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Typical numerical weather and climate prediction models apply parameterizations to describe the subgrid-scale exchange of moisture, heat and momentum between the surface and the free atmosphere. To a large degree, the underlying assumptions are based on empirical knowledge obtained from measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer over flat and homogeneous topography. It is, however, still unclear what happens if the topography is complex and steep. Not only is the applicability of classical turbulence schemes questionable in principle over such terrain, but mountains additionally induce vertical fluxes on the meso-γ scale. Examples are thermally or mechanically driven valley winds, which are neither resolved nor parameterized by climate models but nevertheless contribute to vertical exchange. Attempts to quantify these processes and to evaluate their impact on climate simulations have so far been scarce. Here, results from a case study in the Riviera Valley in southern Switzerland are presented. In previous work, measurements from the MAP-Riviera field campaign have been used to evaluate and configure a high-resolution large-eddy simulation code (ARPS). This model is here applied with a horizontal grid spacing of 350 m to detect and quantify the relevant exchange processes between the valley atmosphere (i.e. the ground “surface” in a coarse model) and the free atmosphere aloft. As an example, vertical export of moisture is evaluated for three fair-weather summer days. The simulations show that moisture exchange with the free atmosphere is indeed no longer governed by turbulent motions alone. Other mechanisms become important, such as mass export due to topographic narrowing or the interaction of thermally driven cross-valley circulations. Under certain atmospheric conditions, these topographical-related mechanisms exceed the “classical” turbulent contributions a coarse model would see by several times. The study shows that conventional subgrid-scale parameterizations can indeed be far off from reality if applied over complex topography, and that large-eddy simulations could provide a helpful tool for their improvement.  相似文献   
This contribution investigates the nature of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in a steep and narrow Alpine valley under fair-weather summertime conditions. The Riviera Valley in southern Switzerland was chosen for a detailed case study, in which the evaluation of aircraft data (obtained from the MAP-Riviera field campaign) is combined with the application of high-resolution (350-m horizontal grid spacing) large-eddy simulations using the numerical model ARPS. The simulations verify what has already been observed on the basis of measurements: TKE profiles scale surprisingly well if the convective velocity scale w * is obtained from the sun-exposed eastern slope rather than from the surface directly beneath the profiles considered. ARPS is then used to evaluate the TKE-budget equation, showing that, despite sunny conditions, wind shear is the dominant production mechanism. Therefore, the surface heat flux (and thus w *) on the eastern slope does not determine the TKE evolution directly but rather, as we believe, indirectly via the interaction of thermally-driven cross-valley and along-valley flows. Excellent correlation between w * and the up-valley wind speed solidifies this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Soil degradation in the Mediterranean and other arid and semi-arid regions of the world is caused mainly by cultivation and grazing. A consequence of de-vegetation due to overgrazing has been a decrease in organic matter (litter) input to soil and a decrease of aggregate size and stability making soils more susceptible to erosion and to organic matter losses. This study provided evidence linking the Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) export from river basins to livestock grazing intensity and the resulting decrease in vegetation. Koiliaris River Basin in Crete was selected to study the effects of livestock grazing on water quality because it offers a unique morphologic situation due to its karstic hydrogeology draining the upland grazing areas through karstic springs. Mass balance calculations of N loads indicated that organic N is behaving as a conservative substance. It is postulated that the two potential mechanisms of Mineralization–Immobilization-Turnover and Direct Uptake did not operate in the degraded soils of the karst and arguments are presented justifying the hypothesis. De-vegetated soils of the area had lower C and N content, the same bacterial count, but lower microbial activity, lower fungi counts and species richness and lower mineralizable N compared to naturally vegetated soils. DON was the predominant N species in both extracted soluble N pools. De-vegetated soils had lower decomposition potential compared to vegetated soils. Mineralization and plant uptake appeared to be restricted and leaching of soluble low aromaticity organic matter was favored. A linear relationship between DON export and livestock N load was obtained for five Greek basins suggesting a mechanism that operates on regional scales. The de-vegetation of grazing lands in Koiliaris River highland calcaric leptosols was shown to be a primary factor causing the decline of soil biochemical quality and DON can be used as a reliable indicator for livestock grazing impacts to soil biochemical quality.  相似文献   
This study combines a variably-saturated groundwater flow model and a mesoscale atmospheric model to examine the effects of soil moisture heterogeneity on atmospheric boundary layer processes. This parallel, integrated model can simulate spatial variations in land-surface forcing driven by three-dimensional (3D) atmospheric and subsurface components. The development of atmospheric flow is studied in a series of idealized test cases with different initial soil moisture distributions generated by an offline spin-up procedure or interpolated from a coarse-resolution dataset. These test cases are performed with both the fully-coupled model (which includes 3D groundwater flow and surface water routing) and the uncoupled atmospheric model. The effects of the different soil moisture initializations and lateral subsurface and surface water flow are seen in the differences in atmospheric evolution over a 36-h period. The fully-coupled model maintains a realistic topographically-driven soil moisture distribution, while the uncoupled atmospheric model does not. Furthermore, the coupled model shows spatial and temporal correlations between surface and lower atmospheric variables and water table depth. These correlations are particularly strong during times when the land-surface temperatures trigger shifts in wind behavior, such as during early morning surface heating.  相似文献   
Koiliaris River watershed is a Critical Zone Observatory that represents severely degraded soils due to intensive agricultural activities and biophysical factors. It has typical Mediterranean soils under the imminent threat of desertification which is expected to intensify due to projected climate change. High frequency hydro-chemical monitoring with targeted sampling for Rare Earth Elements (REE) analysis of different water bodies and geochemical characterization of soils were used for the identification of hydrologic and geochemical pathways. The high frequency monitoring of water chemical data highlighted the chemical alterations of water in Koiliaris River during flash flood events. Soil physical and chemical characterization surveys were used to identify erodibility patterns within the watershed and the influence of soils on surface and ground water chemistry. The methodology presented can be used to identify the impacts of degraded soils to surface and ground water quality as well as in the design of methods to minimize the impacts of land use practices.  相似文献   
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