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The granulites of the Fraser Range are assumed to have formed in a carbon-rich fluid, and are generally devoid of hornblende, and lack obvious hydrous retrograde features. In these granulites, pyroxene, garnet, plagioclase and quartz are the minerals most likely to retain the oxygen isotope ratios fixed at an early stage of initial granulite metamorphism. Temperature estimates using these minerals commonly suggest that oxygen isotopic exchange ceased in the range 600 to 680°C. The peak metamorphic temperature was probably ~ 850°C as based on the stability fields of the coexisting minerals and some cation temperatures from coexisting pyroxenes in these rocks. Ilmenite may be slightly out of isotopic equilibrium with the other minerals. Thus, grains of quartz, feldspar, pyroxene and ilmenite have suffered considerable oxygen isotopic exchange during the retrogressive phase of the metamorphism, in spite of the fact that very little water was present in these granulites. The observed deviation from the peak metamorphic temperatures can be explained by essentially closed system solid-state diffusion (on at least a scale of centimetres) during slow cooling of the rocks from ~850 to 650°C, followed by more rapid cooling down to ~ 300°C. Such an explanation is not at variance with the radiometric data available for rocks from the area, which suggest that the latter phase could have involved uplift rates of ?0.5 mm/yr for a period of about 40 Ma. Wholerock δ18O values on non-quartzose mafic granulites, about 7.2%., fall within the range of basalts affected by seafloor weathering.  相似文献   
Stable isotopes of benthic foraminifera have widely been applied in micropalaeontological research to understand vital effects in foraminifera. Isotopic fractionations are mainly controlled by ontogeny, bottom/pore water chemistry, habitat preference, kinetic effect and respiration. Discontinuous abundance of a species for isotopic analysis has forced us to select multiple species from down-core samples. Thus standardisation factors are required to convert isotopic values of one species with respect to other species. The present study is pursued on isotopic values of different pairs of benthic foraminifera from the Krishna–Godavari basin and Peru offshore to understand habitat-wise isotopic variation and estimation of isotopic correction factors for the paired species (Cibicides wuellerstorfi–Bulimina marginata, Ammonia spp.–Loxostomum amygdalaeformis and Bolivina seminuda–Nonionella auris). Infaunal species (B. marginata, Ammonia spp. and N. auris) show a lighter carbon isotopic excursion with respect to the epifaunal to shallow infaunal forms (C. wuellerstorfi, L. amygdalaeformis and B. seminuda). These lighter \(\updelta ^{13}\) \(\hbox {C}\) values are related to utilisation of \(\hbox {CO}_{2}\) produced by anaerobic remineralisation of organic matter. However, enrichment of \(\updelta ^{18}\) \(\hbox {O}\) for the deeper microhabitat (bearing lower pH and decreased \({\hbox {CO}_{3}}^{2-})\) is only recorded in case of B. marginata. It is reverse in case of N. auris and related to utilisation of respiratory \(\hbox {CO}_{2}\) and internal dissolve inorganic carbon pool. Estimation of interspecies isotopic correction factors for the species pairs (\(\updelta ^{13}\) \(\hbox {C}\) of C. wuellerstorfiB. marginata, L. amygdalaeformisAmmonia spp., N. aurisB. seminuda) and \(\updelta ^{18}\) \(\hbox {O}\) of C. wuellerstorfiB. marginata are statistically reliable and may be used in palaeoecological studies.  相似文献   
Cosmic rays of interest here are electrically charged protons or nuclei having kinetic energy of the order of 1018 eV or more. The theory of cosmic-ray propagation is carried out on the assumption that the original particle may be of extragalactic origin. The curvature and gradient drift is incorporated in the anti-symmetric term of the diffusion tensor. The theory of force-field is examined including diffusion, convection, and energy losses of the cosmic rays. Finally some observation aspects are included in the concluding remarks.  相似文献   
Petrographic studies of Proterozoic pyriteferous granitoids forming basement for upper cretaceous Mahadek sediments from Wahkyn area reveal interesting textural peculiarities of Pyrite. These pyrites also reveal interesting structural peculiarities. The three textural pyrite varieties found in the granitoids are: framboidal, colloform and recrystallised which appear both as composite aggregate as well as independent units. Various textures and variation in reflectivity, microhardness and elemental distribution of the pyrites are described. Average Co/Ni ratio along with the textural manifestation of these pyrites attests their sedimentary origin.  相似文献   
Summary The methods of transform calculus are made use of in finding the disturbances in a piezoelectric layer with an impulsive force at its free faces in presence of a magnetic field. The problem is solved for time dependent elastic compliance of the material of the layer.  相似文献   
Charged dust grains of radiia3×10–63×10–5 cm may be driven out of the galaxy due to radiation pressure of starlight. Once clear of the main gas-dust layer, dust grains may then escape into intergalactic space. Such grains are virtually indestructible-being evaporated only during galaxy formation. The dust grains, once injected into the intergalactic medium, may acquire suprathermal energy, thus suprathermal grains in collision with magnetized cloud by the Fermi process. In order to attain relativistic energy, suprathermal grains have to move in and out (scattering) of the magnetic field of the medium. It is now well established that high energy cosmic rays are of the order 1020 eV or more. We have speculated that these high energy (>-1018 eV) cosmic ray particles are charged dust grains, of intergalactic origin. This is possible only if there exists a magnetic field in the intergalactic medium.  相似文献   
Analyses of two years (1992 and 1993) of high-resolution sea surface temperature satellite images of the southern Mid Atlantic Bight (MAB), showed that unusually extensive overhang of shelf water occurs episodically, and coherently over along shelf distances of several 100 km. These episodes are dubbed overrunning of the Slope Sea by shelf water. The overrunning volume has a “face” and a “back” (southern and northern limit). It transports substantial quantities of shelf water southward, and does not retreat onto the shelf, but eventually joins the western edge of the Gulf Stream in the vicinity of Chesapeake Bay. The combined analyses of satellite imagery and various in situ data further demonstrated that the shelf waters overrunning the Slope Sea were not mere surface features but reached depths between 40 and 60 m. Results confirm previous concepts on shelf circulation, shelf–slope exchange and fate of shelf water. They also shed new light on shelf water budget: overrunning of the Slope Sea and southwest transport by upper slope current constitutes an important conduit for shelf water transport. Winter storms move the shelf–slope front, and with it shelf water, offshore to distances 10–40 km. The offshore displacement of shelf water can be related to the onshore veering of the Gulf Stream near Cape Hatteras, producing a blocking effect on the shelf circulation. Such a blocking effect of the southwestward flow of shelf water in the MAB appeared to be the reason for the overrunning of shelf water off New Jersey. In addition, the excess fresh water discharge from the St. Lawerence was also observed to be related to the overflow of shelf water off New Jersey.  相似文献   
Almost every year in the winter months (December–February), the vast Indo-Gangetic Plain south of the Himalaya is affected by dense fog. This fog is considered as radiational fog, and sometime it becomes smog (when it mixes with smoke). The typical meteorological, topographic and increasing pollution conditions over the Indo-Gangetic Plain are perhaps the common contributing factors for fog formation. In the present study, the North Indian fog has been successfully mapped and analysed using NOAA-AVHRR satellite data. In the winter seasons of 2005–06, 2006–07 and 2007–08, the fog-affected area has been found to cover about 575,800 km2, 594,100 km2 and 478,000 km2, respectively. Less fog in 2007–08 may be the consequence of high fluctuations in the meteorological parameters like temperature, relative humidity and wind speed as related to the prevailing synoptic regime for that season. The dissipation and migration pattern of fog in the study area has also been interpreted on the basis of the analysis of both meteorological and satellite data. Further analysis of the fog-affected area allowed identifying more fog-prone regions. Analysis of past fog-affected days and corresponding meteorological conditions enabled us to identify favourable conditions for fog formation viz. air temperature 3–13°C, relative humidity >87%, wind speed <2 m/s and elevation <300 m. Based on the observations of past fog formation and corresponding governing parameters, fog for few selected days could be predicted in hind-sight and later verified with NOAA images.  相似文献   
Baripada Marine Beds (BMB) have been studied extensively in terms of its mega fossil content. However, not much has been discussed about the foraminiferal content and the organic matter assemblage in these beds. The fossiliferous sequence of BMB consists of sandstone, shale and limestone units. The present study is persued on the limestone unit of BMB. Foraminiferal, thin section and rock-eval pyrolysis studies were performed on the 33 surface samples collected from five sections of Jamdapal and Mukurmatia region along the Budhabalang river bank. Foraminifera are less abundant in the samples of Jamdapal, whereas Mukurmatia is comparatively rich. First appearance datum of Globorotalia menardii[ranges since middle Miocene (12.6 Ma); FAD at planktic foraminiferal zone N12] and last appearance datum of Neogloboquadrina continuosa [ranges between early Miocene (23.2 Ma) to late Miocene (8.3 Ma); FAD at planktic foraminiferal zone N4B and LAD at N16] together suggest that the limestone unit was deposited in between 12.6 to 8.3 Ma within the upper Miocene. Also, the association of shallow water benthic foraminifera (Species of Ammonia, Asterorotalia, Bolivina, Buliminella, Cibicides, Challengerella, Criboelphidium, Cribononion, Elphidium, Hanzawaia, Nonionella) and planktic foraminifera (Globigerina falcoensis, Globigerina woodi, Globorotalia menardii, Neogloboquadrina continuosa) together with oyster bank and shark teeth suggest deposition of limestone within well oxygenated, tropical, shallow water, open marine condition (within 40m water depth). Lithological and thin section studies together with global sea level fluctuation history advocate that upper Miocene marine transgression promoted the formation of this unit. Bulk organic geochemical data obtained by the rock-eval pyrolysis studies on selected samples indicate a low total organic carbon (TOC), with low hydrogen index (HI), high oxygen index (OI). The organic facies is characterised by type-IV kerogen with major contribution from near shore terrestrial plants. This also suggests deposition in shallow, oxygenated environments that did not promote significant accumulation and preservation of organic content in sediments.  相似文献   
Charged dust grains of radiia3×10–6 cm could be a help in understanding the production of primary cosmic ray particles in extensive air showers (EAS). A two-stage acceleration mechanism is proposed in order to accelerate dust grains up to relativistic energy. In the first stage, dust grains acquire suprathermal energy (Suprathermal Grains) by the Fermi mechanism. In the second stage, suprathermal grains attain relativistic energy by the Alfvén magnetic pumping mechanism yielding the primary cosmic ray particles. Ionization loss has been considered to be a most important loss mechanism for charged dust grains in a fully ionized medium. It is suggested that graphite dust grains of intergalactic origin may be responsible for high energy (>1020 eV) cosmic rays.  相似文献   
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