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介绍了一种针对数字化天气雷达资料,用计算机自动提取出雷达回波块边界轮廓线的方法。实例结果表明,本方法简单实用,其依次顺序记录下的回波边界点坐标值,为计算回波的形状描绘子,进而作回波的分类和识别跟踪创造了条件。  相似文献   
针对风廓线雷达资料分辨率高但目前业务应用不广泛的问题,通过对2006年6月29日一次因飑线天气引发的强降水的观测,分析水平风场、垂直气流和大气虚温的变化,以及高低空急流出现的时机并结合地面观测实况,探讨风廓线雷达资料在此类天气过程中的应用.结果表明,水平风场可以清晰地显示高空急流和低空急流出现的时刻和高度,高空急流区和低空急流区不断发展并相互靠近可以预示阵风锋的到来;垂直速度正值突然增大(气流向上为正,向下为负)并迅速变成负值是判断阵风锋过境的一个依据,同时也预示降水即将开始;另外,高空温度递减率的突然加大对降雨的出现也有一定的预示作用.  相似文献   
利用数字化天气雷达资料,针对强对流天气下的回波块,提取面积S、形状描绘子R和矩不变量M3个特征量,作为判别因子,对强回波块进行跟踪,然后作出回波移动预报。对7次降水过程的实测雷达资料试验结果表明:该方法的跟踪和预报准确率是令人满意的。  相似文献   
本文用数值模拟方法,得到在七种谱分布下的多普勒天气雷达的仿真回波信号,对其分别用周期图法和最大熵法进行谱分析,并将估计谱与原来所给的校准谱进行比较。结果表明:最大熵法对谱线精细结构的分辩率高,谱参数的估计误差小,对谱型的拟合好。  相似文献   
通过对一次典型弓状降雹回波区的流场进行反及特点分析,发现用矩不变量法反演出的回波区流场结构,与藤田关于弓状回波的概念模式非常吻合,利用该方法估测出的流场,散度场、涡度场所表现出的信息,与降雹实况是一致的,该研究可为中小尺度强天气的监测,提供高时空分辨率的流场资料。  相似文献   
风廓线雷达中风切变分析方法的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
胡明宝  肖文建 《气象科学》2010,30(4):510-515
在风廓线雷达连续输出的风场时间高度显示图上,尝试进行风场的流线分析和风切变值等值线分析,以便用于识别强烈风切变区。在风场变化比较均匀时,分析出的线形分布比较平缓,而在风场变化比较剧烈的区域,风向等值线、垂直风切变等值线和流线三者一致表现出了汇聚特点,线形的分布也异常地密集,分析结果直观地反映出了风场分布的特征和危险性风切变区域,该结果有助于风切变自动识别方法的研究。  相似文献   
Planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) is an important input parameter for any boundary layer study or model, either climate or atmospheric. The variation of the PBLH is also of great significance to the physical processes of numerical prediction, diagnosis of weather forecasting and monitoring urban pollutants. However, effective ways to monitor the PBLH continuously are lack. Wind profilers are commonly used in monitoring PBLH continuously because of its high temporal and spatial resolution, coupled with capability of continuous detection. In this paper, the covariance wavelet transform (CWT) is used to analyze the range-corrected signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the wind profiler to determine the PBLH, which is then compared with the results measured by the gradient method and the radiosonde. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The scaling parameter a and translation parameter b of the wavelet are critical in determination of the PBLH by applying the CWT as different values may get completely different results, which requires to select appropriate values in the calculation carefully. (2) Quality control is crucial in determining the PBLH because good quality control can help remove mutation points, which makes the determined PBLH more consistent with the actual situation. (3) In clear-air, the gradient method is not applicable if the boundary layer turbulence is inhomogeneous and the impact of noise is large for that it is easy to be impacted by the mutation of SNR caused by the atmosphere turbulence instability and other factors, which will cause large errors, while the CWT method as an improvement of the gradient method can determine the PBLH quite well. (4) Through quality control, the PBLHs determined by the CWT are consistent with those of radiosonde, and the correlation coefficient between them is 0.87.  相似文献   
双线偏振多普勒雷达测量的参数KDP在定量估测降雨强度和识别降水粒子相态方面都有着很重要的作用。鉴于雷达实测KDP值来源于S波段双线偏振雷达信号处理器(RVP8)的结果,没有具体的计算过程,不便于进行雷达资料预处理和质量控制。探讨总结了KDP的3种算法,通过实测数据,将雷达信号处理器(RVP8)观测的KDP作为参考值,进行了对比分析。结果表明:最小二乘法误差最小,精度最高;讨论了沿雷达径向,不同平滑距离对最小二乘法KDP计算的影响;同时研究了雷达实测KDP与通过Z-R关系计算的降雨强度之间的关系显示,5 km的距离长度既能起到足够的平滑作用,又能保持足够的气象信息,不至于影响测量降水效果;同时,KDP与降雨强度之间存在较好的对应关系,在强降雨阶段尤为显著,可以利用KDP来估算反演降雨强度。  相似文献   
In order to understand the activity characteristics of low-level jets in the Nanjing area, statistical analysis and comparative study are carried out on their monthly and diurnal variations, characteristics of their cores and accompanying weather conditions using wind profile data in 2005—2008 collected by two wind profilers. The results show that low-level jets have significant monthly and diurnal variations. They occur more frequently in spring and summer than in autumn and winter and are more active in early morning and at night, with the maximum wind speed usually occurring at midnight. The central part of the low-level jet occurs mainly at the height of less than 1400 meters, and the enhancement of central speed is beneficial to the appearance of precipitation. Meanwhile, when the low-level jet appears in summer, it helps cause heavy rain. The statistical results of the boundary wind profiler are well consistent with those of the tropospheric wind profiler. Two kinds of wind profilers also have the capability of continuously detecting the development of low-level jets.  相似文献   
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