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Wentzel  Donat G. 《Solar physics》1997,175(1):175-189
Solar Physics - What are the observational effects if type I bursts are deflected by lower-hybrid waves? The deflection creates an elliptical radio mirage, with the direct source at one end of the...  相似文献   
Summary In the paper two records of solar radiation obtained on the high plateau of South-West Africa are analysed. One of them contains about 6000 observations (until recently unpublished) of the intensity of direct radiation made, at Brukkaros, over the five-year period from 1927 to 1931, by the solar-constant observing-team of the Smithsonian Institution. The other is a double record of total and of diffuse hemispherical radiation at Windhoek. This latter station has been operating since August 1951 and is one of a number maintained by the Weather Bureau of South Africa. An account is included of the techniques which have been adopted for the operation of such radiation stations in the Union's network.For Brukkaros not only are various aspects of the basic intensity record discussed but an attempt has been made to build up a set of representative data for the total radiation which would be received on a horizontal plane at all times of the year from a cloudless sky. Sections of the paper are devoted to a preliminary investigation of the turbidity and the absorptive and reflective properties of the atmosphere over this semi-desert sub-tropical highland. The Windhoek material, especially, has been subjected to statistical analysis and a number of summaries are presented of the salient features of the record. A comparison is drawn between the two assemblages of values and generalizations are made regarding the solar radiation climate of the territory.As this would appear to be the first comprehensive study to be undertaken of the distribution of solar radiation in an arid zone of Africa, detail which has been considered of importance, particularly from the viewpoint of the future utilization of solar energy, has been included. The perfect integration of the two distinctly different records places a very high degree of confidence upon their interpretation.
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei Registrierreihen der Sonnenstrahlung untersucht, die auf dem Hochplateau von Südwestafrika gewonnen wurden. Die eine davon umfaßt etwa 6000 erst kürzlich veröffentlichte Beobachtungen der Intensität der direkten Sonnenstrahlung, die während der fünfjährigen Periode 1927 bis 1931 von der Solarkonstanten-Beobachtungsgruppe der Smithsonian Institution in Brukkaros angestellt wurden. Das andere ist eine Parallelregistrierung der globalen und der diffusen Strahlung auf Horizontalfläche in Windhoek, wo im Strahlungsnetz des Weather Bureau von Südafrika seit August 1951 eine Station in Betrieb ist. Es wird auch über die in diesem Strahlungsnetz angewandten instrumentellen Einrichtungen berichtet.Für Brukkaros werden nicht nur verschiedene Gesichtspunkte der grundlegenden Intensitätsmessungen erörtert, sondern es wurde auch der Versuch gemacht, eine Serie der repräsentativen Größen für die Globalstrahlung zu berechnen, die von einer horizontalen Ebene zu jeder Zeit des Jahres von einem wolkenlosen Himmel erhalten werden. Weiterhin wurde eine vorläufige Untersuchung über die Trübung und die Absorptions- und Reflexionseigenschaften der Atmosphäre über diesem subtropischen Steppenhochland durchgeführt. Speziell das Material von Windhoek wurde einer statistischen Analyse unterzogen und in einigen zusammenfassenden Darstellungen wurden die wesentlichen Resultate der Registrierungen herausgearbeitet. Zwischen den Ergebnissen der beiden Stationen wird eine Vergleichung durchgeführt und es werden die allgemeinen Züge des Strahlungsklimas des Landes abgeleitet.Da es sich hierbei offenbar um eine erste zusammenfassende Untersuchung über die Verteilung der Sonnenstrahlung in einer Trockenzone von Afrika handelt, werden Einzelheiten erörtert, denen speziell im Hinblick auf eine zukünftige Ausnützung der Sonnenenergie eine besondere Bedeutung zugeschrieben werden muß. Die gute Übereinstimmung der zwei deutlich verschiedenen Beobachtungsreihen verleiht ihrer Deutung einen hohen Grad von Zuverlässigkeit.

Résumé L'auteur analyse deux séries d'enregistrements du rayonnement solaire obtenues sur le haut plateau du Sud-Ouest africain; l'une comprend 6000 mesures de l'intensité du rayonnement solaire direct faites de 1927 à 1931 par un groupe d'observateurs de la constante solaire de la Smithsonian Institution à Brukkaros et publiées récemment; l'autre comprend un enregistrement parallèle du rayonnement global et diffus sur une surface horizontale à Windhoek où se trouve une station de rayonnement du Weather Bureau de l'Afrique du Sud depuis août 1951. Il décrit l'appareillage utilisé dans ce réseau pour l'étude du rayonnement.Pour Brukkaros, l'auteur ne se borne pas à discuter les mesures d'intensité de base, mais il tente de calculer une série de grandeurs représentatives du rayonnement global reçu par une surface horizontale à tout moment de l'année par ciel sans nuages. Il étudie provisoirement le trouble atmosphérique et les propriétés absorbantes et réfléchissantes de l'atmosphère de ce haut plateau semi-désertique subtropical. Le matériel de Windhoek spécialement a été soumis à l'examen statistique et les résultats essentiels des enregistrements mis en évidence par quelques condensés. Il compare ensuite les résultats des deux stations et esquisse le climat radiatif du pays.Dans cette première synthèse de la distribution du rayonnement dans une région sèche d'Afrique on mentionne aussi des détails importants pour l'utilisation future de l'énergie solaire. Le bon accord de ces deux séries différentes de mesures leur confère un degré élevé de crédibilité.

With 9 Figures.  相似文献   
I extend a previous paper which argued that Alfvén waves traveling up a large coronal loop may heat this loop at the top and increase its visibility. This heating is now evaluated more completely, taking into account the changes along the loop in field strength, gas density and flux of waves. The location and efficiency of the heating depend very non-linearly on the intensity of the waves, which allows rapid changes in the visibility of a loop. Observational and theoretical conditions for the applicability of the theory are summarized. Alfvén waves preferentially heat the upper portions of coronal helmets, but a measurable excess temperature on a loop requires somewhat implausibly high wave fluxes. Radiation losses from low-lying loops with strong magnetic fields cannot be explained without modifying the theory.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Alfvén waves are generated easily in many cosmic plasmas, but they possess no linear damping mechanism since they are not compressive. The most prominent nonlinear damping occurs when one Alfvén wave decays into another plus a slow magnetosonic wave, or two Alfvén waves combine into one fast magnetosonic wave; the resulting magnetosonic waves can then be dissipated. The nonlinear coupling rates are presented, with special emphasis on the astrophysically important case of sound speed Alfvén speed. Streaming cosmic rays generate Alfvén waves moving in the direction of streaming, but they reabsorb the backward moving waves then produced by wave decay. The possible steady states for this system of cosmic rays and Alfvén waves turn out to be highly restricted.Supported by NSF grant GP-15218.  相似文献   
Coronal heating by Alfvén waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wentzel  Donat G. 《Solar physics》1974,36(1):129-137
Solar Physics - If Alfvén waves are responsible for the heating of the solar corona, what are the various dissipation processes, under what conditions are they important, and what...  相似文献   
Every plausible source of cosmic rays yields a high flux of cosmic rays near the source. The high flux leads to plasma effects that cause scattering of the cosmic rays, coupling to the interstellar gas and hence to adiabatic deceleration. The cosmic rays are released from the gas only when their pressure has fallen to the cosmic-ray pressure near the Sun multiplied by a factor between 10 and 100. I discuss a model aimed to minimize the deceleration before the cosmic rays are released. The volume which cosmic rays occupy before scattering is maximized by injection into a large but thin disk. Even then, deceleration is reduced only to a factor of two. Such deceleration should cause quasi-supernova remnants somewhat resembling the Cygnus loop but associated with much younger pulsars. Since both the required model and the predicted observations cause difficulties, the problem of adiabatic deceleration remains severe.Work supported by NSF grant GP-34742.  相似文献   
This report summarizes the proceedings of a meeting held on 17–20 September 1974, at Stanford University. The purpose was to explore plasma physics problems which arise in the study of solar physics. Sessions were concerned with specific questions including the following: Is the solar plasma thermal or non-thermal? What spectroscopic data are required? What types of magnetic field structures exist? Do MHD instabilities occur? Do resistive or non-MHD instabilities occur? What mechanisms of particle acceleration have been proposed? What information do we have concerning shock waves? Very few questions were answered categorically but, for each question, there was discussion concerning the observational evidence, theoretical analyses, and existing or potential laboratory and numerical experiments.  相似文献   
The apparently common source heights of type III fundamental and harmonic components and the source height of the solar 38 MHz radar echoes may all refer to scattering at a coronal level where (radio wavenumber) × (electron gyroradius) 1, that is, where radio frequency = (2 to 5) × plasma frequency.  相似文献   
The reflection coefficient for sound or Alfvén waves reaching the transition zone is evaluated. A family of temperature profiles, including T 5/2 dT/dz = constant, permits analytical solutions for the velocity and yields the reflection coefficient as a function of both the wavelength and the temperature jump across the zone. When the temperature jump is large, even waves appreciably shorter than the zone thickness are reflected efficiently.Wave reflection disorders the waves in and below the transition zone, because rising waves there interact with reflected waves in a manner more similar to turbulence than to shock steepening.The distribution in directions of hydromagnetic waves is determined by the non-uniformity of their sources. Most inhomogeneities in the wave source cause the waves to resemble isotropic fastmode waves more than Alfvén waves. This places severe restrictions on possible sources of Alfvén waves.  相似文献   
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