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The autonomous underwater glider "Spray"   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A small (50-kg, 2-m long) underwater vehicle with operating speeds of 20-30 cm/s and ranges up to 6000 km has been developed and field tested. The vehicle is essentially an autonomous profiling float that uses a buoyancy engine to cycle vertically and wings to glide horizontally while moving up and down. Operational control and data relay is provided by GPS navigation and two-way communication through ORBCOMM low-Earth-orbit satellites. Missions are envisioned with profile measurements repeated at a station or spaced along a transect. The initial instrument complement of temperature, conductivity, and pressure sensors was used to observe internal waves and tides in the Monterey underwater canyon  相似文献   
The goal of studies described here was to determine the responses of zooplankton taxa to phytoplankton patches which develop in and near intrusions of cold, nutrient-rich Gulf Stream water. To achieve this goal we determined the horizontal and vertical distributions of abundant mesozooplankton taxa on the south-eastern continental shelf of the USA between 29°30′ and 31°N. The study period was from June 23 to August 16, 1981. Highest concentrations of zooplankton usually occurred in and near patches of phytoplankton. Increased phytoplankton appeared to trigger the formation of patches of the calanoid copepod Temora turbinata and the cyclopoid copepods Oithona spp. and Oncaea spp. The patches of zooplankton had greater alongshore than cross-shelf dimensions. T. turbinata responded rapidly to increased concentrations of phytoplankton by reproducing and aggregating in and above intruded waters. Oithonidae which were often, but not always, abundant in phytoplankton patches eventually attained high concentrations over most of the middle and part of the inner shelf. Their concentration and that of Oncaeidae increased steadily. Oncaeidae were not abundant in recently upwelled waters, as was T. turbinata but reached high concentrations in older intrusions when the abundance of T. turbinata remained level or decreased slowly. Both cyclopoid taxa are thought to reproduce slowly (egg sacs) compared to T. turbinata. Another taxon, the doliolids, became abundant far more rapidly in intruded waters (by asexual reproduction) than did the other three taxa. Doliolids were the most opportunistic intrusion zooplankton form. They do not regularly occur in low abundance on the shelf, as do the three copepod taxa, but develop in pulses in regions where T. turbinata and Oncaea are not abundant. Of the four taxa studied the abundance of doliolids increased and decreased most rapidly, whereas Oithona and Oncaea increased slowly and did not decrease during the study period. T. turbinata and Oncaea were most abundant at 60% of all stations in the intruding water. Doliolids and Oithona on the other hand, were mostly in the thermocline and intrusion. Whereas phytoplankton patches, which developed in intrusions, were physically induced (PAFFENHÖFER and LEE, 1988), patches of zooplankton were biologically induced.  相似文献   
This article presents an object-based conceptual framework and numerical algorithms for representing and analyzing coastal morphological and volumetric changes based on repeat airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) surveys. This method identifies and delineates individual zones of erosion and deposition as discrete objects. The explicit object representation of erosion and deposition zones is consistent with the perception and cognition of human analysts and geomorphologists. The extracted objects provide ontological and epistemological foundation to localize, represent, and interpret erosion and deposition patches for better coastal resource management and erosion control. The discrete objects are much better information carriers than the grid cells in the field-based representation of source data. A set of spatial and volumetric attributes are derived to characterize and quantify location, area, shape, orientation, depth, volume, and other properties of erosion and deposition objects. Compared with the conventional cell-by-cell differencing approaches, our object-based method gives a concise and high-level representation of information and knowledge about coastal morphological dynamics. The derived attributes enable the discrimination of true morphological changes from artifacts caused by data noise and processing errors. Furthermore, the concise object representation of erosion and deposition zones facilitates overlay analysis in conjunction with other GIS data layers for understanding the causes and impacts of morphological and volumetric changes. We have implemented a software tool for our object-based morphological analysis, which will be freely available for the public. An example is used to demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of this new method.  相似文献   
Quantitative relationships between major fault parameters from geological observations and laboratory experiments are compared. Relationships are established between fault length, number, depth of fault penetration, amplitude of displacement and other characteristics. The width of destruction zones is estimated. Spacing between parallel faults of compatible length is evaluated. It is shown that there is a stable correlation between fault length and number, which is independent from the mode of loading the material under destruction. Destruction of the lithosphere is believed to occur according to the laws of deformation of Maxwell elasto-viscous body.  相似文献   
The southernmost Mariana forearc stretched to accommodate opening of the Mariana Trough backarc basin in late Neogene time, erupting basalts at 3.7–2.7 Ma that are now exposed in the Southeast Mariana Forearc Rift (SEMFR). Today, SEMFR is a broad zone of extension that formed on hydrated, forearc lithosphere and overlies the shallow subducting slab (slab depth ≤ 30–50 km). It comprises NW–SE trending subparallel deeps, 3–16 km wide, that can be traced ≥ ∼30 km from the trench almost to the backarc spreading center, the Malaguana‐Gadao Ridge (MGR). While forearcs are usually underlain by serpentinized harzburgites too cold to melt, SEMFR crust is mostly composed of Pliocene, low‐K basaltic to basaltic andesite lavas that are compositionally similar to arc lavas and backarc basin (BAB) lavas, and thus defines a forearc region that recently witnessed abundant igneous activity in the form of seafloor spreading. SEMFR igneous rocks have low Na8, Ti8, and Fe8, consistent with extensive melting, at ∼23 ± 6.6 km depth and 1239 ± 40°C, by adiabatic decompression of depleted asthenospheric mantle metasomatized by slab‐derived fluids. Stretching of pre‐existing forearc lithosphere allowed BAB‐like mantle to flow along the SEMFR and melt, forming new oceanic crust. Melts interacted with pre‐existing forearc lithosphere during ascent. The SEMFR is no longer magmatically active and post‐magmatic tectonic activity dominates the rift.  相似文献   
Unusual monotonous intermediate ignimbrites consist of phenocryst-rich dacite that occurs as very large volume (>1000 km3) deposits that lack systematic compositional zonation, comagmatic rhyolite precursors, and underlying plinian beds. They are distinct from countless, usually smaller volume, zoned rhyolite–dacite–andesite deposits that are conventionally believed to have erupted from magma chambers in which thermal and compositional gradients were established because of sidewall crystallization and associated convective fractionation. Despite their great volume, or because of it, monotonous intermediates have received little attention. Documentation of the stratigraphy, composition, and geologic setting of the Lund Tuff – one of four monotonous intermediate tuffs in the middle-Tertiary Great Basin ignimbrite province – provides insight into its unusual origin and, by implication, the origin of other similar monotonous intermediates.The Lund Tuff is a single cooling unit with normal magnetic polarity whose volume likely exceeded 3000 km3. It was emplaced 29.02±0.04 Ma in and around the coeval White Rock caldera which has an unextended north–south diameter of about 50 km. The tuff is monotonous in that its phenocryst assemblage is virtually uniform throughout the deposit: plagioclase>quartz≈hornblende>biotite>Fe–Ti oxides≈sanidine>titanite, zircon, and apatite. However, ratios of phenocrysts vary by as much as an order of magnitude in a manner consistent with progressive crystallization in the pre-eruption chamber. A significant range in whole-rock chemical composition (e.g., 63–71 wt% SiO2) is poorly correlated with phenocryst abundance.These compositional attributes cannot have been caused wholly by winnowing of glass from phenocrysts during eruption, as has been suggested for the monotonous intermediate Fish Canyon Tuff. Pumice fragments are also crystal-rich, and chemically and mineralogically indistinguishable from bulk tuff. We postulate that convective mixing in a sill-like magma chamber precluded development of a zoned chamber with a rhyolitic top or of a zoned pyroclastic deposit. Chemical variations in the Lund Tuff are consistent with equilibrium crystallization of a parental dacitic magma followed by eruptive mixing of compositionally diverse crystals and high-silica rhyolite vitroclasts during evacuation and emplacement. This model contrasts with the more systematic withdrawal from a bottle-shaped chamber in which sidewall crystallization creates a marked vertical compositional gradient and a substantial volume of capping-evolved rhyolite magma. Eruption at exceptionally high discharge rates precluded development of an underlying plinian deposit.The generation of the monotonous intermediate Lund magma and others like it in the middle Tertiary of the western USA reflects an unusually high flux of mantle-derived mafic magma into unusually thick and warm crust above a subducting slab of oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   
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