order to clarify the erosion and weathering conditions during the Pliensbachian, this study determined the mineralogical composition of the clay fraction of 132 samples taken from the entire stage drilled in the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) borehole (Cardigan Bay Basin). The clay mineral assemblages are composed of various proportions of chlorite, illite, illite/smectite mixed‐layers (R1 I–S), smectite and kaolinite, with possibly occasional traces of berthierine. The occurrence of abundant smectite indicates that the maximum burial temperature never exceeded 70°C. Consequently, clay minerals are considered mainly detrital, and their fluctuations likely reflect environmental changes. The variations in the proportions of smectite and kaolinite are opposite to each other. Kaolinite is particularly abundant at the base of the jamesoni Zone, in part coinciding with the δ13C negative excursion corresponding to the Sinemurian/Pliensbachian Boundary Event, and through the davoei Zone, whilst smectite is abundant in the upper part of jamesoni and base of ibex zones and through the subnodosus/gibbosus subzones of the margaritatus Zone. The kaolinite‐rich intervals reflect an intensification of hydrolysis and an acceleration of the hydrological cycle, while the smectite‐rich intervals indicate a more arid climate. The spinatum Zone is characterized by a distinct clay assemblage with abundant primary minerals, R1 I–S, kaolinite reworked from previously deposited sediments or from Palaeozoic rocks, and probably berthierine originating from contemporaneous ironstone‐generating environments of shallower waters. This mineralogical change by the end of the Pliensbachian likely reflects a transition from a dominant chemical weathering to a deeper physical erosion of the continent, probably related to a significant sea‐level fall consistent with a glacio‐eustatic origin.  相似文献   
Several environmental chemicals are suspected to be responsible for adverse health effects on the reproductive system in various organisms. During this work, environmentally relevant concentrations of North Sea oil were used alone or in combination with alkylphenols and additional PAH to study the effect on vitellogenin-like protein expression and gonadal development in mussels. North Sea oil (0.5 ppm) induced the expression of phospho-proteins in both sexes indicating that some compounds are oestrogen-mimics. This induction was not seen in samples dosed with the mixture but signs of toxic effects were observed in the gonads. Indeed, numerous degenerating ovarian follicles in females and foci, similar to vertebrate melanomacrophage centres, were observed in testes.  相似文献   
An interdisciplinary approach based on high-resolution physical stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, organic matter analysis and clay mineralogy has been applied to the mixed siliciclastic/carbonate Kimmeridgian/Tithonian deposits of the Boulonnais (north-western France). These rocks are the age-equivalents of some of the offshore marine source rocks of the North Sea and were deposited in an overall storm-dominated homoclinal ramp setting which may represent one of the most shore-proximal sediments of this age cropping out in north-western Europe. Comparison with data from the Yorkshire, Dorset, Lorraine and Aquitaine areas allows the discrimination of three major transgressive-regressive sediment packages with disconformities of interregional extent: (1) from the Baylei Zone to top Eudoxus Zone; (2) from the Autissiodorensis Zone to base Scitulus Zone; (3) from the upper Scitulus Zone to the Pectinatus Zone. The lower two regionally correlative disconformities correspond to the sequence boundaries at the top of the Eudoxus Zone and the top of the Autissiodorensis Zone, formed by high-frequency relative sea-level variations during the periods of maximum transgression of the platform. The latter disconformity (the P1 nodule bed) reflects a major tectonically induced reorganization of the north-west European intrashelf sedimentary basin, characterized by a shift in both the location of the main depocentre and the sources of sediment production.  相似文献   
The basin fill of Lake Annecy was investigated from a 44 m core which reached down to glacial sediments of the last glaciation (called Würm in the alpine areas). We analyzed three main parameters: sediment texture (optical microscopy and laser microgranulometry), clay mineral assemblages (CMA by XRD), and organic matter (OM by Rock-Eval pyrolysis). Settling of suspended load, under variable hydrodynamic conditions is the main depositional process. Both CMA and OM provenances can be recognized for the different sedimentary and igneous-metamorphic formations (Carboniferous to Quaternary, and older crystalline basement) and corresponding areas, in the surrounding region of Lake Annecy. Oligocene-Miocene molasses, Early Cretaceous marls, and Early-Middle Jurassic marls and shales are the main sedimentary sources. Two distinct processes were operating: destruction of glacial sediments (till sensu largo) and reworking, or direct erosion and run-off from ice-free catchment areas. Clay minerals related to pedogenesis, and non-reworked terrestrial and lacustrine OM, were progessively added to these primary sources during the Late Würmian/Holocene transition to warmer climatic conditions. Rapid modifications of CMA and OM sources during the earlier phase of sedimentary infilling (Unit 2) suggest that valley glaciers connected to the lake basin almost completely disappeared within a few centuries.  相似文献   
Abstract Explosive volcanic activity is recorded in the Upper Jurassic of the Paris Basin and the Subalpine Basin of France by the identification of five bentonite horizons. These layers occur in Lower Oxfordian (cordatum ammonite zone) to Middle Oxfordian (plicatilis zone) clays and silty clays deposited in outer platform environments. In the Paris Basin, a thick bentonite (10–15 cm), identified in boreholes and in outcrop, is dominated by dioctahedral smectite (95%) with trace amounts of kaolinite, illite and chlorite. In contrast, five bentonites identified in the Subalpine Basin, where burial diagenesis and fluid circulation were more important, are composed of a mixture of kaolinite and regular or random illite/smectite mixed-layer clays in variable proportions, indicating a K-bentonite. In the Subalpine Basin, a 2–15 cm thick bentonite underlain by a layer affected by sulphate–carbonate mineralization can be correlated over 2000 km2. Euhedral zircon, apatite and biotite crystals have been identified in all the bentonites. The geochemical composition of the bentonites in both basins is characterized by high concentrations of Hf, Nb, Pb, Ta, Th, Ti, U, Y, Zr and low concentrations of Cr, Cs and Rb. Biostratigraphical and geochemical data suggest that the thick bentonite in the Paris Basin correlates with the thickest bentonite in the Subalpine Basin, located 400 km to the south. These horizons indicate that significant explosive volcanic events occurred during the Middle Oxfordian and provide potential long-distance isochronous marker beds. Immobile element discrimination diagrams and rare-earth element characteristics indicate that the original ash compositions of the thickest bentonites correspond to a trachyandesitic source from a within-plate alkaline series that was probably related to North Atlantic rifting.  相似文献   
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