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Ferromanganese crusts (Fe-Mn crusts) grow very slow and can be treated as condensed stratigraphic sections recording paleo-oceanographic environmental informati...  相似文献   
本文利用RANSAC-PSO算法研究在反演断层滑动参数时所用大地测量数据包含粗差的问题。在模拟实验中对理论观测值加入1%、5%、10%粗差,分别采用粒子群算法、选权迭代算法和RANSAC-PSO算法反演断层滑动参数。结果表明,当观测值中包含粗差率达10%时,PSO算法反演的滑动参数与理论值相差23.2 cm,选权迭代法反演的滑动参数与理论值相差26.2 cm,而RANSAC-PSO反演的滑动参数与理论值相差小于1 cm。芦山地震具有以逆冲为主兼具少量左旋走滑性质,采用芦山地震同震GPS位移数据分别以PSO算法和RANSAC-PSO算法反演断层滑动参数,RANSAC-PSO算法反演的走滑量为0.051 8 m,倾滑量为0.828 9 m,均大于PSO的反演结果;释放能量1.000 9×1019 N·m(MW6.63),与GCMT 的1.060 0×1019 N·m更加吻合。分别用RANSAC-PSO算法与PSO算法反演的滑动参数计算地表水平位移,并与GPS观测进行对比,发现二者在计算距断层的远场点时,计算的水平位移基本一致;而在计算距断层的近场点时,RANSAC-PSO算法表现更为优秀,尤其体现在LS07点上,其计算值与GPS观测值完全重合。  相似文献   
To obtain baseline information on the size distribution of individuals in the population and reproductive features of sea star Asterias amurensis, monthly surveys of the population were carried out from May to December 2010 and March to May 2015 in coastal waters off Yantai, China. Spawning period was predicted by gonad and pyloric caeca indices as well as anatomical and histological methods. In the A. amurensis population, both large individuals(143 mm) and small ones(42 mm) were present in all sampling months. The population size structure was driven by the appearance of big cohorts of individuals less than 55 mm from May to August. The appearance of small individuals in all months suggested a prolonged spawning period at other sites in this bay or sea stars growing slowly because of food shortage. An arm length is a good predictor to wet body weight for A.amurensis. The development of gonad was relative slow from May to September but rapidly reached a peak of20.95 in October 2010, and then dropped remarkably, indicating its spawning lasted from October to November.The same phenomenon was found from March to May 2015, suggesting another spawning during March to May,which was also verified by the results of histologic analysis on ovary. The gonad index(GI) and pyloric caeca index(PCI) tended to show a negative relationship. Due to the poor food availability, the reproductive characteristics of sea star were most likely affected by the shellfish mariculturein Yantai coastal waters.  相似文献   
采用RANSAC算法剔除观测数据中的离群值,再使用线性内插法进行补全,利用整体投影计算的思想提取两点间的相对重力值,并对其精度和标准差进行检验。结果表明,动态重力观测的残差最大值为4.641 μGal,重复性标准差最大值为4.384 μGal,均优于5 μGal。该方法可获得较高精度的重力观测数据,为在复杂环境下获取相对重力值提供一种新方法。  相似文献   
Wang  Quanchao  Yu  Yang  Li  Fuhua  Zhang  Xiaojun  Xiang  Jianhai 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(5):1221-1229
Genomic selection(GS)can be used to accelerate genetic improvement by shortening the selection interval.The successful application of GS depends largely on the accuracy of the prediction of genomic estimated breeding value(GEBV).This study is a fi rst attempt to understand the practicality of GS in Litopenaeus vannamei and aims to evaluate models for GS on growth traits.The performance of GS models in L.vannamei was evaluated in a population consisting of 205 individuals,which were genotyped for 6 359 single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)markers by specifi c length amplifi ed fragment sequencing(SLAF-seq)and phenotyped for body length and body weight.Three GS models(RR-BLUP,Bayes A,and Bayesian LASSO)were used to obtain the GEBV,and their predictive ability was assessed by the reliability of the GEBV and the bias of the predicted phenotypes.The mean reliability of the GEBVs for body length and body weight predicted by the dif ferent models was 0.296 and 0.411,respectively.For each trait,the performances of the three models were very similar to each other with respect to predictability.The regression coeffi cients estimated by the three models were close to one,suggesting near to zero bias for the predictions.Therefore,when GS was applied in a L.vannamei population for the studied scenarios,all three models appeared practicable.Further analyses suggested that improved estimation of the genomic prediction could be realized by increasing the size of the training population as well as the density of SNPs.  相似文献   
泥螺自2001因养殖目的引入黄河三角洲以来,随着分布范围的扩大和种群数量的增长,已成为当地潮间带的关键种。泥螺给当地民众带来较高收入,但其对底栖生态系统的潜在影响还不清楚。为了明确该种群的生物扰动对底栖微藻和微生物的初级生产,以及对水体-沉积物界面营养盐交换的影响,开展了该项实验。结果表明,在光照条件下,泥螺能显著影响沉积物-水体界面的溶解氧DO通量;在黑暗及无生物处理组的恢复期,泥螺能显著增加两界面间氨氮的通量。底栖微藻和小型生物在黑暗条件下也能增加氨氮的通量;但在有光照条件下,上述微藻和小型底栖动物对沉积物-水体界面间溶解氧和氨氮通量的影响不明显。实验结果为更深入理解泥螺对生态系统的影响提供重要理论支持。  相似文献   
The Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary has been subject to a variety of anthropogenic pressures in recent decades. To assess the ecological health of the coastal benthic ecosystem adjacent to the estuary, three surveys were conducted in 2005, 2009, and 2010. The AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI) were used to analyse the benthic ecological status of this coast. The AMBI indicate that the ecological status of the coast adjacent to the Changjiang River estuary was only slightly degraded in all 3 years. In contrast, the M-AMBI indicated that the ecological status was seriously degraded, a result that is most likely due to pollution and eutrophication induced by human activities. The assessment of the coast's ecological status by the AMBI was not in agreement with that of the M-AMBI at some stations because of lower biodiversity values at those sites. The analysis of the two indices integrated with abiotic parameters showed that the M-AMBI could be used as a suitable bio-indicator index to assess the benthic ecological status of the coast adjacent to the Changjiang River estuary. The reference conditions proposed for the coast of the Changjiang River estuary should be further evaluated in future studies. Designation of local species could also provide an important reference for Chinese waters. To improve the reliability of AMBI and M-AMBI, further research into the ecology of local species is required to understand their arrangement in ecological groups.  相似文献   
为了解烟台多棘海盘车种群个体大小分布及繁殖特征,自2010年5月至12月及2015年3月到5月,在烟台近海对该种群分别进行逐月采样调查。利用性腺指数(GI)和幽门盲囊指数(PCI)以及解剖组织学方法预测其产卵周期。结果表明:在所有的采样月份中,体长大于143mm的个体与体长小于42mm的个体在种群中均同时存在;在5-8月期间,种群结构特征以体长小于55mm的个体为主。同时该海域不同站点的采样月份中均有小个体存在,说明种群的产卵周期存在延后现象或者由于食物短缺造成了海星生长缓慢。腕长可以很好的用来衡量还行身体湿重。性腺在2010年5月-9月发育相对缓慢但在十月份迅速到达峰值20.95,之后明显下降,表明其产卵期从10月份持续至11月份。2015年3月-5月也发现了同样的现象,表明该种群自3月-5月存在另一个产卵期,且通过对卵的组织学分析也进一步证实该产卵期的存在。性腺指数和幽门盲囊指数呈负相关关系。由于食物来源短缺,烟台近海海星种群的繁殖特征极有可能受到当地近海扇贝养殖的影响。  相似文献   
为分析均质地基中各参数变化对土体振动响应和空沟隔振效果的影响,通过有限元软件建立二维均质地基计算模型,分析空沟尺寸、激振频率等对土体的影响,研究了不同土体弹性模量、密度及泊松比下的振动加速度差异。结果表明,空沟深度为重要影响因素,空沟深度越深,隔振效果越好;空沟宽度对隔振效果几乎无影响;弹性模量对空沟隔振效果的影响较密度大,且弹性模量越大,隔振效果越差;密度对土体振动加速度和振幅衰减系数的影响较小;泊松比对空沟隔振效果的影响大于密度,但低于弹性模量,泊松比越大,振动加速度越小,隔振效果越差;激振频率越大,空沟隔振效果越好。  相似文献   
为了掌握小清河口邻近海域底栖食物网结构特征,于2020年10月在小清河口邻近海域采集沉积物有机质、悬浮颗粒有机物、浮游动物和浮游植物4种潜在食源及35种生物样本,应用碳氮稳定同位素技术以及贝叶斯混合模型(MixSIAR)分析了小清河口邻近海域底栖食物网结构和营养关系.结果显示,潜在食源的δ13C值范围为-25.56‰~...  相似文献   
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