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Literature data demonstrate that on a global, asteroid-wide scale (plausibly on the order of 100 km), ordinary chondrites (OC) have heterogeneous oxidation states and O-isotopic compositions (represented, respectively, by the mean olivine Fa and bulk Δ17O compositions of equilibrated samples). Samples analyzed here include: (a) two H5 chondrite Antarctic finds (ALHA79046 and TIL 82415) that have the same cosmic-ray exposure age (7.6 Ma) and were probably within ∼1 km of each other when they were excavated from the H-chondrite parent body, (b) different individual stones from the Holbrook L/LL6 fall that were probably within ∼1 m of each other when their parent meteoroid penetrated the Earth’s atmosphere, and (c) drill cores from a large slab of the Estacado H6 find located within a few tens of centimeters of each other. Our results indicate that OC are heterogeneous in their bulk oxidation state and O-isotopic composition on 100-km-size scales, but homogeneous on meter-, decimeter- and centimeter-size scales. (On kilometer size scales, oxidation state is heterogeneous, but O isotopes appear to be homogeneous.) The asteroid-wide heterogeneity in oxidation state and O-isotopic composition was inherited from the solar nebula. The homogeneity on small size scales was probably caused in part by fluid-assisted metamorphism and mainly by impact-gardening processes (which are most effective at mixing target materials on scales of ?1 m).  相似文献   
A suite of 47 carbonaceous, enstatite, and ordinary chondrites are examined for Re-Os isotopic systematics. There are significant differences in the 187Re/188Os and 187Os/188Os ratios of carbonaceous chondrites compared with ordinary and enstatite chondrites. The average 187Re/188Os for carbonaceous chondrites is 0.392 ± 0.015 (excluding the CK chondrite, Karoonda), compared with 0.422 ± 0.025 and 0.421 ± 0.013 for ordinary and enstatite chondrites (1σ standard deviations). These ratios, recast into elemental Re/Os ratios, are as follows: 0.0814 ± 0.0031, 0.0876 ± 0.0052 and 0.0874 ± 0.0027, respectively. Correspondingly, the 187Os/188Os ratios of carbonaceous chondrites average 0.1262 ± 0.0006 (excluding Karoonda), and ordinary and enstatite chondrites average 0.1283 ± 0.0017 and 0.1281 ± 0.0004, respectively (1σ standard deviations). The new results indicate that the Re/Os ratios of meteorites within each group are, in general, quite uniform. The minimal overlap between the isotopic compositions of ordinary and enstatite chondrites vs. carbonaceous chondrites indicates long-term differences in Re/Os for these materials, most likely reflecting chemical fractionation early in solar system history.A majority of the chondrites do not plot within analytical uncertainties of a 4.56-Ga reference isochron. Most of the deviations from the isochron are consistent with minor, relatively recent redistribution of Re and/or Os on a scale of millimeters to centimeters. Some instances of the redistribution may be attributed to terrestrial weathering; others are most likely the result of aqueous alteration or shock events on the parent body within the past 2 Ga.The 187Os/188Os ratio of Earth’s primitive upper mantle has been estimated to be 0.1296 ± 8. If this composition was set via addition of a late veneer of planetesimals after core formation, the composition suggests the veneer was dominated by materials that had Re/Os ratios most similar to ordinary and enstatite chondrites.  相似文献   
Chromite in ordinary chondrites (OC) can be used as a shock indicator. A survey of 76 equilibrated H, L and LL chondrites shows that unshocked chromite grains occur in equant, subhedral and rounded morphologies surrounded by silicate or intergrown with metallic Fe-Ni and/or troilite. Some unmelted chromite grains are fractured or crushed during whole-rock brecciation. Others are transected by opaque veins; the veins form when impacts cause localized heating of metal-troilite intergrowths above the Fe-FeS eutectic (988°C), mobilization of metal-troilite melts, and penetration of the melt into fractures in chromite grains. Chromite-plagioclase assemblages occur in nearly every shock-stage S3-S6 OC; the assemblages range in size from 20-300 μm and consist of 0.2-20-μm-size euhedral, subhedral, anhedral and rounded chromite grains surrounded by plagioclase or glass of plagioclase composition. Plagioclase has a low impedance to shock compression. Heat from shock-melted plagioclase caused adjacent chromite grains to melt; chromite grains crystallized from this melt. Those chromite grains in the assemblages that are completely surrounded by plagioclase are generally richer in Al2O3 than unmelted, matrix chromite grains in the same meteorite. Chromite veinlets (typically 0.5-2 μm thick and 10-300 μm long) occur typically in the vicinity of chromite-plagioclase assemblages. The veinlets formed from chromite-plagioclase melts that were injected into fractures in neighboring silicate grains; chromite crystallized in the fractures and the residual plagioclase-rich melt continued to flow, eventually pooling to form plagioclase-rich melt pockets. Chromite-rich “chondrules” (consisting mainly of olivine, plagioclase-normative mesostasis, and 5-15 vol.% chromite) occur in many shocked OC and OC regolith breccias but they are absent from primitive type-3 OC. They may have formed by impact melting chromite, plagioclase and adjacent mafic silicates during higher-energy shock events. The melt was jetted from the impact site and formed droplets due to surface tension. Crystallization of these droplets may have commenced in flight, prior to landing on the parent-body surface.Chromite-plagioclase assemblages and chromite veinlets occur in 25 out of 25 shock-stage S1 OC of petrologic type 5 and 6 that I examined. Although these rocks contain unstrained olivine with sharp optical extinction, most possess other shock indicators such as extensive silicate darkening, numerous occurrences of metallic Cu, polycrystalline troilite, and opaque veins. It seems likely that these rocks were shocked to levels at least as high as shock-stage S3 and then annealed by heat generated during the shock event. During annealing, the olivine crystal lattices healed but other shock indicators survived. Published Ar-Ar age data for some S1 OC indicate that many shock and annealing events occurred very early in the history of the parent asteroids. The common occurrence of shocked and annealed OC is consistent with collisions being a major mechanism responsible for metamorphosing OC.  相似文献   
We report 26Mg excesses correlated with Al/Mg ratios in five chondrules from the primitive CO3.0 chondrite Yamato 81020 that yield a mean initial 26Al/27Al ratio of only (3.8 ± 0.7) × 10−6, about half that of ordinary chondrite (OC) chondrules. Even if asteroids formed immediately after chondrule formation, this ratio and the mean Al content of CO chondrites is only capable of raising the temperature of a well-insulated CO asteroid to 940 K, which is more than 560 K too low to produce differentiation. The same ratio combined with the higher Al content of CV chondrites results in a CV asteroid temperature of 1100 K. We calculate that the mean initial 26Al/27Al ratio of about 7.4 × 10−6 found in LL chondrules is only able to produce small amounts of melting, too little to produce differentiation. These results cast serious doubt on the viability of 26Al as the heat source responsible for asteroid differentiation. Inclusion of 60Fe raises temperatures about 160 K, but this increment is not enough to cause differentiation, even of an LL-chondrite asteroid.  相似文献   
The Dynamical-microphysical-electrical Processes in Severe Thunderstorms and Lightning Hazards(STORM973)project conducted coordinated comprehensive field observations of thunderstorms in the Beijing metropolitan region(BMR)during the warm season from 2014 to 2018.The aim of the project was to understand how dynamical,microphysical and electrical processes interact in severe thunderstorms in the BMR,and how to assimilate lightning data in numerical weather prediction models to improve severe thunderstorm forecasts.The platforms used in the field campaign included the Beijing Lightning Network(BLNET,consisting of 16 stations),2 X-band dual linear polarimetric Doppler radars,and 4 laser raindrop spectrometers.The collaboration also made use of the China Meteorological Administration’s mesoscale meteorological observation network in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.Although diverse thunderstorm types were documented,it was found that squall lines and multicell storms were the two major categories of severe thunderstorms with frequent lightning activity and extreme rainfall or unexpected local short-duration heavy rainfall resulting in inundations in the central urban area,influenced by the terrain and environmental conditions.The flash density maximums were found in eastern Changping District,central and eastern Shunyi District,and the central urban area of Beijing,suggesting that the urban heat island effect has a crucial role in the intensification of thunderstorms over Beijing.In addition,the flash rate associated with super thunderstorms can reach hundreds of flashes per minute in the central city regions.The super(5%of the total),strong(35%),and weak(60%)thunderstorms contributed about 37%,56%,and 7%to the total flashes in the BMR,respectively.Owing to the close connection between lightning activity and the thermodynamic and microphysical characteristics of the thunderstorms,the lightning flash rate can be used as an indicator of severe weather events,such as hail and short-duration heavy rainfall.Lightning data can also be assimilated into numerical weather prediction models to help improve the forecasting of severe convection and precipitation at the cloud-resolved scale,through adjusting or correcting the thermodynamic and microphysical parameters of the model.  相似文献   
Saint‐Séverin and Elbert, two LL6 chondrite breccias, were systematically studied to evaluate multiple deformation effects on spatial scales ranging from thin section (mesoscale) to micron‐submicron (microscale) using optical microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The different techniques provide consistent results but have complementary strengths, together providing a powerful approach to unravel even complex impact histories. Both meteorites have an S4 conventional shock stage, but interclast areas are more deformed, and clasts are more deformed in Elbert than in Saint‐Séverin. TEM and EBSD data provide compelling evidence that Saint‐Séverin experienced significant shock deformation while already hot, and cooled rapidly afterward, as a result of a major, possibly disruptive impact on the LL chondrite parent body ~4.4 Ga ago. In contrast, Elbert was shocked from a cold initial state but was heated significantly during shock, and cooled in a localized hot impact deposit on the LL asteroid. Both meteorites probably were shocked at least twice; data for Saint‐Séverin are best reconciled with a three‐impact model.  相似文献   
Relatively coarse-grained rims occur around all types of chondrules in type 3 carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. Those in H-L-LL3 chondrites are composed primarily of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene; those in CV3 chondrites contain much less low-Ca pyroxene. Average grain sizes range from ~4 μm in H-L-LL3 chondrites to ~10 μm in CV3 chondrites. Such rims surround ~50%, ~10% and ≤ 1% of chondrules in CV3, H-L-LL3 and CO3 chondrites, respectively, but are rare (≤1%) around CV3 Ca,Al-rich inclusions. Rim thicknesses average ~150 μm in H-L-LL3 chondrites and ~400 μm in CV3 chondrites.The rims in H-L-LL3 chondrites are composed of material very similar to that which comprises darkzoned chondrules and recrysiallized matrix. Dark-zoned chondrules and coarse-grained rims probably formed in the solar nebula from clumps of opaque matrix material heated to sub-solidus to sub-liquidus temperatures during chondrule formation. Mechanisms capable of completely melting some material while only sintering other material require steep thermal gradients; suitable processes are lightning, reconnecting magnetic field lines and, possibly, aerodynamic drag heating.CV chondrites may have formed in a region where the chondrule formation mechanism was less efficient, probably at greater solar distances than the ordinary chondrites. The lesser efficiency of heating could be responsible for the greater abundance of coarse-grained rims around CV chondrules. Alternatively, CV chondrules may have suffered fewer particle collisions prior to agglomeration.  相似文献   
The Abee E4 enstatite chondrite breccia consists of clasts (many rimmed by metallic Fe, Ni), dark inclusions and matrix. The clasts and matrix were well equilibrated by thermal metamorphism, as evidenced by uniform mineral compositions, recrystallized chondrules, low MnO content of enstatite and high abundance of orthoenstatite. The clasts acquired their metal-rich rims prior to this metamorphic episode. The occurrence in Abee of relatively unmetamorphosed dark inclusions, clasts with nearly random magnetic orientations and a matrix with a uniform magnetic orientation [18,19] indicates that clast and matrix metamorphism occurred prior to the agglomeration of the breccia.The dark inclusions are an unusual kind of enstatite chondritic material, distinguished from the clasts and matrix by their relative enrichments in REE [21–23], low relative abundances of kamacite, total metallic Fe, Ni and silica, lower niningerite/(total sulfide) ratios, high relative abundances of oldhamite and martensite, smaller euhedral enstatite, more heterogeneous enstatite and metallic Fe, Ni, more calcic enstatite and more nickeliferous schreibersite.We propose the following model for the petrogenesis of the Abee breccia: The maximum metamorphic temperature of breccia parent material was?- 840°C (the minimum temperature of formation of Abee niningerite) and perhaps near 950–1000°C (the Fe-Ni-S eutectic temperature). Euhedral enstatite crystals in metallic Fe, Ni- and sulfide-rich areas grew at these metamorphic temperatures into pliable metal and sulfide. Breccia parent material was impact-excavated from depth, admixed with dark inclusions and rapidly cooled (700 to 200°C in about 2 hours) [15]. During this cooling, clast and matrix material acquired thermal remanent magnetization. Random conglomeration of clasts and unconsolidated matrix materials caused the clasts to have random magnetic orientations and the matrix areas to have net magnetic intensities of zero (due to the cancellation of numerous randomly oriented magnetic vectors of equal intensity in the matrix). A subsequent ambient magnetic field imparted a uniform net magnetic orientation to the matrix and caused the magnetic orientations of the clasts to be somewhat less random. The Abee breccia was later consolidated, possibly by shock or by shallow burial and very long-period/low-temperature (< 215°C) metamorphism.  相似文献   
We studied the fine-grained matrices (< 150 μm) of 14 gas-rich ordinary chondrite regolith breccias in an attempt to decipher the nature of the lithification process that converted loose regolith material into consolidated breccias. We find that there is a continuous gradation in matrix textures from nearly completely clastic (class A) to highly cemented (class C) breccias in which the remaining clasts are completely surrounded by interstitial, shock-melted material. We conclude that this interstitial material formed by shock melting in the porous regolith. In general, the abundances of solar-wind-implanted 4He and 20Ne are inversely correlated with the abundance of interstitial, shock-melted, feldspathic material. Chondrites with the highest abundance of interstitial, melted material (class C) experienced the highest shock pressures and temperatures and suffered the most extensive degassing. It is this interstitial, feldspathic melt that lithifies and cements the breccias together; those breccias with very little interstitial melt (class A) are the most porous and least consolidated.  相似文献   
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