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Knowledge on urban land-use change and its driving forces has vital significance in the practice of urban planning and management. However, the characteristics of historical, long-term changes and their quantitative relationships with the urban environment are still poorly understood. Based on multi-source data, including remote sensing imageries, large-scale topographic maps, historical maps, multi-temporal city maps, and other urban thematic maps, high-quality spatial information on urban land use in the built-up area of Changchun has been extracted for 1898, 1932, 1954, 1976, 1990, 2002, and 2012 by means of geographic information systems and remote sensing. We found that the land-use structure and spatial configuration has undergone tremendous alterations according to urban function in the 100-year history of Changchun city. The built-up area of Changchun expanded from 2.26 km~2 in 1898 to 328.12 km~2 in 2012, increasing about 144 times over the past century. Historically, the development of Changchun can be categorized into three stages: the initial forming stage, the old industrial development stage, and the modern metropolis development stage. Commercial and industrial land expanded rapidly following the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, with an increase from 1.74 km~2 in 1954 to 15.91 km~2 in 2012, and from 16.45 km~2 in 1954 to 107.05 km~2 in 2012, respectively. Although there was substantial growth in residential land use(from 1.81 km~2 in 1898 to 113.95 km~2 in 2012), the area percentage of residential land decreased continuously(from 80.09% in 1898 to 34.73% in 2012). Moreover, it was noted that the spatial configuration and structural percentage for commercial, industrial, and residential lands and others had tremendous divergences at different stages. These divergences of land-use structure occurred between the stages and were associated with social regimes and the functional orientation of urban society across the 100 years of historical development. Socio-economics, population growth, and planning policies from specific stages, especially after 1949, had strong effects on the divergence of urban structure.  相似文献   
湿地遥感研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文旨在介绍空间场景概念及其耦合三维生态足迹构建的新一代海岸带与海域生态承载力及可持续性评估框架;基于该框架,分析了1990—2019年粤港澳大湾区海岸带与海域空间场景、生态承载力及可持续性变化。结果表明:(1) 1990—2019年陆地与潮间带空间场景变化主要表现为森林和水田向海水养殖、居住、商业贸易、工业生产和公铁桥梁等场景的转入,海域则主要表现为开发保留海域和一般可捕捞海域向海洋保护、海水养殖、旅游休闲、港口航道和工业城镇海域的转入。(2)总生态承载力先增后降、总体略有上升,但人均生态承载力持续下降;绝大多数空间场景生态承载力总体上升。(3)研究区及大多数空间场景人均足迹深度持续上升,且均超过原始值1,显示出不可持续发展趋势;人均3D足迹则呈先急增后缓增趋势。其中,旱地、陆地交通场站、工业生产等场景人均足迹深度最高,森林、工业生产和陆地交通场站人均3D足迹增长最快。(4)随着近年来产业转型升级和海洋政策调整优化,1990—2019年研究区不可持续发展趋势得到缓解。研究结果表明,相较于传统土地利用/覆被,空间场景更能细致准确反映海岸带与海域复杂人类活动造成的生态承载力和可持续性差异...  相似文献   
Development of Xiong'an New District(XND) is integral to the implementation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) Integration Initiative. It is intended to ease the non-capital functions of Beijing, optimize regional spatial patterns, and enhance ecosystem services and living environment in this urban agglomeration. Applying multi-stage remote sensing(RS) images, land use/cover change(LUCC) data, ecosystem services assessment data, and high-precision urban land-cover information, we reveal the regional land-cover characteristics of this new district as well as across the planned area of the entire BTH urban agglomeration. Corresponding ecological protection and management strategies are also proposed. Results indicated that built-up areas were rapidly expanding, leading to a continuous impervious surface at high density. Urban and impervious surface areas(ISAs) grew at rates 1.27 and 1.43 times higher than that in the 2000 s, respectively, seriously affecting about 15% area of the sub-basins. Construction of XND mainly encompasses Xiongxian, Rongcheng, and Anxin counties, areas which predominantly comprise farmland, townships and rural settlements, water, and wetland ecosystems. The development and construction of XND should ease the non-capital functions of Beijing, as well as moderately control population and industrial growth. Thus, this development should be included within the national ‘sponge city' construction pilot area in early planning stages, and reference should be made to international low-impact development modes in order to strengthen urban green infrastructural construction. Early stage planning based on the existing characteristics of the underlying surface should consider the construction of green ecological patches and ecological corridors between XND and the cities of Baoding, Beijing, and Tianjin. The proportion of impervious surfaces should not exceed 60%, while that of the core area should not exceed 70%. The development of XND needs to initiate the concept of ‘planning a city according to water resource amount' and incorporate rainwater collection and recycling.  相似文献   
大范围的雪盖变化是气候变化的指示剂,雪通过其自身的物理性质调节着地气之间的物质与能量循环,还能影响地表径流,调节水文循环,甚至在全球生态系统中发挥着重要的作用,因此建立数据集,实时监测雪盖的变化就变得非常必要。通过阅读大量文献,总结目前应用较为广泛的数据集,主要包括可见光/近红外数据集如NOAA数据集、MODIS数据集,微波数据集如SMMR数据集、AMSR-E数据集,以及多数据源的数据集。分析各种数据集的生成原理和优缺点,对目前雪数据集研究中可能存在的问题进行总结。  相似文献   
随着对地观测和互联网技术的发展,地理大数据时代正在到来,其多尺度、长时序、多模态等海量“超”覆盖数据为土地利用/覆被(Land Use/Land Cover, 简称LULC)分类及变化检测带来巨大的机遇,支撑着新时代人、地两大系统相互作用关系的认知和实践。然而,多数地理学者认为地理学基本原理与核心思想并未因为大数据的到来而发生本质性变化。所以,从地理学基本原理角度理解LULC分类的发展,尤其在地理大数据时代的发展方向,不失为一条可行的途径。为此,本文从区域、尺度、综合三方面的地理学基本原理视角将LULC分类技术的发展划分为地球观测数据匮乏阶段、人类行为数据融合阶段以及地理大数据“超”覆盖阶段分别探讨分析,以期主动把握LULC分类技术及应用的未来发展趋势。研究结果显示:在地球观测数据匮乏阶段,LULC分类多以类型还不丰富的遥感数据源,在空间分辨率较低的像元尺度上,进行以地表覆被状态为主的分类;发展到人类行为数据融合阶段,LULC分类在城市区域率先出现了对地观测数据和人类行为数据相融合,在街区尺度上进行以空间功能异质性划分、识别为主导的城市功能区分类;在地理大数据“超”覆盖阶段,LULC分类将实现多尺度协同、面向全空间的功能异质性划分,并在主体功能的基础上融合“社会-经济-自然”多维定量属性,本文称之为“空间场景”。希望本文的探讨能够为地理大数据时代LULC分类的新技术发展和新产品应用提供有益启示。  相似文献   
河北雄安新区建设对于实施京津冀协同发展战略及有机疏解北京非首都功能、优化区域空间格局,提升京津冀城市群生态系统服务和改善人居环境具有重要意义。本文基于多期遥感图像、土地利用/覆盖变化数据、生态系统服务评估数据以及高精度城市地表信息等专题数据集,从雄安新区建设涉及的京津冀城市群区域背景和规划区覆盖范围两个层面揭示了新区建设的区域地表本底状态,并提出了相应的生态保护与管控建议。结论表明:京津冀城市群正呈现建设用地快速扩张以及由此导致的下垫面不透水地表高密度连绵集聚式态势,城镇用地和城市不透水地表较2000年分别增长了1.27倍和1.43倍,且接近15%的子流域水生态系统健康状况受到不透水地表的严重影响。雄安新区建设涉及的雄县、容城、安新三县以农田、乡镇及农村聚落和水域及湿地生态系统为主,其开发建设应围绕实现疏解北京非首都功能为目标,适度控制人口、产业规模,建设宜居生态健康城市。规划初期,应将其纳入国家海绵城市建设试点范畴,参照国际低影响度开发模式,加强城市绿色基础设施建设。基于当前下垫面特征,前期规划应考虑构建新区与保定、北京和天津城市之间的绿化生态斑块和生态廊道;新区内建设用地不透水地表整体比例应控制在60%之内,核心区不超过70%。新区建设过程中需确立“以水定城”理念,在新区基础设施建设、供排水方面充分考虑雨水收集和循环利用。  相似文献   
遥感云计算平台发展及地球科学应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人类已有半个多世纪的全球历史遥感数据积累,这些不断涌现的海量遥感数据形成的遥感大数据为地球科学研究提供了丰富的数据支持;对遥感大数据快速处理、分析和挖掘是一个新的挑战.遥感云计算平台的出现为遥感大数据挖掘提供了前所未有的机遇,并彻底改变了传统遥感数据处理和分析的模式,使得全球尺度的长时间序列快速分析和应用成为可能.本文...  相似文献   
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