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本文通过对泥浆性能的分析,特别是对泥浆流变参数的控制与调节在定向钻进非开挖铺管中的作用及其护壁原理的分析,简要阐述了泥浆性能对定向钻进铺管孔壁稳定性的影响,对非开挖定向钻进铺管施工有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
二维地电条件下充电法地形改正的一种方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先讨论了充电法地形改正方法及存在的问题,提出了一种基于比值法思想的地改方法,经理论模型验算表明,有较好的地改效果  相似文献   
山地煤矿采区地形条件复杂,正确进行大时差静校正是处理好二维地震勘探资料的重要一环。大时差静校正会改变煤层反射波时间(t0)及双曲线特征,为减小校正误差,需设立一个CMP面,将校正量分为高频分量和CMP校正量。在地形高差变化剧烈的山地,不能用高于地表面的统一基准面为零线进行时深转换,须进行充填层时差(△t)校正,将统一基准面校正到地表面,再以地表面为零线进行时深转换成图。以便准确无误的展示煤层赋存形态,提高构造图精度。  相似文献   
Interlayer slipping breccia‐type gold deposit – a new type of gold deposit, defined recently in the northern margin of the Jiaolai Basin, Shandong Province, China – occurs in interlayer slip faults distributed along the basin margin. It has the features of large orebody thickness (ranging from 14 m to 46 m, with an average thickness of 30 m), shallow embedding (0–50 m thickness of cover), low tenor of gold ore (ranging from 3 g/t to 5 g/t), easy mining and ore dressing. This type of gold deposit has promising metallogenic forecasting and potential for economic exploitation. A ground gamma‐ray survey in the Pengjiakuang gold‐ore district indicates that the potassium/thorium ratio is closely related to the mineralization intensity, i.e. the larger the potassium/thorium ratio, the higher the mineralization. The gold mineralized alteration zone was defined by a potassium/thorium ratio of 0.35. A seismic survey confirms the location of the top and bottom boundaries and images various features within the Pengjiakuang gold mineralization belt. The gold‐bearing shovel slipped belt dips to the south at an angle of 50–55° at the surface and 15–20° at depth. The seismic profile is interpreted in terms of a structural band on the seismic section characterized by a three‐layered model. The upper layer is represented by weakly discontinuous reflections that represent the overlying conglomerates. A zone of stronger reflections representing the interlayer slip fault (gold‐bearing mineralized zone) is imaged within the middle of the section, while the strongest reflections are in the lower part of the section and represent metamorphic rocks at depth. At the same time, the seismic reflection survey confirms the existence of a granite body at depth, indicating that ore‐forming fluids may be related to the granite. A CSAMT survey showed that the gold‐bearing mineralized zone is a conductive layer and contains a low‐resistivity anomaly ranging from 2 Ωm to 200 Ωm.  相似文献   
Sakhaite was first discovered by Ostrovskaya, Pertsev and Nikitina at Siberia in the former Soviet Union. By using the X-ray diffraction technique, they proved that the crystal system of sakhaite was cubic (a = 1.464 nm), its possible space groups were Fm3m, F432, F43m, Fm3, F23, and its crystal chemical for-mula was Ca48Mg16(CO3)16(BO3)28Cl4(OH)8 4H2O[1]. Chichagov, Simonov and Belov studied the crystal structure of synthetic sakhaite and determined that its space group was F4132, …  相似文献   
内蒙古索伦山地区是中亚造山带构造演化的关键区域,其中关于古亚洲洋的闭合时限以及西伯利亚板块和华北板块的拼贴时空关系一直存在争议。出露于内蒙古索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔的中酸性侵入岩,其深入研究对探讨古亚洲洋演化具有重要意义。文中对内蒙古索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔TTG岩进行了系统的岩石学、年代学及地球化学研究。获得哈尔博格托尔TTG岩的LA ICP MS锆石U Pb年龄为(266.7±3.7) Ma,表明该侵入岩形成于中二叠世。地球化学主量元素分析表明,索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔TTG岩的岩石系列主要为含钠较高的钙碱性准铝质系列。其稀土元素总量较低,呈现轻稀土元素(LREEs)相对于重稀土元素(HREEs)弱富集的特征,Eu异常不明显;微量元素呈现Rb、Ba、Th、U等大离子亲石元素富集,Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素强烈亏损的特征,与典型的岛弧岩浆岩类似。结合索伦山TTG岩体地质特征和区域地质背景,综合年代学和地球化学特征分析,笔者认为索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔TTG岩体形成于岛弧环境,即中二叠世期间古亚洲洋壳向华北板块还存在俯冲作用,因而古亚洲洋至少应在中二叠世以后才闭合。内蒙古索伦山地区哈尔博格托尔TTG岩是洋壳俯冲的岩石学记录,为索伦山缝合带及古亚洲洋构造域演化提供了新的基础地质资料。  相似文献   
马扎拉金锑矿位于西藏自治区山南地区措美县东南部古堆乡,东临隆子县,南近错那县,区域上位于藏南拆离断裂(陈智梁等,1996)以北的特提斯喜马拉雅(或称特提斯喜马拉雅)褶皱造山带(许志琴等,2006)南部,属于隆子逆冲推覆断裂的前缘。自2014年开始,成都地质调查中心作为扎西康整装勘查的主要实施单位接受了西藏雪域矿业开发有限公司的委托,在矿区开展地质找矿工作,现已基本查明了金锑矿体围岩蚀变和矿化特征。  相似文献   
从影响库岸稳定性的诸因素中筛选出六个主要因素:坡度、坡体形态、坡体完整性程度、库水面宽度、主风向与库岸夹角及坡体结构,根据其影响程度确定了它们的权重,将库岸稳定性分为良好、较好、较差和差四级。按照各个影响因素对斜坡和各级稳定性的影响不同,对各单因素进行离散化处理,得到各影响因素的隶属度矩阵。通过对各单因素矩阵与影响因素权重运算,得到各个单元分区的稳定性评价结果。运用该方法对新疆某水电站近坝库岸段20km的稳定性进行了评价,认为稳定性较差库岸段总长约4.1km,占20.3%,主要为地质灾害分布处及工程地质条件较差的地段。该综合评判成果与现场勘察及遥感解译结果较为一致。  相似文献   
彭志忠石产于湖南安化白钨矿区,是一种富含镁、锡、铝的复杂氧化物。矿物为浅黄褐色、浅黄色,少量无色,晶体呈六方板状。晶体化学式为:(Mg,Zn,Fe,Al)_4(Sn,Fe)_2(Al,□)_(10)O_(22)(OH)_2,空间群P_3ml,a=5.692(5)A,c=13.78(2)A,V=386.7A~3,Z=1。D=4.22(3)g/cm~3,H≥8,一轴正晶,ω=1.802(2),ε=1.814(2)。  相似文献   
污染物事故性排放、工矿企业搬迁后遗留的污染场地修复面临各种问题,给地下水资源的使用带来严重威胁。地下水VOCs污染,具有易扩散迁移、毒性高、风险大的特点,修复难度较高。本文结合典型深层地下水修复案例,充分分析场地地质背景、水文地质条件等,根据污染物的特性、污染范围和分布特征,探讨各种修复技术的修复机理、修复对象和技术特点,针对VOCs污染修复进行性能比较及适用性分析。同时通过两个阶段的试验综合研究,原位和异位技术相结合,为开展类似地下水VOCs污染修复实践和管理提供了依据和思路。  相似文献   
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