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Grenville dolomitic marbles and calc-silicates at Stephen Cross Quarry, Québec, underwent contact metamorphism and metasomatism associated with the intrusion of the Wakefield syenite at ambient pressures of 0.4GPa at 1090–1070Ma. Fluid infiltration produced exoskarns, calcite+periclase+forsterite±diopside±orthoclase assemblages in the marbles, and quartz±calcite±wollastonite±diopside±anorthite assemblages in the calc-silicates. Phase-equilibria in the CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2 system suggest that fluid infiltration occurred close to the thermal peak of contact metamorphism (715–815°C) and that the fluids hadXCO20.15. In the metasediments, 18O values of calcite (Cc) are as low as 8.6, suggesting that the fluids were in isotopic equilibrium with the syenites (18O =8.8–10.2). Marble 13C(Cc) values are-0.1 to-3.2; the lack of correlation between 13C(Cc) and 18O(Cc) is consistent with the infiltration of water-rich fluids. The resetting of stable isotopes and the mineralogical changes can be explained by time-integrated fluid fluxes of up to 110 m3/m2 (4×106 mol/m2), corresponding to actual fluxes of 3×10-11 to 3×10-12 m3/m2-s and intrinsic permeabilities of 10-18 to 10-20 m2 for fluid flow lasting 0.1-1Ma. Marble 18O(Cc) values do not correlate well with distance from the syenite, and fluids were probably channelled across lithological layering. The correlation between the degree of resetting of marble 18O(Cc) values with the abundance of submillimetre-wide veins, suggests that fluid focussing may have resulted from variations in fracture density. Late, lower temperature (<500°C), fluid flow formed serpentine (Serp) and brucite (Br) from periclase and forsterite. 18O(Br) and 18O(Scrp) values correlate with 18O(Cc), suggesting that retrogression involved only limited volumes of fluid. The observation that 18O(Cc-Br) and 18O(Cc-Serp) values are higher in marbles that have lower 18O(Cc) values is interpreted as indicating that fluid flow persisted to lower temperatures in those rocks due to higher intrinsic permeabilities. Calcite in the syenite was also formed by the influx of fluids during cooling. Syenite 18O(Cc) values are approximately in isotopic equilibrium with the high-temperature silicate minerals, suggesting that again only minor volumes of fluid were involved. In detail fluid flow was prolonged and complex, creating problems for the application of quantitative fluid flow models.This paper is a contribution to IGCP 304, Lower Crustal Processes  相似文献   
The Tyrell catchment lies on the western margin of the Riverine Province in the south-central Murray Basin, one of Australia’s most important groundwater resources. Groundwater from the shallow, unconfined Pliocene Sands aquifer and the underlying Renmark Group aquifer is saline (total dissolved solids up to 150,000 mg/L) and is Na-Cl-Mg type. There is no systematic change in salinity along hydraulic gradients implying that the aquifers are hydraulically connected and mixing during vertical flow is important. Stable isotopes (18O+2H) and Cl/Br ratios indicate that groundwater is entirely of meteoric origin and salts in this system have largely been derived by evapotranspiration of rainfall with only minor halite dissolution, rock weathering (mainly feldspar dissolution), and ion exchange between Na and Mg on clays. Similarity in chemistry of all groundwater in the catchment implies relative consistency in processes over time, independent of any climatic variation. Groundwater in both the Pliocene Sands and Renmark Group aquifers yield ages of up to 25 ka. The Tyrrell Catchment is arid to semi-arid and has low topography. This has resulted in relatively low recharge rates and hydraulic gradients that have resulted in long groundwater residence times.  相似文献   
It may be possible to estimate surface fluxes of scalar quantities from measurement of their variance and mean wind speed. The flux-variance relation for temperature and humidity was investigated over prairie and desert-shrub plant communities. Fluxes were measured by one-dimensional eddy correlation, humidity by fast-response wet-bulb psychrometers and Krypton open-path hygrometers, temperature by fine-wire thermocouples, and mean windspeed by a cup anemometer. The quality of the flux-variance relation proved to be good enough for application to flux measurement. Regressions of flux estimated by the variance technique versus measured flux usually had r 2 values greater than 0.97 for sensible heat flux and greater than 0.88 for water vapor flux. More uniform surfaces tended to yield the same flux-variance relations except when fluxes were small. This exception supported the hypothesis that sparse sources of flux may increase variance downwind. Nonuniform surfaces yielded flux-variance relations that were less predictable, although reasonably accurate once determined. The flux-variance relation for humidity was quite variable over dry surfaces with senescent vegetation.  相似文献   
Different climate models simulate different behavior of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) under the same global warming scenario. We propose a plausible explanation for this and argue that a proper simulation of the present-day climate in the subpolar North Atlantic is important. This is illustrated using results from idealized global warming experiments, in which both the radiative forcing scenario and the model employed are the same, with the only major difference being the initial subpolar North Atlantic climate. The initial conditions are made progressively colder, with more extensive sea-ice cover in the northern North Atlantic.The key result is that starting from conditions which are too cold in the North Atlantic and with sea-ice that is too extensive leads to an MOC that is more stable to the radiative forcing. Furthermore, under considerably underestimated sea surface temperatures in subpolar regions, the MOC can even intensify. A reduction of freshwater flux associated with the reduction of sea-ice melt is shown to be important for such unusual behavior of the MOC. Other mechanisms are also considered, but not deemed as important in explaining published inter-model differences.  相似文献   
An example of magnetotelluric data is discussed which has distinctive phase values out of quadrant, and for which the Zxx element of the measured tensor is greater than the Zxy element in both real and quadrature parts. Mohr circle plots and principal value decompositions of the real and quadrature parts of the tensor clarify its understanding. An analysis of rotational invariants of the data suggests a case of galvanic distortion of a 2D structure. Results from phase tensor analysis are included, and the example is seen to be a dramatic instance of phase tensor analysis reducing an apparently 3D example to 2D characteristics.The Mohr circles of this example do not capture the axes origin, although there are phases out of quadrant. Extra intrigue is thus added to the question, noted in Lilley, F.E.M., 1998. Magnetotelluric tensor decomposition: part I, theory for a basic procedure. Geophysics 63, 1885–1897 and arising independently in Caldwell, T.G., Bibby, H. M., Brown, C., 2004. The magnetotelluric phase tensor. Geophys. J. Int. 158, 457–469 and Bibby, H.M., Caldwell, T.G., Brown, C., 2005. Determinable and non-determinable parameters of galvanic distortion in magnetotellurics. Geophys. J. Int. 163, 915–930, whether the determinant values taken separately of the real and quadrature parts of a magnetotelluric tensor should both never be negative.For data whose Mohr circles do not capture the axes origin, simple conditions are derived regarding phase. These conditions govern whether or not it is formally possible for observed phases of Zxy to exceed 90°, for any rotation of the observing axes.  相似文献   
Impact crater populations help us to understand solar system dynamics, planetary surface histories, and surface modification processes. A single previous effort to standardize how crater data are displayed in graphs, tables, and archives was in a 1978 NASA report by the Crater Analysis Techniques Working Group, published in 1979 in Icarus. The report had a significant lasting effect, but later decades brought major advances in statistical and computer sciences while the crater field has remained fairly stagnant. In this new work, we revisit the fundamental techniques for displaying and analyzing crater population data and demonstrate better statistical methods that can be used. Specifically, we address (1) how crater size-frequency distributions (SFDs) are constructed, (2) how error bars are assigned to SFDs, and (3) how SFDs are fit to power-laws and other models. We show how the new methods yield results similar to those of previous techniques in that the SFDs have familiar shapes but better account for multiple sources of uncertainty. We also recommend graphic, display, and archiving methods that reflect computers’ capabilities and fulfill NASA's current requirements for Data Management Plans.  相似文献   

Three arrays of current‐meter moorings were deployed under landfast sea ice in southeast Hudson Bay for eight weeks in spring 1986. Spectral analysis shows low‐frequency signals with periods of 3 to 11 days. These signals are interpreted as being due to coastal‐trapped waves propagating cyclonically in Hudson Bay; their theoretical dispersion relations and corresponding modal structures are presented for winter stratification and are compared with observations. At a period of 3 days both the modified external Kelvin wave and higher mode continental shelf waves may be important in describing the observed low‐frequency variability, whereas at a period of 10 days the Kelvin wave appears to be the dominant mode. The generation mechanisms for these coastal trapped waves are also investigated. Two sources have been studied: the longshore atmospheric pressure gradient and the average atmospheric pressure over the ice cover in Hudson Bay. Coherence and phase analyses performed with time series of longshore current and atmospheric forcing data reveal that both the average atmospheric pressure and the longshore atmospheric pressure gradient are important in explaining the observed low‐frequency variability, without indicating which one is the most important.  相似文献   
Interdecadal climate variability in the subpolar North Atlantic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The statistical relationships between various components of the subpolar North Atlantic air-sea-ice climate system are reexamined in order to investigate potential processes involved in interdecadal climate variability. It is found that sea surface temperature anomalies concentrated in the Labrador Sea region have a strong impact upon atmospheric sea level pressure anomalies over Greenland, which in turn influence the transport of freshwater and ice anomalies out of the Arctic Ocean, via Fram Strait. These freshwater and ice anomalies are advected around the subpolar gyre into the Labrador Sea affecting convection and the formation of Labrador Sea Water. This has an impact upon the transport of North Atlantic Current water into the subpolar gyre and thus, also upon sea surface temperatures in the region. An interdecadal negative feedback loop is therefore proposed as an internal source of climate variability within the subpolar North Atlantic. Through the lags associated with the correlations between different climatic components, observed horizontal advection time scales, and the use of Boolean delay equation models, the time scale for one cycle of this feedback loop is determined to have a period of about 21 years.  相似文献   

Urban areas presently consume around 75% of global primary energy supply, which is expected to significantly increase in the future due to urban growth. Having sustainable, universal energy access is a pressing challenge for most parts of the globe. Understanding urban energy consumption patterns may help to address the challenges to urban sustainability and energy security. However, urban energy analyses are severely limited by the lack of urban energy data. Such datasets are virtually non-existent for the developing countries. As per current projections, most of the new urban growth is bound to occur in these data-starved regions. Hence, there is an urgent need of research methods for monitoring and quantifying urban energy utilization patterns. Here, we apply a data-driven approach to characterize urban settlements based on their formality, which is then used to assess intra-urban urban energy consumption in Johannesburg, South Africa; Sana’a, Yemen; and Ndola, Zambia. Electricity is the fastest growing energy fuel. By analyzing the relationship between the settlement types and the corresponding nighttime light emission, a proxy of electricity consumption, we assess the differential electricity consumption patterns. Our study presents a simple and scalable solution to fill the present data void to understand intra-city electricity consumption patterns.  相似文献   
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