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Precise pointing and stabilization of the T-170M telescope (World Space Observatory Ultraviolet, WSO-UV project) is provided by the Fine Guidance System (FGS) that uses a guide star catalogue (Master Catalogue). To verify the photometric system of the Master Catalogue we have carried out ground based observations with a CCD-camera in a spectral band, close to that of FGS. We have found, that the photometric quality of the Master Catalogue is sufficient for FGS operations. The mean photometric error in the range of 14–17 mag is ±0.23 mag; its variation over the sky does not exceed the factor of two. 2% of stars from the Master Catalogue have photometric errors higher than 2 mag. We have also found a correlation between large photometric errors and the Master Catalogue flags.  相似文献   
UBV RI photometry and 4600–9000 Å spectroscopy of nova V475 Sct taken in the first 3 month after discovery is presented. The object can be classified as a Fe II type slow nova with t 2,V = 48 days, t 3,V = 53 days. The absolute magnitude of the nova at maximum, its colour excess and distance were determined. The observed 13.4 day periodicity of flares can be explained by the mass transfer bursts from the red to the white dwarf, probably caused by the periastron passage of a third body. Two sets of absorptions are seen in the P Cyg-type Hα line profile. They arise in the expanding shell of the nova.  相似文献   
Results of three-colour VRI CCD photometry are presented obtained during 11 nights in 2001. Twelve new minima timings are derived. The eclipse depth decreases with wavelength, being equal to 1.28, 1.13 and 1.02 for V, R and I, respectively. The instrumental magnitudes and colours are tabulated for the mid-eclipse, out-of-eclipse part and the eclipsed component. The VR colour of the eclipsed component of emission is by 0.22 mag bluer than that for mid-eclipse, indicating a much higher temperature of the eclipsed region.  相似文献   
We present our UBVRI photometry and spectroscopy of AS 338 performed in 1999–2000. Another eclipse of the hot component in this symbiotic binary system, the deepest one ever observed, occurred in September 1999. The U brightness declined by ~2m, the Hβflux decreased by a factor of ~2.3, and the [O III]γ5007 flux did not change. The hot component is eclipsed at orbital phases ?≈0.045–0.057. The U-B color index begins to appreciably fluctuate during an eclipse of the hot component and its circumstellar envelope. About 100 days after a strong outburst of 1995, the mean UBV brightness of AS 338 declined linearly in the ensuing five years at the same rate in all bands (ΔUt≈10?3 mag/day). The brightness of the outer, uneclipsed parts of the circumstellar envelope also decreased, which is attributable to a reduction in the luminosity of the hot component against the rise in its temperature. The appearance of He II lines has not yet been recorded, though the optical brightness of AS 338 has already dropped by ~2m after the outburst.  相似文献   
A peculiar nova-like MV Lyr was investigated. The CCD-observations of MV Lyr were continued in Crimea during the outbursts and quiescent states. Last year its behavior became non-typical for “anti-dwarf novae”. The length of its first deep minimum was 10 years. A modern state is characterized by very strong outbursts and very often changes of the stages. The periods 0. d 128 and 0. d 136 were obtained for 1998 and 1999 years accordingly. Possibly, a relation between the photometric period and the brightness exists.  相似文献   
A test of the photometric calibration accuracy for the guide-star catalog (Master Catalog) of the Spectrum-UV project (World Space Observatory—Ultraviolet) has been performed using CCD observations in a spectral band close to that of the guide sensor system of the T-170M space telescope. The mean photometric uncertainty of the Master Catalog at 14 m –17 m is 0.23 m ; variations in this uncertainty over the sky are within a factor of two. About 2% of the stars in the Master Catalog were found to have photometric errors in excess of 2 m . We analyze the correspondence of large photometric errors to flags of the Master Catalog.  相似文献   
The photometric behavior of the hot, young Herbig Be starMWC 297 on various time scales is studied using published data, as well as new observations. The series of photometric observations covers about 25 years. Over this time, the star showed low-amplitude (ΔV ≈ 0.3 m ) irregular variabilitymodulated by large-scale cyclic variabilitywith an amplitude close to 0.2 m and a period (or quasi-period) of 5.4±0.1 yr. A detailed seasonal analysis of the data shows that the light curve of MWC 297 displays two types of photometric features: low-amplitude Algol-like fading with an amplitude close to 0.2 m and low-amplitude flares resembling the flares of UV Ceti stars, but being more powerful and having longer durations. The variations of the stellar brightness are accompanied by variations of the B-V and V -R colors: when the brightness decreases, B-V decreases, while V -R increases (the star reddens). The reddening law is close to the standard interstellar reddening law. Although the character of the brightness variability ofMWC 297 resembles the photometric activity of UX Ori type stars, which is due to variations of their circumstellar extinction, its scale is very far from the scales observed for UX Ori stars. It is difficult to reconcile the level of photometric activity with the idea that MWC 297 is observed through its own gas-dust disk viewed almost edge-on, as has been suggested in several studies.  相似文献   
New results of UBV JHKLM photometry of the symbiotic Mira V407 Cyg performed in 1998–2002 are reported. In 2002, these observations were supplemented with RI observations and a search for rapid variability in the V band. The hot component of V407 Cyg experienced a strong flare in 1998, which was the second in the history of photometric observations of this star; this flare is still continuing. During the flare, the spectral energy distribution of the hot component can be approximated by blackbody radiation with a temperature of ~7200 K. At the maximum brightness, the bolometric flux from the hot component did not exceed 3% of the Mira's mean bolometric flux, while its bolometric luminosity was ~400L. Appreciable variations of the star's BV brightness \((\tilde0\mathop m\limits_. 7)\) on a timescale of several days have been observed. These variations are not correlated with variations of B-V. Flickering on a timescale of several minutes with an amplitude of \(\tilde0\mathop m\limits_. 2\) has been detected in the V band. The observations suggest that the hot component can be in three qualitatively different states. In a model with a rapidly rotating white dwarf, these states can be associated with (i) the quiescent state of the white dwarf (with a very low accretion rate), (ii) an ejection state, and (iii) an accretion state. The Mira pulsation period P is \( \approx 762\mathop d\limits_. 9\), with its infrared maximum occurring ~0.15P after the visual maximum. A “step” is observed on the ascending branch of the Mira infrared light curves. In 1998, the gradual increase of the mean K brightness of the Mira that had been observed since 1984 was interrupted by an unusually deep minimum, after which the mean level of the K brightness considerably decreased.  相似文献   
In 1999–2002, we continued our photometric and spectroscopic observations of FG Sge. This star has been in a new R CrB photometric phase since 1992. We constructed the BV RI light curves and studied the behavior of the color indices as a function of the fading amplitude. As previously, all of the three deep minima observed during this period were found to be blue on the descent; this was interpreted as the result of strong stellar light scattering in dust clouds formed on the line of sight. We analyzed the wavelength dependence of extinction in the circumstellar shell outside fadings, which was similar to Whitford's standard reddening law. Low-resolution spectroscopic observations allowed us to study the changes in the intensities of Swan bands and the Na I D doublet during deep and shallow (up to 1m) fadings. We confirmed the reversal of the spectrum of the extended stellar envelope on the descending branches of deep minima.  相似文献   
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